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The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Pheonix Alugere

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Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Out in towns on the west coast of Vestalia continent, there's a common rumor that tends to circulate every couple of years about a sorceress living in a tower on a bluff over looking a small bay along the north end of the continent. It's said that, despite being several hundred years old, she looks like she's barely over the age of adulthood. Of course, the rumor goes on to say that the reason she's so young looking is she has a special mirror magically crafted from the waters of the fountain of youth that can bestow eternal youth on its owner. How it does this is uncertain, but that doesn't stop many people from seeking the mirror. In fact, finding the tower that most believe the rumor is about is fairly easy. For the farther north someone goes, the more they here about a tower belonging to a sorceress.

The land immediately around the tower is a large, grass-covered bluff extending out across a small bay where fishermen are often able to catch fish, particularly eels, all year round. In fact, a decent sized town has grown up at the back of the bay where people make a living fishing or catering the wanderers who come in to seek the mirror. Often times, visitors to the town will be able to make out the small forms of wanderers climbing up the grassy bluff to the tower as they begin their search.

(This is a quest for level 0 heroines where Combat is mostly unimportant, but Explore and Naughty are heavily emphasized. This dungeon is also the prerequisite for a second level 0 dungeon that I'll hold off on posting until after someone has finished this one. I can post several times a day and will aim to make all posts at least as large as the second paragraph if I can't make the first or higher.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Unclaimed)

Ashara had cut her self path after path through the tall grass that covered the bluff, working her way up to the castle that was claimed to hold the mirror of enternal youth. Honestly she did not really care much for the eternal youth the mirror promised though it was most certainly a perk. Dark elves dont age much or fast to begin with. No she was merely seeking the treasure. She was obsessed with it and intended to add it to her collection.
She was not content to spend her many years in the magical halls of her species sorceroress academy and wished to experience the thrill and rewards of treausre hunting. She had followed the rumors she had heard while travelling from another haul and had heard about the mirror and the sorceress that awaits in the tower. And had headed out to the grassy bluff in hopes of adding to her trove.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Finally arriving at the tower after several hours off cutting through the thick grass, Ashara can finally get a good glimpse of the imposing structure. The entire tower seems to have been grow out of the rock of the bluff itself, remaining seemless all the way up until windows begin appearing several stories up. Farther up on the tower, a large balcony extends, likely the entrance the sorceress uses by means of magic. Certainly it would keep most average adventurers out. A quick search around the base of the tower itself reveals there to be no entrance, but instead the remains of campfires belonging to wanderers who likely spent days searching the walls of the tower for a way in.

Growing frustrated at her lack of options, Ashara uses this opportunity to glance out on the sea. However, to much to her pleasure, she soon notes a small cave hidden by the shadows of large rocks sticking out of the water at the base of the cliff. From up on top of the cliff, it seems like the cave might go under the tower, and if it does, it may provide another way in.

Glancing down again at the sea cave, Ashara sees two ways she can try to go about this. The easiest way would probably be to walk back around to the coast and then try to wade or swim along the side of the cliff to reach the cave. However, She can see from here that a large school of the eels this bay is well known for are swimming about in the water there. Given there numbers, it would be all too easy for a few of the slimy creatures to accidentally get trapped in her clothing and then wriggle about in inappropriate places until she removed them. Alternatively, Ashara could try to find a safe way to climb down the cliff and hopefully avoid the water as long as she didn't fall.

(Paths: Wade or swim to the cave, Naughty; Try and climb down the cliff, Explore(Naughty))
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Ashara notices the small cave hidden by the rocks out in the sea, and seemingly a secret entrance to allow her to get into the tower. She looks down and also notices the large school off eels swimming about. Eeeehhhh.... those eels are most likely going to end up getting caught in my clothes and swimming around in my privates...... She then looks over on the cliff and contemplated trying to climb down the cliff and avoid the water, Hmmm.... climbing would avoid the water and ears but it would be most painful and unfortuante if i slipped and fell down..... "I think I'll take my chances with the eels." She finally saids to herself as she decides to swimg along the cliff. As she walks around the coast she looks to see if anyone else is looking and discards everything but her weapons and begins to swim out towards the cave.

(Swim to the cave)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(Swimming Naughty = difficulty 18)
(Ashara's naughty is 3. Roll of 10=13, Ashara fails by 5.)

