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Village Thread [IC Interactions]


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Quests Available:
A Slight Dispute
The Goblins and Kobolds haven't been getting along lately. It's usually something we don't pay attention to, but we've recently lost a young girl we believed may have been a Descendant, and fear it's from the arguing tribes. Most Kobolds and Goblins aren't too aggressive, so approaching them shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Get information from either a Goblin or a Kobold.

10 Wood, 5 Food, 5 water
Triple reward for speaking to both parties.

Shadows in the Forest
We've only heard reports of the monsters from the East; while we don't know what they may be, we know they may be connected to the disappearance of Shania and her rescuers. Try to find out what these creatures are.
Find the mystery monster.

5 Leather (Village pool), 5 Leather (Personal Pool)

Rumors of Strangers
We've recently heard of strangers in the forests - humans, orcs, elves; all kinds of races. Finding out what these strangers are, and what they're doing here, may help us better establish where we are in this world in comparison to our neighbors.
Find some of the strangers visiting the forests.

10 Wood, 10 Food
Rewards Doubled if trade is initiated.

Village Population:
Elderly: 5
Adult: 10
Children: 15

Current Resources:
Food: 50
Water: 50

Known World:
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Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Milky would stare blankly at the quest board. She wasn't much of a fighter that was for certain and looking at the quest board.. She wasn't certain if she could do any of these but the one with the strangers seemed to be the best bet for her.

(Looking for Help in Rumors of stranger.)

Rumors of Strangers
We've recently heard of strangers in the forests - humans, orcs, elves; all kinds of races. Finding out what these strangers are, and what they're doing here, may help us better establish where we are in this world in comparison to our neighbors.
Find some of the strangers visiting the forests.

10 Wood, 10 Food
Rewards Doubled if trade is initiated.
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Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

It didn't take long to figure out what Emelie wanted to halp with. If she was thinking about the same girl that had disappeared a little while ago, then she was resolute in finding her and getting her back - or at least, finding out what happened to her. After all, she had been a really good lay! ...Ooorrr... maybe that was her mom...

But anyway, that wasn't important. What was important was -NOT- getting caught or eaten while she went off to talk to the kobolds and goblins. Turning around, she looked around for the other god-children, and then shouted out "HEY! Anyone wanna come with me to talk to the kobolds and goblins? It's too dangerous for me to go alone. ...I'll pay in blowjobs!"
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Sylvia, semi-leading her entourage of associates (Erryn, Lyna, and Shivara if Blue's interested in joining us) purely by way of having been the first to suggest their trip, turned to Emelie with a smile as she called out, but then facepalmed visibly as the other Descendent offered her lewd form of payment to anyone that would help her. Walking hastily towards the other descendent, Sylvia grabbed her and started pulling her along. "Come on!" she began, "That's what we were just going to do... And you don't need to pay any of us!"
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Falisha picked up her stone sword and walked purposefully over towards the boisterous descendant and gently and gingerly place hand on her shoulder, "Pardon me Emelie. It seems like you need some assistance, and a diplomatic mission seems like an appropiate objective to start off with. I'm skilled in swordplay and magic, so I should be able to keep us out hot water or from gettin enslaved in case things head south. You can skip the blowjob, and we'll split the reward 50/50, agreed?"
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

(Tenta, read my post above yours. Also, I think the reward is for the village as a whole rather than the individual characters. If it isn't, I don't think it's actually worth taking as individuals anyway, so we should just donate it to the group pool. Also, I suppose you're free to tag along too so long as nobody else minds.)
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Although she had been ready to depart, having weapon in hand and armor donned, Ares would pause as she noticed other descendants preparing to set out to do the same thing. Well, more importantly, noticed that one of them suggested "talking" to the goblins and kobolds. Attempting to reason with the little beasts...? That was a new one if anything. Granted it'd be interesting if it were to work, and would save her a few sessions of goblin skull rapping with sticks. However, if it were to go wrong... well...maybe it'd be better if she tagged along as insurance. Provided of course, that loathsome daughter of Luna didn't join in the expedition. If they decided to welcome her company over a warrior of Solaris, well then, whatever fate befell them was their own.

Clearing her throat, it'd be then that the tribal warrior opted to approach the forming group, offering her services...and glaring at the hateful descendant of the dark just once in the process.

"Might you add one more to your numbers? I have a...history, with the little folk. While I may not be the swiftest of tongue, I am one anointed to warcraft by the Lady Solaris, and it is my duty to ensure that no harm befalls fellow sisters or brothers in their exploits."
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Lyna was taken aback by some of the topics of discussion. Why would anyone offer such...services, in exchange for doing a good deed? It baffled the quiet gatherers mind quite a bit and she was even more surprised that Sylvia would even consider taking her along. But she was more or less in charge of this little band of misfits and she was not going to argue. She then took notice of the woman called Ares. The headstrong and devoted warrior of Solaris. Lyna herself was a daughter of Solaris and any aid from a fellow sister was welcome

