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The Prison [Safe Haven]

Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Caliber sounded grim when he answered the radio, "River... I just talked with Amy, right before you called me... And I think you should check yourself... I think she had a bug placed on you. She was talkin' as if she knows what you've been doing..."

Cal gave a confused breath into his radio, "River, I don't know what's going on, but something was really wrong with the way she was talking to me... I can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Well, unless that bug has a bomb attached, the worst she can do is yell at me. I'm not afraid of her, so I wouldn't worry about it, pass her over, alright?" River says, brow furrowed a little. Even if Amy was listening in, what bad could have come from it? It's not like she was conspiring to assassinate anybody or something like that...

River used the wait time to try and remember what exactly she had been saying all day, to try and come up with a reason Amy would be angry. Not coming up with one, she simply shrugged mentally and waited.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Caliber grunted, seeming to be angry that he was out of the loop as to what was exactly going on, and after some time, he answered the radio again, "She said she wasn't going to talk... And that some chick named Emilia did something wrong, and that an agreement was void," he sighed, frustrated, "River, what the hell is going on? What agreement was she talking about? And what happened to make- HEY!" he suddenly shouted, and River suddenly heard the Director, Amy, on the other side.

"Tell Emilia that our agreement earlier today is now void, if she won't provide provisions, and resources, we won't provide man power. And if she continues to have her kind pillage areas near our Inn for resources she doesn't need, we will fire on sight." The radio suddenly clicked off after she finished, and after a few seconds, it clicked back on.

"River...?" Cal called out, "River... What the hell? Just what the hell have you been doing?" he demanded, seeming to catch on to the dire situation.

Meanwhile, Emilia was looking at River with worry, unable to hear the words on the radio, and was remaining silent, just watching her with interest.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"I don't know anything about an agreement Cal, I thought-" River says, dumbfounded, and then lets out a hiss when Amy cuts in, hurting her hearing from talking to loudly on the earpeice. Cal came back on and spoke, and she answered, her tone dark.

"Honestly Cal, I don't know. I thought I was here for one thing, but it's quickly becoming obvious that I'm being played from both sides here. I'll keep you posted." She says the phrase that tells him to listen, but not talk, and moves to turn the radio off, but just goes through the motion, leaving it on so Cal can listen in.

"So," she says, turning to Emilia with a skeptical eyebrow raised. "What's this about a conversation you and Amy had this morning?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

After Emilia heard River mention something about an agreement, Emilia seemed to take a tone that suggested she was very worried, and she looked down to the ground, "... So... It's no wonder... I figured she'd send someone... But I didn't know it'd be..." she sighed, acting as if defeated, "It's no lie... Even though there are many women here, many of them are not willing to have sex with our kind... Earlier this morning, Amy approached me, and said that if I would provide her and her... "Allies" shelter, and resources from our prison... She'd provide us with willing women for..." As if she wasn't looking away enough, Emilia made sure River wasn't even in her peripheral vision, "I... Think you know..."

She then seemed to erupt with an emotion River never truly saw until now, anger, "But, God damn it! Human beings are not commodities! I refuse to have anything to do with that woman, who would sell me slaves!"

Emilia was breathing angrily, and her facial expression screamed of bloody murder as she looked up at River from where she was leaning against the edge of the counter at the spot near the dishes, "I know we'll eventually lose control of ourselves if our lust isn't satisfied, but so long as I can make decisions as a human being, I'll never give in, I'll never steal helpless women, and rape them in no way different from those monsters outside!" she said with conviction.

She then stopped leaning against the edge, and looked at River like a Queen about to go into battle, "And I don't care how she likes it! If she wants to kill us for what we have, so be it! If she shoots, we'll shoot back!" As she shouted this announcement, several of the obvious women who were the guards taking a break gave their own shout in support, still remaining loyal to her, even as she said they might die.

After shouting that, and calming down a little, Emilia sighed, "You helped me make my decision, River, and I thank you for it. I'll make a patrol that will escort the imprisoned women far enough, so that they can make it on their own to the Inn, without jeopardizing my own people's safety. That woman won't just walk over me, and treat me like a tool for her own gain. I won't allow it."