Making much better time down the bluff using the path she had cut earlier, Ashara quickly makes her way down to the shore. Standing on the rocky beach, she notices that the sea cave isn't visible from here, likely the reason why everyone seems to go to the tower itself. Glancing back towards town, Ashara thankfully notices that she is alone, quickly, she strips out of her clothing and wraps in around her bow to protect the wooden weapon from the spray off of the water. Then, tucking the bundle into a small hollow in the rocks to try and keep it out of sight, Ashara tightens Her sword belt and wades into the water.

Eventually wading out far enough from the shore and along the bluffs that the water is over her head, Ashara begins swimming gracefully through the water, although she has to be careful not to run up against the rocks coming out of the water. However, once she nears the mouth of the bay where the sea cave should be, Ashara starts encountering the eels. Quickly, she is swamped in their slimy bodies and could more easily be described as swimming through eels rather than through water. Still, for a while, she manages to put up with it. However, as she draws closer to the sea cave, the amount of eels increases and they begin to brush up against more sensitive places. Constantly, Ashara is feeling the creatures brush across her small chest as they move about, their slick skin evoking an oddly pleasant feeling. By the time she reaches the cave, though, the eels have reached a whole new level in numbers. Now, she even feels them brushing around between her legs, stimulating her folds as they try to move about. Even as she moves into the cave, they don't abate.

Inside the cave, while floating in the eels, Ashara notices a large net made of thorny vines blocking access to the deeper sections. The area where the sea brushes up against the net has the eels going even more crazy with a white froth coming up around them. Given that the eels act like this on the other side of the net, there is likely a hole in the net, under the water, meaning that, if she stayed in the water, Ashara could probably get through the net. On the other hand, a small stone ledge runs along the side of the cave, and if she climbs up, she might be able to force a way through the net where it block the ledge. She might risk scratching herself on the thorns, though, if she did that.

Ashara's stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 5, and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 20/20
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 3 and 15/20

(Paths: Swim through the water and under the net, Naughty; Try to make a way through a dry section of the net along the stone ledge, Explore (Spirit))
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Not wanting to deal with the eels anymore Ashara decided it might be wise to avoid swimming underneath the net, and looks around to notice the stone ledge along the side of the cave. "Hmmm, that ledge looks rather precarious, but it might be better then going in the water and dealing with those eels, the way they're foaming at the mouth does not bode well." She saids to herself before carefully scaling the wall and reaching the ledge, making sure to keep her back pressed firmly against the wall as she attempts to slide along the wall past the net and its thorns.

Try to make a way through a dry section of the net along the stone ledge, Explore (Spirit)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(Through the vines, Explore = 16. Spirit = Difficulty Unknown)
(Ashara's Explore is 7. Roll of 18. = 25. Pass.)

Slowly, Ashara slides along the wall, grabing the vines in a few places to pull the out of her way. She really didn't want to get caught by the thorns given that she was naked and had no clothing to protect herself from them. As she slides through the vines, Ashara also notices a glimmering blue fluid leaking from the thorns, likely some sort of venom. Eventually, however, Ashara manages to get past the vines, thankfully without getting scratched by them.

Moving to the back of the sea cave, Ashara comes into an area where cracks in the ceiling let light through to shine onto a large collection of various plants, a large number of which look similar to the vine net back near the cave entrance. Some, however, look more exotic. There seem to be a large number of fly catcher plants in this cavern as well, including one flytrap plant that dwarfs most of the other plants. Disturbingly, the plant seems to be shaking with movement slightly and the vines near it, on the ground seem to be moving about as well. If it is just the plant that's moving and not an animal, then Ashara could probably avoid it fairly easily by going around the edge of the cavern and making her way through the thorny plants there... Or she could take the simple route and charge out into the plants and attempt to kill whatever is moving about. Which ever route she takes, her final goal is quite clear: a large crack in the rock on the far side of the cavern looks to lead deeper into the rock.

(Paths: Try to avoid the plants, Explore (Combat); Smash through the plants to reach the other side of the cavern, Combat (Spirit))
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Being naked and not really needing a fight at the moment Ashara decides it's probably best to avoid whatever it might be moving up there. If it was an animal she would be glad not to have to fight it. But if it was just the plant she could possibly destroy it with a well placed fireball.

"I would rather not get into any kind of combat without any protection. If thats a wild animal making that plant move I would be in bad shape. But if its merely a plant, alive or not, I could probably use magic to take care of it if it ends up attacking. either way I'll probably find out it spots me and attacks, or if i squeak by without it noticing once close enough." She saids as goes to make her way around the cavern.

