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The Great Price: Character Sheets


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Sheets go here. Dropbox link removed.

Stat Gen:
Instead of making you plug in the numbers as you roll them in order of rolling, you can do the nine rolls, then plug the results in where you want them.

Other Character Gen Stuff:
You can either do the two rolls and pick on everything else, or if you've got a concept in mind already (world of origin, career path, appearance, name...) then just using that is fine as well. Wounds, Starting Wealth, and Fate points, take the maximum starting values.

Also, starting XP will be 500, rather than the 400 stated in the core book. All of the guys in my offline group said doing that made more sense when I first suggested it, so...

Also, books allowed for Character Gen:

Core Rulebook
The Inquisitor's Handbook
Blood of Martyrs {Ecclesiarchy Sourcebook. Use the rules in this book for Adepta Sororitas.}
Book of Judgment {Adeptus Arbites Sourcebook}
Daemon Hunter {Ordo Malleus Sourcebook, no you may not roll up a Grey Knight.}

To limit the amount of book-keeping, ammunition tracking shall be handled thusly: First botched attack roll in an encounter, reload unless you've recently done so. Otherwise, it'll just be abstracted.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Name: Mallia
Homeworld: Battlefleet Calixis
Class: Imperial Psyker
Rank: Sanctionite
Gender: Female
Build: Spindly
Skin: Fair
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Age: 29 years
Quirk: Long flowing hair, down to her knees.
Ship Tradition: War Ship
Divination: "A suspicious mind is a healthy mind."
Starting Package: A Shadow Over Thy Soul
Sanctioning Side Effect: Pain Through Nerve Induction - Mallia has nasty scarring on the back of her right hand, and she gets very nervous around bald, robed women.

Weapon Skill: 33
Ballistic Skill: 37
Strength: 31
Toughness: 35
Agility: 32
Intelligence: 33 (Simple Advance)
Perception: 41
Willpower: 40 (Simple Advance)
Fellowship: 32

Wounds: 11/11
Fate: 6/6
Insantiy Points: 4
Corruption Points: 4

Thrones: 3


Traits: Shipwise, Void Accustomed, Naval Lineage Skills, Close-Quarter Fighter, Officer on Deck, Sanctioned Psyker

Basic Skills: Navigation (Stellar)(Int), Pilot (Starcraft)(Ag), Common Lore: Tech (Int)

Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Ship Dialect, Battlefleet War Cant, Low Gothic), Psyniscience (Per), Invocation (WP),
Literacy (Int), Trade (Soothsayer)(Fel), Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) (Int), Imperial Creed (Int)

Talents: Basic Weapons Training (SP), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapons Training (Las), Dark Soul

Gear: Staff, Knife (psykana mercy blade), guard flak armor (All AV3), grey robe (Common Quality Clothing), Psy Focus, Sanctioning Brand, Book of Imperial Saints, polished coral icon (memento), thin glassteel disc (memento)
Armageddon Autogun with Red Dot Laser Sight: Range 100m, S/2/6 Damage 1d10+4I Clip Size: 15, Reliable
Man Stopper Bullets, 50 Autogun rounds
Palantine Las Pistol: Range 20m, S/3/-, Damage 1d10+2E, Clip Size 20, Reliable
Best Quality Mono-Sword: Damage 1d10+1R, Balanced

Psy Rating: 2

Known Minor Psychic Powers: Healer, Unnatural Aim, Precognition, Chameleon, Inflict Pain, Truth-Seeker (RH p.150)

Total Spent XP: 1000, Simple Intelligence Advance, Simple Willpower Advance, Imperial Creed (Int), Shadow Over Thy Soul starting package (200xp), Deceive, Awareness, Forbidden Lore (Warp), Psy Rating 2

Saved XP: None.

Short Bio:

Mallia (Mah-LEE-ah) was born on the Warship Calixius Praxis within the Battlefleet Calixis, a destroyer class ship tasked by Rear Admiral Kusch to safeguard Port Wrath, the head quarters of the battlefleet. Her parents both served on the Praxis' high command, her father as a First Lieutenant Armsman and her mother as a communications adept aboard the main bridge itself. Mallia's destiny it seemed was to be groomed for officer-class training in the navy. However, the Warp had other ideas.

