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The Irrumation Society (IC)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Vat can I say? No guts, no glory," Lin said quietly to the others, a smirk on her face.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The girls arrived at the floor in a quick time and the elevator doors slid open again. This time, the were treated to a view of a lavish hall. Unlike most apartments only a few doors lined the halls perhaps hinting at the grand size of these rooms themselves that were behind them. Ornate lamps lit the carpeted hallways revealing a clear path towards Ember's door near the end of the hall.

To the far left of the hall they could see a single janitor vacuuming the carpets loudly while possessing a cart full of janitorial tools behind him. He wore a very clean janitor's jumpsuit and his cap hid his eyes. His most obvious trait was his thin mustache which they could clearly see.

Ember's room would be to the right of the hall. There was a bit of a sulfuric scent in the hallway... this was probably why the janitor was cleaning the hell out of these carpets.



RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Damned Americans. Who vacuumed at night? She glanced at the man, alert. Something was up.

That smell was off-putting, too... that was sulphur, the kinda smell Linnea smelled in hot springs, the odd times she'd gone to them - it was a bit difficult doing so, being a girl with a dick, and all. She poked the small girl in their entourage... Lennet, or something, she'd said her name was, whispering to her about the smell. Maybe she could guess what it was coming from?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Heading on upstairs after that was all settled, Lilia looked around as they stepped off the elevator for the direction in which they needed to go, noting the fewer amount of rooms in the place which made her think that the rooms that were here must be larger than your average apartment. That would be good she thought, having a larger apartment for Ember, as that would mean the sounds of what they'd be doing to her wouldn't be as easily heard by her neighbors. The scent of sulfur in the air didn't set well with Lilia though really, and the janitor cleaning down the hall in the opposite direction in which they were going caught her eye as well and her instincts instantly told her to keep a close eye on him.

"Keep a close eye around, something's up I think, and it doesn't set well with me honestly," Lilia whispered to her companions before stepping off the elevator, keeping her hand near her concealed pistol to whip out just in case she had to. She would lead the way to Ember's door though all the same, acting as if nothing were wrong at all really the janitor guy and whoever else may be lurking about didn't row suspicious.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With the elevator reaching the target's floor the possibility to have all at their side to fulfil their mission looks to had grow, but soon they meet a unexpected person doing his work just at this hour. Lenneth was more than ready to just ignore it and just check what they will find at the target's room. However soon she heard the whispers coming from her partner.

Sure, let me guess what is... yet we are three, so all should be fine The small girl was a little annoyed by how suddenly her partners were a little more than gingerly on the moment. She just take a moment to test the air and using her experience at chemistry and drugs she tried to find out what it could be. Ready to say what she could find to the two futa girls.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Lennet's experience with the medical field clued her in to the scent immediately. Something was dead nearby, perhaps a whole day. The scent was faint but she could also tell it was being masked by chemicals, probably some sort of perfume or deodorizer. An average person might have mistaken this scent as simply rotten eggs, broken somewhere in the hallway but Lennet was sure of what it was. Meanwhile, Lillia took a glance at the janitor. He wore a blue jumpsuit and cap, his features were obscured as he had his head lowered while he pushed around that heavy carpet cleaner but she could still make out a thin mustache. In his janitor's trolley next to him was a yellow garbage bag that was hooked on the handles and some cleaning products. A book precariously leaned over on the top tray of the trolley. Lillia was not able to see much else and everything appeared innocent enough.

Ember's room was just to the right at the end of the hall.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Identify the sulphur source was a piece of cake for the young doctor, theirs fears than something bad has passed here were starting to sound really real to let this pass. Its... from a death corpse... no doubt about it... can i wait at the car? She whishper to Linnea, sure to dont call the janitor attention and mostly trying to hide herself behind the two women.

If her request to escape is not affirmative then she will try to follow the others, maybe they would try the door and avoid this possible murder.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"No," Linnea whispered back.

Looking the man over, she noticed a book on his cart. Strange - what was he carting around a book for? Linnea didn't like where things were going, and took a glance at the book.

A sudden recollection hit her. Unnecessary trouble was one thing - and a sneaky, murdering git like this was trouble, to be sure - but, their target was a reporter. If they could give her a scoop, she would be theirs!

