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The Devil's Plaything - Mads


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Name:                            Flaw: Small                             
True Name: Vermiculusus        
Player: Mads                   Concept:


Intelligence       xxooo|Strength             xxooo|Presense     xxooo
Wits               xxxoo|Dexterity            xxooo|Manipulation xxxoo
Resolve            xxooo|Stamina              xxooo|Composure    xxxoo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       |  Striking Looks xxxxo|Max xxxxxxoooooo
Academics          xoooo| Resources       xoooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           xoooo|Haven[Si1:L1:Se0]xxooo|
Crafts             ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      xoooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             xoooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  xxxxxooooo
Politics           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | Carnal Arts     xoooo|
     Physical           | Desire          xxooo|       Authority
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          xxxoo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              xoooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ o
Firearms           ooooo| Size: 4              | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            xoooo| Speed: 9             | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            xxooo| Defence: 2           | 4 _______________ o
Survival           ooooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           ooooo| Initiative: 5        | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ x
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intim.             ooooo|
Persuasion         xxxoo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Streetwise         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         xxooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 Persuasion - Seduction | ________________________________________________
 Persuasion -Sales Pitch| ________________________________________________
 Computer - Internet    | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age: 0                Height: 4'9
 ______________________ | Hair: Pink            Weight: 75lbs
 ______________________ | Eyes: Gold            Race: Demon
 ______________________ | Sex: Female           Domain: Scarlet
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________

Knowledge... experience... potential... in the pit of creation these things blended with spiritual energy to create a new being, a new entity. Forged from spiritual energy and dark powers, a new entity was born, drifting as her being took shape, her mind evolved and prepared itself for what was to come. She knew who she was, who she would be, what she could do, and whom she served, a clarity of purpose beyond mortal comprehension. And at the same time, she knew she was a slave, a peon, of little worth, but in time and with hard work, this too could change, should she wish it. Should she prove herself...

Her senses came to her all at once as she found herself bathing in a pool of what appeared to be warm water, lightly scented with faint floral aroma. A bit cliche, perhaps, but pleasant nonetheless. A brief moment of recognition, as she realised that realistically it was her first time experiencing such things, yet she already knew about them, enough to have formed opinions and such things were not the normal order of things. Such quirks were inevitable in the process and could be appreciated ironically, the ability of being genuinely tired or bored of something they have never even tried before was somewhat unique to her kind and their counter-parts. However, before she could ponder this further, she became aware that another was approaching.

Another girl, taller than her, but not especially tall, dressed in a small black top that showed off plenty of her ample breasts and left her midriff exposed and a tight black skirt with black stockings beneath peered into the water. "Good morning, newcomer, I am Saphaellus. When you're feeling ready, I'll show you to the Master," she said, the girl's brain already "remembering" him, and the adoration she felt for him. She also wondered if Saphaellus was responsible for the floral scent of her bathwater, given the rose motif the other girl had prominently featured on her clothing. "Oh, and don't worry about the whole brain thing," the other girl added. "It's a little weird at first, but it just settles in before long. Sometimes you might get a flash of it when you encounter something new, but for the most part it'll disappear."
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Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

She stretched, sitting up slowly as she felt out her body, running her hands along the smooth skin that ran, pale, across lithe, subtle muscles. "I should probably put on some clothes, right?" she asks, fairly sure of the answer, but making sure, just in case. Her gold eyes light up as she anticipates truly meeting her master, a cheerful, almost childish smile twining across her face.
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Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Clothing is optional, but if you want to be taken seriously, I'd recommend it," Saphaellus replied, an appraising glance running over Vermiculusus as she sized the newly formed demon up. "You're one of the lucky ones, to be born with potential for more. You'll see plenty soon enough crawling around with naught but a collar, begging for attention, treated like objects, slaves to their lust, if you can't keep control, you may yet join them, a simple existance of pleasure and serving others." Indeed, the demon's body did react to this, the thought was appealing, comfortable, but at the same time something else within Vermi rejected it, longed for more.

