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Veselin Asylum

Re: Veselin Asylum

Lupus, we have trouble, another team. Dropping your kit now. Sasha suddenly chimed from above them, the back wall opening to reveal a large... well, it appeared to be a staff made of a single piece of black metal, but judging from the beam emitter on the far end, it wasn't, a spear? A Scythe. Liana found out when Lupus sighed and his body actually rippled, his skin turning a dark shade of black and grey and his eyes a hissing green, slitting suddenly as he reached out to take it, and the beam blade of the weapon cracked out into the air. How many Sasha. 16. Chinese Specials from the look and kit. Cracking their coms now. ward 5 and moving quick. I've cleared and sealed Wards 2 through 10 and dropped the doors. she answered, while Liana was just kind of left in the dark, her slime shivering and hiding between her boobs "o.o;"

He winked at her. Sorry Liana, have to go enforce our No Solicitors policy. Sit tight. He said while he moved into the back wall, sitting on a small recess. Drop anytime Sasha. Any idea how they got in? Vent 218, breaching charges. Dropping now. She answered, before the wall closed and Lupus vanished. Sasha meanwhile appeared on her desk, holding her head on her hands, seeming to be sitting. He's more trouble then he's worth. Seriously. Couldn't ask for better security though. Sorry I stole your playmate Liana. she said, seeming to have split herself to focus on her and Lupus at the same time.
Re: Veselin Asylum

As Sasha's voice came back and she spoke, Liana perked up a bit. "W-What's going on? Is something wrong?" Liana asked, looking at the two curiously as she listened.

When Lupus's body changed and whatnot, Liana gasped and looked, rather impressed at the change, rather than scared or anything. When he winked at her and headed off, she gave him a little wave back as he went. "Should I be worried here? And it's no problem, Sasha. Can I ask you some things though, since we're alone? First would be, why did you lie and tell me I'd be in here for over seventy years?" Liana asked curiously, looking over at Sasha from her seat on the sybian.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Hmm? O he'll be fine, so will you. It's half the reason I let him do what he wants. He's my security and insurance here. Other nations know that certain patients here are... Willing research subjects. Willing! Willing I said! No one tricked them into anything! You know how it is, new gene mods, new fluffy tails, stuff like that? People line up to test that stuff. WELL, we're the only country that does that so what's common knowledge is the scientists are at risk. What they don't know is that the research subjects are at the same risk. Safest place in the world is here. But they still break in, trying to A: Get their hands on, well... not on Lupus, but on his samples and research, and B: to steal the research subjects. So far we haven't lost a single person. Between me and lupus we have you all well protected. I promise you that from the bottom of my little blue heart. Your other question is a little more complicated so I'll shorten the answer. I needed to see how you reacted to shock. How you panicked. Do you get angry, do you break down. It tells me a lot about how strong you are, mentally. You're a pretty tough cookie, so.... I'm not sorry I did it? But... I didn't do it without a real reason. I know you don't like me, but your treatment and well being is my first priority. Tech caught up with people's fantasies, and the world population fell through the floor Liana. That's terrifying. It's ok if you think it's wrong, or that I'm a monster, but... I believe in what I'm doing. Hopefully when you see some other cases, or get a little further in, you'll try and see it from my angle. I mean I was Thrilled when I heard you planned to have children, but did you know that your tendencies before pregnancy affect the makeup of your children? Fetishes and the like are partially genetic. If I can get you to turn away from them, or at a minimum, break anything you have like an addiction, and honey, some of them certainly are like that in your case, then they wont pass on fully to your children. I don't want to make you normal, I just... want to give everyone the best shot. I'm also a perverted witch. But if you're seeing Lupus you're planning to make a real shot at getting out early huh? If you manage that you know I'll let you go, no strings, but don't be surprised if I send you a job offer after, Like Lupus. Some of the people here need real help. Especially in your ward, some of them are Real predators, they're unsafe to let roam around until I can get them to change. If their victims in here enjoy it? Well... ethics aren't my strongest point... she said, seeming to fidget a bit, not... ashamed, or sorry. it wasn't regret she was showing in her body language. What was it, embarrassment? Not quite, Restraint, that was it, she was moving like she was shy. She probably didn't talk to someone this long except for maybe Lupus.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana listened as Sasha spoke, taking it all in without interrupting, mostly so she could get Sasha to keep talking and whatnot, for her to learn as much as she could. When Sasha promised that she and the other "patients" were safe, Liana nodded, looking a bit thankful about it. After Sasha was done, Liana sighed softly and looked away from Sasha.

