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Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Now be quiet.

Hey hey hey, I'm offended, that insinuates that I know the written rules.
Which I don't. I assume them. YOU GIVE ME TOO MUCH CREDIT.
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

In my defense, i didn't post until that man of popsicle turd started posting. Plus my posts were made in the interest of science.
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

mm, Im a midnight creeper now apparently.
What else are they for?
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

mm, Im a midnight creeper now apparently.
What else are they for?

Plenty, cooking, handling fire arms, edged weapons, writing, physical labour... I could go on, but again most of these activities require one to touch. Counting with my hands does not however, nor does pointing or sign language.
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

you sign?
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Not really... only basic military. Used to know the alphabet. Lack of practice let the skill get rusty and corroded to the point of being unusable.