She also glanced around the ceiling, looking for security cameras - disguising this as confusion. "Aah, damn," she swore, just loud enough for the man to hear. "Vich one vas hers, now? I did not think to ask for direction..."

Quietly, with her back turned, Linnea mouthed to Lilia: 'get ready'.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Still incredibly suspicious of the janitor, Lilia kept a close eye on him and her hand near her pistol just in case, but she'd only resort to that if necessary, otherwise she'd kick his ass and knock him out cold. Doing the same as Linnea, Lilia looked about for security cameras and which ways they were facing, so she would know when and where she might be able to do whatever needed to be done. Nodding at Linnea when she mouthed to her, Lilia then looked around for the room numbers, heading for Ember's room number.

"No Lenneth, we need to stick together, who knows what might be watching. You remember what the old man said about those that would be working against us don't you? They could be anywhere and I don't intend on getting blindsided," Lilia whispered to her companions as they navigated the hallways of the apartment building towards Ember's room.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea or any of the other girls for that matter where unable to see the book in detail as they were standing too far. All in all it seemed they were set on dealing with Ember first. They seemed wary of the danger that seemed present and decided to steer clear as any reasonable human would do. The girls all glanced around carefully trying to really learn the layout of this hallway.

The janitor removed his earphones and turned off the vacuum. He looked in the direction of the girls and asked, "lost?". He carried a neutral tone and his voice was very soft.

The map below depicts the collected knowledge of the hallway the girls have so far.



RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"A little," Linnea said, approaching the man, an excited tingle in her extremities.

"I vas looking for a lady by the name of Strange," she said as she drew closer, hopefully with the others following along. She also tried to get a look at the janitor's book.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With Linnea going toward the possible dangerous guy, it was clear than Lennet would not follow her and maybe use the camera to feel herself more safer, if she could determine the vision of the device then she could prepare her weapon as also have the janitor unable do attack without be noticed by any guard... if the camera works, of course.

With all her mighty skill the little girl will prepare herself to act, of course than as she does it she will try to use the others two to defend herself.

(attack if needed. But mostly try to stay quiet and hiden behing the two futas)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Lilia waited while the other girls went over to ask the janitor which room was Ember's while she herself looked around to see if she could spot Ember's room herself without the need for them to be directed to her room, keeping a very very close eye on this janitor and the camera in case they needed to fight, so as to keep them out of its line of sight if she could, but quickly sprinting over to it in the case of a fight breaking out and ripping it off the wall if need be. Hopefully that wouldn't be needed, but who knew if it would be or not.

"I'll see if I can spot her room while you two talk to him alright," Lilia whispered to the two as they went over to the janitor as she looked at the rooms on this floor. With any luck they wouldn't need her close by, but if worse came to worse she always had her pistol that she could whip out in a hurry and shoot the guy, or anyone else that might need shooting.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The custodial worker nodded as Linnea asked him her question. He scratched his chin and his eyes rolled in thought, "Well... I think you just missed her actually. She left maybe 15 minutes ago. She said she was headed over to the little Italian restaurant down the street. Sorry ladies, maybe another time?". As Linnea listened to the janitor speak her eyes glanced over and took another close look at the book he had in his cart.

Meanwhile, Lilia and Lennet wandered over to Ember's door keeping an observant eye on the nearby security camera. They both noticed behind the camera was a small device... a device that Lilia, with her computers experience knew exactly what it was.

Known only to Lilia, she knew that the device behind the camera was meant for looping a video feed.



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Maybe the strange odd worker's words dont reached her ears so wellby the distance, but it was clear than this man have dirty bussiness here, after all the smell on the place make one wonder if he really is cleaning the place. If Lenneth manage to heard all what he said it would make her doubt about his word as the guard has let them go to this place after ask to this missing woman if she could accept visits. Even then she will wait for the two others girls to do their work as she is sure than she cant do to much alone. Mostly she will check the door and knock it just in case.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Spotting the device on the back of the camera, Lilia glanced over at Lenneth and motioned for her to come over after getting her attention. "Hey... something's wrong here. I think that guy isn't here to clean, he's here to observe... or kill. Do you have any drugs of anything that'll knock him out in your bag? If so then get it out and keep it ready to hit him with, because I don't trust him," Lilia whispered to Lenneth.

