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Tremmie (Dreana)


Nov 12, 2008
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Always eager to learn more, especially things best left unknown tends to get Tremmie into trouble. She has always seemed to be able to to get herself out of the stickiest of situations. This time she might have over done it...

Rumors in her hometown of a mysterious temple in the mountains have circulated as long as she could remember. Probably longer she thought. There were rumors of horrendous atrocities in the worship of their gods. They would kidnap young women and use them for unspeakable, and admittedly often unknown, acts. Most people figured they were merely used as sacrifices, but other rumors were whispered behind closed doors.

The truth is what brought Tremmie to this place. She had hoped to find out for sure what happened to all the young women from her and other nearby villages. It took her a lot of searching through the rocks and cliffs of the mountainside, but she finally found a small hatch in the ground. Opening it, she peered inside. While trying to get a better vantage point, she slipped, and fell right into what she could only assume is an entrance hall.

Looking back up toward the now shut hatch, she resigns herself to the fact that she could never climb back up there without some sort of help. Tremmie looks around, and she quickly notices a grand hallway that continues directly in front of her. There are also two smaller hallways flanking her: one to the left and one to the right. Eager to find a way out, she looks to these hallways, wondering which will lead her to her answers - and a way out.

Actions: Pick a hallway (grand, left, right)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*would grumble to herself for such a foolish accident and now finding herself trapped for the moment she would dust herself off giving each of the hallways consideration. eyes moviung back and forth amongst the three she brought one hand up to her chin as if in careful consideration. finally a decision would be reached and she started off toards the hallway to the left keeping close to the walls as she moved along feeling for cubby holes or anything she could use to hide should she stumble across the residencts of this place* "this will be easy enough.."

(left hallway)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

Tremmie, careful to avoid any undue attention, made her way through the hallway. before long she comes across a plain opening into a larger room. Carefully making her way in, she immediately noticed strange things about the floor. Bending down to inspect the crack in the floor, she heard a slam of stone on stone. Startled, she fell forward, onto a some sort of pressure pad. She heard a something wizz above her. She held still for a moment or two, waiting to make sure nothing else happened.

After she was convinced that nothing else was going to fly at her, she carefully crawled off of the pad. That is when she realized what the slam was. The door she had just entered was suddenly blocked. She did not know if it was coincidence or some mischievous intent, but either way she was not going back the was she came. Scanning the booby trapped room, She saw a door clear across it. She sat a moment, trying to determine the best path through the room.

It would be possible for a smart person to disable the linkages she sees lining the walls, and that could possibly stop the arrows from flying. She could also make a mad dash, hoping not to be caught by any of the traps. Finally, she could tiptoe, hoping not to trip anything.

Actions: Disable (INT check), Dash across(STA check), or tip-toe (AGI check)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*sitting upon a knee she would inspect the floor looking it over bit by bit figuring out at least what she though may be a safe path eyes glancing back to the locked door once more she frowned and shook her head before deciding upon allowing pure speed she set herself and eyed what she felt the best course to move along and bolted forward pushing herself at her fastest and then diving headlong into a roll to make it the last distance of the way through this gauntlet of arrows*

(dash through)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

(LUK 2+5=7 vs. 35; Luck roll fails.... badly >.<)
(STA 18+12=30 vs. 19; STA passes)

Tremmie dashed forward into a roll and was almost stopped there. Her roll lands her squarely on a pressure pad. She cursed her luck as she felt the floor fall beneath her. Quickly rolling to her side, she is able to narrowly escape a fall into a pit that was much too deep for her liking. She gets back up and dashes the rest of the way to the doorway, the whole time hearing traps set off behind her. She makes it to the door and quickly enters. Not surprisingly, the door slams behind her. The quickness of the doors closing tend to suggest that someone is actively watching her...

She found herself in a small, artificially lit room. In the center of the room, there was a large flower with many tendrils and vines emanating from its petals. She immediately recognized it from her formal training. It was a rare from of trap plant. Unlike many of the less exotic forms of plant traps that tend to capture flies and other small insects, this plant feeds off of the life force of humanoids, particularly young females. She also knew that either the vines or the tendrils were significantly weaker, if only she could remember which was which...