(Paths: Try to avoid the pants, Explore (Combat)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(Through the vines, Explore = 16. Combat damage x1)
(Ashara's Explore is 7. Roll of 3. = 10. Ashara fails by 6.)

Trying to avoid the moving plant, Ashara carefully tries to pick her way through the thorny plants in the cavern without attracting attention. Unfortunately, She is less successful this time than when she got past the net. As she pushes through the plants, she finds some of the thorns keep painfully lodging themselves in her legs, causing her to have to hold in barely contained yelps of pain. The closest she got to alerting the plant or whatever is moving near the center of the cavern is when she steps on a thorn at one point. Biting back a pained cry, Ashara stumbles the rest of the way through the cavern, gaining a few more cuts and scratches in the process.

Reaching the other side, it seems she has managed to avoid attracting the attention of whatever is in the middle of the cavern, though. That, or she was out of its reach when she went past.

After taking some time to recover from her hurts, Ashara then moves through the large crack in the rock. After a few feat, she emerges in a room seemingly grown into the rock, much like how the tower was grown out of it. Filling practically the whole room, however, is a massive pool of some sort of glowing fluid. Unless she misses her guess, Ashara can be fairly confidant that this liquid comes from failed potions that the sorceress disposes of. However she wants to look at it, one thing is certain: the liquid seems to move on its own, having strange currents caused by seemingly nothing flowing about its self.

Ashara only really has two ways to get through the fluid. She can try to wade through the fluid and hope she has no troubles with the exposure or when trying to get out, or she can use magic to try and deal with the liquid in some manner so she can cross, be it trying to walk on top of it, suppress the magic in it, or something else.

Ashara's stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 5, and 14/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 14/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 20/20
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 3 and 15/20

(Paths: Wade through the fluid, Naughty (Explore); Use magic to deal with the fluid while she crosses, Magic (Naughty))
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

"Talk about a major health violation! There's no telling what mixing all of these potions could create! Or what the effects of being exposed to them would be!" Ashara saids at the bizarre liquid composing the majority of the room. "Well one thing is for damned clear, and that's that I sure as hell dont want to go swimming in it!" She saids as raises her hands and attempts to freeze it solid calling a blizzard into the room, hoping to turn the liquid into ice so she can walk over it.

Use magic to deal with the fluid while she crosses, Magic (Naughty)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(A magical solution, Explore = 16. Naughty = Difficulty 21)
(Ashara's spirit is 5. Roll of 1. = 6. Marie fails by 10.)
(Ashara's Naughty is 3. Roll of 13. = 16. Marie fails by 5.)

Deciding to try and deal with the magical fluid with more magic, Ashara expertly casts a spell to freeze over the fluid. Then, watching the fluid freeze over, she begins to walk to the other side. However, although her spell was perfect, Ashara forgot to think about one simple thing: the magical energies already present in the fluid would likely counteract her own magic fairly quickly with an added burst that partially disturbs the flow of Ashara's magic. As such, Ashara soon finds the frozen surface of the liquid cracking and bubbling away, leaving her to fall into the liquid with a loud splash.

Sinking in, Ashara is quickly surrounded by the fluid before she can react and is quickly forced to shakily try to stand and wade out of it. However, this is more easily said than done, as Ashara soon finds the liquid clinging in ways a fluid should cling and moving about oddly. Even as she stands large amounts of the fluid stay attached to her small breasts, swirling and massaging them in pleasureful ways even as she tries to get free of the rest of the liquid. Distracting as that may be, she gains even more problems as, when she is only a few feet from the shore, Ashara begins to feel tendrils of the magical fluid poke themselves up and into both of her holes. Ashara is almost lost to the sensation as the fluid not only practically fucks her, but eddies about inside of her as well.

Still, she eventually breaks free of the fluid and climbs up onto the shore where a stone passage has been sculpted into the rock. Once out of the main body of fluid, the liquid inside of her is quickly retracted back down into the main body. Conversely, the large globs on her breasts as well as the small patches of goo covering her cuts see to stay latched on and bothering her in oddly pleasureful ways.

After either taking a moment either to deal with the blobs of fluid, or deciding to leave them as they are, Ashara begins to move down the passageway and way from the chamber full of fluid. After a few minutes of walking, the passageway opens back up into a small, but remarkable chamber. On the right, against the wall, stand four magically enchanted poles leading into a hole in the ceiling, likely designed to raise or lower a platform that's currently in the upper levels of the tower as a way for the sorceress to get down here. Opposite of that, however, is a large and fancily engraved door with no visible handle or lock. However, a large network of gears and enchanted runes are embedded into the walls on both sides. Likely these form both the locking mechanism and the way of opening the door.