During a particularly rough transit through the Empyrean in trans-system travel, the naturally perceptive young girl was exposed to a psychic onslaught by a malign intelligence lurking in the warp. The exposure awakened the natural talent dwelling inside of Mallia, but in doing so it forever opened a door to the horrors dwelling beyond reality, a door that was inside of the girl's head. Long after the ship had exited the warp, the presence stayed inside of Mallia's head, whispering things to her that she could not choose but to hear. For weeks she existed in a state of increasing delirium, barely eating, barely drinking, never sleeping, except in tiny micro fits of clenched eyes and nightmarish moans. She waged a private war against the presence inside of her, devoting all of her will to staving off and giving the presence inside of her no hold on her soul.

To those who patrolled the ships, keeping an eye on the void born navy, searching for psychic phenomena, Mallia was an obvious sign of psychic disturbance. The whispers of the warp became a chattering to the sanctioned seekers and astropaths when they looked upon the girl. The next time the ship put to port, Mallia was packed aboard a void jumper vessel, bound immediately for the Black Ships, under the strictest supervision. Fortunately for Mallia, her inner struggle against the dark presence reached its final confrontation before she entered the dark vessels bound for Holy Terra, and she emerged victorious, with her soul and sanity mostly intact. She never admitted to the diviners aboard the Black Ships about her brush with a daemon of the warp, for if she had she would have been terminated immediately. She buried the secret deep inside of her, and by a miracle it was not perceived through endless interrogations. For 14 years, she was indoctrinated in techniques designed to instill fanatical loyalty to the Emperor and safeguard (as much as is possible) her awakened mind. By the time she returned to the Calixis sector, the once charismatic girl had become a strange, shell of a woman, entirely without comprehension of normal human living, but ordered to serve humanity by rooting out heresy in the name of the Inquisition.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Drake, the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Stat rolls for verification:

Character Sheet itself (Work in progress):

Description to follow shortly.

Drake stands at a respectable 6'3" tall, has white hair often covered by his flak helmet, green eyes, and is always seen wearing his red Mechanicus robes. Attached to either side of his head, on the bottom of his cheek bones, respiration tubes extend down and attach to his collar bone, part of his blessing from the Machine God. Fused along the bridge of his nose is a metallic plate with thin grills to filter his breathing, causing his breaths to hiss. Similar vents run down his neck on both sides, occasionally discharging a thin mist when he breathes out. On the right shoulder of his robes, a small speaker rests, pointed directly forward, though for what purpose, is unclear. Fused to both the back and front of both hands are Electoo Inductors, though to the uninitiated they look like simple tattoos of the Adeptus Mechanicus symbol. The most notable feature about Drake, however, is the massive Potentia Coil on his back, as wide as his waist and reaching up higher than the top of his head, hearkening back to old Tesla Coils of yore. Due to this bulky and massive coil, he often has a severe hunchback, though he never seems to show any other signs of stress from carrying it.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Both posted sheets approved. Also, first post updated with some new House Rulings, as well as a 'box link for the books.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Cue the cries of heresy!

Name: Seraph Soulstorm
Homeworld: Malar IV (Imperial World, Backwater)
Class: Battle Sister
Rank: Rank 3
Gender: Female
Build: Fit
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black and Short
Eyes: Violet
Age: 22
Divination: 'Sins hidden in the heart turn all to decay'
Starting Package: Battle Sister

Roll Check -
Weapon Skill: 30 (20+10)
Ballistic Skill: 40 (20+15+5(Simple)
Strength: 29 (20+9)
Toughness:29 (20+9)
Agility: 29 (20+9)
Intelligence: 28 (20+8)
Perception: 28 (20+8)
Willpower: 30 (20+7+3[SO])
Fellowship: 26 (20+6)

Wounds: 13/13
Fate: 5
Insantiy Points: 4
Corruption Points: 3

Thrones: 100


Blessed Ignorance - -5 penalty on Forbidden Lore tests.
Hagiography - Treat as Basic Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Imperium, War)
Liturgical Familiarity - Treat as Basic Skills: Literacy and Speak Language (High Gothic)
Superior Origins - Willpower +3

Basic Skills: (aka untrained)
Common Lore (Imperium, War) (Hagiography) - Know information on the subject.

