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The Trial of the Champion

Re: The Trial of the Champion

The girls after travelling half a day from the temple would find themselves on a sand dune in the desert overlooking the city where the tournament was being held. The overall design of the city seemed to feature the colosseum as a center piece. The fringes of the town were bustling with activity as there seemed to be guarded checkpoints as the only way into the city. Lindsay would ask Alera and Millia what they thought, but the initial idea Lindsay would have is that they had nothing to hide so why would the guards bar them from entering the city? If nothing else, she would ask the guards for information and if they could help with finding their way around the city on a basic level.

The first order of business would be to get themselves entered into the tournament. Even if the bookies thought of them as little more than fresh meat for the slaughter, they would just need to get themselves entered into the tournament by any means necessary. The other important aspect would be to see where they could board themselves up for the days leading into and through the tournament. With how Lindsay and the Lich had parted ways previously, it would seem as if they had parted on favorable terms. Maybe this could be leveraged by the girls to both get themselves into the tournament and settled into a room so that they can properly address other issues like their weaponry and armor before the tournament itself would begin.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The final leg to the city was short, hot, and tiring, walking through the relatively loose sand was like walking through snow, hot uncomfortable snow. That being said they made it to town, the guards checked their gear and made some sort of notes in regard to their appearance and allowed them into the city, especially since the girls goal was entrance into the tournament. The city itself was a crowded mess of people, the walk ways were all lined with small stalls and vendors with their wears laying upon tarps on the ground.

The bustle of the city was something new to Linsay as she had never been to a large city like this, or a major trade hub. Alera and Millia were well enough adjusted, Millia pulled them into a small alley to talk.

"Okay I think divide and concour objectives is our goal here." She said touching each of their chests placing a small rune on them. "This will let us communicate more easily, I'm going to go looking for entrance into the tournament, Alera should probably look into finding us rooms, and Linsay I think you should look into our gear, and your own. We do need to upgrade it somewhat for the tournament, something revealing but protective would be ideal. As we need to both win the crowd watching and win the fight." Millia said with a light giggle.

"Any complaints to this set up or did you want to look into something else?" Millia asked Linsay as Alera was amicable to whatever task she was needed to do.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Getting to the town would prove to be more difficult than getting into the town. A short trip from their vantage point into the town was complicated by the sheer level of heat in the desert. This level of heat was something Lindsay did not have experience with, so adjusting could be troublesome. As it were right now, she would feel herself tiring at a much more rapid pace due to the oppressive heat in the desert. Maybe this was part of why tournament was held here? They would have to combat the elements as much as their opponent.

As they got within a few hundred yards of the city, Lindsay started to realize just how big this place was. She was a small country village girl and there was more going on even outside the city than she had ever seen in her village growing up. This seemed to be an important place, and the tournament seemed to magnify the level of activity inside and around the city. As the group would approach the guards to enter into the city there was little issue. The guards simply noted their appearance along with the gear they had with them and then allowed them to enter into the city. It was more likely they were doing routine checks for contraband as Lindsay almost thought that they were going to need to leave their weapons to enter into the city.

Lindsay would look around and be awestruck at the sheer level of things going on. Normally in her village almost nothing would happen, but here it seemed everything was happening all the time. It was all very overwhelming for Lindsay though Millia and Alera seemed not to mind it as much. After a short while of just drifting around, Millia would pull her off to the side in an alley. Stating that they should split up to each cover an objective individually, Millia would place a runic inscription upon each of them. This would allow them all to communicate with each other and more importantly find each other later on. Millia would take control as Lindsay was still overwhelmed by the sheer bustle within the city. Assigning each a task, Millia would look into the tournament itself. Alera was tasked with finding a place to board themselves and Lindsay was given the task of looking into finding new armor.

