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The Storm War RP

Re: The Storm War RP

Zagan's currently waiting on Em's response.
Re: The Storm War RP

And here I was waiting to see if Wolf was going to tell us if there was anything marked on the map. Oh well, hehe.
Re: The Storm War RP

The maps are exactly the same as the one in the Background Thread, minus the blue grid.
Re: The Storm War RP

Thank you Xivvix for bringing supplies to me :D.
Re: The Storm War RP

Maybe... kind of.. I was sort of hoping, you know.. there was still a spot left in this? I suddenly gained free time.

Re: The Storm War RP

Until I return from my absence, I would request that people not post. I've got some stuff planned that needs to happen, but I've got to be here for that.
Re: The Storm War RP

Let Pale in :D. I want to have another opponent!
Re: The Storm War RP

Yay for Pale! Make an exile character, Wolf can throw you in almost right away! And... We have cookies!
Re: The Storm War RP

Yeah, there's still space. Sorry about the delay on response, Pale. I've been a little busy.
Re: The Storm War RP

I noticed, no worries. Want a character sheet, or are you still busy..?

Re: The Storm War RP

Semi-busy, but go ahead and make the sheet.
Re: The Storm War RP

Character Name: Shizuru "Kiyohime" Viola
Character Race: Kaliveran
Physical Description: At a height of 5"3, "Kiyo" has never been an imposing one. Not blessed with the preternatural height of her compatriots, it is often remarked that she looks nothing like the tall, pale Kaliverans. Shoulder length brown locks, curling at the tips, a healthy complexion doubtless induced by time well spent travelling, and her most startling feature - blood red eyes, mark her out as different wherever she wanders. A calm disposition, however, and easy skill with words have led her to make few enemies. Of course, her looks doubtless help. A figure that could hardly be called lightweight, nor excessive, toned from walking, make an attractive image. If you can get round the eyes.
Since her lifestyle requires it, Kiyo has adapted her way of dressing. Though her upbringing leads her towards traditional clothing, she has had to make some sacrifices for comfort, and mobility. This results in her choice of clothing - light cloths and colours, choosing a leather tunic over armour, which she finds too confining and bulky.
At present, Kiyo walks with a noticeable limp - to cope, she carries a long staff, just a little shorter than her, red in colour "To match my eyes".
Personality Description: Kiyo presents a calm, charming demeanour to the world. She seems never startled by anything, nor does she express extremes of emotion - anger, fear, embarassment. Should the world be destroyed by a massive fiery meteor, her last words would probably be "Oh, my." However, this veneer is the result of an upbringing that taught her to control her emotions. No one ever sees what's inside her head - the emotions she shows to others are simulated, those she experiences, hidden. This also leads to a very dangerous method of thinking. To Kiyo, what she wants, is paramount. There is no considering others, considering morality - if a goal requires manipulation, she manipulates. If it requires murder, she can, and has, killed.
Character Background:
Kiyo's parents were once, part of the upper class nobility. A long time ago. At the time of Kiyo's birth, and subsequent upbringing, they lived the life of exiles, always on the move, having very little - a grand step from the high circles they once moved in. Maybe they projected their desires onto their daughter. Whatever their motives, Kiyo was brought up to be a traditional noblewoman - familiar with a dozen forms of etiquette, three languages, the art of conversation, appreciation of fine wines, and tea, though she never could master song. In fact, Kiyo point blank refused to even attempt to sing. Frustrated, her parents arranged for tutors in poetry, calligraphy, and drawing. Though these lessons were often conducted in tents, or makeshift dwellings, or borrowed schoolrooms, they never lost a certain gravitas. Much of her tutelage was undertaken by her mother, a little by her father.
Few of these skills survive to the modern Kiyo. She draws, occasionally, but well, a talented amateur, and still insists on starting her day with a cup of tea - even if it is now from a flask heated over a fire, rather than china teapots. Every now and then a turn of phrase, or quote betrays her education. Few would recognise it, but when called upon to fight, Kiyo draws upon her education once more - brought up to demonstrate expertise in what is known as "The Flowing Breeze" - a form of dance her father taught her, that has origins in combat. Kiyo found it easy enough to work back to the roots of this art, coming up with a fighting style that relies on grace, balance, and speed, often with curving, graceful arcs that catch, and draw the eye, and deceptively soft blows. Most of the time, she relies on her walking staff to provide the edge, though the original art involved the use of a halberd type weapon.
Most recently, Kiyo has been wandering, alone. She works here and there, doing whatever she can, often as a barmaid, or once or twice, bounty hunter. Though that was only an escaped unfortunate - a teenager who was severely depressed, threatening to kill himself.. Kiyo talked him out of it, and returned him to his family for a small reward.
Magic Use: Yes

I imagine there will be significant editing required.

Re: The Storm War RP

Character approved. Will PM you with some details as to how you're going to get added in, once I get them worked out. Shouldn't take too long.

EDIT: Just remembered something that needs to be said.

All information openly available (Read: Imperial sources.) about the fall of Kalivor states that all members of the Royal Family were killed by the bandits that attacked.
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Re: The Storm War RP

Right. Can she be a member of an unspecified Noble family?

Re: The Storm War RP

Given that I haven't actually given any names for the Kaliveran nobles houses, I see no problem with that...Afraid that's one of the overall story background details I'm still trying to work out.
Re: The Storm War RP

On a side note, that had to have been the shortest and most uneventful day of travel I have ever come across in a game aside from a general 'you travel for x days and get to the place.'
Re: The Storm War RP

Diagasvesle rushed, and I've been a little busy. Don't worry, though. Things could get worse, depending on how things turn out.
Re: The Storm War RP

My bad, through I doubt anything would actually happen during the first day due to our proximity to the imperial city.