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The Prison [Safe Haven]

Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Stopping only for a second, Daisy turned to River, and cupped her hands around her mouth, so as to help direct the distance of sound towards the red head, "You only wanted me to come so you could make fun of me!" she accused River, "I'm telling Regina you were mean to me!!!" she threatened, sounding very upset as she did.

With that threat, Daisy stormed away, back towards the direction of the prison, hopping from building to building.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River let out a sigh, giving her sore arms a stretch before hopping back down and starting off after Daisy. The woman had too much of a headstart for River to catch easily, so she settled for trying to keep her in sight while she called Regina over the radio. "Regina, you there? I think I've gone and pissed Daisy off."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

The little blond was moving fast, and when River saw her look back, she could barely catch what appeared to be a snarl. Daisy, instead of jumping to another building, decided she'd lose River's trail if she went out of her territory, and dropped down into a nearby alleyway, out of River's sight.

A moment after River called, Regina seemed to have been at the end of a laugh, as she must have been with other people at the moment, and was answering River in the middle of a conversation, "Hm, why?" she asked, actually still sounding in a good mood, the news River bringing not surprising her, "What's she mad about this time?" she asked River in a lame tone, as if she's heard it a thousand times.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"I think I hit her apparent superiority complex a little too hard, and she's officially dropped off the rooftops into monster territory. I don't suppose you could talk to her, she brought her own radio, right?" River said, catching up to where Daisy had disappeared from sight and stopping for a couple seconds to check the scene before speeding down after her.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Regina only laughed, not bothered by River's mention of Daisy being in danger, "Ha, ha, ha!" she laughed, "Don't worry about her, she's even faster than those dog lookin' things that are walkin' around. You probably won't be able to catch her now, so just stay on those rooftops and watch out for monsters in the air," she warned River. Part of what she said was true, as when she arrived at where Daisy had gone, the little blond girl was long gone, and after River observed the area before dropping down, she caught sight of many tentacles sticking out of the sewers, apparently looking for something, and not finding it.

(Intelligence check)

Daisy must have ran past them when they heard her little footsteps, and emerged to attempt to capture her.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"If you're sure..." River says uneasily, staying on the rooftops and trying to parallel the way she thinks Daisy went, splitting her attention between watching for airborne creatures and watching for Daisy.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River, knowing the way to the prison, and the way Daisy ran, deducted that the little blond was running back to the prison to tell on her, angry that River upstaged her.

During the now very tiring trip back to the prison, (Stamina status: Orange), River passed many creatures lurking about on the ground, some even looking up at her as she flew over them, and others on the wrong building, making failed attempts to jump over to her from building to building, until she reached, with heavy breaths being caught upon arrival, at the Prison. Based on the fact that she never saw Daisy, she could only assume the blond reached here before she did, besides other things...

However, her suspicions were put to rest at the activation of her radio, which she heard Regina from, "River, you there?" she asked, and after confirmation, continued, "Look, Daisy's really angry that I'm not gonna... Get mad at ya, or something, so I'm sorry if I can't welcome ya right off the spot. I've got to calm her down before she starts throwing a fit again, breaking things..." she said with worry.

"Come on in, if you'd like. Oh!-" she started, and said with haste, as if remembering something, "Emilia said she'd want to talk to someone from the Inn about something, could ya kindly pay her a visit, and talk with her? See what she wants? Thanks!" she thanked River without waiting for her to confirm whether or not she'd do it, seeming to be in a hurry to get to Daisy.

River was standing on the very first building she and Daisy stood on for the day, looking over the prison...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River sat on the edge of the building while she listened to Regina, giving the odd affirmative as she used some of her unruly hair to mop the sweat from her brow. "Yeah, I can do that, see you a bit later then." She replied, not expecting an answer, and she picked herself up and went down the fire escape of the building, and over to the doors of the prison itself.

After turning in her weapons again and getting some directions, she strode down to Emilia's room, knocking on the door lightly.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

As River was welcomed in by the brown haired girl who let her in after seeing her from the camera, she politely smiled and nodded at River, promising to take good care of her things, and even fix whatever was damaged, before she left for Emilia's office, passing through the pleasant yard, where the grass was green, and well kept, and various women, friends or lovers, River couldn't tell, but they were just as friendly as she remembered. A pair even waved to her as she passed by them, even though they didn't seem to know her, before resuming whatever they were talking about.

After River reached the double doorway labeled, "Emilia's office," and passing through the hallways, going by several doors, some of which she heard the sounds of sex from, she eventually reached a total quiet part of the whole complex, while at the same time, finding herself standing in front of Emilia's door.

The woman's door window, blurred greatly so that you couldn't even barely see anything on the other side, had very... Strange, but beautiful artistic drawings all over it. The woman had gone so far as even to paint vines along the edges of the wooden door. One thing was for sure, this Emilia was quite the artistic woman.

After knocking on the door, River heard a faint, "Just a minute!" from the other side. From the lighting of the window the woman had in her room, River could see vauge movements on the other side, and could make out a woman's movements on the other side. She seemed to be fussing with her hair, then disappearing for a moment to wash her hands, as River heard water going through the pipes shortly after, before she saw the woman walk up to the door, and open it widely, with an inviting, and pleasant grin on her face.

Emilia's hair was a very dark color of black, and it was very long, past her waist, and it shined beautifully under every light around her. All of it was pushed back, so that every length of the beautiful hair went down her back, covering her ears with her thick hair. Her eyes were a piercing blue, and as they looked at River, no matter what she thought, she could almost feel those eyes going right through her, sending delightful shivers across her body. Combined with her pink, pretty smile, her beautiful black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a very artistic dress, with a v line on the side, showing off her left, healthy looking leg, River knew, without a doubt, that this was a very beautiful woman she was looking at, and seemed equally sweet.