Advanced Skills: (Aka some training)
Awareness - Notice ambushes, spot traps, etc.
Climb - Scale walls and stuff as half-action (usually).
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed) - Know information on the subject.
Literacy - Read languages you can speak.
Performer (Singer) - Entertain and enthrall spectators with your performance.
Scrutiny - Make sure people tell the truth.
Speak (High Gothic, Low Gothic) - Good job, you know words.
Trade (Copyist) - Create items of the trade type.

Basic Weapons Training (Bolt, Las, SP) - Use weapons without penalty.
Hatred (Heretics) - +10 bonus to attack the related target.
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) - Use weapons without penalty.
Pistol Training (Bolt) - Use weapons without penalty.
Pure Faith - Immune to Daemonic Presense, Spend Fate to ignore Fear, avoid Insanity or Corruption gains, or Burn Fate to ignore a Daemon Psychic Attack
Quick Draw - Ready weapons as a Free Action.
Unshakeable Faith - Re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid Fear

Gear: Soritas Power Armor (No Helmet), Godwyn-De'as Bolter [30/30] (2 Reloads), Chaplet Ecclesiasticus, Ring of Sufferage, Rule of the Sortitas copy, Scoriada, Writing Kit, Shield Robes, Micro-Bead, Purity Seal (Shoulder of Power Armor)

Total Spent XP: 1000
Saved XP: 0
XP Log:
CA - BS Simple (100)
R1 - Climb (100), Awareness (100), Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP) (100+100), Performer (Singer) (100)
R2 - Pistol Training (Bolt) (100), Quick Draw (100), Scrutiny (200)

Battle Sister Requisition List
A Sister may request resupply from a Order Militant convent or similar Imperium bastion. Gained wealth gets siphoned to party members or the Ecclesiarchy at earliest convenience.

At Order Militant locations, can request up to two weapons equaling rank, while giving back all equipment not kept.

R1 - Godwyn-De'az Bolter + 2 Reloads
R2 - Flamer + 2 Reloads, Bolt Pistol + 2 Reloads, Sword
R3 - Hand Flamer + 2 Reloads, Chainsword

Short Bio:
Seraph's story starts in the rim worlds - off in the far reaches of the Imperium, out of logistics range of a lot of more in-depth tests and checks by Holy Terra. Seraph's family were loyal from the Imperium, but were major historians- specifically, tracking down and gathering together the tales of the Imperium's old myths and legends. Naturally, Seraph and Kelinas (her sister) heard a lot of them for bedtime stories around the usual Imperium propaganda.

This would end with Seraph's home destroyed by the Dark Eldar. With her sister (unbeknownst to her) captured, and her family and any other member of her home butchered or captured by them, Seraph would be saved from starvation and the straggling looters by the arrival of the Order of the Pandemic Rose and a detachment of the Deathwatch, sent to respond to the Dark Eldar attack, but thanks to standard Imperial Beuricratics, arrived too late to stop them. Physical damage would heal, mental scars ran deep. The only thing that Seraph had to remind her of her old life was a small, golden cross, a relic that had belonged to her Sister.

With her home leveled and her 15 years being too old to truly begin proper indoctrination, Cannoness Superior Alexandria Blaskaz took it upon herself to try and use ancient technology from the Order's past, known only as 'Reindoctrinators', to attempt to hammer in and brainwash Seraph into the proper Imperial creed, soas she wouldn't simply be 'wasted' into the Malar PDF force. Unfortunately, the aged machine backfired terribly- Seraph's opinions on the matter were mostly untouched, with only fragments of the indoctrination having been properly instilled. Deciding to make the best of it, Seraph was forced into basic training, as more attempts (and failures) at indoctrinating her of the Emperor's creed failed. This wasn't helped with prolonged exposure to the Deathwatch soldiers, who were still in the area to assist with Malar's Ork infestation, several of her training years spent fighting pauldron-to-pauldron with the famous Xeno-Hunters.

