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The Witch's Justice...(River)

Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

River caught the clothes , shooting the woman a look. "You had these the entire time?" She asked dryly as she stepped out of the vehicle and started putting them on.
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

(Bleh, looking at all the updates for today, I can only say that hours and hours of mindless retro gaming with old friends drains your writing creativity.)

"Eh...sorry. Just remembered that I brought them for you as we arrived..."

Looking embarrassed, the woman quickly diverted the topic in order to save face.

"Anyway...there's still a few more people I have to pick up so...be seeing you around?"
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

((Happens, at least you sat down and updated. If you have the time, re-read some of the thread before you post, I find it helps me ;) ))

River chuckles a little. "No problem, at least there weren't any guys around. And yeah, I'll be here, if this is really what we've got. See ya around." She says, shaking her head a bit as she walked up and entered the building...
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

Upon entering the building, River would be greeted by a curious sight out of the ordinary. There, seated a small distance away in a rather lavish chair was a person the size of a child, garbed in a strange manner. Donning a purple robe with various characters of an unknown language stitched into it in gold, one might first assume that the girl was simply a person with an old taste in clothing. However, after one saw the chains attached to her wrists and looping around her back, as well as the metallic blindfold which seemingly sealed her vision, one would begin to have a different train of thought. Especially when the girl seemed fully aware of what was going on around her, even for the most handicapable person.

"And so another piece arrives...Fourth room on the left, take a seat with the others if you wish to have your questions answered."

Raising a finger and pointing to the hallway which the instructions referred to, this was the extent of attention that the girl seemed to pay to River, seeming to be busy thinking of other things. One thing was for certain though, whoever this small girl was, she would play a key role in the future to come...such was the premonition which River felt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SCENARIO COMPLETE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(River has completed her scenario, and is now Level 3! River now has 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

((Dex to 4, 0 points saved))