"But you, as with I, were given the potential to rule. Lets see if you can make something of it. Was there something particular you wanted to wear?"
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Hm..." she searches her "memory", considering different outfits, and how they would or wouldn't suit her, eventually reaching a decision. "Oh! I think a dress would be good, but if you have any ideas you think might be more appropriate, that would be great! She stands all the way up, trying to fix her hair into a more presentable position, eventually just letting it fall, parted in the middle, the bright pink giving her a childish air. Stepping out of the pool, she looks around, hoping to see some clothes to pick from, or at least a towel to dry herself with.
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Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"A dress will suit, picture it in your mind. This test is one you must face alone, it is not my role to help or hinder you in impressing Scarlet," she replies and with that, Saphaellus began to weave her hands in the air, forming cloth from nothingness until she had finished, and handed the completed garment over to Vermi.

Once dressed, Saphaellus lead her onwards through a few corridors of dark stone, the halls lit by candles placed regularly along the walls, plus red carpets beneath their feet. Still, the route felt right, Vermiculusus found she had a firm grasp of the layout of the citadel, for He did prefer to refer to this place as his citadel, and they were headed towards the main hall. The throne room. And before long the pair had arrived there.

The large hall before them was filled with a throng of bodies, and court wasn't even in session. The strip of gold silk down the middle that served as the red carpet equivalent was empty of traffic until Saphaellus ushered the newly formed demon onto it, but the sides of the rooms were full of various demons lounging about, most of them watching, studying her. At the opposite end of the hall, lounging upon a cushy throne sat the Scarlet Incubus himself, she had no idea of his true name despite him being her master. Practically naked but for a small loincloth (currently tossed aside), his thin but athletic body was vainly displayed, while the bobbing red-haired head of another demon obscured his lap. His own bright red hair felt lazily about his shoulders and he grinned as he saw Vermiculusus, beckoning her down the hall towards him lazily with one hand. Either side of his throne, a pair of raised daises, or perhaps just large beds, each covered in demons, writhing, grinding and kissing one another and softly calling out to Scarlet, begging for attention. Surely the demons Saphaellus had mentioned earlier, those who were worth so little, yet the temptation to join them, indulge in pleasure and lose yourself to it and forever be a plaything still existed.

As the pair made their way to the edge of the silken cloth before the throne, Scarlet reached down and tapped the girl attending to him on the shoulder, and slowly, hesitantly, she shifted back from him, before climbing back onto the dais, eagerly greeted back by those thirsty for the taste of Scarlet on her lips, leaving him sitting before Vermi, firm length prominently displayed, a slight smirk across his lips. "My lord Scarlet," came Saphaellus' voice. "May I present your newest servant, Vermiculusus." With a grin he gave small nod, looking to her, waiting for her to speak.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

She nods, bowing extravagantly to the surrounding demons, so low as to be almost mocking, before curtsying politely to her master, then standing, hands clasped behind her back as she sways slowly back and forth, speaking rapidly, though not uncontrolledly, "A pleasure to meet you, Lord! Of course, it would have to be, right? Not that I see anything wrong with that, just observing is all! I'm sure lots and lots of fun things will happen from now on!" she giggles, grinning widely, leaning slightly forward as she finishes.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

Scarlet raises a brow, looking to Saphaellus slightly who only responds with a shrug, before turning his attention back to Vermi. "Welcome, Vermiculusus. To our loving family," he begins, extending his arms in a sweeping motion to gesture to the hall. "In time, I may come to expect great things from you... but for now, perhaps, a simple test of skill shall suffice..." The demon lord slowly runs his tongue between his lips before smirking once more.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Wow, I see what you mean! It really does look loving! But I'm not sure whatcha mean by a test of skill. I don't see any games to play..." she pouts, eyes flashing with innocent mischief as she examines the large hall. Her skin tingles with excitement as she wonders how far she can go, already testing her fledgling limits.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Then I daresay you aren't looking hard enough," he replies, faint amusement in his voice as he ignores the pleading cries from the girls either side of his throne. "Many are eager to show off their skills to me, demonstrate their capabilities so that I might know how to use them... surely you have some of those?" he suggests mockingly.

