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The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

5 vs 7 | 16 vs 18
-6 vs 7 | 8 vs 15

Caitlyn and Sanae both fail to hit the tentacles, watching as it pulls Moira and Lynne both tight, forcing their mouths together as it moves Moiras clothes out of the way, though it's more correct to say it dissolves her lower outer clothes and pulls her panties down, before fucking her in both the pussy and ass just like Lynne, the thrusts of the beasts matching each other in the alternating fashion, pushing deep into both girls ass then pussy, alternating until they both came again. As it pushes both their heads together, forcing them into a kiss.

Holding Tentacles: 1/5 HP

Moira 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Grabbed: Can't Attack, Can Escape (-5 to check). Being Fucked)
Caitlyn 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Lynne 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
-(Held: Can't Attack, can't escape. Being fucked, must rely on party to save.)
Sanae 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira gasped and shook violently with the force of the tentacles entering her, the pain surpassed widely by the pleasure she felt, and all of it was made perfect as she wrapped her lips about Lynne's mouth and kissed her passionately. She could taste the tentacle cum in her friend's mouth and did her best to clean it with her own tongue, sliding it along the surface of Lynne's teeth, inner lips, roof, and tongue, greedily exploring and savoring the smaller girl's taste.

Vaguely she heard Sanae's questioning murmur of her name, but she was too wrapped up in the kiss and fucking to be able to respond to it, her face already as blushed as it could be, with no more signs of embarrassment to show or modesty to cast aside.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

...Or maybe I'm not getting good at it. Caitlyn made a motion as if to attack the tentacles again, but stopped for a bit, frozen in terror briefly as the thing came. She quickly regained her senses and redoubled her efforts to kill the thing, not quite noticing how much her friends were enjoying the thing's attentions.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Is.. is this really Moira..? Lynne thought to herself as her friend's tongue hungrily searched her mouth. She gently returned the kiss, although her tongue wasn't nearly as adventurous as her friend's. Lost in the pleasure of the moment, she all but forgot that her other two friends were still there in plain view trying to free her, or even that she had wanted to be freed in the first place. She bucked her hips against the tendrils as they continued to push deep inside her, trying to get them to finish.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae readied her sword again... but hesitated... she swallows nervously, shivering subtly as she watched. She shyly presses her thighs together, feeling herself growing wetter...
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

18 vs 20
-5 vs 19 non-counterable

Caitlyn fails her attack, not managing to strike the creature at all, while it continues to pound away on Moira and Lynne. The cute set of girls starting to give affection to each other as well.

Sanae is sort of paralyzed with inaction, not sure what to do.

Holding Tentacles: 1/5 HP
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Oblivious to the fight going on around her, Moira did her best to position her hips and tighten her muscles in a way so as to grip the tentacles inside of her with her inner muscles, wanting them to douse her with their cum as the arousal inside her grew with each thrust. She briefly opened her eyes again to steal a glance at Lynne, who she knew was experience the exact same feelings as she was at this moment. Her tongue swirled happily around Lynne's and she arched her back to bring her body into further contact with her friend's. Covered in aphrodisiac slime as she was, the constant sliding against one another resulted in slick, lewd sex noises as their flesh met and parted.

Moira dared not stop her efforts, and felt the tightness welling up inside her and a coolness beginning to set in that heralded the beginning of her own ascent into the height of her ecstasy.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Also approaching another climax, Lynne started to grow a bit bolder in her kissing, her tongue darting around Moira's and pushing into her friend's mouth. When Moira pressed up against her, she followed suit, enjoying the thought of not being alone in her pleasure. As she felt her friends lower body rubbing against her own, she started to realize that she wasn't the only one nearing release. I think she wanted this to happen all along.. Her little moans started up again in rhythm with the tentacles pounding into her, as she also did what little she could to push them over the edge. All she can think of is the two of them crying out in ecstasy together, while the tendrils fill them both with their seed.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn screamed in frustration as the tentacles jerked out of her way. Why am I so useless? Her eyes darted to her two friends, enjoying themselves thoroughly thanks to the tentacles, and her legs trembled. Should I even try? Do they want me to try...? She swung her sword at the tentacles, quite unsure of herself.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae's ears flatten as she squeezes her eyes shut, shaking her head to clear it... her panties quite visibly soaked through now. She blushes, her shoulders tightening as she steps forward, swinging her sword at the thing with a frustrated REOWR!
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