Lilia would remain near the door to Ember's room for the moment while Linnea talked to the guy, but she would move over that way if there was any sign of the guy trying anything.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)


This guy was a terrible liar. Fortunately for Lin, she was not. Feigning anxiousness, Linnea started pacing in front of the man, looking deep in thought. Then she turned, waving the others over. When they were close, she whispered, quietly, "She VAS supposed to be here, no? Did you... nonono, didn't...", before looking at each of the two in turn, mumbling, and making it look like they were strategizing on how to get to Ember, down the road, and not how to know this fucker right the hell out.

Fucking do something, she mouthed at the pair, and then made a show of composing herself, before turning around and approaching the man.

She grabbed his arms and shook him gently. "You're SURE?", she asked. "Really sure? Ab-so-lute-ly positive she's not in right now?" She hoped the sudden-ness would catch him off balance. "I-I-I-I-I need her to be here, ehm, you know? I was certain she would be. My job, it's, vell, it's important, if I can't find her I-I-I might get fired-- vhat about my bills? My kids? If I lose this job, I just... I just don't know..."

While she babbled, she was pulling the man to the side, out of the corner, and slowly jostling him to the side, turning his back to her companions...


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea kept the 'janitor' distracted as Lenneth and Lilia took the opportunity to hover closer to Ember's door. Everything just seemed wrong in this scenario. The man, though focused on Linnea's mad ramblings, simply gazed at her softly as she paced and talked. Despite his clamness, he failed to notice Lenneth knock on Ember's door... it took a moment but someone did arrive.

The door opened revealing a young woman in her mid twenties. She had neck-length dark brown hair, a round face and pale blue eyes. She was dressed very warmly and casually. It was her, there was no mistaking it: they had finally met Ember Strange. "Hello, you must from the broadcast network! Come on in."

The janitor's eyes shift and there is a sudden flash of movement as the man suddenly butts Linnea's face with the end of some sort of tool. The tool is then revealed to be a knife as he draws the edge towards Linnea's stomach. Time seems to slow down and his eyes... his soulless eyes seem to be saying, "sorry... you've seen too much". There seems to be but a moment to react.

Janitor 1st-Tier skill revealed: Knife Play



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Lenneth was not so focused on what was happening behind her, after all the janitor was far away of her and there was not doubt on her than her two partner with guns will take care of all if the strange man try something.

That is right, please let me prepare all for the interview. The loli futa answer nodding and smiling as she soon guide the target inside the room again, trying her best to get away as fast as possible of that bad liar dangerous janitor. Once inside using her great skills earned with the time to hide any evidence, she will try to turn on a hairdryer and lock the door behind her. The team with the recording equipment will come soon so you can prepare some brief notes of what we will talk at the interview, mostly we will ask about your past and what do you have in mind for the future, before a few easy questions than we can discuss once i prepare the room. Lets see... where should be the perfect place for the lights?

Lenneth continued her best trying to make time for her team, as almo maintain their target calm and away of any phone than could bring the police.

(use hide skill to hide what is really happening outside)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

A swift movement by the janitor brought an explosion of stars to blind Linnea's vision for a split second. She wasn't sure how he'd managed to nail her when she'd had her hands on his arms, but that wasn't important now.

She danced backwards and away, her practice in parkour helping her some (she hoped) in keeping her balance as she hopped away from his knife, as well as her propensity for keeping calm (hopefully) keeping her from panicking, despite that her life was in danger. It helped that she'd chosen one of her favorite pairs of shoes to wear to this whole thing - broken in, but not yet falling apart, Linnea was very comfortable in them, and knew from lots of time spent running, free-running, and climbing in them, just how to move in them.

"Lili! Cap dis dumfan!"

I have mostly no idea what I am doing, but I wish to use my PARKOUR, my KEEPING A COOL HEAD, and my RUNNING SHOES in some sort of combination or something to keep from getting eighty-sixed.