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Vampire Killer (Feris)

Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"I'll be attending the grand opening tonight at midnight, if anything is going to happen it will happen there. It is where you will want to be, your sister is in that castle somewhere. That's why I was at the gates last night. And no, your sister is not a vampire yet at least." He glaces over the paper casually.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie's eyes widened as he revealed that her sister wasn't fully a vampire at the moment yet the image of her bathing in her mothers blood with her so called lover almost made believing that impossible. "You have no idea...Even if she isn't a vampire she doesn't deserve to be called any less of them for what she did!" Marcie words were filled with a dark scowl though she loved her family deeply that image made it seem easier to kill her sister yet presented with that while the truth hanged she was still human bothered her greatly.

'It would be better if she was...Yet still I really don't want to be alone in this world sister if only you couldve held this whip instead of me i'm sure you would've been ten times the hunter I'am.' Marcie thought depressingly she was always better than her in most of their school activities a rather celebrity instead of jealousy that created an admiration for her and her betrayal not only crushed that feeling but left so many doubts.

"We have alot of time until then though is anything you could do to prepare me for the coming event?" She asked query eager to learn what she could before the ceremony started and possibly the meeting with her sibling.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Genya sighs a bit, "You would be surprised who can be redeemed even at their darkest hour. As for the Ceremony it seems to be your standard ribbon cutting, rich people, important local people and then the throng of bored villagers who will probably turn out." He pushes a plate of breakfast over to Marcie. "Eat. That's the most important thing you can do now child."
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"That'll be hard to accept even if it comes from her." Marcie mumbles as she silently accepts the plate and begins devouring her meal in quicker than even she imagined. 'Whoa I guess mediocre train meals give you a craving for awhile.' Marcie thought as she rose from her seat seemingly intent on going somewhere.

"Then I'll make that my priority but I'll take this time to make myself prepared with what I will probable be needing. Afterall there has to be somebody around here who has some vampire slaying weapons it is Transylvania just hope they don't dub me as a tourist..." Marcie explains her intention as she would attempt to maybe find a certain sub item. She wouldn't mind if Genya followed or stayed exactly where he was they were going to meet at Dracula's Castle later anyway.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"You might want to try the side streets, the main road is mostly souvinier shops now. I doubt they carry anything impressive...." Genya turned the newspaper page calmly. "Please try not to get lost before midnight, it would look very bad on you."
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"I doubt I can get lost with that thing sticking out for every eye to behold." Marcie smiled while pointing to the castle which was still easily seeable even from this place as she approached the door heeding Genya's advice to shop towards the side shops rather where all the tourists were gathering in the central plaza. Moving toward that area it appeared to be rather less impressive with ever declining wooden houses and decaying brick buildings but it also showed a bit a promise that since these building represented an age long bygone they might provide the weapons she might need.

She took a closer look at their crumbled signs trying to make out what kind of shops they were.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

The store indeed seemed to have authentic weaponry but it seemed......less than busy, the store owner was an elderly man slumped over on the counter snoring. "Zzzzzzz...best deals......in town....zzzzzz"
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie looked around the shop seeing all kinds of weapons that would be of use to her yet they looked like the shop had seen better days but maybe the owner had his special reserve in the back like most savvy or crocked businessmen in this area. She looked down on the man whom seemed to be taking a rather long break. Thinking about how she would awaken him a dastardly way entered her mind but since he was old she didn't want to be rushing an old man to a hospital today so she merely tugged his shoulder.

"Hey wake up I need your help to fight the monsters so please awaken." She asked her normal tone not to loud nor to quiet.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Zanga!" He jerks awake, "Oh a customer, wonderful I have everything for your monster hun-OH MY GOD!" The old man throws himself against the nearby wall knocking some things over. "Is.....is that...."Vampire Killer"?!" He points at the whip on Marcie's waist with a look of complete shock.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Hm" Marcie replied shortly as she looked back at her whip 'At first I thought it was just a replica of the real Vampire Killer dad had...But now that everyone says it is I guess dad really did have it.' Marcie thought quietly as she looked back at the old man with a confident glee.

"Yup I'm Marcie Morris Vampire Hunter, and I'm Looking for some equipment to defeat the evil that inhabits this place and possibly the dark lord himself if he decides to appear." For some reason her tone was almost arrogant it seemed people were now viewing as the true Morris destined to defeat the Dracula she couldn't help but puff up with pride at her lineage.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Morris? Morris??" The old man grabs Marcis face and looks at it, "MORRIS!!" He starts scrambling around talking so fast and paniced is sounds like gibberish finally he drags a large trunk out into the store and pulls the shades and locks the front door before throwing his back against it. "Open it....." As Marcie opens the trunk from the crazy old man inside sits a cross, a throwing knife, an axe, and holy water.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"ACK!" Marcie squealed as she being so close to the old man it was a rather disturbing experiencing as she was completely caught by surprise at the audacity of the shopkeeper. Though after a few moments he turned and headed to the back of his shop still in a bit of shock Marcie remained in a daze until he got back. 'Wha...I hadn't been thrown around like that since the first lessons dad gave me on dodging.' Marcie thought still in a daze until she was asked to open something he was obviously a very decisive person.

She slowly opened the case revealing four weapons inside each on intended in the duty of Vampire Slaying, her face was flabergasted at the sight of the weapons she eagerly took the cross it could be used as a boomerang and perhaps and a symbol to summon help from the lord at advanced levels she wasn't familiar with the others had similar gifts but Marcie preferred the Cross yet she wasn't sure if the old man was being generous or if he had something else in mind.

