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United Kingdom, Europe

Re: United Kingdom, Europe

"Your welcome. Good Luck RJ."

After they had left the armory, Helen gave RJ a picture.

"That's Clara, if you see her tell her you were sent by me, she'll stick with you after then. John will teleport you to the last known spot where she was, which shouldn't be very far from where Chris and his team are, so you should be able to hook up with them easily enough. I do have to warn you though, we've had no contact from them whatsoever since John took them there, and we can't raise them. So this essentially may be a one way ticket for now until we can figure out why we can't reach them. Just be careful alright? Ashley's going to want you to come back in one piece you know."

A slight chuckle, and she led him through the main doors of the Sanctuary, where John was already waiting.

"Are you ready?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger's embarrassment was hidden by the hood, as well as his lips which did not respond to Helen's tease. However, when asked if he was ready, Roger shook his head, "No, no I'm not fucking ready to go into the desert... But, I've gotta go there anyway..." he said with a sigh. "Lets get this over with."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen laughed lightly and shook her head.

"Yeah, Ashley's going to get along with you REAL well. Have fun Roger, and good luck."

With a nod to John, the Druid put his hand on Roger's shoulder, and the two vanished.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

A knock sounded on the door, delivering the coffin. Helen was led to understand from the Japanese Sanctuary network that there was an abnormal inside, but they had been unable to get the thing open, and had sent it to her. She was fairly confident that Henry and Bigfoot could open it with their strength, and had immediately set them to work on it, monitoring just in case.

Now said Coffin was in one of the main rooms, overlooking the rest of the Sanctuary. Visible were several partitions, one which a single mermaid female could be seen, eagerly watching to see what had been brought in today.

Henry, who stood about five nine walked over, and began to work on the lid. Opposite of him, Bigfoot, who was essentially a Yeti, was working the other side. They'd confirmed that whatever abnormal was inside seemed to be deep asleep, and thus had agreed they could safely open the coffin.

((Take it away Oni, this should be hilarious.))
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

As the two try to pry open the coffin they'd soon realise that all the strength they could muster would not remove the lid of the coffin.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

After several minutes Henry threw up his arms in disgust.

"Looks like conventional methods aren't gonna open this huh big guy?"

The big guy shook his head.

"So it would seem Henry. Perhaps something more ... powerful?"

Henry nodded.

"Yeah, cutting laser it is. Go ahead and step back big fella, this is gonna get warm."

He reached over for the cutting laser, which was small enough to be held in one hand, and turned the device on, moving it towards the coffin seam even as the big guy took a step back ....
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

As the cutting laser got closer to the coffin the lid suddenly flies off, soaring into the air and landing several metres away from the coffin itself.

"Who dares disturb my eternal slumber?" A soft, quiet voice asks with a tone of annoyance. A hand, or more appropriately a paw reaches out and grabs onto the edge of the coffin, and as the owner of the paw pulls itself up a small cat-like creature appears dressed in a kimono and cloak with a katana usually used by humans hanging around his back.

"Wha- Where am I?" He cat asks suddenly as he looks around at the unfamiliar location, he snaps up his katana from the base of the coffin and unsheathes it.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Henry took a step back, raising one hand and all hell broke loose.

The Big Guy, seeing the sword, drew up to his full height and let loose a roar that shook the room, putting aside what he'd been holding, accepting the feline's challenge before circling the area.

"WHOA Big guy, hold on just a second."

He turned to the feline and spoke.

"Ok, how the hell am I supposed to explain this. Your inside what we call the Sanctuary, it's a place abnormals can come to live without fear of being hunted. Your currently in the United Kingdom. Wait a second, is that a Japanese Katana?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

The cat let out a hiss as the yeti roars, and was about to leap at him before the other man addressed first his partner and then himself.

"Abnormals? ABNORMALS?! Is that how the world see's Guardian Spirits now?" The feline says angrily at Henry as he turns to address him. "The 'United Kingdom'? So, it looks like I'm not in Japan anymore." He mutters to himself, now turned away from Henry. Sheathing his sword back up the cat sits down on the edge of the coffin, his feet barely touching the floor below.

"Yes, the sword I wield is a katana from Japan, and judging by this place, as well as your attire I can safely assume this isn't the 13th century?" The cat now speaks softly again, his voice coming out slow but deliberate.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Henry and the Big Guy shared a shocked look before Henry finally replied.

"Thirteenth Century? That's where your from? Oh boy are you a long way from home then. No, this is the twenty first century, the year is two thousand nine. And what the heck is a guardian spirit?"

At that point a door opened and a woman walked in, motioning to the Yeti.

"Wait outside, I think we can handle this, and I think your just making him antsy."

The Yeti nodded to her respectfully.

"Very well Helen. Yell if you need me."

After he had left, the woman turned to him and spoke.

"Sorry about that, he took your sword trick there as a challenge to attack. His species are naturally accepting of challenges like that, so if you would please try to be a bit more careful around him. Now, you mentioned the thirteenth century? That would be feudal times in Japan if my memory serves. I honestly can't say that I've ever heard of a guardian spirit, at least not one that was able to take a physical form like you have. As for abnormals, it's a term used to categorize anyone not human who appears to be so. For example, Henry here appears to be human, but he's actually a form of werewolf. I myself contain vampire blood, though thankfully I don't have need to go sucking blood. I don't know how well you knew the world's geography then, but if you knew it well, you are now on the continent of Europe. Welcome to the UK's Sanctuary Mr ..."

