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The Devil's Plaything - Mads

Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

Scarlet raises a brow as his arms wrap around her hips gently. "Oh~? And what exactly do you propose that the rest don't do?" he asks, his voice dripping in amusement as he lightly grinds against her.
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Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Well, the specifics are up to you, and I haven't seen much, so~" she leans in close, whispering in his ear, though just loud enough that those straining their ears could hear, "Why don't you surprise me?"
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Ah, now you're making demands again~" he purrs playfully, still grinding against her. "For all you know, there might be nothing I'm interested in that the rest 'don't do'; does it not seem likely that a demon lord surrounded by all this willing beauty will have done everything he desires and then some~?" he suggests, hands gently sliding over the dress around her hips. "Mmm... Saphaellus's work with this dress is impressive as always..." he muses softly.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Mmh, true, but you haven't kicked me out of your lap yet~ are you sure there's nothing special you want to try?" she licks her lips, continuing, "And while the dress is nice, I think you'll find what it hides to be of even higher quality~"
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

He gives another soft chuckle and leans forwards to whisper into her ear. "I'm fine with having the front row seat for the first time one of my demons takes a cock inside of her," he purrs softly before leaning back with a smirk on his lips as the demonic hunger stirs inside of her. (Resolve + Composure: 2 successes. The hunger doesn't take over.)

"Well then, I suppose I'll just have to ask you to prove that quality," he replies, leaning back in his seat, his firm length still grinding against her from beneath lightly.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"I suppose that's the best I can hope for, for now~" she leans farther forward as she reaches a hand behind her, beginning to untie the laces of the dress she wears. "But maybe one day, I'll find a way to please you like no one else ever has"
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Mmm... a noble goal~" he purrs teasingly as he takes her hands and stops her from removing lacings, before pressing one finger against where it rests on her bust, sliding it down slowly to effortlessly part the dress down to her hips, while sliding the bottom of it up to expose her rear to the room, so that a length of cloth remains around her hips. "Let's not completely remove it, hrm~?" he purrs before rocking his hips again, grinding against her and waiting for her next move.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Ah, if you want. You are the one in charge, after all," she teases, closing her eyes for a moment as she tilts her head to the side, giggling. Her tongue pokes out for a moment as she reaches down to take hold of her master's shaft.
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Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

8:36:32 PM) Incubus: "Mmm, perhaps, but you're the one aiming to impress~" the demon lord replies with a purr as she grasps his length. "They say you only get one first impression~" he teases
(8:39:23 PM) Mads: "And what kind of first impression would it be if I refused, hm? Not that I plan to, just what went through my head, is all" her fingers dance around the head, lightly touching and teasing as she speaks.
(8:44:34 PM) Incubus: The demon lord scoffs. "It would certainly be different, I'll give you that," he replies with a smirk. "Although I have my doubts that you'd be able to. Even now, you grapple with the desire, your very being needs to be taken, you long to be fucked, good and hard. And what's more, you'd love to be my little fucktoy, to be used whenever I desire... you just don't want it so much that you're willing to give up your chance for power... there's ambition in you... a desire to rule... as well as to serve... the eternal conflict..."
(8:47:33 PM) Mads: "Believe me, lord, my ambition far outshines my susubservience, though I still know my place" she smiles, running her thumb across her the very tip of the shaft, then bringing it to her lips, still gently teasing, though only playfully, no malice in her mind.
(8:52:04 PM) Incubus: "A bold claim, but I think you'll find that your subservience runs deeper than you realise~" the warns with a smirk, watching her as she gets her first taste of his seed, the warm fruity flavour instantly shooting through her powerfully, resonating with her nature. (Resolve + Composure: Success.) Still, she is able to beat off her instincts, but such a powerful reaction from so little...
(8:57:09 PM) Mads: "Hah~, but no matter how easy it would be to simply serve, I believe that power is a far sweeter goal, and not of the saccharine sickness that mindless pleasure brings" she looks around at the demoniac crowd around them, giggling, "It seems much better to be at the top, from what I see. Don't you come to the same conclusion?"
(9:03:19 PM) Incubus: "Ah, but theirs days are filled with pleasure, their purpose is clear and they have little to worry about. It is a simpler and more enjoyable existence. One wonders, then, how far this little one intends to climb~ it could be dangerous to have such naked an ambition so early, lest she earn her sisters' ire~ Do you intend to rise up and replace my inner circle? Do you intend to become my queen? would you rise above even me, and bend me to your will~?" he asks playfully, before grasping his length and pushing it into her. (Resolve + Composure: Failure) As the demon lord's length drives into her, demonic instinct at last takes over, a desperate need to be fucked, eschewing pride and composure for base want.

