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Universe of Pleasure Signups


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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I'm looking into restarting this under a different name, as well as drastically changed mechanics. Over the next few days or so I'll be adding in all the pertinent information as I can, but figured I'd start off with an interest thread to see who might all be wanting to run this again, so here we are!
I'll take the case.

Name: Alicia Langray
Race: Atlantean
Class: Rogue (Ranged/Amazon)

Background: Alicia is the daughter of Elise Langray, by an Atlantean woman who rescued her and Brianna from the planet they were trapped on. Elise and Brianna were both rather exhausted after they had been rescued, but Elise's libido had, thanks to the corruption she had sustained, shot through the roof. She was eager to have lots of fun while on the Atlantean vessel, and had had lots of sex with several of the ladies on there, one of whom was an Atlantean by the name of Adelle.

Growing up, Alicia learned all she could from both of her parents, and while she knew the risks, she went against her parents wishes and joined the resistance to combat the corruption. She was scared, but she had to get justice for her "father" who had been so corrupted by the demonic influence. (More background to come later)
Made a slight change on the character races (Playable) and added Hybrids as playable options. The sheet Mindflayer has posted up is a rough template to work with. When I have a bit more time I will post a more concrete form (you'll have the option IF you want to take a Unique Interaction, more info to come on those soon, NPC's all have them so when their sheets are up you'll be able to see that.)
Posted up all of the enemies, bosses and traps in the game. NPC stuff is coming soon, as will be the full on creation sheet. Hoping to have the rest in place later this week, or early next week.
Added in Counter Attacks and Critical Hits, NPC lists coming soon.

Primary Character Creation Template (Example below):

Name: Seraphina Red
Race: Human
Class: Combat Mage (Curses)

Unique Interactions: This can be mostly anything you want as long as it fits in the mechanics of the game (and if it doesn't I can likely help you tweak it so it does.) An example might be the character is weaker against Succubus foes and thus takes extra pleasure. You do NOT have to put one in if you don't want to. Please note if you do create one, if it overlaps with a Racial Trait it will stack with them, so if for example you went with an Elf who was weak to tentacles, you'd get BOTH weakness points to hit on her anytime she got raped by something with Tentacles. I will look into adding a sub-section on the Bestiary that breaks down what enemies fall into what type of class to assist with this.

Background Story: Optional. They could be a 'new recruit' so to speak, or an older survivor.

Speaking of ages, don't worry about them as with the advances in magic and science in this, most races effectively live thousands (or more) years. and have drastically decelerated aging processes. So a 600 year old human might only look like she's 30-40 at most.
OK, everything that needs to be up and included already now is. I will give this until next Monday morning before starting with anyone who has posted a character (thus far only Mindflayer).