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Awww thanks.

I'm glad you think the demo alone was one of the best game play experiences you've had. Makes me feel more confident after some low review scores, and bad messages.

I'd rather not compare it to Dark Souls though XD.
I myself am not the biggest fan of Dark Souls. I have experience playing with other good turn-based dungeon rpgs like Etrian Odyssey, 7th Dragon, and am quite the fan of fighting games as well.
Ah yes, I really just used Dark Souls because that is the generic "hard" game, but obviously your game is nothing like Dark Souls, it is just similar in that you have to really understand the mechanics, or you can get destroyed by the "trash" mobs. Even there your game differs, as there aren't really "trash" mobs, but you get what I mean. It really is nice and I can't wait to see how it ends up. I'm betting low reviews are just people who can't win and want an easy fap, which your game doesn't provide, especially given that your game is still very much a demo and doesn't have a lot of content yet.
I also really like Ason's cum pet game. Their new title(Cursed Blacksmith) is also really up my alley.

Maybe I'm spending too much time with fans on the discord. My vision of the game's difficulty got warped, and I started forgetting the new player experience. The Rouge buffs made you think this was a qte game when it's really not.

I decided to really go at it and finally managed to beat the game (Well... on easy mode 😅). Once I realized that by patterns you mean the EXACT same arrows each enemy uses. I thought that by patterns you meant the general tendency the enemy uses (Say Rouge prefers horizontal arrows in pattern 1).

I just have one thing to ask you, what causes the white diamonds to sometimes have "?" instead of an actual arrow? Is it to make the game a little harder?
Once I realized that by patterns you mean the EXACT same arrows each enemy uses. I thought that by patterns you meant the general tendency the enemy uses (Say Rouge prefers horizontal arrows in pattern 1).
That is what threw me off for the longest time too. I also thought that pattern meant that I have to figure out the generel tendencies, not that each pattern is identical each time.
Maybe a different word than "pattern" should be used here as I feel it misleads players to think the arrows are just similar each turn, not the exact same each turn.
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I just have one thing to ask you, what causes the white diamonds to sometimes have "?" instead of an actual arrow? Is it to make the game a little harder?
You get a few free arrows depending on the speed. At super low speeds you might not get any at all. It's to ameliorate the randomness of the game.
Hi, if someone needs I made the cheats. In the file you'll find the 100% save file too ^^
(link with adfly below)

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Hi, if someone needs I made the cheats. In the file you'll find the 100% save file too ^^
<This is an adfly link>
Not that I mind you posting saves and cheats, but you really should mark your links as adfly links. Some people actually have old machines, and they're at the most risk for adware which adfly's known to spread.

Why my game though? I promise you my game's not big enough for that XD.
Not that I mind you posting saves and cheats, but you really should mark your links as adfly links. Some people actually have old machines, and they're at the most risk for adware which adfly's known to spread.

Why my game though? I promise you my game's not big enough for that XD.
Hi, thank you for the advice, I've just modified the old message.
I chose your game because I really enjoyed it and at the same time I found it a little difficult ^^
By the way, good luck with the game! I think that it has a lot of potential.
A quality free game?!I found a good game after a long time!!LOL (What a Moneyless Man Say)
Hey uh, it's been a while since we've heard anything from you guys, although I've seen your artist's just added a few new characters to ci-en.
How's overall progress coming along with this title?
Hey uh, it's been a while since we've heard anything from you guys, although I've seen your artist's just added a few new characters to ci-en.
How's overall progress coming along with this title?
Art wise which is Uramomo's portion really really well.
In fact, from an artistic perspective the game's practically done.

Programming wise, which is my portion. Not too good. I'm redoing the beginning of the game to feel like a full game, and I've been stuck on it for some time now. I'm making progress but it's slow.
That's nice to hear (most of it xD).

Just my grain of salt
1604440567063.png ,
don't overthink it. You've clearly gone for a light-hearted, carefree guideline, suitable for a simple, short game.

It's OK to go for a 'show, don't tell' design: think more FOBS / Milky Quest (and less Chrono Trigger). Names (Y, R, G, B...) are already a big hint, you don't have to write 10 000 lines of story to make sense.
The player WILL find sense if he/she doesn't get bored BFing. Don't have a plot line? Just include some hints at the very end, and you're good. Struggling with the difficulty curve or RPG progression? Screw it, fok balancing, FOBS/MQ have neither, and you don't need 'em since no fight gets too easy or too hard that way - proven by the demo.

