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Viridi (Fox and Frog)

26046 Ylva had to tumble and tussle on the soft down bed, the sheet curling around her legs as she broke away from the master. It didn't seem to bother the well-hung woman though, keeping a confident playful smile as Ylva gave her objections. "Mmm, Violet is... well a bit strong-willed. I'm sure she'll return given enough time, once she remembers just how good she had it here... I'd given her a gift, one she squandered with her selfishness," Drawing a deep breath and sighing, "I'd rather not talk of that silly little fox when I have a lovely little guard dog to attend to."

With Ylva's clit getting some TLC, the master moved her other hand to group around the warrior's breast, giving it a few hard squeezes before pinching the girl's hardened nipple. "If I were to say to young Kenneth, 'please come with me. I'll make you a dog but you'll love your life so much better than that boring one' do you believe he would join me? Of course not. Some things are better shown than told. I'd think a warrior would understand that well." She followed with another kiss, along with a gentle roll of Ylva's clit. "Admit it, you're enjoying yourself."

"Given her a gift, huh? So you want to give me a gift too.. and are you saying that only those weak willed stay about?"
She continued pressing the matter with the master, suspicious now. Although, admittedly, it took a bit out of her, what with the womans finger up in her, teasing her..
Although in the masters defense, Violet did have a bit of a selfish, attention-hogging streak.

"I ... am having fun with you touching me, yes."
She admitted. But then again, she was not sure where the 'showing people a good time' ended and the 'tricking and manipulating them' began. Well now that her body had been.. enjoying a good time at the masters hands, pink nipples pulsing and her sex moist and smelling of a strong scent of womanhood, she would.. enjoy herself for the evening. Without any intent of letting the strange dog-play go too far..
But that was all she planned to do. Bring Kenneth back, chat things up with Violet, maybe have a rematch later...
26060 The master chuckled a bit, sliding in two more fingers, vigorously loving Ylva's tender slit. Whispering, "I give gifts to those that earn them... Maybe I'll consider it if you please your master." She gave a firm tug on Ylva's collar, a gentle reminder of her new station.
"You're quite quick witted, I like that... but no, selfishness and strength are not quite the same. I'm sure you'll find my pets all have their strengths, and... well Eylane has a strong will at least. The fox was selfish, nothing more."
"...Now, I'd like a bit of a warm-up. You'll use your mouth now," The master demanded, shuffled around, pulling Ylva closer to her erect mass. Ylva could see just a bit of pre gathering on the clean tip, waiting for her lips...
If she resisted the master would gently guide her, but would not force her.
If she didn't resist she'd find a calming, arousing sensation start to overtake her, whispering that this was right, that she'd been good... [Saves are now DC 13]

"Hoi! hamnn.. who says you''re my..."
She hesitated and blushed. perhaps it was best not to argue too much with the woman, right now.
"Hmnn.. if you don't like the fox-girl that much, why'd you want them back? Also what do you mean with use my mouth.. woah!"
She gupled, hesitating at the master directing her thick shaft towards her mouth.

"H.. hold on there,.. why are we even doing these lewd things.."
She gulped, with the master now forced to gently guide her along. Well, perhaps she could give her a quick suck off, then get rid of that collar and nap things over.. although a part of her wondered if, no matter how good those fingers teasing her sex, dipping into her warm, sloppy wetness felt, if it wasn't a better idea to flee from this place with Kenneth, in the night...
26063 With a soft coo, Master's hands glided behind Ylva's head, gently rubbing behind her ears. "You don't need to fight so hard, my good little girl..."
Thoughts drifted in like a fog, sucking off this woman's cock wasn't that bad... she'd be able to do it and then leave... she'd just leave in the morning so why not enjoy tonight?
"Show me what a good girl you are, I'll give you a reward if you do," Master guided Ylva's head within centimeters of her dripping cock. The needy musk wafting off filling Ylva with a burning desire of her own... she was a good girl... she should obey... [Not going to make you save again so it's up to you]

She blushed a little, under the masters scratching.. really, sucking that nice shaft didn't seem all that bad now, did it.. and the way the master called her a good girl was kind of.. nice.
Perhaps she should try being a good girl.. and obey a little.. looking up at the master with a bit of a blush she leaned forwards, before placing a soft, sensual kiss upon the tip of that shaft.. immediatly tasting a bit of precum.. Yes, she could just do that, leave in the morning.. enjoy sucking this nice, musky cock a little.. She didn't entirely know why but she slowly lowered those strong, wet lips upon the masters shaft, taking him in, tasting him, like a good girl.. it kind of did feel good, after all...