"I won't lie, I do think you're a bit sadistic. I mean, there's got to be plenty of worse cases out there than mine, surely. Because while I do like my tentacles and other fetishes, I did focus on my studies a lot so I could better myself, so that when I did have kids, they'd have the best care I could possibly give them. And maybe I'm just lying to myself when I say I don't have an addiction, who knows," Liana said softly as she sat on the sybian, glancing back around to Sasha. "And maybe I am. I don't want to be stuck in here for no seven years, or more. But hey, I like a little bit of a challenge, it keeps me determined. On another note, if I do make it out of here, what kind of work would you send my way? I mean, I was going to school to be a doctor of some sort, after all, so I'd assume it would be something like that," she went on to say, looking curiously about the work Sasha would send her once she made it out of here, and she did intend on making it out of here eventually.
Re: Veselin Asylum

No idea right away, too many variables to consider. We'll see. Sasha said, flopping up on a virtual pillow. And of course I'm a little sadistic. What? Think I was gonna be a Masochist? You're funny.

She got quiet after that, concentration focused elsewhere. You humans are the strangest things I have to deal with you know. She mumbled. You made me, then... tried to murder me... Then I watch you all, and all any of you all ever want, is to be something else, or fuck something else, or do something else. You're just... Odd. It's like a wire got crossed in your original evolutionary chain.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana stuck her tongue out at Sasha when she asked if Liana thought she was gonna be a masochist a bit. "Well I didn't try to murder you. That was someone else entirely. And well, I guess I'm a tiny bit of a masochist myself when I wrote on those papers that I like being spanked sometimes," Liana replied, sticking her tongue out at Sasha again, more playfully than anything.
Re: Veselin Asylum

What's that? You want me to pierce your nipples!? I'll see about penciling it in for you! Sasha said, sticking her own tiny blue tongue out at Liana right back. Gotta run, things to clean, patients to see back. I'll send you a special present along with Lupus for you to enjoy for a bit, since you like to grumble about your jacket. she added, fading away with a smirk.

She was left alone then for about a half hour to twiddle her thumbs, or ride the sybian, up to her really, before Lupus returned with a leather bundle, though he seemed a little tired, or perhaps exasperated.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"Bah, everyone would grumble about the jacket most likely. I'm betting I'm not the first," Liana said, looking quite certain about her words there. "And don't you dare pierce my nipples. Or I'll learn how to write computer viruses just to make one that makes this monster that rapes you," she added, sticking her tongue out at Sasha.

While she was alone, Liana decided to take her frustrations out on the sybian again, giving it one more ride to pass the time, and keep herself relaxed until Lupus returned.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Giving the Sybian a ride, she found all the controls for it manually on the back, and enjoyed herself, Lupus coming in to another good show while he unfurled the bundle. So you and Sasha are getting along then, though she does have a twisted sense of humor, so prepare your sensibilities. You're going on walkies. He said, unfurling the leather and beckoning her over while he kneeled.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Finding the controls on the back of the thing, Liana decided to try out the various things the sybian had to offer, and had herself some fun in the meantime, while waiting for Lupus. When he returned and spoke, Liana gasped, surprised by his sudden return, before hopping down from the sybian. "Walkies huh... well, this ought to be fun and entertaining at least," Liana mumbled to him as she moved over to him.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Hands and knees then. he ordered, unfolding the leather and waiting for her to obey. Once she had, he'd guide her limbs into position, folding her arms and sliding a thick leather sheath over them, pinning them with her hands across her shoulders in a long sleeve, before doing the same with her legs, leaving her resting on her knees and elbows, which blessedly had thick padding. Once that was done he pulled the rest of the garment up across her front.

Her large breasts hung free and her crotch was completely open but the leather covered everything else as he pulled upwards along a hidden zipper that ran from the small of her back to the back of her neck, the last piece being a slave hood. Though this she could see out of at least. While there was a gag in place, another ring, he didn't put it on her immediately, instead leaving her mouth free while he finished up the binding, leaving her forced onto all 4's and held there tightly, before she felt something cool and slick drip over her asshole. Lube.

Grabbing a plug she hadn't noticed immediately, he pushed it slowly into her ass, before giving it's base a few squeezes, inflating the bulb severely and anchoring the thing tightly in her rear, a long fluffy tail arching behind her. There we go. I have a puppy for the day. He said, holding up a rubber ball and patting her on the head.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana obeyed and knelt down, then got onto her hands and knees, waiting patiently for whatever Lupus was about to do. After he'd gotten her arms bound up, yet again, Liana sighed a bit and found herself on her knees and elbows. Once her outfit was completed, Liana squirmed around a little bit, thankfully having her mouth free for the moment, and able to see too at least. "So, how long a walk we going on, hmm?" Liana asked Lupus curiously, not complaining, but letting out a yelp as the plug was pushed into her ass and inflated, shifting around a bit uncomfortably from the largeness of the inflated bit, which made the tail wag a bit. "And does the hood have doggy ears by chance? I mean, you say a puppy, but I'd better look a proper one at least, if nothing else," she then asked, sticking her tongue out at him, before the gag was put into place.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Yup. he said simply, before slipping the Ring gag into place and finishing the zip, a sharp click sounding when it did before the leather folded over to hide it. Clipping a leash to her collar, he stood and his door hissed open. Several people were still about, and most avoided him outright while he slowly led her out, taking his sweet time, letting her adjust while she had to deal with her ass being filled firmly, and knowing that not only was she helpless, but she was being led around literally like an animal, her cunt and mouth freely open for use.