Millia would first state what she should look for and then ask Lindsay if she wanted to switch any of the tasks around, but all Lindsay could manage was to shake her head to acknowledge Millia. Still on sensory overload from the sheer amount of things going on, Lindsay did not have any objection to Millia's plan. Even if she did, there was little that she could really say as all she would likely do is mess things up. It was probably all for the better with Millia taking control of the situation for the time being while Lindsay still needed to process the whole of what was going on around her. She saw stalls of goods while they were entering the area along with various wares being left on tarps and blankets along the ground as well. So if there was any place to start, it would be there.

Lindsay, Alera and Millia would now separate and start upon their tasks. Keeping in mind what Millia had said, Lindsay started to think about what she would want to wear. Her current clothing was really little more than that, basic clothing, and was certain to be almost useless in a real fight. Remembering back to what Millia just said, what Alera was wearing, and her visions in the temple would help Lindsay to form what in her head at least would be the armor that she wanted. Now she just needed to find someone who could make her vision a reality. With how much was going on, it really was just a matter more of time than anything for Lindsay to find someone willing and able to perform the task of making new armor for the group of girls.

Lindsay herself would start to test out the communication rune Millia had bestowed upon her and ask the other girls what they happened to think about certain materials and what they felt about certain designs. Also the weather needed to be considered as well. With the heat being what it is, Lindsay felt that anything metallic would need to be kept to a minimum as the weight would work against the wearer in a hot environment like this. Lindsay almost smirked to herself once she put it all together as to why a tournament would be held in a desert town like this. It was almost like the tournament was encouraging lewdness and this was something Lindsay could appreciate.

As Lindsay would go through the stalls, she would identify a few potential suitors for their armor related needs. For herself, Lindsay had a one piece design in mind. A fairly simple dress that would cover the important parts in a fight but not really leave much to the imagination for spectators either. The top would have sleeves that went halfway between the shoulder and elbow with arm guards to help support a sword or shield in either hand. The top would show off her breasts somewhat with a drawstring weaving across to forestall anyone just reaching in and groping her. A belt would be needed so that the dress did not just drape over her face if she ever got knocked down. The last part would be what to use for footwear and as she thought about that, she would want to have some weight behind her kicks so a small piece of metal acting as a shinguards would be desired as well.

Lindsay had a few designs for Alera and Millia in her head as well, but wanted to make sure she focused on her own task at hand as all the thinking in the world would not make any of these designs a reality. Once she found someone willing and able, Lindsay would start to think more on the designs for Millia and Alera.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(hey sorry for the delay my friends birthday was today so it's been a busy day. If you wanna give Alera or Millia specific armors your more then welcome, otherwise I have armor plans for them.)

She would move from stall to stall as she looked for the proper person to assist her needs. Finally coming to one which had a beautiful woman behind the sheet, she wore sheer clothing which literally left nothing to the imagination. She spread her arms over the ground,

"These are available for you to browse, if you desire custom work the master can look into that." She said with a smile as Linsay would finally notice the collar around her neck which sparkled in the sunlight. From behind her she would hear a slightly gruff voice speak.

"I am pleased to see you made it to the city without too much trouble. Intending to try out some new sexy armor for my tournament I take it." The voice said turning she would see a heavily cloaked figure satnding behind her, the hood shifting slightly to show the skull of the lich inside it. "I have to admit I didn't think you would show yourself here, but I am pleased you did."

He looked at her for a moment before tipping his head as he sensed her feeling of being deeply over her head.

"Oh yes you have never been to a town like this, well this armorer is a talented craftsman but also a pervert, he will grope and probably have you pay for the armor with your body. Not because he thinks your poor but because this is the time he get's the most fun from the female competitors for my belt." He laughed again. "Do you need lodging or any other assistance, I am happy to provide what you may need. Assuming you trust me?" He said with an apparent smile, as his skull was always smiling.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would set about her designated task of getting armor for the tournament. As she looked about the stalls, Lindsay would be seemingly drawn to a stall that had a rather good looking woman tending to it. Her clothing left nothing to the imagination as it was sheer enough to see right through. The hot environment made it all the more appealing to Lindsay as the sweat would trickle down her body. The woman spread her arms to show what she had available and would mention customized work that could be done as well.