With a bright smile, Emilia greeted River, "Hello," her voice rang of kindness, softly, and with care, "I'm Emilia, is there something I can help you with?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River answered slowly, something about Emilia putting her ill at ease, though she was at a loss to figure out what. "Hi, I'm River. Regina told me you were looking to talk to someone from the Inn?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia gave a polite, slow, and graceful bow to River at her introduction, and smiled happily at the mention that she was from the Inn. Emilia moved herself out of the way of the door, while inviting River into her beautiful, yet strange room, "Oh, wonderful!" she announced with glee, "Please, won't you come in, River? Unless you don't have the time, I'd love to talk with you about what everyone at the Inn is like!"

With Emilia out of the way, River could see into Emilia's room. Without a doubt, the woman seemed to be in love with the color blue. Her walls seemed recently painted blue, with artistic vine-like drawings along every inch of her room along the sea of blue paint, the vines themselves a lighter shade of green, and seemed to envelop the whole of her sanctuary. Rather than entrapped by the vines, the room had the odd feeling that the vines were protecting you...

Other than her noteworthy walls, there were simple, yet ever lastingly beautiful Roses placed along the nightstands on both sides of her bed, located in the center of the room, the head board against the wall opposite the way River would come in, and looked very inviting, as if River could just lay down on it like a cloud, and put her fears and woes to rest.

The room was fairly large, and had a whole assortment of other things around to suite every creature comfort one might have. There was a stove, with a small pot on it, filled with water, and seemed turned on, with a box of tea nearby, ready to be prepared. There was a small, round table, with two comfy looking chairs one could just slouch, and lay back in, and have a polite, comfortable, one-on-one conversation with the person you were talking to, the cloth over the cushioning was also tinted blue, and blue, plastic oval pieces were sown in a very unique pattern along the arm rests of the chairs, shining in the light, almost like sapphires.

And lastly, besides a normal looking TV, was a large canvas, with a picture on top of it, a work in progress, from River's view. What was done, was a large dragon, Grey in color, with dark green eyes, emerging from the middle of the ocean during a storm, and was looking directly at you, almost as if coming straight towards you. The picture itself seemed to be trying to capture the magnificence of both a stormy night in the open sea, and the majesty of a dragon at the same time...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River walks in slowly, taking in the room itself, with a surprised expression. "Wow, you're some artist." She said appreciatively, "And yeah, I've got plenty of time. What do you want to know?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia raises a finger before getting to business, "Before we get to that, please, make yourself at home," she asked River politely, walking over to one of the blue, comfortable looking chairs, and drawing it out in silent offer for River to take a seat, the looks of it was of a velvet material, meant to make the user feel as if she was on a cloud, "Would you like some tea?" she offered, apparently determined to make her guest feel welcome before anything else.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Um, yeah, sure." River says slowly as she settles into the offered chair. After so long perching on rooftops, the chair feels both incredibly comfortable and highly disconcerting, so she settles with planting herself on the very edge and leaning forward some.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia casts a worried glance at River's method of relaxing, and even thinks she's doing something wrong, that she's not being nice enough to her guest, and tries to tell herself she's just being nervous and making things up again.

As she walks over to the pot filled with water, now boiling, she opens up a cabinet and takes a pair of mugs forth from them, just big enough for a large cup of tea. She puts two tea bags each in the cups, and pours the scalding hot water into them, letting the flavor from the bags mix in fairly well, before asking River as she adds sugar to her own cup, "How many lumps of sugar would you like?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River took a quick look at the size of the cup, and answered with a hint of a smile. "Three, please, thanks."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia gave a polite nod, and plopped three sugar cubes into one of the cups. She then reached down, and pulled a drawer open. The sound of silverware rung through the air as she did so, right before she pulled two spoons forth from it, and proceeded to mix box cups with their repective spoons for a moment, before letting them go, and taking the mugs by the handles. She walked slowly, and carefully with the tea, with a pleasant smile on her face, and politely placed River's tea in front of her. The spoon was still inside of it, but she removed the bag right before adding the sugar.

She took a seat opposite River, and laid back in the chair appropiately, enjoying the feel of it on her back. Her bottom was all the way in, so that she could stay mostly straight, while she took a tiny sip of her hot tea, and slowly set the mug back no the table with a smile, "River... Such a beautiful name," she admired her, smiling at River.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Thanks, Emilia has a nice ring to it as well, almost musical." River compliments back, sipping her tea but keeping it in her hands, warming them. She seemed fairly content to stay on pleasantries as well, starting to feel comfortable in the room, even sliding back in the chair some.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia giggled a little, seeming flattered by River's compliment, "Hm, Thank you," she said with an even brighter smile. She tapped a finger nail on her mug for a moment, before taking another sip, while looking at River over it, "You know, people do say I'm very talented at singing, and I sometimes gather everyone in the courtyard at night, and sing to them. The guards on the towers compliment, and thank me for my singing, they say my voice makes them feel happy, and yet sad at the same time..." she tells River, all while looking at her own reflection in the tea, blinking at it a little after she was done talking, "Sometimes, I hate to think I make them feel sad... I'd like to think my songs only make them feel happy..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River nods slowly, taking another sip of her tea. "Music comes from the soul. If your soul is sad about something, it projects that into your music." She says slowly, almost apologetically.