She trailed off, obviously searching for a proper name to give him, patiently waiting. The feline would note that she, unlike Henry, had a very definite accent of some kind, and she also seemed to know a lot more about how to deal with someone like him than anyone who was as young as her should.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

"The twenty first century?" The cat mutters to himself, his small paw stroking his chin as if he was thinking. And as he was about to answer Henry's question Helen walked in and addressed the yeti.

"Murasame," He says to Helen. "And I don't believe I've ever heard of such a land as this place." Murasame hops down off the side of the coffin, the katana strapped to his back rattles lightly. "'Guardian Spirit' is merely a title given to myself and others of my kind by the Japanese people. We acted just as you'd expect of such a title; we protected the family that adopted us, defended them against any evils, be that from the mortal realm or beyond it." Murasame pauses for a moment, a look of pain flashes over his features for the merest of seconds as if he was remembering something unpleasant. He then continued to speak. "My people are not originally of this realm. We come from the spirit realm, born from the prayers of the dead so that we may protect their loved ones. We were never bestowed a true name as such, instead opting to take up the mantle given to us by our families. My personal name comes from my families most treasured possession.

"Werewolves, vampires? It appears as if this time period is even more strange than I had first anticipated. There's much I need to learn then." Murasame pauses for a moment, sniffing at the air as if he had suddenly caught a scent. "And I do believe I've picked up a delicious scent, is there fish in this building somewhere?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen listened quietly, absorbing things in and no doubt filing them away in her mind.

She did however let off a small chuckle at the mention of fish.

"Yes, there's plenty of eatable fish here, I imagine you smell Will's cooking. It is however possible that your smelling Sally. Allow me to explain by showing you."

She opened one of the 'windows' of the room, and he would be able to spot a strikingly beautiful female mermaid staring at him from her tank with curiosity. She had placed one hand upon the glass, and suddenly he would feel as if she had spoken, just directly to his mind.

"Hello there, good to meet you."

At Murasame's likely surprised reaction, Helen nodded her head.

"Her species is somewhat telepathic. I have no doubt she'll try, if she hasn't already, to communicate with you in that manner."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

At the sight of the mermaid Murasame's mouth dropped open, not out of surprise but out of delight. After all, it had been 700 years since he had last eaten and the specimen in front of him was almost too tempting to pass up, even if it was half human.

"Uh, er, greetings," Murasame replies to Sally, recomposing himself.

"Telepathic? Hrm...I'm not sure I've heard that term used before, though I'm assuming it's the ability to communicate mentally?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen nodded.

"Yes, quite right. Think of it too as thought projection, and don't worry she can't read your mind if your concerned about that. Now then, I do believe you were hungry? If so, perhaps you'd like me to take you somewhere that you can get something to eat?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

"You misunderstand, my people don't become hungry, or even feel the need to perform most of the actions that mortal beings need to do. I've simply grown fond of the taste of fish, and after being asleep for so long the smell is rather enticing." Murasame lets out a sigh as he looks around the area. "Well, I've been awake long enough. I think it's time I returned to my coffin. I have yet to fully repent for my sins." Murasame clutches the human-sized katana and sighs again before moving towards the coffin he had come out of.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen blinked slightly then spoke.

"What sins? And I'm actually surprised you don't want to learn more of the world as it is now. Or for that matter, be interested in the fact that one man threatens the entire world with the extinction of life as all of us know it."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

"My sins?" Murasame repeats, hanging his head he sighs. "I allowed my adoptive family to be slaughtered. I was too drugged up on catnip to help them and so to repent for my sins I've forced myself into seclusion. I'm not worthy of returning to my people because I failed in the only duty I was born to do. And without anything to protect this world does not interest me." Sighing again Murasame makes to move towards his coffin again though stops after Helen finishes talking. "Someone is threatening this world? Maybe...I may be able to finally repent for my sins if I help..." Murasame says to himself more than to anyone else in the room. "Alright, I'll assist you." He says as he turns to face Helen.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

A small smile crept to her lips as she nodded.

"Very well, if you'll follow me I'll explain to you what's going on, and why you'll be traveling to another continent if your going to be helping."

After they had exited, she would tell him of Chris, the Warehouse mission to stop Wesker, and just exactly what Wesker was up to with Uroboros.

((If your not sure Oni, feel free to PM me or IM me later and I'll fully explain, or just catch up on posts.))
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

"The situation is more severe than I first though then," Murasame says gravely as Helen finishes speaking. "Alright, from now on until the threat has been eliminated I pledge my sword to you and your peoples." Murasame bows his head to Helen. "My lady, when might I be sent to this 'Nigeria'? Your people may be in danger and I wish to be of some help as soon as I can."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen nodded to him.

"As soon as your ready to go I'll have John take you. I do warn you though, be prepared to teleport."

John meanwhile had entered the room. He stood around six foot or so, and was bald. He wore a black trench coat, and had a scar over his mouth where a blade must have once hit him.

"Whenever your ready, let me know. Have you ever teleported before?"