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The Rules of The Game, and the Role of Memories.

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Nov 9, 2008
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“Good evening faceless ones, and welcome to “Witch Chess”, a most elegant game our most gracious Lady has prepared for your enjoyment in the time to come. A game of pleasure, excitement, and so much more. As co-host of this most delightful and scrumptious entertainment, I have been tasked with bringing the rules of the game to your attention, as well as other information the Lady has seen fit to reveal to you.”

*At this point in time, a golden parchment appears next to the figure shrouded in mist, many lines of text written in what appears to be Latin or Hebrew etched upon it.*

“Ahem, to begin our little debriefing, allow me to start with the guidelines that each side in this game shall comply with at all times:


  • ~Overview of the Game~
  • The objectives of the game for both sides are to place the other into “checkmate”, a situation where no further action can be taken by the side.
  • ”Checkmate” is defined differently for each side to provide for an optimal game play experience for both sides.
  • In order for the Lady to declare checkmate, she much subjugate every piece of the opposing side into complete submission to her will.
  • The Forgotten however, may declare checkmate either upon complete subjugation of the Lady’s pieces, the capture of the Lady, or simply playing in a manner that makes checkmate completely impossible for the Lady.
  • A turn’s length shall be defined as a full cycle of day and night.

    ~Rules of the Game~
  • The Forgotten, out of good will by the Lady, will be liberated of any and all physical ailments they may have at the start of a game so as to ensure maximum enjoyment.
  • The Forgotten will also be permitted to select memories from which to draw power for use on the game board, as the Lady wishes to encourage “fair play”.
  • In addition, as the Lady is a most generous individual, the Lady herself may not enter the board in play until the end of the seventh turn.
  • The Lady, until her placement upon the board, may not directly intervene with the board itself and must instead rely on other pieces.
  • The same applies to the Lady’s opponent, lest she place herself upon the board.
  • The Lady is under no circumstance permitted to make use of power which is overwhelming, impossible to overcome, or deemed as “unfair” by the host.
  • The Lady is forbidden to remove one of the opposing side's pieces permanently from play, nor make use of deadly or crippling force.
  • The Forgotten is permitted the use of lethal or deadly force at all times against the opposing side, and is permitted to permanently remove opposing pieces from the board.
  • Both sides are permitted to introduce whatever pieces they deems appropriate for any purpose at any given time within reasonable proportions.
  • Both sides are also forbidden to take their leave from the game board once a game begins, until a victor has been decided.
  • Upon the Lady's victory, the Forgotten are permitted to "retry" the game if they should so desire. However upon the Forgotten's victory, the Lady is FORBIDDEN to request a second chance, and must grant any whims or requests from the victorious side. None will ever be exempt from this rule, as it is the supreme rule.
    [*][SIZE="-9"]The Lady reserves the right to become temporarily exempt to regulations directly relating to her upon impending capture at the discretion of the host.[/SIZE]

“But of course, these rules are mainly for your benefit and safety, so there is little need to pay them too much attention. Rather, as pieces on the game board, you should be more concerned with the role that the memories which are to be returned to you will play in the overall mechanisms of the game, as they will be crucial in order to achieve victory. Pay close attention now, for I will only repeat these once:”

*At this point more golden parchments appear near the misted figure, who then begins to read them aloud one by one without delay…*

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Re: The Rules of The Game, and the Role of Memories.

((This part will be OOC for the most part, mainly as I’m much too lazy to look for an IC way to write this… Also, most of the skill descriptions is based on the highest rank of the said skill, so for lower ranks, just tone down what I describe..))

Guidelines for Memory Traits/Skills:
  • Each character is granted ten memory points to start out with, without any exception.
  • A single memory point can be used to purchase or rank up a standard skill/trait, or used to purchase(or rank) two “drawbacks/tradeoffs”.
  • Unlike skill points, one is not required to spend the memory points upon getting them, and may instead, save points for a “greater” recovery of memory later on in the plot.
  • One memory point will be awarded at each “odd” level starting from Level 11.
  • Memory skills, unlike traits are capped at Rank 2 until Level 11, as your character’s memory should barely be enough to place her on an “average competence” at these skills, much less above the normal crowd.
  • Any unspent default memory points may be kept, as stated before, however they may NOT be spent again until the character reaches level 11.