Here was where Lindsay realized a quite problematic issue. Lindsay had found what looked to be the perfect components to assemble into the armor that she wanted to wear for the tournament. There was only the minor detail of not having anything that would pass for money. Linsday would get a little depressed by the realization and almost as if a ray of hope had shined down upon her, a voice from behind her would speak out. It was a voice that she had heard in the past and it took but a moment to realize who the voice belonged to.

It was the Lich that she had encountered previously. Having defeated the vassal, the Lich allowed her to create a golem which Millia currently controls. The Lich would have a few things to say, the least of which was that it were obvious that Lindsay was overwhelmed by this whole situation that she presently found herself in. As the Lich would offer Lindsay assistance, she felt it would be rude to not accept. How could Lindsay justify to herself refusing who was essentially the host of the tournament like this? She certainly was not going to fare better otherwise.

"Well, I did beat you before remember? Though I think your gift of being able to create the golem was certainly generous, I doubt I would be able to manage any better were I mad enough to refuse your generosity a second time. I can certainly respect the person you are enough that I do not think I need to even consider if I trust you or not. Otherwise why go out of your way to help me make the golem body at all? I would gladly accept your offer of assistance. Thank you."

Lindsay could not help but loosen up as the Lich seemed to be the exact thing she needed to help her yet again. Was this another person that was being drawn toward Lindsay in the Lich helping her yet again? She really did not want to think about all that, and she would use the rune on her chest to communicate to Alera that Lindsay had found a benefactor for them. If it basically acted as a walkie talkie, Lindsay wanted to be careful not to mention the Lich to Millia just yet in case she could hear as well. Lindsay almost feared what would come of the interaction between Millia and the Lich. It could ruin everything that Lindsay was hoping to build up toward.

Waiting for Alera to arrive, Lindsay would try to get what information she could. If she could guide Millia away from the Lich at this point, she felt it best to keep the two separated. As Millia was meant to get information on gaining entry into the tournament, that was the next logical progression in the conversation with the Lich. Also with Alera being here once the conversation with the Lich were to run its course. Lindsay and Alera would be in the perfect spot to start working on their respective battle armor. Given little other choice in the matter, being able to pay with her body was likely better than not being able to pay at all. If need be Lindsay would pay for both Alera and her outfits if for some reason Alera was uncomfortable with the cost to obtain armor for the tournament.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

It did not take long for Alera to arrive at their location, she smiled as she saw Linsay and tilted her head confused as she saw the undead wizard talking with her. Aleria pulled Linsay slightly back and whispered into her ear.

"Is this the person you were talking about, seems risky to me to actually go with a lich to his lair." She asked looking at Linsay, and she would see exactly what Linsay felt that the Lich could be a friend, so she dropped her complaint and moved with her.

"So any luck looking for armor for us?" She would ask with a smile leaning forward slightly giving both the Lich and Linsay a very pleasing view of her cleavage through her armored bikini.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera would arrive on the scene and start to have a confused look on her face. Her confusion would give way to Lindsay's judgment as she would soon agree with her decision. Alera did not show any signs of knowing who the Lich was, so in some manner that relieved Lindsay somewhat. Maybe that vision she saw in the temple of an alternate reality never came to pass where Alera and her were sent to interfere with a Warlock and turn him into a Lich.

Lindsay would not really respond to the first of Alera's inquiries, but this was certainly the place where Lindsay felt they could get the best armor for the price they were going to pay. Thinking that she may well have gotten two birds with one stone as it were, Lindsay felt that Alera did not need to search for a place to stay at any longer.

"I think it might be best for us both to hopefully remember this place. We can get armor here in exchange for enduring the craftsman's advances on us. I am going to go with the Lich to get situated and then I will be back. Maybe you should look around and pick something out that you think you will find useful? I doubt I really need to say this, but I think going with anything heavy would be a mistake with this heat.

I was so caught up in trying to do the right thing that I never thought about carrying anything that could be used to barter with..."
Lindsay would trail off what she was saying before she said something she would regret.

