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Why You Admins Removing My Threads


Didn't we ban this guy once already?
Nov 16, 2009
Reputation score
I would like to know why you guys removing my new threads I just posted its not loli I posted it in the right section I refresh the page and its gone what's the problem. :mad:


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Perfect, you're online. Alright, let's lay down the procedures of how to post content on our forums. You need the follow:
The title of your content.
A brief description of the content.
The download link.
Images are not necessary, but they're quite helpful.

Now look at your posts, and tell me what's wrong.

And for the record, I haven't removed anything. I've moved them to the "Unsorted Hentai" section. That's where incomplete threads go. That way hentai dumpers like you still have your content up, but the users who want to know what they're getting into don't have to take a gamble and download from you without knowing what they're doing. If you want your content to stay in the sections you put them in, you need to have EVERYTHING so that other users are well informed before they choose to download.


Didn't we ban this guy once already?
Nov 16, 2009
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

so because I don't post a description its wrong tsk I been running a hentai site longer then this site been up I have never had any problems with my files & if its a game I post it in the games if its a movie that's where I post it what other way you want me to describe it.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

That's because that is your site. This is our site and because of that you need to follow the rules of the forum not what you think is right.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Don't complain guy, if you won't to have your threads in the game section just put in basic descriptions. I'm sure if you edit your threads to the right procedure, then ask nicely, Darkfire will hold your hand and put them all back in the games section once you're done.

If not, then keep to your own hentai site. It's quite simple really. Anyhow, it's all still there, there shouldn't be a problem.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Youngmike, I frankly don't give a shit about how much experience you've had with posting hentai. It's our forum, and it's our rules. When we ask for descriptions, we want descriptions of the content you're giving us. Saying "This is a game." or "I'm posting a movie." does not constitute as a description. Go ahead and look at other threads. They give brief synopses of the movies, or if they're games, instructions and how the game plays.

Furthermore, I've noticed for quite a while that every time someone bashes on you about something (read: ANYTHING) you tend to go completely berserk. Let me remind you that you're OUR guest. We're ALLOWING you to post your pay-per-download links here. If you don't like our rules, go ahead and leave. It's not like Ruriko, JetGT, m-800, erobeat, and dozens of other hentai dumpers won't just post the same exact thing. And hey, at least Ruriko puts descriptions on HIS threads.


Didn't we ban this guy once already?
Nov 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Youngmike, I frankly don't give a shit about how much experience you've had with posting hentai. It's our forum, and it's our rules. When we ask for descriptions, we want descriptions of the content you're giving us. Saying "This is a game." or "I'm posting a movie." does not constitute as a description. Go ahead and look at other threads. They give brief synopses of the movies, or if they're games, instructions and how the game plays.

Furthermore, I've noticed for quite a while that every time someone bashes on you about something (read: ANYTHING) you tend to go completely berserk. Let me remind you that you're OUR guest. We're ALLOWING you to post your pay-per-download links here. If you don't like our rules, go ahead and leave. It's not like Ruriko, JetGT, m-800, erobeat, and dozens of other hentai dumpers won't just post the same exact thing. And hey, at least Ruriko puts descriptions on HIS threads.
The Reasons I don't put descriptions is because this shit is from japan you want me to to something you don't understand I be glad to and then when I do that you guys bitch about put it in English I can't it has not released in america & the translation sounds horrible so that's why I don't put a description YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND IT an I was not getting mad you guys just moving my topics without telling me anything you could notify me or something damn.
Last edited:


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

Some punctuation would be nice because I really cannot understand that without a comma or six. So I'll reiterate;

u mad?


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

The Reasons I don't put descriptions is because this shit is from japan you want me to to something you don't understand I be glad to and then when I do that you guys bitch about put it in English I can't it has not released in america & the translation sounds horrible so that's why I don't put a description YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND IT an I was not getting mad you guys just moving my topics without telling me anything you could notify me or something damn.
So because the hentai is in japanese we wont understand english description of it?


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

You know the irony of your post? You're talking about shit you can't understand. There're two jokes in there:
1. You don't seem to understand the rules of these forums.
2. Your lack of punctuation makes you about as literate a Japanese guy.

Let me say this again. Go read some of the other threads people have posted. Almost all of the content we have here are completely Japanese. And yet people have still attempted to say something, ANYTHING, about it. I'm not asking for Shakespeare. I'm asking that you give us even the least bit of information about it.

Also, I guess you don't have any common sense either. Why the hell would you even copy-paste a Japanese description on an English site? I'm going to point your attention again to Ruriko. Every one of his movies have had a descriptive synopsis, and he posts several times a day. He posts Japanese content as well, and he sure as hell isn't bitching about OUR rules.

Finally, we already HAVE notified you. Read this and also read this.

According to both the movie thread, your thread should have descriptions. According to the game thread, any undescriptive threads are to be deleted. Thanks for telling me you haven't even read the rules before posting. I was being lenient and just moving your threads to the unsorted so it wouldn't be completely lost, but you've basically told me you don't give a rat's ass about our rules.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

I think he doesn't get a description of it either. I believe he is mining the torrents and file shares, and re-uploading to the places of his choice and redistributing them to us.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

The Reasons I don't put descriptions is because this shit is from japan you want me to to something you don't understand I be glad to and then when I do that you guys bitch about put it in English I can't it has not released in america & the translation sounds horrible so that's why I don't put a description YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND IT an Id was not not getting mad you guys just moving my topics without telling me anything you could notify me or something damn.
Alright, I guess it's time for "Post critique, with Cappy the English loving mother-fucker!".

Let's get started, first of all, a must for every post is separating sentences and pauses in conversation with punctuation, misspelling is fine, but it has to be readable understand?

Next, basic logic, yes there's no real way to know the story if it's Japanese and you don't know Japanese, but you can at least describe the game play by trying it yourself! If you don't even play it yourself, why exactly should anyone care for it? That's right, they shouldn't!

Further more, Notifying you? It was explained at this moment that they were moved, I would take that as notification. And it was done in a perfectly civil manner, up until you raged like a hippo in a lake of liquid chemical hormones protecting it's children.

And last but not least, it might be easier to speak in a manner intelligible if you weren't acting like a spoiled child who had a condom taken away, just because you wanted "the bubble gum with delicious juicey filling."

Well, maybe the comparison wasn't apt, because really you're just being a greedy bastard after money, without taking any real care for your work. Stop complaining and fulfill the requirements of the rules, then everything's fine. If you don't, then one of the many people who don't want to take your shit, will boot you off the site with their authority. And then you won't get your dirty semen money, you filthy crack-whore.


Sep 18, 2009
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Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

*Grabs a pitchfork too and fakes interest*

Why, i'm trying to get out of the hentai game section... :rolleyes:


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Why You Admins Removing My Threads

A noble cause. I know I have nothing but contempt for most of the people who exclusively post there. Especially the ones who can't string together sentences.