(9:12:00 PM) Mads: "Gnhng... w-we'll see..." she moans, falling forward, her hair covering her eyes as her arms come up to catch her, holding onto her lord's shoulders. She pants, slowly looking up, her face almost transfigured by lust, a deep red blush spreading across it, eyes half-glazed. "B-but, for now-hngg..."
(9:15:34 PM) Incubus: "Uh huh~" Scarlet replies in a highly amused tone of voice. "I did warn you~" he reminds her as he begins to grind his hips, moving his length deep within her, every slight movement sending powerful jolts through her body. "There's no use fighting it, just indulge and cry out, show all of your sisters what a good little succubus you are~" he purrs.
(9:27:04 PM) Mads: Ambitions, pride and composure buried beneath the avalanche of desire, she moans, crying out in pleasure, "Y-yes m-masterr~ i-it feels so good!" Her tail lashes uncontrollably as she bounces up and down upon his cock, whimpering with each thrust.
(9:33:07 PM) Incubus: Scarlet leans back in his seat, pulling her close against him as he grinds her hips, his length shifting inside of her as she bounced eagerly ontop of him. "Mmm, good girl~" he purrs with a chuckle. "Just remember, at your core, you will always be this~ No matter how high you climb, you will always have the desire to be fucked hard... and you will always want me~" he whispers softly.
(9:40:41 PM) Mads: Her voice weak, she mewls out a pathetic "Yes master..." her body still quivering with need. She presses tight against him, moaning in pleasure and desire, her pussy tightening even further around his shaft.
(9:44:34 PM) Incubus: Scarlet purrs softly, leaning forwards to plant a soft kiss upon her neck as he continues to grind deep within her. "Mmm~..." he gasps as his tail coils around her and he begins to shift his length more inside of her, beginning to thrust properly.
(9:48:35 PM) Mads: "P-please... more...!" She begs, panting as she does her best to match his pace, one hand going down to rub at her clit. Her eyes wide, almost tearing up in pleasure, she almost mindlessly murmurs a mantra of more, more, more.
(9:50:42 PM) Incubus: "Mmm, so greedy~" he purrs teasingly, his tail moving back to whip against her rear as he continues to bound her on his cock. "Such a needy little slut~" he taunts with a grin before leaning in to steal her lips in a rough kiss, his tail once again whipping against her ass.
(9:53:02 PM) Mads: She moans apologetically, her tongue snaking into his mouth, eager for any taste of him. With each lash of his tail, she jumps a bit, her moaning intensifying.
(9:54:53 PM) Incubus: Pulling abck from the kiss slowly, he smirks at her as he continues to pump his hips up into her. "mmm... you like that, don't you~" he teases, cracking his tail against her rump once more. "I had a feeling you might~"
(9:59:09 PM) Mads: "Ahng! Y-yes master, I love it~" she whimpers, pressing her face against him, her blush red hot against his skin. "P-please... m-more..." Her gaze turns up to meet his, eyes full of desire.
(10:01:14 PM) Incubus: He runs a hand through her hair, grabbing a handful of it and giving it a slight pull as he continues to thrust up into her, his tail whipping against her rear another couple of times. "Mmm, so many demands~" he teases with a chuckle
(10:05:03 PM) Mads: "I'm sorryyy~!" She yelps, squirming atop his cock, "It just feels so good~!" Her tongue hangs partway out, her face a portrait of pure pleasure.
(10:07:29 PM) Incubus: With another soft laugh, his tail curls around, the tip teasing against her rear entrance as his hands slide over her ass, squeezing. "Mmm~ I know kitten~" he replies as he continues to drive himself up into her, speeding up and intensifying his movements.

After a while it was finished, Vermiculusus was left exhausted and filled with the demon lord's seed as he lightly ran his hand down her back, still gently grinding. The haze of lust overwhelming her receded at last as she regained her senses. [Regain full willpower]
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Aww, I lost, didn't I?" she says, half-joking, half-saddened, a wry grin on her face. "Ah well. I suppose I didn't have a chance of winning, anyway. Did I pass, at least?" her eyes light up again as she tilts her head, expectant.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

The demon lord smirks slightly. "You'll do," he replies in an amused tone, before turning his attention to Saphaellus. "See to it she has her own quarters prepared," he says, before regarding Vermi once more. "For now, you have free roam of the citadel, but aren't permitted to leave. I will consider how you may best serve our little family and arrange for an assignment soon."
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Thanks!" she extricates herself from the Demon Lord's lap, hopping away with surprising energy, bowing happily before resettling her clothes into the standard, somewhat more modest configuration they are normally worn in. Unless detained, she would immediately rush off, exploring the citadel.