Lindsay would make sure Alera accounted for how hot it was since they were on the fringe of a desert. After her words of advice, Lindsay had planned to leave with the Lich to get herself settled in. If nothing else, she would come back with Millia tomorrow to get their armor from this craftsman. Maybe even see what Alera had in mind for what she was going to wear during the tournament.

With their lodging and armor hopefully accounted for, the only thing left was to see if Millia were successful with gaining entry into the tournament. Once that was finished, everything else would hopefully fall into place around them. Maybe Lindsay could start to talk to the Lich and see if he were capable of helping her irrelevant of if one of the group of girls were to win the tournament to gain the Lich's phylactery.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Tournament entry obtained, and it was decidedly easier then I expected, it was also like they were expecting us." Millia would say through their link as the lich stared at the two girls. Waving his hand towards them.

"Shall we be off?" He asked waving his hand as he began to lead the way to the tower he resided at in this town. The trip through the town was swift all things considered, eventually they came to the more wealthy portions of the town, the streets were cleaner and had fewer people on them. Finally the lich lead them to a large tower which overlooked the tournament grounds.

"This is my lovely home, feel free to make yourselves at home. On the second level is a bath if you desire to cool off. I will be at the top of the tower watching the games that are opening for the tournament. Your welcome to join me if you wish." He said with a smile as he headed inside and proceeded up the stairs to the left of the door. Alera stared at the building before turning to Linsay.

"If you wish to follow him your welcome to, I wish to get a bath in and I'll direct Millia to our position." She said with a smile as she moved and followed up the stairs as well, turning off into the large open bath room. She would hear the clink of metal on the floor as Alera was obviously stripping out of her gear before entering the bath.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would hear some more good news shortly after meeting up with the Lich. Millia would use the rune she imbued on the other two and communicate that she had been able to enter them all into the tournament. The burden of having to scramble about being lifted, Lindsay and Alera were content to follow the Lich back to his tower. It was one of the larger structures that were adjoining the tournament grounds. Alera made her intentions rather clear that she wanted to take a shower, and would also guide Millia toward where they were.

"Hmm, maybe you should point out the stall we met up at as well, Alera? She could stop there to get.. fitted for new armor on her way here?" Lindsay paused awkwardly in the middle knowing full well that she would have to let the armorer have his way with her. Though the choice was completely up to Millia and Alera for that matter if she even wanted to tell Millia about it in the first place. Lindsay full well intended to visit the armorer as soon as she possibly could. There were still a few days before the tournament proper were to begin, but matters of importance like this are not best left to the last minute to take care of.

With Millia on her way, Alera wanting to bathe herself, and Lindsay now trying to decide what to do with her time it would seem that the trip so far had been going far better than could be expected. Lindsay herself could head back to the armorer now, and get things squared away. She could join Alera in the shower, which was not all that bad an idea all told. Lindsay however was more interested in winning over the Lich, and she would not pass over this opportunity as the Lich would invite her to spend some time with him. This was the opportune moment for Lindsay to be alone with the Lich and hopefully she could take advantage of the situation presented to her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(I'm really on board with doing some fast forwarding as we kinda skip through these events.)

At the top of the stairs she would see the lich sitting on a large set of pillows watching out into the tournament grounds. As she approached she would see what was going on, a large plant of some kind was being attacked by warriors, female warriors mostly. At least one of which was already grabbed stripped and starting to get sucked and fucked.

"It's an interesting event, they call it encounter battle. They bring in a monster from some horrible part of the world where it can kill or capture many an adventuring group. Then they let groups sign up to take it on, this one is decidedly menacing, it's like a venus fly trap but it's pollen is hypnotic, makes it's victims space out and let themselves get violated, and used as seed carriers for more of the plant." He smiled at it as he pat the pillows next to him.

"I am most pleased you arrived without any issues, I've been wanting to talk with you since our last encounter." He paused as he looked over at her. "What is it you intend to do with that belt?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

In Linsay's mind she would begin to hear Millia speak, it was odd almost like she was listening in on another conversation. "You want to run your hands over my whole body to test my curves? Please do." She would whisper to who ever she was speaking with, it seemed she was getting fitted for armor at the moment.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Lol, of course you had to do that.. Now I wanna have the girls take something on just because.)

