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Vampire Killer (Feris)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Marcie looked around in the darkness, the laughter echoed around her filling her with a mixture of dread and hatred. "No matter what you hunters do it will all end the same....I shall rise...." Marcie froze as the man emerged from the darkness, her sister by his side, her skin pale and irises red. "Marcie I'm so lonely....I miss my sister." Marcie fought back tears as her sister approached, unable to strike at her. "It feels so goooooood...." Her sister embraced her before plunging her fangs into Marcie's neck.

Marcie cried out as she jumped awake, startling most of the train car she had dozed off in. After an awkward moment everyone went back to their business leaving her to quietly begin easing her racing heart after having the same nightmare she's had many times during her trip which would be over soon, the train was only about an hour from it's destination. An elderly woman sitting by her patted Marcie on the arm, "Are you okay dear? You look like you've seen a ghost, and so young to be traveling alone."
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Ah" Marcie huddled herself to her embarrassment after awakening from the nightmare that she experienced as then she felt a small warmth from an elderly lady whom appeared concerned for her.

"Yes thank you for your concern just had a bad dream is all and I certainly won't be alone when I get to my destination." Marcie replied trying not to worry the old woman secretly clutching her other hand it was hard to accept that eventually she would probably have to fight her sister as well as the murderer of her family if he was truly the lord of darkness that remained to be seen. She sunk in back into her seat unfamiliar and a bit scarred of what she was going to have to brave in the coming days would she succeed or fail everything possible outcome frightened her waiting for the train to arrive to its next destination.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie: HP:80 MP:3 STR:90 INT:30

The train safely made the trip to the station and Marcie saw a man waving a lantern outside on the station platform which didn't seem to have many lights on it. "Wallachia! Wallachia!" he shouted walking up and down the train. Marcie appeared to be the only passenger disembarking getting a few glances and one woman seems to pray as she walks by. As soon as she steps on the platform she can see it...off in the distance against the moon. Dracula's Castle. The station manager looks up at it with her. "I'm afraid you're a bit early miss it isn't open to the public yet."
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Those words struck into her heart as she heard the crier singling it was her to depart with a small wave of farewell to the old woman she grabbed her briefcase and exited the train car noticing she was the only one who got off seeing a woman seemingly praying inside the cart for her or maybe something else. She then took a deep look at the now fully erected Castle that supposedly belonged to the lord of darkness as it glistened in the moonlight making quite easily to spot before she was interrupted by the station manager. "It's okay I'll just take a look around then." She replied to the man obviously lying afterall it was her soul purpose for being here as she attempted to leave the station yet as soon as she was within a safety limit she would peer into her briefcase and grab her families fabled whip though it wasn't the main families it was still a formidable weapon tying it to her waist as she took a deep breath.

"Well here I come lord of darkness prepare yourself!" She shouted pointing directly at the castle as she took a rather alternate route to the castle through the woods and rivers to reach it instead of the main road.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie found the woods peaceful and devoid of life. That is until a swarm of owls begin diving out of the trees screeching at her the sudden assault and her inexperience with her chosen weapon causes her to recieve many claws and pecks before she fights them off. As she approached the river she knelt down to get a drink but as she leaned over a fishman jutted out of the water and blasted her backwards into a tree with a fireball to the chest scorching a hole in her clothes, she dove away from it's second attack just in time and only getting her sleeve singed before lashing out and destroying the fish. After a moment to catch her breath Marcie saw she could follow the river to the base of the cliffs the castle rested on or follow a winding path through the woods to the front gates of the castle.

(Marcie takes 19 damage from the combined owl swarm and fishman surprise)

Marcie: HP:69 MP:3

((She rolled extremely poor for the fishman attack ^_^'))
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(Well isn't that reminiscent I usually always failed miserably at the start though I died mostly do I get any continues in this? XD )

As she entered the woods the scenery was quite tranquil that is until she entered what seemed to be a near a nest of crazed owls who descended upon like a plague. Try as she might all she could do was flee suffering some injury. Out of breath and a bit injured Marcie stumbled upon a river seeking to quench her already dried throat she sought a sip but just as she closed her eyes in relief a merman appeared before her with a gortugue fish appearance spitting out it's fabled fireball the first one layed a scorch upon her cloth. "AH!" She yelped jumping backwards desperately trying to put out the flame which succeeded but left quite a large hole in her shirt before the beast could launch another one Marcie leapt at him a lashed out her whip effectively cutting him in two.

"Wah...no way I should of brought an extra pair now I'm going to have to walk around like this...I just hope I have my body covered before I reach Dracula. That is if I reach him." Marcie wept as her first appearance now went badly though she knew she had to continue on because there was hardly anyone to do this deed.

