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Virtue's Reward (Shiva)


Nov 9, 2008
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"A savior of lives, a person who stays steadfast on the path of the 'right' and strays not...such a person is rarely given their due in the world mortals, where fate is truly a cruel mistress. However fear not, in a world ruled by a most benevolent witch, one will certainly be rewarded for good deeds and honor. An invitation to a game, a body free of affliction, a eternity of pleasure, surely such is fitting for such a noble woman is it not?...Fufufufufufuffu~"


A car crash...the ringing of bells...a piercing pain through one's skull...

Such were the memories that replayed themselves through Shiva's mind as her senses slowly returned to her. The abilities to taste gave her no clue to her location. Neither did the ability to hear, silence being the only sound in the air asides from her breathing. Smell on the other hand, proved to be effective in that the scent of wherever she was seemed highly reminiscent of her place of employment, hinting that she was in some sort of medical facility at the very least. Nothing too strange there, given that she had been in a car crash. However, it was upon the return of the ability to "feel", or "touch" that things began to become..."weird". With the sense of "touch", the white-haired woman was able to feel the cool air on her body...and the odd feeling of having 'plastic implements' of sorts stuck within her for some unknown reason. It was the ability to see that would finally reveal the truth in regards to her location. Upon being able to see, Shiva would find herself in what appeared to be a dimly lit surgery room, completely naked atop the operating table. If that wasn't bad enough, she would also find that she had various tubes from various unfunctional devices inserted into her, almost as if someone was playing a sick joke on her. These things aside however, it should be noted that Shiva felt strangely well, without a single scar or injury on her body barring the tubes...

(Bleh, quality not assured. Will edit later if I see it's full of fail. For now, sleep.)
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

As her senses slowly started to return to her, Shiva's eyes slowly began to open, to behold a sight that she did not expect. Open examining herself, and finding the many assortment of tubes, placed in all the right locations, although for the wrong reasons, placed along her naked body. Shiva felt a shiver from the cold air touching her naked skin, as well as a sense of worry at her current situation. "W-what is this!?!" she wondered, as she looked at each of the medical instruments attached to her with both awe, and fear, "Are those IV bags? I was in a car accident... Why would I need IV?" she thought, before suddering at the thought of not what she thinks they are, but what they might be.

In a panic over the tubes of unknown purpose stuck into her, Shiva frantically removes the catheters from her body, and takes off the sticky monitoring devices, before quickly hopping out of the operating bed, and observing her surroundings in the dimly lit room. "Oh god..." she whispers, "Where am I...?"
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Looking around the room, Shiva would find it strangely empty asides for the equipment in her immediate vicinity. The air was eerily silent and the only sound which filled the air was the girl's own breathing, there being no sign of the person who had hooked her up to the devices. Despite this however, the girl was able to find a door to her south from which she could apparently exit the room if she chose to do so.
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Self conscious about her current appearance, Shiva's left arm went over her breasts, and her right covered her nether, before she walked out of the dark room slowly, trying to remain quiet, and at the same time, watch out for anything she might trip over. Shiva felt the eerie silence start to build on her quickly, as terror started to creep up her spine. She didn't know what was going on, why she was hooked up to those machines like that, or even why she was removed of her clothes... "But... I have to get out of here... And I can't shake the feeling that something is watching me..." she thought to herself, carefully stepping out of the room, being quiet, and cautious...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Covering herself and moving carefully, Shiva exits the room to arrive in a dimly lit hallway...littered with corpses of what appeared to be doctors and nurses. Their faces smashed in, bodies mutilated, clothes shredded enough so that they could only be used as basic identification of the occupations of the dead, the sight was truly horrifying. Amidst the nightmarish sight however, the white-haired woman would be able to make out a single naked corpse that was untouched asides for a ceremonial dagger embedded in its forehead, and an envelope clenched in its hand. On the exterior of the envelope were the following letters written in a glowing, enigmatic blue script:

"To Shiva:"
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

When Shiva saw the mutilated corpses, the hands covering her went to her mouth, as she was repulsed, and frightened by the sight. She felt about to throw up from what she was seeing, as she fell to her knees, covering her eyes, shaking her head, trying to convince herself that this wasn't real, over and over, until she stood up, eyes trembling, and heart beating with fear. "I have to get out of here!" she concluded, her fear overriding any other thought in her mind, as she desperately searched for stairs, or a way that looked to lead out of the hospital...