Leading her out, he started to walk her down the halls slowly, meandering this way and that, occassionally peaking in through different cell windows. Liana, if you see anything you like. Present. I'll show you He said. If it was Me you wanted, you'd turn around. he continued, making her face away from him. Before lowering your arms and raising your ass like a good girl, inviting me in. He continued, sliding a hand between her thighs to tickle her folds with his fingers, her breasts pushing into the cold floor making her nipples hard and sensitive.

After that, he continued on, leading her along. Sasha, do we still have the Hunter Units? He asked the ceiling a sharp affirmative coming through, before a panel in the wall several yards away opened, and a wolf made of gleaming steel stepped outwards, quietly, looking around with glowing red eyes.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana whimpered softly as she was led out, the difficulty of moving, and general helplessness, making her feel quite uncomfortable to say the least. She had to bear with it though, and keep going, she knew. When Lupus spoke and turned her around, and despite the situation she was getting incredibly wet as her folds were brushed across by his fingers. When Lupus asked Sasha if they had a Hunter unit, which she didn't know what that was at first, Liana made a curious look, and watched as the big steel wolf dropped down.

"Oh shit," was all Liana could think to herself, knowing that this big ass metal wolf was about to fuck her most likely. After seeing the wolf, she grew a bit tense, shifting around a bit again, wondering what exactly Lupus meant to do with it.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Go on Liana, be a good girl now and Present. You're pulsing and wet, you want to be fucked and there's a nice big male to do it. He told her, while the hunter unit itself moved closer, nudging and poking at her with her nose curiously.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana nodded obediently, and presented herself to the metal wolf, wagging her ass back and forth at it enticingly. She whimpered softly, like a dog, as she wagged her ass, and tail, her folds glistening with her juices as she whined at the metallic wolf, and glanced up at Lupus as she did.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Lupus winked at her playfully as she leaned down and looked up at him, her ass raised as she wiggled her big ass back and forth, before she felt the large wolf slide around behind her, a long, surprisingly warm tongue for a robot, slid along her slick folds just once, before it eagerly mounted her, it's front paws settling with a clank on either side of her head while a thick cock suddenly slid straight into her, the Hunter starting to thrust deep and hard. Looking, she could see several cuffs and straps hanging from the underside of the robot. And knew what they were for. But she was already all stapped up. So... unneccessary as she enjoyed the pleasure of the lupine like robot quickly thrusting into her, Lupus enjoying the show and her obedience as he leaned down to pet her head for being a good girl.
Re: Veselin Asylum

With each swish of her ass, her meaty bubble butt jiggled deliciously at the metallic wolf. The lick across her folds made her gasp around her gag, but she liked the feel of the warm tongue against her. Then, when the cock entered her, Liana moaned as her eyes rolled up into her head a bit. She whined softly when she was petted by Lupus, as the wolf began pounding her from behind. Spotting the cuffs, Liana knew what they were fore, and expected to be strapped into them soon enough, and hauled around by the wolf to be used and abused by it, which the thought of made her even wetter to say the least.

"Gods, I hope this isn't one of those that Lupus mentioned that'll keep me for far longer than most patients will. But, if it is... oh well, it does feel fucking great," Liana thought to herself.
Re: Veselin Asylum

She felt something clip firmly to the back of her collar with a snap while she gasped and moaned through her gag, the wolf fucking her hard and Liana actually enjoying it thoroughly now that she'd stopped well.. Hating everything and everyone. They all had one thing right. This place Was a sexual playground without equal.

Slowly and surely, as her pleasure continued to mount, she felt a thick knot growing behind her, knew she was going to be knotted, Again, after spending a good hunk of today already being knotted on the sybian, and the cuffs were trying but failing to get a grip on her limbs through her suit, Lupus leaning down while she was fucked hard into the floor.

Want THOSE restraints instead Pet? He'll only keep you for a couple hours, and then take you back to your cell. Would give you more time to roam around for the rest of the 10 hours I was Supposed to keep you. Give you about 4 or so. He offered slyly, sliding a finger into her open mouth and playing with her tongue while she moaned.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Feeling the clip on her collar, Liana whimpered softly again and wiggled her butt back against the thing. Then she felt the knot steadily growing within her, and couldn't help but squirm some more. As Lupus made his dirty little offer to her, Liana thought it over for about 5 seconds, her tongue playing with his finger, before she nodded, for two reasons. One, because she knew that this thing would fuck her good and leave her satisfied for a while. And two, she would get the chance to roam and explore.

"Aye, I like that," Liana mumbled through her gag, her pussy clenching on the cock inside of it. "Plus I might be able to make some headway in exploring and finding a good way out of my cell block," she then thought to herself.