"Um are you giving me these? Or are you planning to sell them to me?" She asked quirkily.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

He smiles and puts his hands together, "They are yours, all of them. They belong to you now just as they did to your grandfather. I knew something looked familiar about you, you favor your grandmother very much when she was young. They were my first customers you know." He unlocks the door and resumes his post behind the counter. "I heard the news about your family, terrible terrible shame." He shakes his head sadly.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marice gave a grave sigh at the mention of that horrible memory along with the glory of being the wielder of the Vampire Killer she would've rather not of had it in place of her parents. She put down the cross neatly putting back it in the case the old man had kept it in bowing to him from the other side of the counter.

"Yes...I wish my father could've been the one to do this but as it stands I have to be brave in this duty and with this my job only becomes that closer to being done. Thank you." She states with her utmost polite tone thanking the old man for the assistance rendered toward her.

"Is there anything I can do for you thought I'd hate just to accept these without doing anything for you in return it just wouldn't sit well
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Come back alive dear, your poor grandfather, he didn't live as long as he should have because of that whip. You can repay me by living until old age young lady......oh! And this order came in for that fellow in the suit here one the same business as you, he said he didn't need them though. These you can pay for by getting rid of that vile thing." He sets a bag on the counter and points out the window at the castle.

Marcie obtained a High Potion, Mind Potion, and Anti-Curse

(Lucky dog, rolled a 20 on the merchant roll *grumbles and hands over precious items* They won't protect you from my wrath!)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(Enters the password (Helpme) for extra lives) *Well at least i'm prepared :3 *

Marcie nodded with the utmost determination followed by an ecstatic smile. "I won't let you down or anyone else that place will be nothing but rubble when I get there!" She stated putting taking the case but then the old drops on her something else that the Genya had ordered but didn't intend to collect 'That's kinda lazy of him but can't turn down any free stuff can I?...Wait i'm not just collecting free stuff I'm going to put my life on the line here I need all the help I can get!' Marcie justified as she carried the bag and case one in each hand as she walked some distance.

As soon as she got back to the Inn if Genya was still there she would drop the bag and the case on the table. "I managed to collect quite a bit even some stuff you intended to give away. I'd say i'm ready for anything now!" She stated to him grabbing the cross and all the items in the bag and asking the bell boy to take the case up to her room. 'I can't carry all those weapons unfortunately too much weight on my belt might cause it to give weigh and I don't want to think of the embarrassment of that sitchuation...' Marcie thought of a rather cliché moment as she sat down across from him waiting for the time to come when they would depart.

(You can skip to the Castle Event if you want)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(You got it)

Marcie mulls into the gathered crowd ending up standing near the VIP section, an elaborate podium set up in front of the castle gates, the entire cheery setup a bit disturbing with the castle looming in the distance. Going over the crowd she sees Genya sitting nearby about 10 feet away, one feedback screech later and a middle aged man took the podium. "Greetings all our esteemed guests and the citizens of Wallachia. It has always been my life's desire to make a difference, and I think this castle will lead to great things. The scissors please...." A man walks over and hands the speaker a giant pair of scissors. "Let this signal the beginning...." *he cuts the ribbon and the gates open, clouds block out the sun and the man who brought the scissors turns to the crowd and Marcie immediately recognizes her sister's lover. "Of my dominion!" Marcie suddenly gets knocked to the ground just before she feels a rush of wind and a feeling of dread. She quickly realizes Genya is on top of her, people have been thrown everywhere, the sky is black, and there are dozens of monsters terrorizing what people survived the pulse of dark energy Genya knocked Marcie under.

"Damnit that man is mad, he thinks he can claim Dracula's power for himself. Marcie! Go to the castle, I'll fight all the monsters here!" When Marcie gets up she can see no sign of the speaker or her sister's lover.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie yawns at the prospect of actually sitting through a long and tedious speech as she looked from left to right seeing all the others around here filled with excitement and joy yet Genya always kept a solemn expression upon him. She watched the speaker waiting for the chance to go in yet the moment the middle aged man finally opened the place to the public a dark voice one she remembers quite well whispered into her ear descended upon the crowd followed by a powerful wind spell it was utterly terrifying for most people who never experianced such power yet Marcie was able to avoid it thanks to Genya's Fortitude.

"AH! What're you doing!" Though she was mostly angered by it the moment she heard that dreadful voice she wanted nothing more than to kill him finally realizing the chaos around here she lets out a simple "oh.." and nods to Genya's advice she couldn't allow things to drag on or else the whole village might get involved in this conflict.

She stormed the gates this time not caring for any alarms that went off and entered the palace that beckoned her destiny as the wielder of the Vampire Killer. She stared deeply into the darkness wondering what would come after.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

As she started running up the narrow bridge to the castle Marcie felt the ground shudder and glancing behind her she saw a massive bull like creature blocking the way back, it snorted angrily and began slowly stomping it's way towards her.

Gate boss: Behemoth
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Ep..." She yelped feeling the tremors in the earth Marcie slowly turned to see the giant horned demon that cut off any possible retreat feeling utterly outmatched Marcie knew she probable wasn't ready for this beast and attempted to run towards the gates of the castle hopefully outrunning him or at least hoping the castle gates would be strong enough to stop him once she got there.

"AHHHH!" She yelled running for dear life.