She decided to proceed through the forest not wanting to experience anymore merman or loss of clothing she thought the woods would be a safer bet.

(Take the Winding Forest path)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(Yeah, even if you "die" you'll restart from the same point completely recovered though certain bosses might impart a curse on you until you can defeat them and get purified. I share your luck though, I can only beat the ones you're able to grind levels in.....stupid pits+medusa heads)

The entire path is fairly uneventful until Marcie approaches the gates. A far cry from the ragged old things she heard about in stories, these gates were state of the art and seemed made to keep people from entering the construction site where the castle was gaining it's finishing touches. Just as everything seems normal the gargoyles suddenly turn their heads to her and take flight circling around in the air growling.

Miniboss: Gargoyle Duo

(Everyone is starting off with horrible luck, this could be an interesting game heh. Minibosses are turn by turn, just list what Marcie begins her offensive with)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie saw the duo as they circled around her to intimidate their prey she gathered whatever courage she could muster and once again unleashed her whip though this time she waited knowing she couldn't be aggressive in a fight like this. 'There up and away while I'm stuck down here though when the first one attacks he won't be able to go anywhere. Marcie thought confidently as she waited for one of the stoned figures to attack her though her plan was rather simple to latch on to a body part of the first gargoyle that attacked then proceed to literally rule over him by dragging him to the ground every time he'd try to take flight if possible to also drag him into the walls to damage him.

Though she worried about how the other would react she knew focusing on defeating one at a time was the best option left to her.

(Attack First Gargoyle that assaults her)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

(Natural 20, finally got lucky heh)

The first gargoyle swoops down at Marcie missing her completely. Almost as if some sort of instinct kicks in Marcie lashes out and attaches the whip to the beasts neck and screaming with fury she flings it through the air and smashes it into dust on a nearby tree. The second gargoyle swoops down after this display and again misses Marcie and gets snagged by the leg and yanked to the ground smashing into several pieces, gasping as it dies and turns back to stone.

"That was impressive Ms. Morris." A man with impecably shined shoes and a completely perfect suit and tie steps out of the forest clapping slowly. "Even though you do not wield the full power of the vampire killer and have had no training, it is comforting to see the Morris clan still retains the skill to take the Belmont's place for the time being." He casually straightens his tie. "I know why you're here because that is why I'm here. And unfortunatly even people like us would be unwise to to force our way in there right now. What would you say to the guards and police that showed up after you kicked open that gate with the alarm system still active?" He brushes back his jet black hair casually raising an eyebrow.

[Marcie became level 2]

HP:90 MP:3 STR:100 INT:35 HP refilled
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie let out a relieving sigh as she finished off the last of the gargoyle duo and proceeds to walk toward the gate.

*Stage Clear music*

Though before she could draw closure a rather savvy voice drew her attention to the forest she got into a ready fighting stance expecting the worst but it turned out to be a rather well dressed man whom just identified himself as having the same purpose as her in being here pointing out the obvious flaws of what she was currently doing. "Well I had hoped many of the cops hadn't gotten far into the castle but I figured I'd just defeat Dracula quickly?" She stated showing her inexperience with fighting such creatures certainly would give the man second thoughts about speaking with the hunter. "Well how would you go about this? Since your already here." She would ask him querying after his first response.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Well I would just wait until they opened it in a day. Truthfully I can't explain why you're here. I sense darkness in the surrounding area, but not Dracula's. However I felt this was too much of a coincidence to pass up just to be safe." He gives a slight bow. "I'm sorry, my manners, I am Genya Ms. Morris. I'm an....associate of the church. I have a room rented in town, I'll not be needing it tonight. Too much business I'm afraid, perhaps we can find a replacement shirt for you as well?"

(3 choices, stay in town and just skip ahead a day, wander the woods for a day/night and fight [list number of fights you want to get into before hand], kick down the gate and take on the coppers)
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Huh AH!" Marcie covers up her hole in the shirt with her outer jacket slightly blushing at the prospect of how perceptive this man of the cloth was. Though she hated the thought of actually waiting for this place to open. 'If I wait then people might be in actual danger before it has time to unveil itself ho...But if I charge into the place I might just cause a huge commotion I bet my ancestors didn't have this problem.' Marcie sighed weighing her options and not liking the one she though was the only wise one.