Plus, she was secretly kind of curious on that reward too..
26080 "Mmmmh, yesssss, jusst, like, THAT" Master would moan, her legs spread out giving Ylva full access to the woman's privates, as Ylva's mouth slipped further and further down the salty taste seemed to have a hint of something oddly sweet... she was sure the taste was familiar, but she'd be unable remember what it was, at least not with such a glorious cock in desperate need of attention!
Grinding, giving the occasional thrust, and never letting up with the ear scratching, the master teased Ylva along, "Such a good girl, no teeth..." she encouraged, "Mmmh, cumming, swallow it all my pet!" Unless Ylva acted quickly, the hot thick load would soon start pumping into her throat, tasting of salt, herbs, and berries. [DC for resisting is now 14 if you swallow it]
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Ylva blushed, taking in the sticky-salty taste from that long shaft. .. still the taste was oddly sweet and nice.. with her red hair bopping up and down as she licked along the shaft, it was kind of strangely enjoyable, definitly. Still the master kept nicely teasing and encouraging her.. so Ylva kept sucking on it, giving up on trying to place the familiar sweet taste.
Then, the shaft quickly climaxed, a thick, suprisingly berry-like tasting load pumping down her throat, with her gasping and gulping it down.. it was kind of.. nice.. if demeaning, but she had lost so this was a fair.. payment. That would propably satisfy the lewd forest-master, right? Considering all the things she'd done with Violet it wasn't all that.. injust a thing to do to balance the scales, she had to admit, as she tasted that thick, yummy load the masters penis kept pumping into her, silenced by the lewd act between the masters legs..
26121 Fingers delicatly winding through Ylva's firey locks, master purred, "Yes, such a good girl... my good girl..." Her practiced hands massaging behind her pet's ears, helping all hesitations float away. It would be so easy for Ylva to fully slip away, suckling on masters cock like a sweet treat... it felt so right, so good... she should just let those silly worries go... The sweet berry scent would fill Ylva's nose, as think sweet strands of cum came shooting out of the masters cock. The first squirt would coat the back of Ylva's throat, painting her in the strong musky sweet taste. Slowly, Master backed her throbbing cock out, spilling strand after strand into Ylva's the final few landing right on her tongue, the full creamy taste and texture sending her mind swirling. Ylva might find the taste a bit addicting, a hunger for more already planting itself in her mind.

Placing one hand on Ylva's cute butt, and the other under her chin, Master would rise up the confused little pet. "There, oh, your face is so cute! Now that you tasted me, there is no going back," She smiled her warm berry scented breath puffing on Ylva's face as she spoke. Slowly she leaned in, kissing her pet once more, suckling Ylva's lip as she was guided closer, a nudge, a pull, and Ylva was seated on masters lap. There warm bodies gliding against each other, lubricated by there shared excitement. "What do you say you give yourself to me? As a woman gives herself to a man?" Master smiled, her think cock, rubbing softly at the door to Ylva's womanhood. "I'll take such wonderful care of you, just let me fill you with my seed properly." That... that wouldn't be bad... Master made her feel good right... giving herself over would be best for sure...

Ylva blushed with the masters praising. She definitly didn't mind the masssage, even if she was treated in this silly way. It's kind of.. relaxing.. definitly not how she expected giving someone oral pleasure to feel.
"Haah.. haamnn.."
She moaned, contendly, suckling up thick, lewd splurts of cum from the nice master lady.. honestly, she wasn't all that bad, up -very- close..

"Hoi.. gmnaaah."
She added, articulately, gulping and panting as the master decorated her with sticky ropes of cum, aroused, and a little emberassed, but not feeling all that angry as she would have, at that nice helping of sweet, sticky cum. It tastes.. rather intensely, she has to admit... "Wait.. what do you mean?"
She pondered about the no going back, gulping..