Even with the failures, Seraph would be pressed into active duty, and her combat performance in some of the tours of duty were quickly accelerated way above standard Soritas of the sector- apparently, the fragments of her training had managed to install plenty on combat and her actions, just not soo much on focusing her faith. After five years, Seraph was given the rank of Seraphium, one of the few to reach that rank in the Pandemic Rose.

Seraph's new rank would mean no rest however- requests of a certain Inquisitor Derith Mignor to seek out heretics and a certain artifact on Malar III to be contained before the planet was engulfed in heresy, which led to Seraph, and four other of her sisters, heading to his side to seek it.

While at first glance the Inquisitor would seem benign, it would start to become apparent that the Inquisitor was actually himself touched by Chaos, seeking the artifact for his own means. Using his warp powers to blind the Sisters, Seraph however would be not blinded by her duties, and would call him out on his taint. When he attempted to silence her with the powers of the Warp, her sisters were broken from the spells they were put under and defended her, causing Derith to flee.

Now hunting down the cursed Inquisitor, Seraph and her team chased him into the wilds of the planet, conveniently coming across members of the Deathwatch yet again, seeking Genestealers who may had invaded the sector. After some hasty explanations and bargaining, the Sisters managed to secure the Deathwatch's assistance to attack the artifact's resting place and destroy it.

As they drew nearer to the artifact, they would find themselves fighting many heretics and mutations, and one by one Seraph's allies would fall, before Seraph was forced to take on Derith Mignor herself. Warped by the powers of the artifact, Derith was practically a demon himself as he and Seraph dueled, but finally the duel ended with a blow from Derith shattering Seraph's torso plate, and the little necklace that she hid inside of it. Shortly after, she fell the beast, borrowing a blessed Eviscerate that had come from the Inquisitor's slain retinue, before finally passing out.

When she awoke, she would find herself back in the Chapel, and after hobbling to her chamber door, overheard the discussion of what would later be known as the Malar Heresy Incident. Seraph's compatriots had survived, though heavily wounded, and the demon artifact had been destroyed. However, in light of events relating to her Sister, it was not safe for Seraph to stay in the Malar system. Seraph wound up being taken as a Acrolyte to Inquisitor Pauline of Terra, the intentions for the Inquisitor's righteous fervor would rub off on her, before fate sent her bouncing between Inquisitor after Inquisitor... the only remaining marker of her old life is her repaired armor, and the broken, metal cross welded into her left pauldron.

In mannerism, Seraph is a quiet one, often observing and listening to others instead of adding to the discussion. She won't hesitate to spout out when a plan sounds foolish or inadvisable, but is willing to listen to others for their input. In world-views, her love for the Emperor and the Ecclesiarchy are at a all-time low, especially due to the circumstance of the separation of her family, although she still fights as loyal as any other Sorita- the only difference is her reasoning at the end of the day, fighting for all of humanity and the rather-slim chance at seeing her sister yet again.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Flair, Skaven Cleric!

for delicious formatting.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

As a note, due to GM missing something:

The Radical's Handbook has been removed from the allowed books for starting characters list, due to options granting things I'd not intended starting characters to have. If you used something from there, please remove it and select something else.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets


This character is for Blue's campaign, Question of Heresy.

Stat Roll for verification:

Sheet (Work In Progress):

Poot description here.

Mordeci stands at 5'9", dresses in a full suit of flak armor, bearing several markings of the Imperial Guard, though most have been worn away by time or simply scratched off, and the standard-issue helmet that most guards wear is replaced with a wide-brimmed hat (OOC: It's basically a cowboy hat.). Over the armor, he wears a thick brown longcoat, stained with multiple black splotches, with a high collar, reaching up the sides and back of his neck before folding over. Hanging in plain view inside this coat is a pump-action shotgun, to which he makes almost no attempt to hide. His crew-cut hair and stubble are black, and his right eye is blue. Hie left eye, however, is missing, a scar running from the outer corner back along his head, part of his hair missing from the scar tissue. In addition to the missing left eye, he has another scar running back from the left corner of his mouth and back along his head. On the back of his right hand, two bullets crossed beneath a skull is tattooed, a symbol of a gang he once ran with in his past. In addition to this, if he were ever to roll up his left sleeve, notches in groups of five are tattooed onto his shoulder, totaling the number twelve, the purpose of which is unclear. Lastly, on his right hip hangs a rather sizable holster, normally holding a rather worn-looking Stub revolver, the barrel of which has been extended beyond the norm, and has what looks like a very short muzzle brake attached to the end.