Lindsay would follow the Lich up to the top of the stairs. The area they were in seemed to be an observation lounge of some kind. There were pillows everywhere and the Lich would sprawl out over a few of them. There was a battle going on with a large venus fly trap looking plant against what looked to be 4 female and 1 male opponent. Lindsay would unconsciously be drawn to the battle and she would move to the railing overlooking the arena. As she would look over the battlefield some more, it would look like one of the girls was pretty much defeated already being fucked senseless by the plant monster. Lindsay would snap back to reality as she heard the pop of a pillow being hit behind her.

Sitting herself down next to the Lich she would be equally interested in the battle going on down below and with what the Lich had to say to her. First describing a brief rundown of what she was watching in the arena. Also, the Lich was trying to discern what Lindsay's intent was for entering the tournament. Expressing that he was pleased to see her again, Lindsay would repay the kind words by sharing the sentiment. Lindsay felt that she had no reason to hide her intentions as the Lich either already had or easily could invade her mind to find the truth if he felt that Lindsay were lying to him.

"Well, the belt were I to win it seems like it would be a fine trophy to have. In all truthfulness I am far more interested in you than the belt. I had come from the temple about a day from here and I saw a vision. In short, you were casting a spell to teleport me into another realm.

The girl in the shower, Alera, who had accompanied us here was liberated from that place. It seems that our village was meant to pay tribute to the Master of another dimension. Alera was the one who was sent last year, and she failed the trials or so I thought."

Lindsay would continue on explaining everything. The trial, their first encounter, the temple, and all of it was meant for one purpose. Lindsay wanted to recruit the Lich as an ally to fulfill the vision she had seen where the Lich had used Alera as a focus with Millia to protect them as the spell were cast. Maybe the part about Lindsay winning the belt so that the Lich could live knowing his power would not be misused by another was a bit much, but it was no less truthful than anything else that she had to say.

Lindsay was somewhat distracted at this point as she could hear Millia's voice. It would seem that she was being "sized up" by the armorer and as she spoke, it would start to affect Lindsay as the one sided conversation continued between Millia and the armorer. It would seem that Alera had guided Millia to the armorer and she was getting fitted for armor to wear during the tournament and beyond perhaps. Alera was likely able to hear what Millia had to say all the same.

Lindsay almost wanted to ask the Lich if the girls could take on something as a team, but she was starting to outwardly show her arousal at this point. If the Lich were to make an advance on Lindsay, she was in no position to resist. With Alera in the shower, she might well get put over the edge herself if she had to listen to both Millia and Lindsay.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Looks like your enjoying the show my dear. I have to say that vision is interesting, I can say this you intrigue me. You also seem raring to have some fun." The lich said smiling. "I believe I will show you a lovely secret my dear." He said with a smile as he snapped his fingers and she watched as his skeletal body changed, returning to his human form. he was a handsome young man, with white hair and purple eyes that glowed with magic behind them.

his hand slide up Linsays leg light as he sat next to her reaching her hip as it slowly slide under her skirt.

"I could be convinced to join you, but I may need some serious convincing." He said as he let linsay watch the view before them, one of the adventurers now getting sucked into a pod where tentacles could be seen ravaging her body. The first one captured already implanted with the seed of the creature as it planted her onto the ground to gestate. The two remaining adventurers were fighting back to back slowly working their way towards their friend currently being ravaged by the tentacles.

The liches other hand reached around her and groped her breast lightly through her shirt.

"What would you say to being my sexy little sex slave for the night. If you let me have this for the evening I'll join your little crusade against the master you fight. Just promise when we win you'll come back to be mine afterwards." He said as he continued groping her, his fingers pinching her erect nipple through her shirt as his other hand rubbing against her panties.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay was in full on sensory overload again. The Lich was talking to her, but it was almost going in one ear and out of the other. She was being assaulted on so many levels, that Lindsay could not resist even if she wanted to. She was getting turned on just from watching the match and thinking how it would feel to be ravaged by a monster like that and be left helpless to do anything about it.