"G.. giving myself to you?"
She repeated, cheeks flushed. This was going a little quicker than planned.. but it didn't feel bad, not at all.. perhaps she should let this continue just a little further. This master with her nice cock was quite.. tempting.. yes. "Hamnnn.."
She panted softly, in place of an answer.. she definitly did not try much to struggle..
26143 Looking down at her pet, seeing the mix of apprehension and extasy, it brought a small smile to Master's face. "I look forward to teaching you so much more," She used her hands on Ylva's bottom to pull her closer, parting the girly lips with the erect rod. If Ylva struggled she'd find that Master's hands would sway, guiding her back. "Yes, that's it," She purred, pulling Yva further onto her cock, squeezing the tight bottom. "Doesn't this feel nice, don't you love it my pet?" She encouraged... it was nice... good... she should enjoy the masters' cock, she'd just leave tomorrow...

Slowly, Ylva was pulled all the way on, her womanhood fully swallowing masters girth... It made her feel good, complete even... Master leaned forward, tumbling Ylva onto the bed, as she began her rhythmic thrusting. "Yes, you're so tight, mmmm, aaaa" Master panted, ramping up her love making a bit. The shaft would feel like it was sucking her, sending hot waves of pleasure all throughout the submissive pet. Over and over, Ylva would be filled with masters cock, "That's it, yessssss," She'd find her body growing warmer, making it harder to think... Now the savage thrusts where knocking at her womb. She'd next feel master gripping her tightly, "Take it, take my seed," She purred, as Ylva's started filling up with cum, her womb being filled up to the brim with the glorious seed! After a few moments Ylva would find her mind slowly fading, "Such a good girl... yes, you're mine now." Master purred, as Ylva found herself dousing off, mind drifting on a sea of pleasure, belly full of warm seed.

Ylva would wake up the next morning, she'd be lovingly spooned up with the sleeping master, hard member pressed against her butt cheeks. She'd slept naked, save for the collar of course, her collar was too important to ever remove, how else would she remember who she belonged to?

"Hamnn.. w.. woah.."
Ylva moaned softly. Now, she wasn't a virgin, but feeling that throbbing, hard meat-spear slowly tug apart her engorged lips was a delightful sensation, so hard and throbby... even more so with the masters gentle posessiveness.

"Hmnn.. ye.. yess.. it feels nice.."
She admitted, moaning once more. "Ohmn.. that nice cock.. in me.."
She purred, feeling the master thrust deep within her as she let her body submit to the heat radiating from masters shaft, parting her legs, letting herself, her fertile depths be accessible to the womans strong thrusting. She could feelt he masters seed ooze into her, thick and full and sticky, but her lusty sex just suckled and squeezed on more, rather than defending itself from the virile invasion, pleasuring the masters shaft with her encouragement, Ylva panting in an unlikely helpless, feminine moment. It felt so ... warm and she felt oddly relaxed, fucked into submission, literally. Something about the masters cum being so.. wonderful... Ylva's hands curling into little fists as her sex drooled happily along with being filled up.

Ylva awakened, a little.. dozily.. wait what was she.. aww.. master was snuggled up against her. It was the next morning and she, after having spent.. quite the nice night, had to sort her thoughts... what had she been wanting to do again... remove the collar? No.. no why do that.. oh.. yes.. leave with Kenneth..it was a bit of a shame, really, remembering last night. Lazily, she stirred, getting up, briefly glancing about in the bed-chamber, still feeling the stirring of warmth within her. A part of her was sure that something was off, but.. she felt really good, so why worry about that? She'd stretch and stand up.
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26190 Stirring in bed would rub the soft sheets against Ylva's bare skin, rubbing over her hard nipples... which felt even more sensitive then normal... Nothing to worry about, since master had such a loving hug on her. She'd gently slipped out, managing not to wake the sleeping woman as she got out of bed. Looking back at the raven-haired beauty Ylva's heart would skip a beat, the woman's soft supple lips had curled into a lonely frown... She... she needed to leave, to take Kenneth home... the... the pot! Right?
The hazy memory of Masters tender kisses would start soaking Ylva's mind... thoughts of how nice it had been, how much she enjoyed masters company would dominate her consciousness... 26189