This leaves Ashara with two options, she could either try and climb up and around the gears, trying to find some switch or lever that would open the gate which would be there n case the sorceress was unable to open the door magically, for some reason, or Ashara could try and use her own magical powers to pick the 'lock' and open the door.

Ashara's stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 5, and 14/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 14/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 10/20
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 3 and 10/20

(Paths: Explore the gears for a switch to open the door, Explore; Use magic to pick the lock, Spirit)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Ashard stood there for a few moments contemplating what move she should take to get through the rest of the tower. Hmmm, it would be easier to try to magically pick the lock on the door, but if the power of those potions I dealt with earlier are any indication then she probably has this thing encoded with some sort of really powerful magic. Im okay at magic, plus she's not going to be willing to hand the mirror over once I find it, so I probably ought to save my magic for when I really need it, she thinks as she heads out about to search the runes and gears for a lever or switch to open the door for her.

Explore the gears for a switch to open the door, Explore
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(Through the gears, Explore = 18. Miniboss)
(Ashara's spirit is 7. Roll of 16. = 23. Ashara passes.)

Crawling into the gears, Ashara begins to search around for some sort of lever to open the door. After several minutes, Ashara continues to find nothing and begins contemplating giving up on this approach, however, just as she leaving the gears, she notices a small switch hidden out of sight from almost every angle in a small depression in one of the larger gears. Moving over to the switch, she flips it and quickly has to scramble out of the gears as they start to turn about. Sliding out past the last gears, Ashara watches as the door slowly opens up. Glancing inside, she is pleased to see that this seems to be a vault of sorts. Inside, a large number of chests are stacked up on shelves and on the floor around the room, likely full of magical trinkets, however, the chief thing that catches Ashara's eye is the small hand-mirror sitting on a pedestal in center of the rear wall. Believing this to be what she's looking for, Ashara begins to move forward before something falls to the floor in the center of the room with a loud thump.

Quickly, the thing begins to move, rising up slightly to reveal a creature made out of a seemingly endless number of long flailing pink vines. From the look of it, it seems to be a summoned creature of some sort, meaning that somewhere past the vines on its actual body is a small magical focus that binds it to this plane. However, Disturbingly, Ashara notices that the tips of the creatures vine-like tentacles seem to be leaking a white fluid making the tentacles look quite similar to long flexible penises. While the creature was likely intended to capture thieves and hold them until the sorceress could get to them, it seems it has entered into a rut and therefore would have other plans for anyone it catches.

(Path: Locate the magical focus Spirit(naughty) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it Naughty(explore). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Hmmm, it looks like I really don't have a choice but to try to pinpoint the location of the thing keeping this creature bonded to this plane and remove it if I want to get this treasure. I might be able to dodge its tentacles if I enhance my speed a bit, and I could probably discourage it if I put some kind of armor on me like a thronskin. Shew thinks as she mumbles a couple of enchantments, boosting her speed and causing thorns to cover her body reminiscent of the ones she encountered in the previous chambers before sprinting towards the creature intending to locate its bond and either remove or destroy it so she would be able to claim her hard earned prize that she had came all this way for.

Locate the magical focus Spirit(naughty) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it Naughty(explore)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 16. Naughty = 21)
(Ashara's Spirit is 5. Roll of 4. = 9. Ashara Fails by 7.)
(Ashara's Naughty is 3. +2 idea bonus. Roll of 14. = 17. Ashara fails by 4.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 16. Explore = 21)
(Ashara's Naughty is 3. +2 idea bonus. Roll of 5. = 8. Ashara fails by 8.)
(Ashara's Explore is 7. Roll of 2. = 9. Ashara fails by 12.)

Running forward towards the creature, Ashara plunges into the vines, hoping her magical protections would aid her. Unfortunately, while the speed does help her to doge the creature's attacks, its sex mad mind is undeterred by the vines and merely uses the thorns to help it to establish grips on Ashara. However, right as she reaches the creature's main tangle of tentacles, Ashara realizes something even worse: she can't find the focus within the creature. As this thought hits her, Ashara momentarily freezes, resulting in the creature managing to wrap tendrils around her arms and legs. Quickly, she feels herself lift into the air as the tentacles of the creature pull up her body. Another quick motion of the tentacles and the vine armor she had made is ripped off. Quickly, the creature begins moving across Ashara's body with its tentacles, poking and proding as it seeks a place to gain release.