Lindsay would keep herself focused on trying to watch the battle unfold before her. One of the girls was now being sucked into a pod where tentacles were all around her body penetrating her in every way possible. That left two of the fighters incapacitated and two left to try to help free their comrades or defeat the monster. As the Lich spoke, Lindsay would turn her head toward him as he would reveal a secret. It was an honor to see a Lich's true form, and Lindsay would be again overwhelmed in her mind as the Lich would turn himself into what likely was his human form. The hair could use a little work, but all told she did not disagree with the man starting to use his hands to send Lindsay over the edge.

With one hand sliding up under her skirt and the other going inside her shirt, Lindsay would do nothing to stop the Lich from having his way with her. Though she would start to offer up a token level of resistance and make the Lich work for it a little.

"No one should be a slave. We both want this, so why not leave it at that." Lindsay would make it clear that she was not objecting so much to the Lich wanting to have sex with her so much as the intent.

"How about a little game then? If I do not win this tournament, what say you to Alera, Millia and I taking on one of these creatures?" Lindsay would start to gain a little resolve before fully giving herself into the Lich's advances on her. She would say nothing about winning or losing that match as she wanted to see what terms the Lich might have first.

Once she finished what she had to say, Lindsay could visibly be seen relaxing herself and preparing for whatever it was that the Lich was going to do to her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The liches skilled fingers did not halt their assault on her body, pinching her nipple through her shirt. His other fingers now sliding over her panties pressing them into her moist pussy. He moved her panties aside and thrust his fingers inside her testing her pussy.

"That's true, I have no intention of keeping any of you like that for any prolonged period of time. I simply found the slave girl." His voice trailed off as he contemplated his next work. "Fashion? Maybe wardrobe is the better term. Either way I find it enticing, the collar with leash and the skimpy clothing. Admittedly I think you could do just fine enticing me into a good time without it." he smield at her as he listened to her offer.

"Interesting, you want your friends to fight something like that?" he paused as his fingers continued moving over her body. Lifting her shirt to slide his fingers over her breast flicking her nipple. "You know those girls if they lose are going to be stuck with that thing until it's finished with them. They wont die but they will be stuck as it were for at least a month. Bearing a monsters young, being raped daily for their pleasure?" He smiled as he continued teasing his guest. "Do you really think you could keep your wits about you for even a week of that treatment?" He asked with a smile towards her.

"How about this, I think that would be a lovely idea, but I have a condition. If you lose the tournament, you have to spend a week as my personal servant, I believe you know what that means. If you can convince me I would like you better as someone outside my direct control, something other then a plaything for my sexual amusement. Then you have a deal, I will help you, I honestly find myself extremely attracted to you my dear Linsay. So prove to me I would enjoy you more as a lover to a sex toy." He whispered into her ear the final portion of his statement as his breath touched her ear and he lightly leaned down and kissed her neck. His fingers inside of her slowly working themselves in and out of her, his thumb moved up and began to lightly rub her clit. Enjoying watching her squirm in pleasure at his touch.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The Lich would overcome Lindsay by simply getting more invasive with his hands. Lindsay was doing nothing to stop him mind you, but she was trying to keep her senses about her while being assaulted on so many levels that she was completely incapable of mustering a defense to it. Nevermind keeping her mind about her once the Lich started to use his fingers to pinch her nipples the overstimulation from all the sources had already started to overcome her. Linsday was not going to stop the advance of the Lich, but she was far past the point of being able to now even if she wanted to. She was completely at the Lich's mercy now as she was unable to muster any strength to resist anymore.

Lindsay would listen to the Lich and what he had to say, but she could only listen to him. She was too far lost in her own mind to truly hear what he was saying now. All she mustered as a reply were a few moans caused by the Lich's fingers now inserting themselves into her pussy. As they moved about Lindsay just lost all capacity to do anything and she was little more than a moaning whore at this point for the Lich to play with as he desired.