That's coming from someone convinced by the BF mechanics, and the initial feel SexMachine gives, but: more of the same is good enough IMHO.
I willingly oversimplify, but:
I'm pretty proud of the general system we made. I feel like it's rewarding to understand how the girls move, while dealing with the enemies skills.
I think I did a relatively good job with the enemy AI as well.
Other quotes (un-exhaustive & chrono-logical):
- Game looks fantastic
- Really unique battle system I haven't seen before. [+truckload of sensible comments]
- This game looks really good
- Game looks great, and the battle system is super neat
- looks very promising!
- I have to say, I'm rather impressed!
- I can confirm all of the above ;)

-> You have all rights and reasons to feel confident, and much to capitalize on.
This was designed as a short game as an improvised collab. Keep it simple - Milky Quest style.

Simple, practical and realistic, are words which built empires. Over-ambition, one that'd destroy them - including in the egg. Procrastinating before a gold mine doesn't get the gold out (speaking from personal experience).

It'd be a bit silly to be stuck in a rut, when all that would reasonably suffice is 4-5 maps exactly like the Demo one, with no real desideratum for other mechanics (they'd be a cherry on top, at best, and most of us would rather pop them anyway).

The existing system is already sufficiently complicated, and not overly so; consider dismissing entirely whatever is eating up your development time (and courage). Your ideas ain't wasted, since you can always do another game afterward - a sequel, even (PureDreamCreate as proof, to keep it robotic).
TL,DR: all that we've seen so far is solid enough. Don't overthink it(x2). We'd rather have a short game complete and out, with all the flaws it might or might not have.

PS/disclaimer: yeah... Do NOT read the above with a condescending, Morgan Freeman tone. Imagine it's a little femdomy cheerful loli robot narrating (while kicking your butt if you're into that... kind of encouragement).
Art wise which is Uramomo's portion really really well.
In fact, from an artistic perspective the game's practically done.

Programming wise, which is my portion. Not too good. I'm redoing the beginning of the game to feel like a full game, and I've been stuck on it for some time now. I'm making progress but it's slow.

No worries, take all the time you need. As the other guy said, don't make your milestones too complicated, simple games sell a lot more than unfinished ambitious projects do.

Also when you say you're redoing the beginning, are you going to make a sort of intro + bunch of cutscenes to lead into the first area?
I have to admit, I've been wondering how Igrec even got himself into that situation to begin with.
TL,DR: all that we've seen so far is solid enough. Don't overthink it(x2). We'd rather have a short game complete and out, with all the flaws it might or might not have.

PS/disclaimer: yeah... Do NOT read the above with a condescending, Morgan Freeman tone. Imagine it's a little femdomy cheerful loli robot narrating (while kicking your butt if you're into that... kind of encouragement).
You misunderstand. It's not like I don't have confidence in my ability as a developer or am struggling from a design standpoint.
These are 90% technical struggles piled onto my personal life.

simple games sell a lot more than unfinished ambitious projects do.
I intend to keep the game small for sure. Better to finish a game than to not, I agree.
What a shame that we're all too old to play with dolls. :cry:
If not, Uramomo could have given you some candy.
Oh well,I guess you can still check the ci-en for Jaune's fully animated, in-game spoiler. ;)

Link for the old boys who would still shamelessly play with squishy cutesy dolls:
PS: let me know if the pics are a problem.

Making good progress on a programming level.
Progression system making good progress.
Level design making good progress.
New Text Engine putting in work to add personality.

I know it's been a while since you guys have seen an update, but please remember the scope of this game was supposed to be small.
Yes I haven't posted for a while, but the scope of the game HASN'T changed.

I was slow in development because of real life getting in the way.
You know, I wonder if this is a person's job. If it is, I never understand the "real life" situations getting in the way. If it's a hobby it's different. But if I'm at work, and something happens in my real life, I still have to go to work, or I don't pay my bills that month. Maybe it's an asshole way to think about things, but I never understand the real life reasonings if making these kinds of games is your actual job and how you make a living.
I never understand the real life reasonings if making these kinds of games is your actual job and how you make a living.
You answered your own question.
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