Poot history here.

Mordeci was born a Dross Hound on Scintilla, more specifically, in the dank, dark lower hive of Gunmetal City. From the moments he could walk, he fought tooth and nail for every scrap of food and drinkable water he and his parents could get. For the first fifteen years of his life, Mordeci scrabbled and hoarded what little he could to keep his family alive, until the day he proved himself worthy to join one of the gangs that controlled the section of the Underhive he called home. From there, he ran with them for three years until he found a way out, and learned of the gunfights that were held between nobles, businessmen, or just people looking to shoot someone. He also learned that these fights payed good money, money he could use to survive. After his first few victories, he managed enough money to procure a Mercenary license, which he's always had ever since. He doesn't duel as much as he did in his younger years, but time and experience have taught him that mercenary work pays just as well.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Guardsman is approved. Considering he is from Gunmetal City, the availability of replacing the shotgun with a pump shotgun, and finding a bayonet attachment is easy enough to acquire.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets


Wounds: 0/13
Critical Wounds:
Fate Points: 3/3

Ammo: 30/30

Name: Thiopia of House Thrace, of Dreah
Homeworld: Noble Born
Gender: Female
Career: Adept
Rank: Archivist (500/1000)
Start Package: Scholar of the Colleges Hetaireia Lexis

WS: 26
BS: 42
S: 25
T: 26
Ag: 40
Int: 41
Per: 34
WP: 31
Fellowship: 27

Wounds: 13
Fate Points: 3

Insanity Pts: 0
Corruption Pts: 0

Starting XP: 300

+10 to Charm, Decieve, Scrutiny tests VS high authority and/or in formal situations

Supremely Connected
Peer shit

Enemies GET.

x2 dosh at start; Noble income

Basic Skills:

Advanced Skills:
Literacy (Int)
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Literacy (Int)
Trade (Copyist) (Int)
Pilot (Civ Craft) (Agi)

Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Scholastic Lore (Legend) (Int)
Scholastic Lore (Occult) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) (Int)
Ciphers (Secret Society - Hetaireia) (Int)

Pistol Training (SP)

Peer (Nobility), (Mercantile), (Academic)
+10 to Fel tests w/ chosen groups

Resistance (Cold)
+10 to checks to resist/avoid cold

Full Move = +A bonus; Run = Movex2. Use 2x in a row, take 1 lv fatigue

Throwing Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)

Thrones: 55

Administratum robes (Common Quality Clothing)


Talon Mk III Short Autopistol (Inquisitors handbook, 121)
Pistol 30m S/2/6 1d10+2 I 0 18 Full — 2.3kg 70 Common
- 169 bullets
- spare mags - also, 30-round mags, 2 (make pistol 2h)
Regmag1: 18/18
Regmag2: 18/18
Regmag3: 18/18

Bigmag 1: 30/30
Bigmag 2: 30/30


2 frag nades
1 fire bomb

Flak vest


old hab door key (memento) - Key to my suite in the family home.
singed parchment (memento) - First he uses my dissertation as a coaster, and then he tries to dry it out by holding it over the fucking barbeque? Stupidass brothers, this is why I don't come home on the holidays.

Special Qualities: None

Build: Fit (5' 5", 132 lbs) (aka 1.65m, 60 kg)
Skin Color: Ruddy
Hair Color: Dyed
Eye Color: Blue

Age: 23
Quirk: You wear make-up.

Lineage of Renown: Provender of the Imperium
Divination: The wise man learns from the deaths of others. (+3 Int)

Family: Your mother's name is Trick. She walks the path of the Cleric. Your father's name is Mithras. He walks the path of the Assassin. You are an only child.