Lindsay inbetween her moans would realize that she may have bitten off a little more than she could chew as it were. Her excitement for battle may have gotten not only her, but her friends in a bit of a spot as well. Losing the tournament would be one thing, as the Lich would agree to still help Lindsay at the cost of having to serve him for a week. That Lindsay had already lost her wits and was completely submissive after a few minutes of the Lich teasing her would only serve to make the point that was being addressed.

Was it a mistake to seek out the Lich? Lindsay may have screwed things up a bit as it were, but this was a small price to pay instead of having to deal with everything the girls would have needed to have a chance at winning the tournament. Lindsay was at least able to muster up the ability to coherently agree to the Lich's terms upon winning or losing the tournament. As the Lich's fingers thrust inside of her, he was using his thumb to further tease her clit as well. Lindsay was obviously close to experiencing an orgasm already, but the agreement was made. If Lindsay were to lose in the tournament then she would have to serve the Lich for a week as payment for his services.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Cum for me my dear, just cum." He whispered again into her hear as he leaned down and kissed her shoulder. His fingers continuing their work as he watched her wryth in pleasure under him. She could not resist him anymore, and he was certainly taking pleasure from it, but he was also holding back. Realizing that his conversation had been killed by his over zealous advances.

"It seems I've over done it, Your little more then a moaning whore now. I'll let you cum and we'll see where we go from here." He said mostly to himself as he continued thrusting his fingers inside her releasing her breast and letting her fall back onto the pillow completely as he moved over her his fingers plunging into her cunt as he wrapped his lips around her left nipple sucking upon it. his hand returning to her other breasts squeezing it, and slowly kneading it as he suckled upon the other.

After a few moments of that he began kissing up her chest to her shoulder then to her neck. As he whispered into her ear once again.

"You certainly seem to enjoy being my plaything I must admit, but your slightly less fun as just a plaything." He whispered as he pushed his fingers advances attempting to give her a massive orgasm before they continued.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay in her current state was little more than a mindless plaything. Having thought about too much her mind would shatter and her body soon after would start to convulse as the Lich overwhelmed her. Between hearing Millia get herself molested by the armorer, the scene in the arena, and the Lich taking advantage of the situation as a whole Lindsay was not able to focus herself. It would only take one more line from the Lich for her to be able to properly focus herself finally. As if it was almost by command, Lindsay would focus on her desire to cum and little else. Her moaning would intensify as she gave into it completely.

Admitting aloud that he may have gotten a little carried away, the Lich simply wanted Lindsay to cum now. Lindsay had nothing holding her up anymore and she would lean herself backward to lay on the pillows. The Lich's fingers were now picking up the pace as he would look to stimulate other parts of her body as well. Having targeted her breasts previously, the Lich would home in on her breasts again. Kissing and sucking on one while using his other hand to gently grope the other.

As the final assault of the Lich would commence, Lindsay writhed about on the pillows grabbing hold of whatever she could to brace herself. The Lich and Lindsay now focused on the same thing, Lindsay would start to pant and moan at an increased pace while the Lich would accelerate his fingers inside her pussy accordingly. What was little more than a few minutes felt like it lasted far longer for Lindsay as she would finally reach her peak. Lindsay would tense up as she found her orgasmic release her fevered panting and moaning would give way to one long squeal in approval.

The orgasm was fierce, as Lindsay would have a squirting orgasm that ravaged her body from head to toe. The Lich certainly knew his way around a woman's body and this orgasm was close to the top of the list and it was far better than any man had done to her before. There was something in the back of her mind that started to trigger, maybe once she was done with her quest this was the one she could settle down with. That final thought that passed through her mind was enough to complete her overstimulation and Lindsay would pass out soon after for a few minutes.

Having been so thoroughly defeated by the Lich, Lindsay also started to realize just what might happen to her in the tournament were she to lose a match. The journey into the city had weakened Lindsay and seeing the fight in the arena would cause her to lose focus. It would take at least half an hour before Lindsay could properly recover from her orgasmic high, but at least now she felt completely different. It was as if all the fatigue from the travel and tension of the preparations needing to be made for the tournament were gone now as well.

