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The Dungeons

Re: The Dungeons

Alexis starts panicking, looking around in every direction, not sure where her gun needs to be aimed. "Y-yeah, we need to do something fast!" she said. Finally, she reaches down to her multitude of explosives and lobs one down the path they had just come from, only realizing after throwing it that it was a sleep bomb. Hey, maybe that was a good idea!
Re: The Dungeons

The bomb goes off, but there's more then enough to compensate for the sleepers.

Ritter and Alexis soon found themselves grabbed by the Vagaries as they rushed to climb the walls, soon reaching the hole you found yourself the Autoturrets from.

"Genera, put your hands up!" Nerix called.
"I am a warrior of the Imperium! I can hold them!" the future warrior called out, preparing to charge with her chainsword. "FOR THE- MMPH!"
Nerix and Silvar had fired enough webbing to keep her from going further. "By the Spider Queen's fifth toenail you're not taking another step!" Silvar yelled in exasperation.
Re: The Dungeons

Alexis, still scared, tenses when Nerix grabs her, but calms down when she realizes whats going on. "Up and into the hiding hole would be nice right now," she said quietly.
Re: The Dungeons

"Dr. Ritter's plan saves the day yet again", the blonde whispers to herself. "Quick, pull her up. Don't want her to stay down there, completely encased in webbing. Although that would be a good moment to study the demons... No, pull her up."
Re: The Dungeons

The two Vagiries quickly pull up the supersoldier, who is cursing under her bonds, until she too is safely inside!
Re: The Dungeons

Immediately after being released in the hole, Alexis aims her weapon at the entrance, and whispers, "Look for another way out!"
Re: The Dungeons

"We should be safe here - as long as our resident warrior of the Imperium doesn't open fire at a horde of lust demons. And maybe we can hear what all the commotion is about." Dr. Ritter scoots closer to the hole to get a better view.
Re: The Dungeons

Genera continued to squirm as the vagaries sealed the hole with webbing, hoping to keep the enemies back. Unfortunately, there was no other way out...
Re: The Dungeons

Alexis, calming down a bit with the hole closed up, sat back and turned to the warrior. Looking at Ritter, she whispers, "Should we let her out? She seems like the gung-ho type..."
Re: The Dungeons

Ritter tilts her head. "I don't think it's safe to let her out at this point."
Re: The Dungeons

Genera continued to grumble in her bounds, as the sounds of the hordes of monsters echo everywhere under them...
Re: The Dungeons

Alexis carefully edges over to the entrance, seeing if she can see or hear through the webbing anything that might be going on down there.
Re: The Dungeons

Dr. Ritter joins Alexis in eavesdropping.
Re: The Dungeons

"What do you mean 'she just slid upwards and into that webhole'!?!" a familer voice yelled, Sandy no doubt.

"T-that's what happened, miss, she was dragged up by somethings..." another creature said softly, with fear.

A sudden gurgling sound as the creature choked slightly, then a yell as it was thrown away.

"Alright, you two up there! I know you got the humans, and if you give them up, we'll only chain you for a few decades!"

The two vagaries looked at each other nerviously, before Nerix, with fire in her eyes, yelled back out, "Go fuck yourself on a pointed stick, you frilly false demon! I piss in your general direction!"

There was an angered growl, as the seraph showed her anger. "In that case, we're coming up after you!"
Re: The Dungeons

"Shit, shit, shit," Alexis said, scrambling back away from the hole as far as she could and aiming her rifle at it again. "I think it's okay to let Genera out of the webbing now..."
Re: The Dungeons

"I'm gonna cut you open neck to belly and disect you alive!" Dr. Ritter's grey eyes seem to blaze as she takes a step back and readies the biocannon.
Re: The Dungeons

The Vagaries begin cutting Genera free, and as soon as her mouth was free, she started sputtering in anger. "Let me at them! I'll KILL that bitch!"

Soon, several fireballs burned through webbing holding them out, and soon, the small army was revealed!

Combat Mode Inniciated!

Special Rules:

Vantage Point- Players and thier allies have the advantage at the moment, and will always have thier turn first, unless the enemy also enters the vantage point.
Waves- The enemy will come in waves until all enemies are exausted.

Side 1:
Dr. Ritter

Entire enemy side:
Sandy Askias, Seraph
Dark Sylph x4
Imp x12
Locust x20
Arachnoid x3
Pudge x2
Closer x6
Nightmare Troubadore x3
Reject x2
Big Belly x1
Zephyr x1
Incubus x3
Lost Soul X5
Succubus x4
Felgaurd x8
Wraith x4

Wave 1- Imps x8, Lost Souls x5, Loucusts x6
Re: The Dungeons

"FOR SCIENCE!" Ritter keeps her finger on the trigger to shoot a deluge of slime at the imps.
Re: The Dungeons

Immediately upon seeing the creatures clamber up through the hole, Alexis opens fire with her plasma rifle, targetting the nearest demon. "Get Genera free!" she yelled to the Vagaries, "We need as much firepower as possible!"
Re: The Dungeons

Ritter releases 5 charges, as Alexis finds the Plasma Rifle was set on Burst Fire. Nerix releases Genera as Silvar releases a Detonation Piercer

Ranged Attacks!
Ritter's Target: Lost Souls
Alexis' Target: Lost Souls
Silvar's Target: Imps
Range: Far
Ritter's Roll: 4+4-2=6
Alexis' Roll: 1+7-2=Auto-Fail
Silvar's Roll: 1+4-2=Auto-Fail

Ritter finds the blob soaring past the souls, as the burst-shot whizzes past. The arrow Silvar fires whizzes past and strikes the ground under the hole, where it kabooms. The goo blob hits the ground and starts sliding down, causing an Imp to call out in surprise at the impending blobbing.

Nerix- V:29/30 P:0
Silvar- V:28/30 P:0
Genera- V:15/50 P:0
Dr. Ritter- V:46/50 P:0
Alexis- V:50/50? P:0

Lost Soul 1- V:10/10
L.S. 2- V:10/10
L.S. 3- V:10/10
L.S. 4- V:10/10
L.S. 5- V:10/10
Imp 1- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 2- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 3- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 4- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 5- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 6- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 7- V:20/20 P:0/25
Imp 8- V:20/20 P:0/25
Loucust 1- V:10/10
Loucust 2- V:10/10
Loucust 3- V:10/10
Loucust 4- V:10/10
Loucust 5- V:10/10
Loucust 6- V:10/10

Time to Next Wave: 5 Turns