After a few moments, Ashara feels two thick tendrils press themselves into her lower holes and begin to pump in and out of her. While the size is painful at first, the pain is quickly overwhelmed by pleasure as an aphrodisiac is released into her body. Feeling Ashara's body starting to respond to the pleasure, the creature starts pumping harder, causing Ashara's juices to start spilling out of her body. It isn't long after that that Ashara starts to catch herself moaning in pleasure, although that doesn't last long when the creature takes advantage of it. Sensing that Ashara's mouth is open, the creature quickly presses another tentacle into her, pumping in her mouth in time with the tentacles in her lower holes and leaking a sweet fluid into her mouth. For a long time after this, the tentacles continue pumping, slowly increasing the pleasure Ashara feels until several bulges move up the tentacles to the tips where they start spraying cum into her body and bloating it. This proves to be too much for her as Ashara cums, crying out loudly around the tentacle in her mouth. A few minutes later, as the tentacles relax and Ashara fully regains herself, the drow manages to free herself and stumble backward, pouring out cum with every step as her body tries to restore its unbloated state. To make matters even more worse and distracting, while she stumbles back, Ashara can feel a growing pleasure on her chest, a glance down revealing the goo she had left on her breasts mixing with the creature's cum and causing her breasts to grow in size.

Still, while she may be on her last legs, Ashara can tell the creature is somewhat tired as well and that a second attempt might be easier than the first.

Ashara's stats:
Willpower - 10/12
Combat and HP - 5, and 14/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 2/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 3/20
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 3 and 0/20
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Uuuuugh....... Ashara thought as she the cum drooling out of her holes. I hope dont get pregnant.But still, I might have been given an oppurtunity here. It looks like the creature is dazed or tired. Maybe if I can pull off a time slowing spell or make the creature slower I can find a way to get to its bond. She thought as she began to mumble out a chant before throwing her hands out to the creature, "SLOW!" She screamed as charged towards the creature intent of getting past it this time.

Locate the magical focus Spirit(naughty) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it Naughty(explore)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 14. Naughty = 19)
(Ashara's Spirit is 5. Roll of 19. = 24. Ashara Passes)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 14. Explore = 19)
(Ashara's Naughty is 3. +2 idea bonus. Roll of 1 = 6. Ashara fails by 8.)
(Ashara's Explore is 7. Roll of 4. = 11. Ashara fails by 8.)

Slowing down the tentacles, Ashara rushes forward. Quite quickly, her she focuses in on the magic confluence binding the creature to this dimension. The task seems so laughably easy this time, she almost takes the time to wonder how she missed it before. Still, she knows now isn't the time and moves in. At first, the slow spell affecting the creature aids her in dodging the tentacles. At this speed it was almost like trying to dodge the drunken fumbles of some intoxicated male. Practically laughing with the ease of it all, Ashara moves in towards the core of the creature and is almost to the confluence when it happens.

Suddenly, the dark elf feels a surge of pleasure radiating from the places where the goo from the pool earlier still clings to her, causing her to stumble. The creature, taking advantage of this, manages to quickly bind Ashara with its seeking tendrils, wrapping them around her arms, legs and waist so that she can't get free. Soon after, the dark elf feels the proddings of the think tentacles as they slowly force their way back inside of her. As they slowly start to speed up, Ashara feels them pistoning faster and faster within her body, the two tentacles rubbing up against each other through the thin layer of flesh separating her folds from her ass. The pleasure the twin tentacles generate this time is immense, taking only a few seconds before Ashara orgasms for the first of what will be many times. The tentacles, however, do not let up, instead they continue. Now, another pair moves up to begin fondling Ashara's slowly growing breasts, sending even more waves of pleasure crashing about through her body. It isn't long before Ashara finds herself moaning again, and like before, the creature quickly takes advantage of the opening to thrust another tentacle into her. The creature continues like this for a while, thrusting in and out as it pleasures both her and itself before Ashara can feel it starting to cum, filling her womb, ass, and stomach with its potent cum and causing her to orgasm a second time herself. Unlike last time, however, when it momentarily pauses to take a break, Ashara can feel that she is too weak to break free from its grasp. Hanging there in the creatures grasp she can only wait for the creature to begin fucking her again. Soon enough it does so, using her body again in a process that would last for several hours. For some of the time, Ashara passes out from the pleasure, but even then, she always wakes back up to find the creature still fucking her.