(I know you've said people not grabbing the note got your knickers in a twist before, but this is just what Shiva would do, IC. And don't say I didn't warn ya about dead bodies in the chat! :p)
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

(Oh no, I only said that for their sake. I don't mind people not heeding it of course, so long as it's in IC. Of course, I can't say the same for the Lady...)

Looking about the dim hallway, Shiva manages to make out a door leading to a stairway a short distance off, by which she could escape this ghastly nightmare. Given her strong desire to leave this place as soon as possible, upon finding this probable exit, she begins to head towards it as fast as she can, eager to leave. However upon reaching the door, it is then that she feels a skeletal hand wrap around her ankle to restrain her. Panicking as a result of this, it is then that the white-haired girl reflexively kicks off the bony hand grabbing her and spins around as she begins to hear 'shuffling' sounds in addition to several moans coming towards her direction as she sees corpses close to her begin to rise up, worm like tentacles emerging from them.

"Violator of the Lady's will..."



Faint shrill demonic laughter echoed throughout the hallway to compliment the moans, indicating that 'someone' was enjoying Shiva's fright...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Before, and after the corpses rise, Shiva freezes in a panic, eyes trembling at the sight of the supposedly dead things, rising to come after her. She let out a fearful scream at the sight, and turned for the staircase, running as fast as she could to get away, screaming as she did so, not bothering to cover her private spots as she ran, trying to use her hands as momentum in her flight to get away from the living corpses...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Panicked and scared, Shiva dashed down the stairs, gaining a formidable lead on the risen corpses who had begun to slowly lurch after her. To her horror however, she finds herself only able to descend down two flights of stairs before her way is blocked by more of the walking dead, as she sees them slowly beginning to lurch up the stairs towards her. A door to her right, and undead making their way up the stairwell, she was left with two base options.
Take her chances with the undead and force her way past them, or exit the stairway into the main portion of the floor, and try to find an alternative way around... Whatever she did, she would have to do it fast, lest the corpses from behind also catch up to her...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Shiva let out a gasp of fear as more of the undead blocked her escape, and it didn't even take a split second before she considered her, in her own mind, only option. She ran for the door nearest her vicinity, and reached for the knobs, hoping they were unlocked, so that she could charge through, and possibly find an alternate route, away from the undead.

Thoughts of the hordes over her, devouring her flesh ran through her mind, and were the sole charge of her urge to flee, as well as the adrenaline in her body. The images of them tearing her flesh apart, and devouring her quickened her step, as she ran for the door...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Fleeing into the main portion of the floor, Shiva manages to successfully avoid being grabbed by any approaching undead, temporarily safe from becoming a meal for the reanimated. However, no sooner had she taken a few steps out of the stairwell, is it that the door behind her slams shut, and the lights go out completely. Left in complete darkness, the white-haired woman is only able to make out her surroundings upon two candles being lit at the farthest end of the corridor she now found herself in. Should she choose to approach, she would find an elegant envelope hanging from a string attached to the ceiling, with two words written in an enigmatic blue script upon it:

"To Shiva:"
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Shiva let out a gasp at the sound of the doors slamming shut behind her, as well as the apparent fact that her pursuers had... "They stopped chasing me...?" she wondered, before looking ahead, and seeing the two candles, almost guiding her towards something hanging from the ceiling. Shiva started to chew on her lower lip subconsciously, and by habit, as she walked towards the envelope. She felt as if she was being led by some kind of force, a force that likely wanted to do something horrible with her...

Left with no other choice, given the lighting, Shiva approached the envelope, and opened it with one of her nails, peaking into the contents, with worry on her face...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

(And here's my first attempt at an 'original' puzzle.)

The contents of the letter read the following:

"There was once a woman who found herself hounded by the dead, Death itself pursuing her mercilessly and unceasingly. Across the world she would go, four by four by four by four times, unable to rest, unable to escape. Such was her peril that one believed she would have been driven insane before her life was eventually snuffed out. At least, that was before the clock fortold the coming of the beast. When the beast finally came, it swallowed the dead and the time of death, saving the poor girl from the depths of lunacy.

You who are locked amidst corpses and the unliving, the beast shall save you should you unlock the truth of this tale. The faces of a clock, the return to null...how will you do in this most elegant game? Time is ticking...

