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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Righto... and while attempting to come up with an introduction scenario... I realized one major problem.

A personality for 'Jesse'. I lack even a most basic one to work with.

Unless I have an idea what I'm working with, I have no way whatsoever to properly design an introduction scenario... Thus I am asking you to giving me a general idea of what 'Jesse' is like.

What all do you need to know? As far as her personality goes she's a kind a motherly type of person. I was fine with letting you decide her appearance and age but if you want me to decide then well, I guess she's a woman in her thirty's with long brown hair, amber eyes. That enough information to work with?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I've encountered this problem numerous times before, Keylo, and I know how to solve it.

Phase 1: Just have her act just like the Jesse in AWMBI, as it's obvious that knight's description is an almost exact match of the Jesse from the afore mentioned game, except for the eyes, where Jesse's eyes are green.

Phase 2: ???

Phase 3: Profit!!!
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I'd completely forgotten about AWMBI's Jesse. RaptorJesus is right though, the Jesse I've described is just like the AWMBI one. Only differences I can think of are, as RJ mentioned, the eyes and the fact that this new Jesse isn't ever really lustful or perverted.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Updates to come late tonight... once certain pests leave me alone so that I can do so in peace >_>;;
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Post to come late tonight... I really need to kick up the pace >_>;;
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Like I said before, it's alright if you can't get my starting scenario up right away. I managed role plays of my own in the past and can completly understand being to busy to get starting scario's up and giving everyone updates. Whenever you're ready Keylo, don't worry about it. I can wait.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

It's not that, my main problem is trying to balance sleeping with updates...as for some reason, my only real time I have to update now is at 2-6 in the morning. Which...unfortunately, I'm going to have to opt for sleep tonight as I realize I need to be up in about 4 hours...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Update coming late tomorrow hopefully... Been finding it hard to get into the mood to post due to certain events.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Cool. What's bothering you, if you don't mind me asking?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Just a lot of stuff going on in general...including something that may have me end up 'internet-less' by the end of this week if I don't get something done.

(Which...is my main excuse/reason for failing to update when I said I would >.>;;)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Almost goes without saying, really, but here it is anyways.

Dropping out for obvious reasons of the player whose character mine is rather firmly tied to is dissappearing.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I'm dropping out myself now. Although this is because I'm leaving the website entirely now, for personal reasons. Keylo, even though you didn't bother to respond to the comment I left you, I hope whatever problems you're going through get settled. Good luck with everything and I hope you get the time to pick your game back up.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Double Epic Lamesauce. Possibly triple if Keylo loses his internet.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

You know, the main reason I made an account here was so I could join one of the rp games. Seeing that really nothing is active at all I've got no real reason to stick around here on this website. I've already waited over three weeks for something, I honestly don't feel like waiting any longer. Well anyways, you folks have fun with stuff. Goodbye.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Well this isn't the only RP, hell this shouldn't even be in this section, it should be in the RP section.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

You know, the main reason I made an account here was so I could join one of the rp games. Seeing that really nothing is active at all I've got no real reason to stick around here on this website. I've already waited over three weeks for something, I honestly don't feel like waiting any longer. Well anyways, you folks have fun with stuff. Goodbye.
... What were you waiting on? You never posted in the main thread after your intro scenario finished.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Keylo never started his intro scenario. You came at a bad time Guardian, lots of RP people are leaving for various reasons. We need new blood.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

lots of RP people are leaving for various reasons.

I wanted to leave this website myself because there really wasn't anything left, and by anything I mean role play games. AWMBI is over, I was going to join Jumpers but seeing how far things had already gotten and the pace things were going at I decided not too in the end. I also wanted to join The Pit but from the looks of it, it's temporarily closed or something. I mean, Gatorbait hasn't been online for about three days and there haven't been any updates for any thread for about 1-2 weeks. All that's really left is this role play game, Witches Chess, and it's become well, you know.

I know that there are about four or five active role plays in the role play section, but things seem too far progressed for me to suddenly jump in, and I'm not completely sure if any of them are actual games and not just normal role plays.

We need new blood.

Yeah, we need that. What we also need is a new role play game entirely. I myself would like to start something up, but before I'd even think about making something I'd want to get a few partners in the project, people who could help run the game and keep things moving fast. There is no way in hell I'd run an entire game by myself.