With little to do, and the master soundly sleeping, Ylva would make her way down stares sooner or later. There she'd find the trio of Kenneth, Kat, and Elyne. The first sitting on the couch with his legs spread out wide, cute little cabbit suckling away on him as he panted, pulling her furry head closer onto his rod, "Yes, gods, yes just like that!" He moaned.
Elyne was quick to greet Ylva, giving her a playful kiss on the cheek. "Did you enjoy you're evening dear sister?" She smiled softly.... sister... Ylva wasn't Elyne's sister... was she? "You may take young Kenneth home, but when you return, please bring Violet with you. Master will have a very special reward!" She giggled, softly petting Ylva's slit... once more Ylva's body would feel a burst of pleasure form her overly sensitive slit, making it a bit hard to focus on the odd things the slut mentioned to her... "You don't have to leave right away though, you can enjoy myself or dear sister for a time before you leave" She offered, leaning in pressing her large breasts against Ylva's arm.

Ylva hesitated at how nice the sheet felt.. or was her body more sensitive than normal.. couldn't be that, could it?
Also where had her clothes gone off to... Tearing off her glance from the sleeping beauty.. perhaps she should get Kenneth back and then return here.. this place wasn't too bad, nor too far away to make a travel back possible. Did she have to leave? Propably, yeah.. even though she felt kind of bad for not doing so giving the master a little love back fort that nice evening..

It seemed that the lewd show wouldn't stop with her getting downstairs and meeting with the others.. Kenneth didn't seem to have gotten the worst of treatments in the night either. She must have stared a little too long, for the slutty cute one approached her..
"Well, I'll talk to Violet and.. hammnn.."
She gasped, at the petting of her sex... wait hadn't the deal been Kenneth for Violet.. it felt like the master ended up with a plus one if she returned to.. but the idea of a reward felt.. err.. sounded really good, what with that nice hand touching her down there, so sensually..

Well ilt would be rude to pull Kenneth out of his fun time with the cabbit, right? Perhaps she should stay a little and err..
"I mean, yes, I enjoyed the evening, definitly wouldn't mind coming back later.. but.. aah.. what did you mean again with sister...?"
She struggled out, her legs subtly parting for the bountifully buxomed beauty by her side. Glancing over to Kenneth.. certainly he'd take a moment longer so she could wait with the cuddly, slutty, but nice one right here, no?
26230 The slut purred softly, not speaking right away, instead she parted Ylva's tender honey pot with a finger. Up and down, she teased Ylva with her finger, any moans or pant Ylva gave would be rewarded with a soft, loving kiss on the neck, pressing Ylva's arm deeper into the voluptuous melons between them. "Do you not like being called sister?" She finally broke the silence between them. Perhaps noticing Ylva's fixation on the duo sitting, "You see how much he enjoys it? It's a pity he has to leave so soon, but Master is a woman of her word." Elayne leaned in, gently pinching and rolling Ylva's clit between thumb and finger, massaging her most sensitive place. "Yes... you like that don't you sister? Why don't you cum? Let yourself indulge, it's only your sisters and some distracted meat head here, you can moan as loud as you like," She encouraged, cupping a breast with a free hand. Pinching one Ylva's nipple and giggling.

The slut would keep up her teasing, softly kissing Ylva's flush until the warrior came, smearing juices all over the sluts fingers. In the same moment Kenneth let out a long loud moan, throwing his head back, clearly finishing off in the cabbits mouth. The pink fluff ball pulled back, a slight look of discust on her face, "You should be grateful." She glanced over to Ylva, but soon rushed out of the room without saying much more. Perhaps she hadn't liked the taste of Kenneth...
Either way Elyane patted Ylva on the bottom, "I guess it's time for you to take Kenneth home" Eylane smiled. The dazed pliant smith apprentice beamed at Ylva, "L-let's get home..." He nodded, seemingly a little drunk.

Ylva uttered, only to find herself pulled in and squished closer between the slutty womans large boobies, before glancing over. "Ah.. err.. I figured I'd.. wait for them to finish and then leave,.. yeah.."
She admitted her excuse for letting those fingers dip a little deeper into her.. and sighting lustfully. Wait what was the other question about again? Oh there she was again, calling her sister.. but her engorged clit felt so sensitive.. just what..

