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The Egg

Re: The Egg

Ohh ohh ohh, I'll play your wallpaper

.... excuse me... I'll be in the bathroom for the next 5-10 minutes..

Interest shown in both, but I might not actually join myself until later. My free time will become more... well more free pretty soon.
Re: The Egg

Yea I enjoyed my short MAZE.

And let me know when you start your experiment Wallpaper, I'd love to be your guinea pig. ^_^
Re: The Egg

*holds two metal bars together to throw off a few sparks* >:3 Will do you guys.

XD Xivvix, I miss GMing for you. Your character was fun!

.... excuse me... I'll be in the bathroom for the next 5-10 minutes..

o.o *slips extra TP under the door just to be sure*
Re: The Egg

I run everything on a d20 system. I'm doing a quick RP with Hali so I can post it here as an example...

EDIT: Here's a small one we did, of a game already in progress. I had to go to sleep, so we stopped as Hali made a mad-dash through ten orc soldiers, about to jump out a window. I don't show my rolls to the players, unless I think there's something particularly interesting (A Natural 20 or a Weak 1, for example). I will give a break down of what happened, though, using ( ) and italics.

[17:14] Silth: Hali's new body was suited for the jump, somehow. Flying through the already broken windows, she flipped, tumbling onto the ground without taking any real damage. She put back on her helmet, to the sound of Kira freaking out, "Run! Just get out of there!" The VI said. (This had no rolls involved in it - mostly just a quick description so Hali knew where to start.)
[17:16] Hali: She obeyed, sprinting as hard as she could strait away from the building!
[17:23] Silth: Hali could hear the orcs roaring in anger as she started to run, the odd darts they all fired at her. The fox woman began to stumble, feeling almost all of the aphrodisiac darts strike her as she run, her pussy almost immediately beginning to drip juices. She meakly jumped over the line of overturned hover buggies, trying to use it as cover...((Hali's AP: 6/7))
(There were 10 Orc Soldiers on the top of the building. In the Space Station game, the Soldiers are always the basic class, meaning they wouldn't get a bonus to anything. All 10 of the orcs fired once, and they just needed to get a 10 or better to score a hit on Hali - which 6 of them did.)
[17:27] Hali: She felt so hot... She shook off the feeling, prepared to take off again. She took a running leap and tried to remain behind cover while sprinting away, taking pot shots behind her! (I just forgot to roll Hali's attack here. >.> Whoops.)
[17:28] Silth: ((Wow. That was good.o.o)) (There was a Chieftain on the roof. Even though he had a malus because of how far he was throwing the grenade, he still got an 11 - good enough to get it near her...)
[17:30] Silth: Hali was about to take off when the Chieftain on the apartment complex threw the grenade, the metal canister landing right in front of Hali. There was a delay in the firing mechanism, which the fox woman used to run as far away. (However, because Orcs don't use any kind of weapons that can hurt their enemies, their grenades don't explode - they release tentacles. The tentacles also need to score at least a 10 in order to grab our fox warrior here - but they scored a 6.) The container exploded in a cloud of spores behind her, the tentacles immediately growing off their food supply and flailing around.

Hali was long gone though, running back to a safe distance Kira had marked on her HUD.
((Hali's AP: 5/7.)) (At the end of any round, when Hali's not being attacked or assaulted in a sexual way, she loses 1 AP. Since she's probably gonna be running for a while though, she'll be back at 0/7 by the time we encounter another enemy.)

So that's how a battle runs... Now if I can get someone online who wants to do a more in-depth example, I'd love to show how Traveling, Time, and even locating food and friends in some instances works.
Last edited:
Re: The Egg

Doing another game as I type. This one will hopefully be longer, and include more of the mechanics.
Re: The Egg

Just got around to re-reading your edit. I'm busy tonight but may be able to pop on MSN tomorrow night, if you're around!
Re: The Egg

Heh, in my defense I had about four hours of sleep in three days at the time of that lil' fight, so my RP skills weren't at their peak XD
Re: The Egg

So all that we're waiting on at the moment is for a sub-forum? X3
Re: The Egg

I guess interest is high enough... Sure, I'll PM Aika about it.
Re: The Egg

Okay, so here are some thoughts on setting up a game or three for single players.

1) Putting together a survey for the character (or you as the player, however you want to approach this) to determine likes and dislikes. This is sort of done IC, as if the company with the egg is asking some pre-play questions in order to format a world.
-->Taking the survey for each player and making a different setting with different opponents/styles of play, as opposed to plopping them into a pre-created world with pre-created monsters.

2) Optionally adding a 'well you just rape them right back, missy' stat/ability/potential or something to games. XD As much as getting chased down by things and getting the raep on is fun, I just like the dynamic of taking an offensive outlook to a game... if the player wants it anyways.

3) Maybe a competition between two players as the basis for a game, if people want to try it that way? (Two players have to defeat foes; when one wins, the other gains an arousal point and the only way to get rid of it is to defeat an opponent of your own to pass it back? XD)

I don't know if any of those will work. I'm just mulling the ideas over while I wait for things to happen.
Re: The Egg

I like the premise behind option 3.

Just to be clear, this is a PbP and not IM game right?
Re: The Egg

I hope so, since I'm not on any IM program at the moment!
Re: The Egg

I'd prefer the wallpapers concept for #2. The problem with number three is that if the characters aren't perfectly balanced, one will probably fall behind extremely quickly.
Re: The Egg

Considering that it sounds like the game is based on writing more than stats, I'd want to pair a couple of people who had similar writing styles, or posting times, or whatever. XD

Pheonix, we all know, is bad-ass at raeping back. Hee hee.
Re: The Egg

The survey idea sounds good to me, wp. In fact I was thinking of doing something similar when I was considering making my own game on here ;)

I like the idea of number 3, but agree with Phoenix, it has the potential to be a bit unfair. Maybe if it was more of an open ended thing, where the players could set traps or otherwise screw with the other players in the middle of a race of some kind?

edit: wp ninja-ed me! And that's true, since it's based on writing rather than stats, it might be easier to keep it even.
Re: The Egg

Mmm, a Xivvix game would be fun. XD

Maybe I'll hold off on 3 for now. I keep imagining Tetris where you can dump another row on the other player, but it's REALLY not as simple as that. X3

Man, I'm impatient for that forum now. This sounds like fun.
Re: The Egg

Well... Most of the stuff you suggested already takes place in the Egg, Wallpaper. ^-^;

The egg asks a bunch of a questions (which I phrase as "A screen with the text "Character Name?" appears).

As for raping someone back... well, when you do get chased down, you can sex something into submission also.

As for what Diaga said about option #3, there aren't really character stats you choose - it's based on dice rolls and how well you can put thought into text.
Re: The Egg

Sorry wall, I like the other 2 also. Don't want to sound like I ONLY like 3....