Memory Traits (Standard)

Charisma: Five Ranks

As far as you can remember, people have always become naturally attracted to you for one reason or the other. Thanks to these memories, so long as one acts in an appropriate manner, people will become more compelled to help you automatically, and be more willing to interact socially with you..

Friendship: Three Ranks

“No matter how much we change, no matter how far we drift apart, we’ll always be there for one another…” This takes a more literal meaning in that your bond of friendship will allow you to summon a friend to the board as a piece, to help and assist you in whatever way possible. The deeper your friendship, the more empowered your friend can become, as unlike a normal piece, your friends draws their power from you…

Unbending Resolve: Five Ranks

You will not bend not matter what, you will not break no matter what. Such was the way it was always been, and such is the way it always will be. If someone knocks you down, you’ll stand back up. If someone beats you to an inch of death, you’ll escape it by sheer force of will. Nothing can keep you down, be it a monster trying to rape your brains out, or a malicious witch toying with your life.

Fearless: Three Ranks

“Fear? What’s that?” As far as you can remember, nothing has ever scared you and most likely nothing ever will. Undaunted by anything, if a twenty foot monster roared at you, you’d probably stare it in the face at roar back.

Sharp Perception: Two Ranks

“Yes…yes…yes…now put that knife away before I blow your face out.” In your memories, you have always had an uncanny knack for telling when people were trying to sneak up on you or otherwise do you harm. Sure it may have been tied into something like acute hearing or such, but chances are, with some practice based off of what you know you’ll soon be able to detect things trying to rape you from a mile away…

Quick Thinker: Two Ranks

For one to have instantaneous reactions to situations requires two things, a lightning swift mind, and a body that can respond to such. While the latter is not provided to you off the bat, the former has been granted as a result of memories in regards to complicated situations you were and how swiftly you responded to them in an appropriate manner. Given some time to let your body catch up once again, you’ll probably be doing things in a similar manner.
Re: The Rules of The Game, and the Role of Memories.

Memory Traits (Drawbacks)

Bad Charisma: Three Ranks

While some people attract people like flies without trying, you on the other hand manage to repel people far away from you without any effort whatsoever. Whether if it’s because you’re a greedy conniving bastard, or just a girl that’s cold as ice, people are instinctively uncomfortable around you, and would probably like nothing more than to be as far away from you as possible, much less help you. On a more positive note, you’re less likely to fall for sweet words and attempts to goad you into doing something you don’t want to, not getting along with others does have its benefits after all.

Clownish: One Rank

Some of the favorite parts of the memories granted to you are that of the times you spent joking around and making fun of other people. You were always the clown during the time you spend with your friends, the one to crack the jokes, to do the things that no one else would dare to do… it was all good fun really. That is, until the time you were actually being serious about there being a bear chasing you and no one believed you until it was too late. While your joking around and clownish antics may serve to entertain others, it also makes them less willing to believe you.

Covetous (Object): Three Ranks

It is not uncommon for a person to desire money, fame, power, sex in a modern world, after all such things come with many perks…or so most believe. What is truly uncommon however, is a person who desires to get their object of desire so greatly, that they refuse to stop hungering after it even if the very end of the world they lived in were to come upon them. So great is their determination and want for this object, that one might say they become empowered by a zealistic fervor of sorts on their path to obtain it, becoming capable of performing feats that they themselves would normally consider impossible as needed. Unfortunately however, this may sometimes lead to their own downfall as they may find themselves throwing away what is truly important simply to satisfy their desires… (Or in short, willpower check whenever confronted with the object, but a temp boost in all rolls down in favor of obtaining the item…)

Coward: Three Ranks

For as long as you can remember, you have been afraid of almost anything and everything that moves, to the extent that one could call it a trauma of sorts. Such is the extent of it, that even now, with most of your memories gone, you still subconsciously react and desire to flee from most things, which of course includes the demonic rape monsters from hell. On the bright side though, while your teammates may wish to skin you alive for ditching them at almost every opportunity possible, you have been running for you life for so long now, that you can almost subconsciously find the best hiding spots and run faster whenever fear causes you to panic and escape.