17 vs 12 | 18 vs 20
Caitlyn finally manages to hit the beasts, causing them their final moment as they start to limply fall from the pair, although not before the tentacles came again, filling both girls up, causing them to also orgasm, even as the tendrils fall from them.
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira lay there leaking the copious amount of fluid from her ass and pussy, shivering from the sudden feeling of being emptied and the vulnerability she felt at not having the warm filling tendrils inside her.

Lost in her pleasure she continued to kiss Lynne and hold her tighter now that her arms were free of the tentacles and she could wrap around the other girl.

Vaguely, her sense of surroundings slowly returned to her, and she was aware that the other girls had been witnessing how readily she clung to her 'friend.'

Hmmm, I'll have to play this off somehow she thought to herself, even as she continued to enjoy the last moments of her kiss with Lynne. Even still, she felt giddy at being able to share such an experience with the other girl and having her kiss her back was wonderful.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Lynne shuddered as she felt tendrils holding her suddenly all go limp, sliding out of her and falling to the floor. She felt it as their cum ran down the inside of her thighs and started to form a small pool beneath her. Still riding the wave of bliss, she continued to gently return Moira's kiss while wrapping her arms around her, making no effort yet to pull away from the embrace.

After a few moments, Lynne lightly broke off the kiss, instead resting her head on Moira's shoulder. She opened her eyes again as she sat there, looking down at the lifeless tendrils and fluid on the ground beneath them. She idly pondered if they had met up to the game maker's intentions. Content to remain like this, she closed her eyes again and hugged her friend close, too exhausted to be embarrassed or worry about the other girls at the moment.
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Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Caitlyn gave a cry of triumph as she hacked at the tentacle, seemingly killing it. When she remembered her friends, though, she quieted down and turned to look at them. Lynne and Moira were still cuddling together on the ground in a pool of the tentacle's cum, and she quickly turned and looked away, embarrassed. She didn't quite know what to do, so she just stood there, focused intently on the wall on the opposite side of the shed, thinking about how much she wanted to leave so that her friends could do whatever it was they wanted to do without having her watching them.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Sanae swallows, one arm crossed over her small, bare breasts. She's all too aware of her arousal, her entire body warm under her skin, and her panties soaked through enough that she's squirming her hips, trying to keep that concealed.

She stares at Moira and Lynne, in each others' arms, messy and slick with the tentacle creature's seed... unable to tear her eyes away.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

The girls stay well, silent, and like they are for a while, before another audio call screen appears.

"Girls? Can you hear me?" his voice sounds stressed and the the call isn't quite the best quality. "Listen, I need you all to exit the game, as quickly as you can."
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

The concern in Max's voice roused Moira from her tender moments with Lynne.

"Huh? Max? H-how do we leave?"

She began to move, slowly, still groggy and smarting from the hard pounding her body had just received.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

The sudden interruption was enough to snap Lynne back to focus, and the uncharacteristic sense of urgency in the man's voice was more than enough to set off alarms in her head. Exit..? Something's wrong.. Clumsily, she rose to her feet as quickly as she could, while horrible images of what might go wrong with a virtual reality thing like this flashed through her head. Completely disregarding that she was still covered with the aftermath from her encounter with the tentacles, she spun around to face the screen, barraging Max with questions faster than he could possibly hope to answer them.

"Exit? What's wrong? How do we exit? Can't you just have us exit here?"

Realizing she wasn't going to any answers if she just kept asking a string of questions, she stopped and anxiously waited for some sort of reply.
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Max's voice was breaking up, though they understood enough to get the whole message. "You can exit just by thinking you'd like to leave, we've tried forcing a quit from our end, but somethings wrong and we can't."
Re: The EGG Multiplayer! Terror in a Virtual World!

Moira immediately envisioned herself and her friends all exiting the game, wishing for it as well and with as much certainty as she could.