<BlueSie> Could say that your father is the planetary governor of Dreah, which is a very fertile FUD world, but everything is very grey and brown, and so there's a big desire to get dyes and hallucinatory drugs from off world traders


Slightly red from the sunny nature of her family home's location, she enjoys the FUCK out of bright colors and shit. Hair is long and dyed in strips of blue, green, and red, and she wears bright, blush, and mascara, and vivid red lipstick, and that cleopatra shit on her eyelids, all that shit.

100 for package
100 on INT 1st increase
100 on PER 1st increase
100 on Pilot (Civ Craft)
----End of first session, 350 xp get (total 850)----
250 on BS 1st increase
200 on throwing weapons (primitive)

Sold revolver for 40 thrones (cost)
Bought Talon Mk III Short Autopistol (Inquisitors handbook, 121)
Pistol 30m S/2/6 1d10+2 I 0 18 Full — 2.3kg 70 Common

Bought some other shit, fuck it's 3 AM and I've got skool tomorrow

Tentatively down for Slimegaem, perhaps as one of these dudes, depending on party makeup:




Have yet to fiddle with dosh and equipment, though.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Of those three, Thiopia the Noble-born Adept member of a secret society of academics who dyes her hair and wears make up and secretly studies the occult and daemonology appeals to me the most as a GM.

Certainly would be a great 'face.'

Also, wealth helps buy a lot o things. :)
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Here's a Arbite for Blue's side of things. Much less heresy!

Name: Zieg 'Boomstick' Murtras
Homeworld: Xantis Prime (Hive World)
Class: Arbitrator
Rank: Enforcer
Gender: Male
Build: Brawny
Skin: Fair
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Green
Age: 32
Quirk: Scars
Hive Class: Ganger Scum
Divination: 'The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation.'
Starting Package: Arbitrator Base

Roll Check -
Weapon Skill: 37 (20+17)
Ballistic Skill: 37 (20+17)
Strength: 33 (20+13)
Toughness: 32 (15+16+1)
Agility: 30 (20+10)
Intelligence: 28 (20+8)
Perception: 35 (20+15)
Willpower: 30 (20+10)
Fellowship: 34 (25+9)

Wounds: 10/13
Fate: 3/3
Insantiy Points: 0
Corruption Points: 0

Thrones: 105


Accustomed to Crowds - Crowds don't count as difficult terrain, don't need agility tests to run or charge through.
Caves of Steel - Treat Tech Use as a Basic Skill
Hivebound - Take a -10 penalty to Survival tests, outside of 'proper habs' take a -5 penalty to all Int. Tests
Wary - +1 Initiative

Basic Skills: (aka untrained)
Tech Use (Caves of Steel) - Used to activate technology and try field repairs.

Advanced Skills: (Aka some training)
Awareness - Notice ambushes, spot traps, etc.
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites, Imperium) - Know information on the subject.
Drive (Ground Vehicle) - Used to control the type of vehicles in maneuvers.
Inquiry - Dig for information, film noir style.
Literacy - Read languages you can speak.
Scrutiny - Make sure people tell the truth.
Speak (Hive Dialect, Low Gothic) - Good job, you know words.

Basic Weapons Trainings (SP) - Use weapons without penalty.
Disarm - Can attempt to remove a weapon from an enemy in melee for a Full Action.
Double Team - +10 bonus when teaming up against a target with an ally. An additional +10 happens if both parties have Double Team
Light Sleeper - Counts as being awake in regards of being ambushed while sleeping.
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) - Use weapons without penalty.
Pistol Training (SP) - Use weapons without penalty.
Quick Draw - Ready weapons as a Free Action.
Rapid Reload - Reduce reload times by half for all weapons,

Gear: Shotgun [0/2] (12 Shells), Stub Revolver [4/6] (2 Reloads), Club, Brass Knuckles, Knife, Mesh Vest, Uniform, Stimm (3 Doses), Injector, Arbitrator ID, Crono, Flask (Asmasec), Respirator, Hand Vox, Low Hiver Overcoat, Coblast Assay ID, Chem Lamp, Bio Sample Kit

Total Spent XP: 800
Saved XP: 0
XP Log:
R1 - Awareness (100), Drive (Ground Vehicles) (100), Scrutiny (100), Pistol Training (SP) (100), Rapid Reload (100)
R2 - Disarm (100), Double Team (100), Light Sleeper (100)

Short Bio: Hiver turned Arbite, Zieg Murthas turned to the right side of the law after some rather painful time spent in the penthouse for the usual Hiver shenanigans. Turning into a hard-fighting officer of the law, Zieg has served his home hive sector for many years, before being advanced into Inquisitorial service. While Zieg can be a bit too gun-happy at times, he is heavily devoted to the Imperium, and it's view of protocols, to the point where he'd gladly cart his own acolyte team off to jail should they break the Imperial Creed too heavily.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Arbites Trooper approved.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Knew I was forgetting something when I was up a little bit ago...

