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The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Combat & Wounds

Just a few posts ago I was talking a little bit about wounds. I've decided to go into that a little deeper by appending some more in-depth rules about combat and wounds. I've given this a little thought and personally I think this should be a pretty balanced way of doing things.


Here's a sample breakdown of a combat situation in 'The Irrumation Society'.

1) Joe attacks Jane with his fists.
2) Jane is punched a few times and is now slightly wounded.
3) Jane now has 1 wound point.

In the scenario above, Joe isn't trained in unarmed combat. Jane, also isn't trained in unarmed combat and neither does she have any skills in dodging or other defensive skills. When an untrained attacker makes an attack against a untrained defender, the defender will take a wound regardless.

Now, let's see a situation where Joe actually has training in boxing, (boxing being just an example).

1) Joe attacks Jane with his fists. He was once a welterweight champion boxer! (1st Tier).
2) Jane is punched by Joe and is now dead on her feet.
3) Jane collapses, lifeless.

See what happened there? Jane in this scenario still has no defensive skills and thus takes the full brunt of Joe's attack which is a 1st Tier skill. She immediately took 3 wounds and is dead. If Jane had a 3rd-Tier defensive skill she would've taken 2 wounds instead and be heavily injured instead. If Jane had a 2nd-Tier defensive skill she would take 1 wound instead and sustain a minor injury. Next example:

1) Joe attacks Jane with his fists. He was once a welterweight champion boxer! (1st Tier).
2) Jane is hardy brawler and used to stir up all kinds of trouble at dive bars. (1st Tier)
3) Jane blocks Joe's punch with a head-butt, completely and harmlessly deflecting the attack much to Joe's surprise.

In this scenario, we have a 1st-Tier skill being used to attack a 1st-Tier skill being used as defense. In this scenario, both Joe and Jane could possibly go at it without taking any damage from each other. The same thing would happen if a 2nd-Tier skill was used against a 2nd-Tier skill and etc... Anyway, one more example.

1) Joe is attempting to punch Jane but Joe has never punched anything before. He's untrained in any kind of close-combat skill.
2) Jane punches Joe's flimsy fist and breaks every bone in his hand. She then jumps and delivers a flying knee to his face.
3) Joe's face is crushed and he is dead.

So here, we have Joe, an untrained attacker, assaulting Jane who still has a 1st Tier skill in brawling. When a situation like this happens, it usually results in a very fatal counter-attack. The attacker in this situation will sustain full wounds and die immediately, (or get KO'd immediately if you want to be non-fatal). If Joe had at least a 3rd-Tier skill in boxing in this scenario, he would take very heavy damage but he would still be alive. Please note, 2nd Tier skills and above being used as attacks can not be countered.

Fights aren't necessarily one-on-one! If you see a chance to help someone you may choose to get involved or... choose not to get involved. Either way, the same combat rules would apply.


Every character in this game, (even you) has 3 wound points. When you've lost those 3 wound points, you are dead. It is up to you to keep track of your own wounds.

If you have 2 wound points remaining, you're only lightly wounded. ex: scratched, bruised, light bleeding, etc...

If you have 1 wound point remaining, you're heavily wounded. ex: broken arm/leg, internal bleeding, broken ribs, etc...

Once you've lost all your wound points, you are dead OR unconscious, (the attacker chooses whether you're dead or alive).
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Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Uhm, my character is weird... i would need to point too much what and how her suportskills are used in a battle - _ -
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

That's okay plmnko, just be imaginative and you can apply those same combat rules to your own skills. For example, no close-combat skill in the world can defend against an explosive blast! lol. Just as you wouldn't be able to block a close-combat type skill with a bomb.

Don't forget your other skills either! Chemistry = pepper spray for example.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Since my post rate is so abysmal I probably shouldn't try to join a second game, and this is mostly just for fun, because I enjoy chargen.

We a dickgirl. Still no boys allowed.
Her body is .
She used to be a BODYBUILDER.
She is HYPE at ENDURANCE (sexual on top of willpower?) and DICKINGS (I am unsure of the usefulness of this).
Besides clothes (including conveniently dong-concealing compression pants) and a wallet (w/ $40 in spendable cash), she often has a FIRST AID KIT, and a BARBELL AND WEIGHTPLATES, stashed in the trunk (sorry, boot) of her CAR.


A MURRIKAN in ENGLANDTOWN, ostensibly as part of a competition. I really have no idea.

Also, hayyyy look what I found.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Alright GargantuaBlarg, only if you think you can handle all them games! ^^ And yes, 'dickings' can be a skill. Not only does it mean you're good at dishing out the sexy but it can also mean your character has "swag" and strong confidence.

Anyway, I believe we're just waiting on Rathuris and MindFlayer at this point. :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Totally not going to suggest Lin get a phonecall about the fourth member, somewhat topically.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

... I'm thinking about it. ;)

Anyway, bump post! Waiting on Rathuris and plmnko.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

We're quickly approaching the mouth-sex part of the game. I'm waiting on Rathuris :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

I am waiting on you. XD I was for you to say the elevator reached their floor.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Totally contemplating the wisdom of having a second active character due to slowness (admittedly which is mostly my fault).

Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Doubleposts you say.

Charpics for that one musclegirl you say.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Surrree... I said that... back during the... thing. :confused: Involving those... words. Well! At least I know how she looks now.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

It's been about 2 weeks now. Should I be worried?
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

yeah... im sure than Lenneth is still dressed and dont fucking the target, but i guess is fine >_>
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

@plmnko: Don't worry! I know you're dressed. I was addressing the girls as general group.