Eventually, after who knows how long, Ashara is lying there in the creatures grasp, now helping the thing fuck her to orgasm as she had long ago given into the pleasure. Suddenly, and disappointingly, however, the creature suddenly stops and places her down on the ground. Instead of trying to flee, however, Ashara, now broken in mind and only seeking pleasure, tries to reach out for the creature to continue the fun. Well, well, well. Looks like my pet found a new play toy for me. Ashara hears from the vault's entrance behind her. Turning around, the dark elf comes face to face with a shapely young woman holding a magical staff. Other that that, however, the woman is naked. However, Ashara's, gaze is draw to a certain part of the woman's body. Standing tall from the woman's crotch is a thick, juicy looking penis, and, after spending only a few seconds to stare at it, Ashara quickly envelopes it in her mouth, trying to suck the woman off in the hopes that she would then fuck Ashara with her cock. And you'rrrre so well trrainnnned, tooooo. You'lllll mmmmmake suuuuch a lovely aaaaaddition to mmmmmy towerrrrr. She moans out. Then she motions to the creature, who only uses a tentacle to hand the woman the mirror. I bet yooooou cammmmme here forrrrr this. Ahhhhh well, mmmmmy gain annnnnd your loss. You nnnnnever shoooouuuuld have trrrrried to steeeaaaal frommmm mmmmme. The sorceress moans out again before taking a moment to stare into the mirror before passing it back to the creature. I thinnnnk it's... Ahhhhhh! She starts before having to stop as she comes into Ashara's mouth where the dark elf greedily drinks down the sorceress's seed. I think it's time to take you up stairs and clean you off from my pet. Then I'll take you for a full test drive. The sorceress says as she gently pulls Ashara to her feet and then pulls the sex crazed woman after her. I think I'll definitely like having you here... She continues as she takes Ashara back out to the elevator and the beginning of her new life.

Game Over

Ashara's Final Stats:
Willpower - 0/12
Combat and HP - 5, and 14/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 0/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 3/20
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 3 and 0/20
Epilogue (TentanariX)

Eventually, the elevator rises up to the top levels of the tower where the Sorceress keeps her rooms. The room it stops at is circular with the elevator in the middle, surrounding it on all sides is a doughnut shaped pool full of some pink fluid smelling of flowers. Well, now, it's time to get you nice and clean. Don't worry about getting the water dirty either, I enchanted it a while back to automatically clean anyone who gets into it. The sorceress begins before removing Ashara's hand from where it had started to stroke the sorceress. Now, now, I want to get you cleaned up before I try you out. She says before leading Ashara into the bath where she would direct the dark elf to sit down while the magical waters cleaned them both.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

"Ooooh...... please..... please Mistress...... I..... I need to..... I need to fuck......" Ashara begged pitifully and needingly as the sorceress sat her down into the pink flowery smelling liquid of the bath. "Mmmmmmm...... the bath smells so nice....... And so does Mistress......" she said sniffing and nuzzling the sorceress's hair, neck and shoulders before going down to her large juicy tits. "Mmmmmmm....... won't mistress please let her little slave fuck?" She asked one more time with large needy glazed over eyes, on the verge of tears.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (TentanariX)

Oh, you will be fun. You'll probably make the times I have to research at my desk better as well. Just put you under my desk and have you suck me off as I work. I bet you'd like that wouldn't you? The sorceress asks as she looks at the broken dark elf. Ah, well, that water does actually clean you as soon as you get in, so... She continues before dragging Ashara onto her lap. Let the games begin! She finishes, using one hand to aim her cock into Ashara's petals before plunging in as far as she can go in one swift movement. It's been a while since I had my last slave girl. The last one eventually reached the point where she just stopped working. Ah well, I'll enjoy you while you last. She adds on as she begins to move back and forth in Ashara's folds, sending waves of pleasure through the woman. Then, deciding to get a good feel for her new toy, the sorceress starts letting her hands roam Ashara's body. Her left hand slowly traces its way up Ashara's body to her breasts where it gently begins to kneed at them and occasionally tweak Ashara's nipples. Her other hand, though, moves down to slowly start caressing Ashara's clitoris as well, moving around it in circular motions and gently creating more waves of pleasure within the woman.