"...ahmnn! W. woah.. since when are we sisters though.. and aaah.. it's still emberassing.."
she panted, her body rocking along with the tease of her clit.. admittedly, it was hard not to.. oblige her slutty sisters request... moreso when she also teased her breasts along as well, one hand of Yla's steadying herself up against a wall, the other squished up between those soft, warm mammaries..

She panted, and nodded, after letting her slutty host experience the warmth of her climax, approaching Kenneth.. "R.. right.. err.. so where are our clothes?.. also.. whats up with her?"
She asked, glancing after the apparently pouty Cabbit, averting her eyes from Kenneth..
26311 Cooing softly, Elyanne continued to play her tune on Ylva's body, gently caressing her, rubbing her sensitive sex, "Such a generous sister..." She moaned softly, grinding her nether's tightly on Ylva's thigh. "Mmmmh, Master has made us sisters... well... you've still a bit to go before we are sisters in truth, ha... yes... but, I still look forward to it," She planted a tender kiss on Ylva's cheek, in the same moment she jerked heavily on Ylva's sex, sending a surge of pleasure through the semi-tamed warrior.
Kenneth's clothes were scatted around the room, easy enough for the dull boy to gather them up. Ylva's seemed to be missing still though, with the cabbit now gone, Elyane just smiled, "Please excuse my dear sisters, manors. You're a welcome guest Kenneth... As for you're clothes, my dear sister..." Elyane absently wandered off, returning some-time later, not with Ylva's clothes, but a bundle of furs and strings. "Master would like you to wear this, I think it would look so very lovely on you sister!" Elyane smiled, displaying the suit for her. Even slightly deformed in the girl's hands, Ylva could see that it was quite... revealing, patches of fluffy purple to cover her crotch and excited nipples... fluffy cowl... Strings holding the whole thing together... was that a tail attached to the back!
... the longer Ylva thought about it, the more her mind would tell her wearing that was a good idea... she'd look so pretty, so sexy... Such a good little slut pet for her master...

"I mean.. hehe.... guess I am.." Elyanne was a bit weird with the whole sister-thing, but she was nice... hmn.. very nice.. She could feel the warm... love from Elyanne's snatch upon her skin.. she hadn't considered herself -too- into women but she was kind of changing her mind right now, with her softly nuzzling up against the slutty sister. It was kind of hard to protest whilest recieving these lewd touches to her already sensitive feeling body.

She gasped at the tugging on her sex, rather disappointed to have the slutty one wander off, seemingly in the.. middle of things, Ylva's own warm wetness staining her lewd fingers.
She raised a brow at the alternative clothing suggestion. "Well hold on, where's -my- stuff.."
She complained, although, looking at it for a while it was very.. errr.. emberassing, but not all that bad, actually..

"And whats with that tail anyhow, I doubt it'd fit..."
Well, it was better than being naked.. and kind of cute, actually... but what about -her- things! Well, perhaps there were more parts to these clothes? It felt as if they were missing well, most of the clothes-bits!
26319 Elyane tilted her head slightly, giving her a disarming smile. "You shouldn't worry about the clothes you came with, they where boring, not sexy at all. This is much much cuter, much more suited to my cute little sister," Eylane took a few steps closer, gently pressing the soft strips of clothing to Ylva's naked form. "I rather like the tail," She pouted a bit, dropping her hold on one side so she could stroke Ylva's hair... calming her. "It fits Masters new guard dog so very well," Her assurance seemed a bit ominous, as ever, but still... Ylva would find her words had nuggets of truth. "Why don't you let big sister get you into your new, better clothing?" She offered, bending down to begin slipping Ylva's legs into the skimpy costume without waiting for an answer.

".. also more suited for getting scratched by thorns or bitten by wolves."
She insisted, despite the charming womans words. "I uhm.. woah.."
She blushed a little when the slutty woman began dressing her up, her muscular body wiggling.. albeit without her resisting too directly, after all, the sensual touch of Elayne was.. comforting and soothing, and she could let herself get dressed and then still take this off later and demand her old, proper clothes back.