" It is good to see that Mother Solaris saw fit to bless some of her children with martial skill like yours. I'd welcome the aid, unless my companions suggest otherwise. If not, I'd love to have a moment to speak with you once the job is done Lyna was doing her best to be polite, but would have made the same thing offer to any other child of the gods. They were in this together and could not let parentage tear them apart.
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

"Aww," Emelie whined as Sylvia dragged her off. Oh well, even if she didn't get to pay, she had some people to keep her from getting jumped when they went to talk to the kobs and gobs.
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Milky would release a pent-up breath, having mentally selected the rumors of stranger quest. 'Now no time to be shy, time to see if I can grab anyone else to come help me.' Milky would open her mouth and promptly shut it as she heard that lewd call, a brazen flush on her face as she heard Emeile. "Oh why wasn't she one of the ones kidnapped?" She would grumble to herself before she set up her own call "I'm going to look for the strangers in dem wood. Is anyone willing to come help me?"

She looked somewhat hopeful at all the others here, but hearing from their words, she had a good feeling that everyone was going to go and try to get those kobolds and goblins.
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

It didn't take long for Guy to make his way to the gathering of people, though he didn't pay attention to who was actually there. Instead he elbowed his way through the crowd to where some of the others, Descendants like himself, had crowded around to see what they were looking at.

"Oh, so the old coot's finally got a use for us?" Guy muttered to himself as he pushed past his kin and stood in front of the quest board, a finger running down the list as he struggled to read each quest quietly to himself. Only once he had finished reading the quests available did Guy take a look at who had turned up, though to be honest he didn't really know most of them by name. He'd seen most, if not all of them at one time or another but he couldn't recall ever dealing with any of them.

"Hm, I guess I could go and find that strange monster... give my swingin' arm a bit of practice," Guy said aloud to no one in particular as he stretched once more before slowly making his way to the village gate.
Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Tiriara took a little longer then the rest of the de descendents to get to the quest board. as she stood there she noticed almost everyone was going towards the goblins and gnolls.

She was starting to walk towards the group when Milky caught her attention. She decided there where already enough people going for the missing girl already and walked towards her. "I will come with you to the woods."
Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

Once the Elder had finished his speech, Nadia moved over to the board, checking out the requests that had been made of the Descendants. Talking to goblins and kobolds? Although they were a little more tolerable to be around than the village children, Nadia wasn't really interested in hearing them complain about each other. Besides, some other Descendants were already gearing up to look for the girl, so she wasn't needed. Meeting elves and orcs and such could be fun, but Nadia wasn't really the talky type. Now hunting down mysterious monsters...

Running to catch up with Guy, Nadia swung her arm around his neck and pulled him close. "Hey Guy, looking to beat up on some baddies?" she asked, keeping her question simple for the simple Descendant. "Mind if I tag along? Might be fun to watch you hack something up." She then smiled and added, "Nah, I'll help out. Gotta put my sword to use sometimes."
Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

Guy stopped midstep, his foot hovering an inch or so off the ground as Nadia swung her arm around his neck and pulled him close to her, his face dangerously close to her chest. The warrior's eyes narrowed for a moment as she spoke, his gaze flicked from Nadia's breasts and up to her face, suspicious of the woman's intent. Guy recognised the woman, that he was certain. Descendants were superior to regular humans in every aspect, beauty included, but then there were the few that stood out even amongst the Descendants. Nadia was one of them, and his body had begun to let him know.

Guy remained silent for a minute or two, just staring at Nadia as if he couldn't believe her proposal. It was, after all, a rare occurrence for another person, let alone another Descendant to willing offer to tag along with Guy to aid in a quest. The descendant of Aedus stood there statue-like, the quiet between the two of them growing almost uncomfortable before he spoke up. "Sure, sounds fine with me, I guess," Ducking from under Nadia's arm Guy continued his leisurely walk to the village entrance as he answered. "But try t'not get in m'way." He added jokingly, flipping the busty Descendant a thumbs up.
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Re: Village Thread [OOC Interactions]

Tiriara took a little longer then the rest of the de descendents to get to the quest board. as she stood there she noticed almost everyone was going towards the goblins and gnolls.

She was starting to walk towards the group when Milky caught her attention. She decided there where already enough people going for the missing girl already and walked towards her. "I will come with you to the woods."

Milky would blink at Tiriara, the half-elven girl that she knew to be skittish. She wasn't certain of her relationship with the other descendant but she was sure certain that Tiriara may not be a great up close fighter, but the girl did have a coppar bow. It wasn't like her mother's heirloom hammer to herself but it was just as good.

Milky nodded as she said "Thank you. Um, are you good with talking to people? I know I'm a.. very blunt and simple person. Not that good with words. Still I can look big against them!" As Milky flexed her exposed muscles, them bulging sensually against her skin. They weren't overly bulky and massive like her fathers yet, but Milky was slowly working her way to getting as strong as her father and mother.

Milky would look around for anyone else before she said "Tiriara should we wait a little for others or just head off to find these strangers in the forest?"