Cruel: Three Ranks

“Your innards are so pretty my dear…ripped out from within you and scattered upon the floor.” It’s not enough for you kill the things you hate… No, you have to torture and desecrate them before you’re even the tiniest bit satisfied. From the deepest parts of your memory, you have always been a sadist, restrained by society, unable to indulge in your desires... However, now that society has gone to hell, and no one is left to stop you, you are now finally free to do as you please so long as you can find a victim. Whether it be brutal, horrible rape, or just gleeful massacre of poor rapists demons, one can rest assured that you’ll certainly indulge in this desire so long as the opportunity presents itself. Intimidating people is never easier when you’re such a person, although making friends asides from masochists is probably out of the question as well. Tell me, who is the “real” demon here?... Fufufufu~

Virtuous: Three Ranks

“What have we here? A living saint…delightful...” Throughout your memories, you have always been an honorable and upright person, noble and truthful, a person who would never abandon their comrades no matter what. Lying and cheating are beyond you, betraying others or acting with obscured intentions are things that are simply unthinkable for you. It wouldn’t even be surprising if you were preaching to others before you entered this game, telling people how that honor and truth were the way to go and that deception was the spawn of hell and such… As a result, miss. “Holier than thou”,. you are most likely to be more pure than many others as a result of these virtues that bind you, and will perhaps serve as a source of enlightenment to them. But be warned, in a setting such as this, being too honest and straightforward may prove to be fatal to you…and not everyone appreciates those who act so uptight… (In short, highest rank: Your character won’t ever lie, won’t ever try to use stealth, won’t ever try to hide information, will abstain from all “immortal conduct”…etc, even to your enemies at the highest rank. People who have a tendency for “immortal conduct” will also be harder to interact with. The plus side? For each rank you take, you get a +10 to purity, mainly as this trait’s downsides are heavy enough that such a huge bonus is almost a requirement…)

Lazy: One Rank

For a long time in coming now, you have always been the person who attempts to skip or ditch work whenever possible, pushing it onto other people, making excuses… all because you’re lazy. As old habits die hard, this remains true, even now within the boundaries of this ruined city. Amazingly enough however, although one would expect you not capable of being “bothered” to think up fitting excuses, you are amazing at convincing other people… whenever it relates to you not having to do work that is.

Paranoia: Two Ranks

“The shadows…they’re coming for me… they’re coming for me! You, you’re the one responsible for them aren’t you?! Stay away from me! STAY AWAY FROM ME!” My dear, let us rest assured that if shadows were certainly coming for you, especially if they belong to “that guest” in particular, you wouldn’t even have time to cry in a corner as you are now. Still scared are we?... Guess there’s no helping it is there? Whether it be horrible trauma from some godforsaken event, or simply being stabbed in the back too many times in a row, you have completely abandoned the concept of trusting others, to the extent that you’re practically delusional now. No words will get through to you, and everyone around you is secretly trying to do you in no matter where you go. Well… on the bright side, at least the succubi and incubi will never be able to screw around with your mind… (In short: first rank has automatically halves any attempt made at social interaction with this character: persuasion, seduction, etc… including the positive interactions. Second rank is automatic fail regardless…which means your character will never have friends, and is lucky as hell if she can convince herself that staying in the safe haven is better than venturing outside.)