Tremmie knows that she must tread carefully around this dangerous plant. If she is caught by one of the many tendrils that cover the floors and walls, she could easily be dragged into the plant and would have a hard time escaping. She sees only two options. First would be to use her limited botany skills to avoid the stronger parts of the plant. Secondly, she could side step the plant altogether, but one false step could send her falling face first into a group of the plant's members.

Actions: Determine whether the vines or tendrils are weaker (INT check), tip-toe around the vines, avoiding as many as possible (AGI check)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*grumbling at a string of rotten luck and then as she figures she must be being watched for the reactions of these doors she narrowed her eyes looking all around wondering how she could be under watch of whoever was doing this. for now she could not and would not find any clues of her watcher but put her attention on the task at hand and not trusting her botany skills in this instance she would press forward gingerly moving with as much care and grace as possible to avoild even brushing near one of the tendrils of this plant not wishing to be food for it in any capacity.*

(tip-toe with agility)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

(LUK 7+5=13 vs. 7; Luck fails)
(AGI 14+12=26 vs. 25; AGI passes)

Tremmie tiptoed though the vines and tendrils, very carefully avoiding most of them. When she got near the plant itself, it shot a tendril directly at her. Instinctively she dove forward, out of the way of the tindril... right into a mass of others. She immediately was wrapped from the waist down; her skintight bodysuit doing little to protect her from the assault. Even her shin armor proved little more than an extra anchor that the vines and tendrils could grab.

she was in luck, however. She saw a root of some kind in the rockface, beyond the tendrils' grasp... if she could only make it- She felt a shock! The tendrils were working their way expertly around her armor, trying to remove it. Reaching out, she successfully grabbed the root, eager to remove herself from the threat. With a bit of effort, she was able to drag herself out. Staring at the plant, she was thankful that ended as well as it could. Walking through the door she saw a dark room covered in webs. The door slamming behind her again, she had to press forward.

She sees a door on the other end of this room. The webs seem simple enough, but nothing in here has been simple. She could simply force her way though. Alternatively she could seek a high path; climbing the wall face up and over the obstruction. Finally, she could try to determine the type of webbing, which might make navigating this encounter easier.

Actions: Force through (STR +possible defuff), Climb over (AGI), Inspect and identify (INT)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*cracking her knuckles she smiled a bit upon entering the new room she was feeling good so far with besting these two traps set before her and now another challenge. She looked about the webs curiously honestly more worried about the creator of them then the webs themselves right now but she decided that avoiding them entirely might be the best answer and sought to climb the wall over them. setting to the task ahead of her she began moving slowly hand over hand trying to be careful in order to not even bursh the web she was scaling around*

(climb over the web with AGI)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

(LUK 4+5=9 vs. 19; Luck fails)
(AGI 4+12=16 vs. 10; AGI passes)

Not wanting to disturb anyone or anything that created the webs, Tremmie confidently began her climb up one wall. The rock wall was thankfully porous that provided the young woman plenty of foot and hand holds. There were some strand sof webbing that she briefly tangled with on her assent, but nothing held her back, and she was happy that nothing came to investigate. Climbing down the other side was not quite as easy. As anyone who has ever rock climbed knows, Going down is harder than going up. Halfway down the other side, her hand slipped, sending her crashing to the ground. Picking herself back up, she was shocked that again nothing came to investigate. She didn't give anything the opportunity either, and quickly made it into the next chamber.

Entering the next room she came across a curious sight. A pool in the center of the room. This pool was fed by a large waterfall on the far end of the camber. Predictably, the door closed and locked behind her, leaving her alone with the rushing sound of flowing water. She could not find a door and that led her to a simple conclusion. Either this was a dead end and she was trapped, or the waterfall or pool were concealing the doorway. there was a narrow, wet ledge that lead from where she was standing around the perimeter of the room to the waterfall.

