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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris nodded.

"We have reason to believe he has adequately garnered enough missiles to launch a small war, as well as the means to launch them from the air. We also have reason to believe that somehow he's finished project Uroboros, which was supposed to be impossible. It's now a known fact Wesker has access to the plagas and that it was he who set them loose in Atlanta and in Seattle. The latest intel suggests he's working with two accomplices, one of whom is Claudia. We're not sure who the second one is but ... I have my suspicions."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Dammit. I always thought Uroboros was just a rumor, and something of a bio-weapons holy grail." Kevin says, tilting his head to the right with a crack, looking at Chris with suspicion "Looks like it's time to put this Wesker person in his place."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah growled a bit, a incident earlier making her pissed at Wesker himself. "Then what the fuck we waiting for?!? I'm planning to rip that bastard's throat out with my knife myself!" She had spent the time diving through the items she had, with ammo and syringes for spares, her weapons ready to fight....
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira looks at Kevin briefly while gently drumming the table with a finger, looking as if to comment about the "Less gifted", but instead turns away and looks at Chris, "I think I should stick with handling communications and support, you probably don't need me out on the field."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris nodded to both Kevin and Sarah, then turned to Akira.

"Normally, I almost might be tempted to agree Akira. However with Claudia gone, you now become our go to gal when a hack job or tech head is needed. As such ... We do pretty well have a good idea that we will need you there. Now I'm not going to force you to come but I'd like to ask you to. I'm alright with computer stuff but I can't hope to compete with you or Claudia when it comes to the downright down and dirty of them."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen stays motionless in her seat, arms crossed and a serious look on her face. As usual, she hasn't had any food for breakfast, but stuck around 'for conversation'. "How fast can we get there?" She finally asked, speaking in a break in the conversation.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I've arranged for John to port us near the BSAA base there in Nigeria as soon as we're ready to all go. All I need to do is make one call. As for our eventual return, we'll handle those arrangements once we reach that point. I fully expect this may take more than a few days, so we'll be taking enough M.R.E's with us."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I don't need M.R.E.'s. I can go for a week without food, helps me pack lightly for long trips." Kevin says, standing and looking over to Akira without turning his head, then back at Chris, his arms raising and crossing over his chest "I'm always ready whenever."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Then you shouldn't mind carrying some for those of us that need to eat more often than that." Ellen says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, standing as well. "I need perhaps a half hour, though probably less. Mind if I get started right away?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris nodded.

"Go, get what you need. Also, Tesla left you something in your room, said it would be useful for you to have on an extended trip where certain things might be on short supply, or non-existent."

Unspoken it seemed Chris knew exactly what it was, but wasn't saying, though it likely would only be evident to Ellen.

He turned back to Kevin and the others then spoke again.

"Tesla also left us all a very useful gift. He managed to create a portable regeneration unit for the Tesla's, though only one can be charged at a time, so we still need to be careful with those. As such, we'll be taking whatever weaponry we can carry as well. Undoubtably, Wesker will have some form of B.O.W backing him up. Akira, when your ready, and when Ellen gets back, we'll go. In the meantime, the weapons locker is open, I suggest we partake."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Kevin's right arm swings down, a knife sliding down and into his right hand, which he raises "Never have liked guns. I'll stick with these little beauties and the Tesla." he says, releasing the knife as it slides back into his coat "I only ask that, when the fighting starts, you don't shoot me by accident, being up close and personal, and all."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira looks at a worn shoulder bag that was on a nearby chair, then gets up to head to the weapon locker, planning on picking up a revolver, having developed a like for the small gun during the last few weeks, "I'm ready when the rest of you are..."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris nodded, then headed out to get his own weaponry.

Regina grinned at Kevin and gave him a small clap on the shoulder.

"I promise I won't hit ya. Just don't go throwing yourself into the line of fire as I pull the trigger ok? I can't stop bullets in mid air ya know."

((Just waiting on Lurker and Shrike to post here and get themselves ready.))
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((Sorry. If you end up waiting for me, just assume I do the usual, I'll post when I can.))

Ellen came back a few minutes later, having gone to her room and collected her stuff, as well as the gift Tesla had left her. She made a quick stop at the weapons locker to take some extra ammo for her pistol. "Are we all set then?" She asks, looking mildly impatient.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I prefer to stay above the enemy. Allows me to strike directly for the head. Knock out his eyes, his ears, his nose, any of those, and you tip the battle in your favor." Kevin says as he tilts his head to the left and chuckles
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Well then, just don't swing down into the middle of a hailstorm of bullets and ya should be fine."

She grinned, then headed to the weapons locker herself.

After about twenty more minutes, with the group ready, Chris placed his call to John, and the Druid made another appearance.

First up were Kevin and Chris, vanishing with John. It had been deemed by Chris that the two of them were best suited to be the first arrivals in the off chance anything went wrong. Both were likely immune to infection by any virus, which made them front liners. Next up were Ellen and Sarah, again, Ellen likely immune to any virus, but they weren't as sure about Sarah. Finally, John appeared one final time to take Akira and Regina there.

((Switching this over to Nigeria momentarilly.))