Lindsay would come to, and see a pair of familiar faces. Alera was curled up nearby and the Lich would be seen observing the arena below. Not wanting to disturb Alera for the time being, Lindsay would readjust her clothes and move back over toward the Lich and open herself up in a way that she felt almost inappropriate to do before.

"I think once I saw the arena the only thing I could think of was that I wanted to fight. I know the tournament is going to happen, but I really just want to fight someone or something for the sport of it. Ever since I had gone through the trials, I can truly say that I did not enjoy the battles. Each fight could have been my last as if I were to have lost at any point, who knows what horrors could have befallen me. You know this as well, as if I lost to the vassal you had before what would I be now? A cocksleeve? The girl selling wares with a slave collar around her neck? Just once I want to fight just to feel the spirit of competition again. No worries of winning or losing meaning what it does in every other fight, just the spirit of competition."

Lindsay would open herself up to the Lich and it might help explain why she gave herself up so easily before. It was as if the weight of the world were on Lindsay's shoulders now and this weight just became too much for her to deal with.
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

"Glad to see you awake my dear. I believe I can make that happen, this tournament is one that you only really entered to get my phylactery (Finally looked that word up, stupid dnd and me mispronouncing it for years making it hard to spell). If I were to say that goal was no longer on the table would that be the sport you want?" He asked her as he pulled her down onto the pillow next to him, the scene in the arena currently was just two squads currently fighting each other.

"You are the most interesting woman I have ever met, you remind me of my first love. She was the reason I became like I am right now, if you will do something for me I will join you, and help you in your quest. Marry me." He said taking her hand. "I will give up my immortality and live where you would like, having lived as long as I have." He paused for a moment. "I know that when I feel this way about someone, I must act upon it, I don't need you to be a cock sleeve, or a slave. I merely wish you to want to stay by my side, also giving up my immortality would make me human again. What do you say to this Linsay, would you be willing to stay with me some and let me attempt to make you feel for me as I do for you?" He asked with a light smile glancing at Alera as she slept.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(yeah not an easy word to spell for sure.)

Lindsay would listen to the Lich who now moved back to the pillows and sat back down. He seemed as enchanted by Lindsay as she were with him.

"Did we not put a wager on this?" Lindsay would remind him as he tried to convince her to withdraw from the tournament. Out of all the things to have happen to her so far since she emerged from the trial, this was the one that she wanted. Lindsay still needed to prove herself to herself she felt.

What the Lich said next was something she did not expect to hear at all once he had pulled her back down upon the pillows. Lindsay truly did not know how to respond. Her body language made it clear that she was not entirely opposed to the Lich's suggestion that they become a couple as it were. It would require a good deal of sacrifice on both ends to make it all work.

Lindsay would need to think about it all a little more. Though once she was done with what she felt was her quest to defeat the Master of the trial she was sent to. She needed to make things right for those in her village. She also wanted to see if she could liberate her fellow villagers as well from the slavers that were mentioned by Millia (i think it was her..). Right now Lindsay could not accept the Lich's offer, though once she set things right the idea of settling down was not all that bad.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"No need to accept now, we do have a wager on the tournament, and please stay in it. But no matter how you do in it you win what you want. I would like to help you with your quest tho, you are a very interesting woman." He said with a smile towards her as she contemplated his question. "Also if you wished to do a more show match I could manage something, or I could give you a truly interesting match with my magic, one where even if you lose you would not be out of action for more then a day. That's just from the spell itself, it's a powerful sleep spell that puts you into an illusionary realm. You can live a week there and only be sleeping barely an hour in the real world. Although it does take it's toll on you."

He ceased watching the arena and leaned back next to her. "Admittedly my original offer would be something more for when you quest is done. I would have a place for you to settle down at, live a life without much in the way of wants. Being nearly a century old does give one quite a bit of wealth." He would watch her with a smile on his face again, he did greatly enjoy spending time with her.