Here's the Cyber-Mastiff Handler I've got rolled up for Slime's side of things:

Stat Rolls:


Short Background and Description:
Born on Landunder, in Hive Subrique, Gallus was selected by the Adeptus Mechanicus to join them as one of the priests of the Omnissiah. He was quickly proven to have an aptitude for handling specialized machine spirits, though, and ended up placed in the training program for controlling the Cyber-Mastiffs and Grapplehawks that the Manufactorum there produces for the Adeptus Arbites, a task he has come to relish, as his free time is usually spent optimizing the various engagement patterns available for his "pets"... Something not too unusual for the Handlers, as it turns out.

Aside from the Constructor Interface on his left arm, there is little about Gallus' appearance that makes him stand out from other Tech-Priests... At least, the lesser experienced ones. However, his Respirator Unit shows some wear, evidence of repaired damage from encounters with criminals while lending his expertise as a Handler to the Arbites. Because of that damage, a quirk has arisen in his vox-synthesiser: the volume control sometime malfunctions and almost entirely silences his voice. As it is a recent occurance, he hasn't quite traced the source of the glitch yet.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Character for Wolf's game will be posted here today, just need to straighten him out a bit. I doubt I will be able to join Slime's game, though. Shit happens.

Alright, here goes. I think I got everything down, feel free to correct me if that is not the case.



I've already added the +5 bonus to perception from the pack I've picked, in case you're wondering.

Marcus hails from the harsh world of Maccabeus Quintus, a world with a dramatic history and even more dramatic living conditions. His parents were victims in a mysterious murder case, one that has given countless investigators insane amounts of trouble. It also served as a catalyst for the growing child. What started as a simple drive to find out what really happened eventually became a desire to bring justice to those who sought to harm their fellow men. Focusing on the purpose he believed in so hard, he eventually became an Arbites. It was then that he began to realize that there was more to the murder of his parents than he had suspected. A firm believer in the Imperial Law and Creed, he puts his all into divining the truth as well as solving every other case he comes across, he will relentlessly hound any criminal until the subject has been judged.

Marcus's appearance is somewhat misleading. Between his unimpressive build, slouched posture and the fact he has few, if any, other remarkable traits he might appear to be just some random man picked from the streets. However, the uniform and armored vest worn underneath, along with Arbites insignia he wears openly, quickly tend to make people reconsider challenging him. Those slightly more brave are likely scared off by his collection of weaponry, and those who really like to push their luck tend to find themselves face to face with his scrutinizing, scornful eyes. Argent's nigh permanent scowl is backed by a pair of eyes that are constantly on the lookout for crime, analyzing everyone and everything his gaze falls upon - an expression fitting one who believes his duty to be a constant, unbroken vigil.
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Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Okay, from what I'm seeing, Grave's clear to go. I'm waiting on one more.

Also, Grave and Lurker, I'll be sending you two PMs with details on intro-y stuff. Same with Guyver, once you're ready.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Those who want to see my sheet, give me your names on Mythweavers, I'll add you as viewers. The private/public settings derped out on me.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Okay, from what I'm seeing, Grave's clear to go. I'm waiting on one more.

Also, Grave and Lurker, I'll be sending you two PMs with details on intro-y stuff. Same with Guyver, once you're ready.

Sheet's done actually, so feel free to PM away ^^:
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

Slight update on the Dropbox stuff...

It now contains the Ascension book (Primarily for the updated XP track that I'll be using) and a writable PDF character folio. (For those who want a fancier "sheet" to poke around at.
Re: The Great Price: Character Sheets

I'll use the Ascension XP track as well in my game.