The Lady and master of this world​

P.S: While watching you run and scurry around like a mouse is fairly amusing, you would do well to humor the one who granted you new life appropriately. Lest they decide to punish you for your dullness...fufufufufufu"

It was then, a moment after Shiva had finished reading the letter, that the two candles suddenly go out, an ominous red glow creeping about the hallway in their stead. Should Shiva turn around, she would see that this new 'source of light' seeped out from beneath six doors in the hallway, each with a number painted on them.

6, 4, 1, 0, 2, 3

As if this wasn't bad enough, it was then that she began to hear pounding coming from the direction of the staircase she had just escaped from, as if something was trying to smash the door down...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Shiva felt a tinge of anger at the last portion of the letter, as she crushed the paper in her hands. But before she could fully go through her thoughts of anger at the one who wrote the letter, who seemed to be the one responsible for torturing her. The pounding on the door broke her line of thought, and after seeing the doors with numbers on them, she had no idea what they could have possibly meant. She went for the closest door, the one labeled, "6" and tried to go through it.
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

(Mmm... Nah, I'll save the ape for a future mission's puzzle.)

Upon entering past the door marked 6, Shiva would find herself in a rather unremarkable room, seeming to be devoid of anything...except an enormous dog sleeping in one of the far corners of the room. Should she have walked back out of the room and into the hallway, she would most likely have avoided an encounter with it however... that was not to be. The instant she noticed the animal's presence in the room, was the instant the door behind her slammed shut, trapping her with the animal in the room. As if that wasn't bad enough, it was also then that an unearthly screech ripped through the air from somewhere in the building and disturbed the beast's slumber. The dog growling as it began to awoke and stir, things did not look good for Shiva...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Shiva banged, pulled, pushed, and tried as desperately as she could to get the door open, the door that had sealed her into the room with the giant dog. If the door would not budge, and let her free, which she knew, likely wouldn't, she would turn around quickly to the dog getting up from it's slumber, fear tingling through her whole body at the thought of the dog ripping her flesh apart. She would try to keep as cool a head as she could muster, and wait. Her back against the door that slammed her inside, she would wait until the dog tried to pounce her, before getting out of the way.

Should she be successful in getting out of the way, she would do her best to deliver a kick to the creature's side, hopefully discouraging it from attacking her.
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Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Anticipating the dog's pounce, Shiva manages to not only dodge the attack flawlessly, but land an excellent blow on the creature and punt it with enough force so that it crashed into the wall. Having let out a yelp of pain upon impact, the dog found itself struggling to rise back on its feet, as it was still disoriented from the blow. Should Shiva wish to finish the beast, now would be the perfect time to...

(Dog Stamina Status: Yellow)
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

While Shiva was no endorser of killing animals, the thought of it killing her instead still sent fear crawling through her mind. And, upon seeing her opportunity to finish it off as it was attempting to shake off it's condition, Shiva tried running over to it, attempting to kick the wild animal in it's throat, and finish it off. Fear, being her only motivation to fight.

(Sorry for the semi-lame post, but this situation isn't very inspiring.)
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

((No worries...My posts aren't anything impressive anyway.))

Crushing the dog's throat, Shiva succeeds in reducing the animal to nothing more than a lifeless heap as its body falls to the ground, dead. The immediate threat has been exterminated, it appeared the girl was safe for now...

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations my dear! You pass with flying colors!"

That is, until the girl heard a voice accompanied with a clapping sound coming from behind her. Should she turn around, she would behold an 'uniquely' dressed man who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Donning an azure blue eighteenth century style suit, complete with walking stick and mandatory gold pocket watch, the man looked as if he were an olden day aristocrat or a person returning from a costume party. Either way however, it was clear that this 'man' was no ordinary person...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Shiva swung around, frightened at what might be thrown at her next, before blinking at the seemingly old man, confused. Shiva, after a moment of gathering an understanding, gave a start as her hands went to cover her essentials. Her thin left arm shielded her breasts, and her right hand went to block her nether.

Shiva started taking several steps back, away from the man, as she shook her head. "J-just leave me alone!" she exclaimed in a pleading tone, "Stay away from me! Or else I'll..." she stopped in the middle of her warning, unable to figure out how she'd back up those words. Other than using simple punches and kicks.