Nightmarish Past: One Rank

“My poor dear… you’ve had the most horrible experiences in the past few weeks haven’t you? There there, come here and I’ll make it all go away…” Having suffered from the most horrible things in the short time before the game, you are plagued by nightmares of what have happened, and are haunted by these memories at your every turn, even in the day. Of course, as a result, not many things will scare you provided they bear little resemblance to your memories, seeing as there are worse things in your mind at all times. Then again, you may find yourself less able to resist offers of comfort or find yourself trembling in fear against those who can manipulate these very memories against you… (In short, bonus to fear rolls NOT in direct relation to the traumas/nightmares, but a massive penalty to fear rolls against things that resemble the object of the character’s nightmares and occasionally a slight penalty to defending against seduction attempts…)

Sheltered: Three Ranks

The world in your memories is shallow at best, and surrounded by lies, deceptions, and other sorts of preventive measures put in place by others to keep you “protected” from the evils of the world. As a result of not coming into contact with such “wicked things”, you find yourself to be “cleaner” than the normal populace, as well as much less well informed… Ignorance is bliss, as well as the means to one’s down fall, a person would do well to remember that. (+5 to purity per rank, but penalties to dealing with enemies that the character has yet to encounter as well as certain other situations.)

Showoff: Two Ranks

“Bam! And the crowd goes wild as the girl sends the monster’s head flying off with a beautiful and most elegant swing of her blade!” Even in the small amount of memories granted to you, you have always enjoyed the limelight, going out of your way to show off in front of others, to earn their praise and envy. While normally there would be nothing wrong with doing things in an ‘over the top” manner, in the middle of an apocalyptic setting such as this, attempting to pull things off in a showy manner each time will most likely leave you stranded from your teammates and raped. Well, on the plus side… when you’re too busy showing off what you can do, you’re probably not paying enough attention to your enemy to cower in fear as the rest of your party may be… although whether that’s bravery or stupidity is another story… (Penalty to “perception” rolls, in exchange, bonus to “fear” rolls… Hey, the person trying to show off is usually too stupid to realize that there’s a reason why the others around him/her are cringing in fright…)

Sexual Deviant: Three Ranks

In the few weeks before all this began, you’ve found yourself heavily engaged in satisfying your carnal desires, and trying out “new things”. From candles to whips, to handcuffs, to fake tentacle sex… the list goes on really. As a result, being tossed into a city where many of your fantasies have become reality, is probably a dream come true!...In a sense anyway. Given that you’ve tried so many things out, it’s a tiny bit harder for the demons and monsters to bring you into ecstasy than your other companions. Of course, that also means that you have a much harder time resisting these pleasures as well. (+5 to orgasm per rank, but more severe penalties to willpower rolls in regards to aphrodisiacs and seduction in general per rank…)
Re: The Rules of The Game, and the Role of Memories.

Memory Skills (Unfinished)

*All memory skills have five ranks in which memory points can be appropriated into…


The ability to do flips, tumbles, somersaults, and all sorts of complex maneuvers, whether to dodge tentacles and monsters or simply show off…Do take care to watch for low ceilings please, the board really wasn’t designed to have pieces back flipping everywhere….


This ability allows for one to “assume roles” and put on fake displays of emotion for various purposes. Entertaining others, deceiving others, or simply to make an annoyance of oneself, are all within the possibilities for this ability. Which is the best use for such a skill?... Why don’t you be the judge?







Driving (Type of vehicle)



First Aid


Guns (type)

Melee weapons (Type)


Lock picking


Occult Knowledge

Sleight of Hand








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Re: The Rules of The Game, and the Role of Memories.

Post Reserved for Another Update
Re: The Rules of The Game, and the Role of Memories.

~Version History~

Version 0.80: Finished descriptions for Standard and Memory Drawback Trait, as well as the Rules of the Game.
Version 0.81: Finished descriptions for two Memory skills, added Dodge, Seduction, and Persuasion.
Vertsion 0.815: Condensed Persuasion and Seduction into one skill after a rather convincing argument on a certain person's part.
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