Any relationship of sort between Milky and Tiriara? Simple Acquantices?
Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

Falisha did not like the idea of having to try to work with that snooty Solaris descendant, so she quietly took her leave from the group discussing the kobold and goblin meeting and walked quietly over to Milky and Tiri before cautiously and gingerly placing her hand upon her shoulder, hoping this one would be more friendly and open minded, "Pardon me ladie, but it looks like you might could use another set of hands for your quest. I happen to be trained in both swordplay and magicks, so I should be of some significant assistance. Would either of you be opposed to my company?" She said elequantly before awaiting their answer, if they accepted she would follow closely behind as they took off for their objective.
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Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

Milky would stiffen at feeling a sudden hand on her shoulder not her tits. She relaxed fractionally, not wanting to deal with another grabby man or female that wanted a quick sip as she reached up and removed the hand on her shoulder, her hand around it threatening to crush the hand bones into fragemental dust.

The half-orc blacksmith would just quirk her lips as she said "Sure. But your doing the talking if we encounter anyone.. Since that talking seems elegant." 'Where did she learn to speak like that?' Thought Milky even as she stood away from Falisha, knowing her to be quite a.. ah slut for the village. She inwardly shuddered at the thoughts of the complaints she sometimes got for not being like Falisha or Emeile. At least neither of them tried to come after her, both preferring males to which Milky was quite thankful.
Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

"I can be good with words if I want to" Tiriara replied with a smile. and just when she was going to reply that they could probably get going since the rest wanted to go for the goblins and kobolds she noticed Falisha standing behind Milky.

"Well I don't see a problem in you coming with us. and I guess it is indeed better for you to do most of the talking." she said to Falisha. We would have a nice mix of melee, magic and ranged she thought to herself.

I dont't think anyone else will join us so lets get going then. Tiriara said before almost skipping off towards the woods.

As far as I know the descendants don't realy have any relationship for the moment except for the bond between the gods and godesses, and Solaris and Raiden like eachother
Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

Guy stopped midstep, his foot hovering an inch or so off the ground as Nadia swung her arm around his neck and pulled him close to her, his face dangerously close to her chest. The warrior's eyes narrowed for a moment as she spoke, his gaze flicked from Nadia's breasts and up to her face, suspicious of the woman's intent. Guy recognised the woman, that he was certain. Descendants were superior to regular humans in every aspect, beauty included, but then there were the few that stood out even amongst the Descendants. Nadia was one of them, and his body had begun to let him know.

Guy remained silent for a minute or two, just staring at Nadia as if he couldn't believe her proposal. It was, after all, a rare occurrence for another person, let alone another Descendant to willing offer to tag along with Guy to aid in a quest. The descendant of Aedus stood there statue-like, the quiet between the two of them growing almost uncomfortable before he spoke up. "Sure, sounds fine with me, I guess," Ducking from under Nadia's arm Guy continued his leisurely walk to the village entrance as he answered. "But try t'not get in m'way." He added jokingly, flipping the busty Descendant a thumbs up.
Nadia smirked as Guy's gaze flicked between her face and breasts, and she teasingly moved them closer to his face, not shy in the slightest. Her smirk started to fade though as the 'less than intelligent' Descendant seemed to become frozen in thought, neither speaking nor moving for an increasingly long time. She was beginning to wonder if her attempts at limiting her questions had still somehow broken his meager brain. When his frozen state finally relented though, he swiftly returned to his casual attitude, freeing himself from Nadia's grasp at the same time he invited her to join him. Nadia stood still for a second, grinning at the strong but simple man, then hurried to catch up to him.

"Don't worry, Guy," Nadia said reassuringly as she caught up to him. "I might not be as muscled as you, but I know my around a fight." With a grin she drew her sharpened stone sword from her leather belt and gave it a few swings, it's rough form and jagged edge humming as she easily cleaved the air. She wasn't aiming at anything, but her form was enough to let even Guy realize she had some skill with the weapon. Nadia laughed, then shrugged and hung the sword at her hip again. "'Sides, there's nothing out there a couple of Descendants can't handle."
Re: Village Thread [IC Interactions]

Once again Guy stopped and watched as Nadia pulled out her stone-carved sword and begun swinging it around. Even he realised she had some level of skill, but that didn't stop him from groaning and rolling his eyes. "Sword, huh?" The young Descendant said disapprovingly. "Ev'rybody always goes fer swords. Dunno why, look'it them. Jus' a thin piece of material held t'gether by another piece of crappy material. Hit th' blade hard enough an' it'll snap in two. Now this," With a wide grin Guy threw out his axe arm, the well worn weapon catching the sun's rays as it was thrust forward. "Is a proper weapon. Don't need no fancy fighting styles or years'a training to use it well. Jus' speed an' strength."

"Mebbe nothin' that can best me, but wha' about th' rest of you? You all could end up like those other folk that got snatched up. I missed th' old coot's speech, but I'm guessing they're the reason why we're doing all'a this work? S'not that I mind really, gives me a chance t'kick more ass." the descendant of Aedus smiled widely once more and laughed deeply as they continued on the path to the village entrance.