Given the layout of the room, Tremmie has two choices, she can dive into the pool and search for an underwater passage, or she can slide along the wall on the ledge to see if there is something behind the waterfall. Either way, she risks getting very wet.

Actions: Search the pool of water (STA +wet[-2AGI for 3 turns]), Shimmy along the ledge to the waterfall (AGI +possible wet)

(Notes: the debuff for the pool is certain. The AGI debuff is based on your LUK. Also, if your test passes, that's where the doorway is, if it fails, it's the other choice. In other words, your choice doesn't matter in finding the door, the check does)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*starting to grow annoyed with whoever built this place she stareted making promises to herself of strangling the life out of the person whne she find them. resigning herself to a less soaked fate she would start to move along the wall ledge heading towards the waterfall. at least she could check there first before being forced to make the swim*

(skirt the ledge to the waterfall agi)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

(LUK 10+5=15 vs. 20; LUK fails! Wet debuff [-2AGI for 3 turns])
(AGI 11+10=21 vs. 28; AGI fails! LF: 36-7=29)

Tremmie made her way across the ledge. About halfway to the other side, she stepped on a slick rock. Her sandals gave little traction and she slipped down into the pool below, hitting the small of her back painfully on the way down. Once in the water, she might as well check the pool for an exit. Swimming downward, she quickly found an opening. Following it, she came up in a new room.

She climbed out of the pool, not wanting to go swimming in the cold water again, she decided to press forward. In the middle of the room stood an archway with elaborate runes covering all its faces. She approached it when the archway light up. A portal shimmered within the arch and out stepped a tall, muscular demon. Looking at Tremmie, he quickly gained an erection. Smiling he said "I am glad to see that my minions have not failed in finding me a host. You will accept my seed human whore. You shall carry my spawn."

Tremmie has three options. She can try to attack, allow it to have it's way and hope she doesn't get impregnated with the demon's seed, or quickly flee to the open door.

Defuff: Wet! [-2AGI for 3 turns]
Actions: Fight (STR), fuck him and hope for the best (CON +possible debuff), Flee (AGI)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*groaning a bit at the impromptu swim she grumbled inwardly at herself and upon finding the new room and its occupant she furrowed her brows and cracked her knuckles* "just try it...as the saying goes bigger they are the harder they fall!" she would charge the demon an impressive target she felt and as she sprang up in an attempt to land what may look like some devastating jumping special technique she hoped for surprise and simply attempted a jumping kick to the demons massive groin*

(fight the bastage!)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

(LUK 14+5=19 vs. 24; LUK fails)
(STR 14+12=26 vs. 17; STR succeeds)

The demon chuckled. "Oh puny human, that is rich, but you wi-" he recoils just as Tremmie's foot lands squarely in the demon's... well, demon-hood. "GAHH you Bitch!" He yelled. He stumbled backward and tripped, falling headfirst back into the portal. The portal closed immediately thereafter. Tremmie was pleasantly surprised how easily he had been to defeat.

Moving on through the next doorway, She saw a massive metallic humanoid. IT stood about 100 feet tall and it was nothing like Tremmie had seen before. The statue belched steam and smoke, and had strange looking gears poking out of it's sides. Tremmie slowly approached it, giving it as wide a berth as possible while she made her way to the exit. Before she could escape however, thie strange mechanism came to life, its eyes glowing a burning red.

Tremmie could try to defeat it in three ways. First she could try to fight this metallic... thing. Secondly, she could use her know-how of simple steam machines to try to disable the thing. Finally, she could try to beat it to the door, hoping it couldn't move fast.

Actions Attack (STR) disable (INT), outrun(STA)
Re: Tremmie (Dreana)

*giving a soft chuckle at the demons misfortune and how easy things had been with that she pressed on only to stare in disbeleif at what she saw..now she never would shy away from a challenge but this was beyond comprehension..fists vs metal..she had nothing she could use to beat the thing she felt but perhaps this wasnt a challenge of brawn merely smarts...and sadly her smarts werent enouh to pick it apart but they were enough to say to run for it as she dashed for the doorway hoping to beat the monstrosity there and slip through*

(run for it! Sta)