"I'll take you up on that offer if your sure that Dracula's not here..." She stated lightly sighing in his direction as she extended her hand toward the road beyond beckoning him to lead on.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

He nods politely and leads Marcie down the main road back to the villiage, the entire trip she can hear things lurking and watching from the shadows but they seem not willing to attack her new friend. "I assure you I'd know, and your grandparents had the luxury of Dracula's castle appearing out of thin air in the middle of nowhere during a war. Not some foolish man trying to make it a trourist trap." They do indeed scrounge up a replacement shirt for Marcie and he hands her the keys to a room in a local bed & breakfast giving her access to a hot bed, shower, and warm bed for the first time since....since...it all started....
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie nodded as they reached the intended hotel room before parting ways for the day she stopped the man. "I'd like to thank you Genya but can you please not call me mrs Morris I just turned 20...My names Marcie" She introduced herself showing she probable had faith in this man's word for his generously rendered toward her. After a brief farewell exchange she locked the door eagerly she threw off her sweaty clothes wanting to expel the anxiety she experienced today through the shower she already had warmed to her delight.

As she standed there thinking in the warmth and realizing that her battle with the dark lord wasn't going to as quick as she hoped with today's technology she had to be extra careful not to get everyone caught up in this mess but if she let things drag out too long something terrible might happen to the nearby villages it was certainly a dilemma that darkened the mind. She soon departed from the shower adorning her bathrobe that came with the room soon drowsiness came over her and she slept with just her underwear and the robe though she kept her whip nearby in case any other creatures decided to be brave.

Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie's night goes peacefully, in her dreams however she's fighting again. The dark looming figure laughs as Marcie falls to the ground, "Your father died by my hand and your grandfather could not defeat me without help. And you child, you think you can win alone? You will perish and your fithy line will be extinguished!" As the figure moves forward another she had never seen before wearing a cape steps between them facing the darkness. "Not alone." Before she can see their face her eyes open to the morning sun.

After getting ready and feeling well rested Marcie spots Genya in the dining room with several other people downstairs with his face buried in a newspaper.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Marcie grunts in agony as the dream she experiences causes her to feel the pain of being utterly helpless against a superior enemy yet the illusion seemed to disappear at the sight of a new figure who appeared infront of Marcie as to help her combat the evil but before she could get a clear look upon him the light of the sun forced her eyes to open and awake to the new day. "haaa..." She sighed stretching out and taking a early shower before adorning her clothes along with new shirt she acquired.

Taking her trusted whip and tying it to her waist Marcie proceeded to the dining room to get some breakfast. When she arrived she saw the man that met her at Dracula's castle the one whom said she had potential but was vastly underdeveloped now that she remembers correctly sighing at that prospect she moved toward him, as she took a seat right next to him.

"I've been thinking...You said that I didn't really have the proper skills of a full fledged Vampire killer so do you think if I maybe recruited more people on my quest I'd stand a chance you know like what Trevor Belmont did." She asked speaking of hey long bygone predecessor who gained the help of Dracula's son a well renown thief and a power magician. "Do you know of any people around here like that?" She would ask afterwords knowing that those people were long dead except maybe for Alucard but nobody has seen him since the time of Richter Belmont.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Perhaps, though as I said I do not think Dracula is coming, the church has a much different concern." He looks around folding up his paper and making sure no one is in earshot. "The man who is building the castle has been acting suspiciously for months. We're not sure what his goals are but we must cover all our bases. Even without awakening the whip you should be a match for him and anything he can conjure." Genya calmly finishes his coffee. "Unfortunatly I'm unaware of any others who could help you, our own resources are stretched woefully thin trying to suppress all the uprising of monsters around the world."
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

Giving a dull expression at his reply Marcie sighed now completely unsure what she should be doing if Dracula hadn't or maybe wasn't even being resurrected then her purpose here...No there was another reason she was here.

"I see well then have you seen a blond vampire with a black haired woman slightly taller than me?" If a no followed she would asked in turn ("Oh...Well what should I be doing I don't think just waiting for the dark lord to rear himself would sit well with my ancestors.")
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"You mean your sister? Yes she's here somewhere, I'm not sure where though. You know we were quite concerned when your parents turned up dead and you both missing." He picks his paper back up and resumes reading idly.
Re: Vampire Killer (Feris)

"Sorry I told the local quire what happened but I was kinda distraught to let everyone know what had transpired and I didn't really want everyone to know as for my sister. She isn't a sister to me anymore if I view her like that I might not be able to..." Marcie crutches back as if aching to finish that sentence but shrugs it off by shaking her head.

"Nevermind...Anyway we should concentrate on what we can do now to prevent any surprises from this so called contractor so what can I do to help you out?" She asked trying to ignore her struggles of acutally killing her sister by focusing on her duty.