(Wits + Empathy: Failure) Perhaps it was nerves, perhaps it was presumptuous to try, but she was unable to read anything more from Scarlet.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"I hesitate to call that a game. In a game, there's a winner, and the result it up in the air until they win. That looks mote like an amusement, but I wanna play a game! Pleaaase?" she pouts, wide-eyed, her voice rising in pitch slightly as she speaks.

(Spending one willpower.)
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

(Presence + Persuasion: Failure) Scarlet simply gives a flat look and a soft sigh. "You aren't in a position to make demands of me, little one," he says flatly, one hand shifting up to rub his temple lightly.

(Wits + Empathy: Success) Beside her, Saphaellus had visible stilled, the older demons was getting worried, to say the least. Clearly, this approach wasn't working how she had intended, and now having expended some of her energy in that previous attempt, she began to feel her demonic urges strengthen, the heat growing within her.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"B-but... it doesn't seem as exciting, just doing it. Can't we at least play a game first? It's not like I could beat you, anyway." she still seems hopeful, although a bit distraught, actually blushing as she asks one last time, rubbing her shoulder with one hand, fidgeting a bit, though not much more than would later seem customary of one as highly energetic as herself.
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Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

Scarlet simply turned his attention to Saphaellus, who continued to appear distinctly uncomfortable, and leaned over to whisper into Vermi's ear. "I... think you're missing the point of this. He's asking you to demonstrate what you can do. So far, all you've demonstrated is that you're skilled at annoying him and making me look bad. I know you're not useless and I know you've got more potential than as some fucktoy, but he doesn't!" she says sharply, noticeable barbs in her voice. "Apologies Lord, I'm sure she's simply nervous," Saphaellus calls to their lord in a much friendlier tone.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Didn't he make me though, though?" she hisses back, before regaining her composure, and curtsying once more. "It is as she says, my lord... I'm sure that, if you would still have me, I could please you, nervous though I am" her toe traces a circle on the silk, then her gaze lifts from the floor, her eyes staring directly at her master's as she forces herself to remain calm, and simply hold, in her heart, hope for proving herself.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

Scarlet leans back on his throne slightly, and Saphaellus responds with a soft sigh of relief. "Then do so," he calls quietly. "Show us something, anything you can do. We're all waiting. If you require something in order to do so, ask Saphaellus, she will be able to provide anything you might need..."
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"We~ell, it's not much, but..." she contorts the fingers of one hand, behind her back, creating an image of the demoness that had been "occupying" her master prior. It was, mostly, a faithful rendering, although it showed them trying to walk suggestively, only to trip, falling into a, likewise, illusory bucket of ink, their face stained and set in a humiliated expression, a single, ephemeral, rose petal falling from the ceiling to rest upon their head as the scene fades. She bows, grinning as she comes back up. "I'm certain my master experiences.plenty of carnal pleasure, so I thought to invoke a bit of light comedy. I do hope it was a nice change of pace?"
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

Scarlet smirks slightly at the display. "A little crude, perhaps, but certainly you have some talent," he says after a moment, stroking his hand along his chin. "What else do you have to offer us?" he asks, his other hand sliding over to idly run through the hair of the very same girl who fell to a humiliating end in the illusion.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

She giggles, tilting her head slightly, "Beyond the usual... talents? I'd say I am... or will prove to be, rather adept at soul gathering, I know how to use a computer, I'm rather athletic, and, ah, I have a few other things perhaps best left for private use? Unless you insist on doing such acts now, of course..." not entirely sure of what she's expected to say, she simply rattles off what she knows she can do, in the most convincing manner she can.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

The demon lord chuckles slightly. "Come now, this is private, it's just close family here," Scarlet replies, running a hand through his hair. "Besides, I never let my new servants out into the world until I've had certain things from them~" he adds with a smirk.
Re: The Devil's Plaything - Mads

"Ah, if you say so," she approaches his throne, sliding onto his lap to kiss his cheek, smiling, "But how about we make it something more than what the rest do?