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The Witch's Justice...(River)

Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)


River surprised herself by sailing right over the creature, tucking into a neat roll at the end and stopping agaist the wall beside the door in a slight crouch. She glanced back and spotted the thing apparently busy with a corpse, so she left the room, shut the door behind her, and continued on her way, now with even more questions to try and sort out...

((Dex to 2, so I won't forget with the next post ;) ))
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

Needless to say, with the slime trapped in the door and stunned, River made her way down the stairs uneventfully. Finding way unhindered except for some chairs and tables that had been littered about...

(River is now Level 2! You have 3 stat points with which to spend! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly.

Which...have already been stated, so updating as fit.)
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

((Whee!! So quick question, what's the expected upper limit for stats? Is it still the five-point system?))

River took the rest of the stairs at a slower pace, once she was sure the thing wasn't following her. Reaching the door out, she opened it, stepped out, and looked around...
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

(Bleh, need to write longer/better...)

Despite the thick fog limiting her range of sight, River could easily make out that she could not proceed down the street to her right very easily, seeing as it was blocked debris from a collapsed apartment. From the looks it, something "enormous" had torn through it, knocking the entire building to the ground and tearing up much of the street near it in the process. The road to her left however, seems to be fairly normal, and untouched...
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

Not having a specific direction she wanted to go, River decided upon the easier route, carefully treading barefoot down the center of the street, keeping an eye out for any more slime creatures...
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

(Once again, you're loved by the dice ain't ya?... Going to pull some a tad unrealistic but workable event so that the others in the haven thread aren't held up any longer in response to this roll.)

After walking along the center of the street for a period of time, it was then that River began to hear the sounds of a car, albeit one that was coming in her direction at...a ridiculously high and most likely illegal speed judging from the noise. Responding to an instinct that screamed for her to get off the road, the woman quickly dodge rolled herself off of the street just as a vehicle sped right through the spot she had been a few moments ago, and skidded to a halt nearby from an emergency brake. Having nearly crashed into a building, it might not have been surprising to see one of the passengers exit the car to scream at the driver a bit.

"Damn it Jess! You said you knew how to bloody drive!"
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

((*facepalm* well duh, of course people would drive down the center line when they knew nobody else was around. Dammit, and I thought I was being safe XD))

River picked herself up off the ground, brushing off the gravel and bits of debris from her skin and walked over to the car, standing sideways and covering her breasts with one arm, holding the dagger casually in the other. "Hey, what the hell is going on here? Did I die and wake up in the middle of the apocalypse, or what?" She asked calmly.
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"You call nearly running over the person we were sent to save driving you stupid-"

It was then, upon being asked a question that the woman who had gotten out of the car remembered that the one she was speaking about was already before her...and capable of hearing everything she said.

"Oh...not sure about the dying part...but as for apocalypse...might as well be with all these monsters running around...as well as road maniacs."

Glaring at the person currently seated in the driver's seat to emphasize her point, the woman took a moment to 'clear her throat' before speaking once again.

"Anyway...would you happen to be River by any chance? The 'new piece' in this twisted 'game'?"
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Yeah." She says cautiosly, surprised that the woman knew her name. "What's all this about? What do you mean by 'new piece in this game'? Last I remember, I was dying in my living room from two shots to the chest, even if I had survived, I shouldn't be moving around by now, but there's nothing to show I had even been shot." She says, almost sounding like she was accusing the woman of something.
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Remember getting a letter that seemed like some sick person's twisted joke? Yeah...they were being serious about dropping you into their 'game', complete with rapist blobs and monsters that want to fuck you silly. Until you're licking the dirt off of the shoes of Miss Psycho Bitch, aka the 'Lady'. Kinda hard to believe at first, but as you said...how else are you alive after being shot in the chest twice?"

Seeming to miss the suspicion in River's voice, the woman spoke without the slightest hint of deception in her voice, stating everything in a matter of fact manner...
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Rapist blobs? Huh, sonovabitch." River says, almost to herself. "Yeah, I remember the letter. You know what, there's just too many questions, so I'll just stick to the easy one: What now?" She asks, letting out a little sigh of resignation.
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Well, you could let us take you back to the haven, where you can get some clothes, ask our leader the questions you need, and be slightly better off then if you were out on the streets? That is, unless you want to stay here of course."
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Nah, a haven sounds perfectly fine to me." River says with a hint of a smile, climbing into the back of the car a little stiffly. Once they actually are on the move, she pipes up again. "Hey, uh, how many people are there here? Do they always feel different when they wake up?"
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

Nodding as River crawled in the back, the person which she had been speaking to promptly moved to the driver's seat and attempted to force the one currently residing in it to the passanger seat, apparently not wanting to go through what they had earlier again.

"No. You are NOT driving again, move your ass over."

An argument and then some later... the car was finally on the move again, with the former having given up in the very end.


Once they began driving back towards the haven, it was then, that to distract herself from the rather alarming speed they were going, that the woman in the passenger seat began to answer River's questions.

"Not sure really, I think we have about thirty or fourty people left...not counting the ones that were dragged off. As for feeling different...I can't speak for everyone but I did feel somewhat strange when I first woke up. It went away after a few days though."
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

River nodded, flexing her fingers in front of her face. "That's good to know, thanks. How long have you been here? Has anyone tried leaving?" She says, leaning her head against the back window to watch the scenery pass by.
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

The woman grew silent upon being asked whether there had ever been people who attempted to escape, as if the very mention brought back horrifying memories she had struggled to bury. Unresponsive for a period of time following, it was only after she had managed to calm herself down that she finally responded, appearing the be rather shaken.

"...A few rounds ago, three people tried to escape from the city near the game's conclusion. They...didn't make it. And because they had broken the rules...the 'Lady' decided to make it clear...that there wasn't the slightest bit of humanity within her."

Trailing off a bit as the memories began to return again, the woman quickly changed the topic with the use of River's second question, to draw attention away from 'escape'.

"As for how long I've been here?...I lost count already really. I think I've been here for at least ten rounds by now?..."
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Huh," was all River said in reply to the woman's story about the escaping trio. The other answer, however, sparked more questions. "Rounds? New piece? Game? What exactly are we in? You mentioned rapist mosters and all that, but how do we win? If that's what it takes, right?"

((Also, feel free to end this whenever and move me along to the haven ;) ))
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

(Yeah, going to fast forward. Next post has you arrive, then the one after that will most likely be the last or second to last.)

"You're better off asking Miss Reina about that kind of stuff, seeing as we're almost there."

The haven in all its splendor came into view as the woman said this, complete with steel plating modifications, barbed wire around the perimeter, and mounted machine guns. Such was the extent of the militarization of the former apartment complex, that one might assume that it was impregnable...
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

River stared at the impromptu fortress in awe for a moment, her mind dancing across the various emplacements and armour plates. "That's really something." She said slowly. "Can any of these rapist monsters climb? It looks rather easy to scale, does that wind up being a problem?"
Re: The Witch's Justice...(River)

"Snipers usually take care of them before they have a chance. If that fails, we also have a few traps set up. But yes, some of those monsters do climb. You can take a look around yourself later if you want."

As the car came to a stop in front of the haven, it was then that River was tossed a white shirt and a pair of jeans by her "rescuer".

"You can get something more to your liking a little later, for now head on inside and introduce yourself to everyone. That or if they've already begun moving to the meeting room, just follow the instructions of whoever's directing the newcomers."