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The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (RaptorJesus)


Nov 10, 2008
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Darkmoon: a name that instantly lights up the face of even the most dispirited person. The Darkmoon Faire has existed for as long as anyone can remember, a troupe of entertainers and merchants who travel the world, stopping once a month at one of the major cities for a few days to set up camp and ply their trade. Their games, shows, and rides delight everyone, from child to adult to elderly, and there is so much to see and do that no one can ever experience the entire carnival in the one weekend a month they are open. Tales wander far and wide of the many things one can see and do. There are even rumors of shows that only certain people are allowed to see...

One of those rumors talks about an endurance test, where one contestant enters a gauntlet to see how far they can progress before they give in to the obstacles. This is not a test of martial prowess or magical talent, but of a more lascivious nature and open only to women. Many girls whisper between embarrassed giggles about attempting to withstand the pleasures in order to claim the test's final prize: a wish from a powerful wizard, who is able to grant anything the winner desires. Of course, there are no stories of women who have actually finished the challenge and reaped the final reward. In fact, none of the women who speak in hushed tones about the gauntlet know anyone who has ever attempted the test, or even how to enter.

Inquiring about the test from those who work the Faire leads anyone who asks into a wild goose chase of red herrings and misinformation. Persistence, a bit of coin, and maybe a willingness to give more, though, may lead one to being contacted by a rather shady fellow. "Come to the Faire at midnight," he says, hiding in the shadows of one of the carnival's less opulent tavern-tents. "Stand in the clearing behind the shooting gallery. Don't bring any weapons." He reaches out a thin cloth covered hand with a necklace, plain but radiating with slight magical power, then continues, "Wear this. And as little else as possible, if you don't mind..." Though his eyes are covered by the shadows of the deep hood, it is obvious his eyes wander over the woman before him hungrily. "And don't tell anyone else..."

(OOC: This is a quest for level 0 heroines. Naughty will be tested, but combat and spirit are highly recommended, whereas explore is mostly unnecessary. Expect demons and monstrous creatures, as well as magic, spectators, and public displays.)

(Post Length: I'd like a paragraph at least, and I will generally post two or more
Post Speed: I generally can post once a day, but may post more if I can.)
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Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret

Ruth Alexandria
Name: Ruth Alexandria

Description and Basic Backstory: Ruth was born into nobility the moment she left her mother's womb, and at a young age, her parents had already determined her future as a Lady-Knight in service to her kingdom.

However, that plan did not work as well as her mother and father hoped. They trained her hard, working her into the ground to try and build some bulk on the girl, but Ruth was far too petite for her to stand by the side of the average, male knight. They fed her more than she wanted, but she refused to gain any weight. And it was after they found she was strong enough to hold a sword, that they sent her on her way to become a Knight, just as they had planned.

Only a couple of years had gone by, with absolutely no contact with her family, leaving her in servitude to the lord of the castle, until a call of adventure was made...

Desired Posting Speed: I'm comfortable with once a day, although I'm fine with waiting even for weeks should something come up in RL for you
Desired Posting Length: At least a couple paragraphs, anything that helps with immersing my imagination with what's happening in the story, as well as deep descriptions of the naughty tidbits.

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 9 30/30
Explore and Stam - 3 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 2 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 6 20/20

Ruth wanted so badly to run as fast as she could down the town square, her armor clinking with each fast paced step she took, while trying to hurry her way through the busy crowd going about their business for the day, often apologizing, "I'm sorry~!" should she have rudely touched, or pushed someone along the way. But they were quickly forgotten, as her hand went to the hilt of her blade nervously, gripping it tightly with her iron gauntlet around her hand, her palms, and entire body for that matter, sweating something fierce, not to mention trembling with worry.

All of this rush through the crowds, and townsfolk was brought forth, when a certain messenger came bearing a message from Ruth's own mother. Naturally, this made Ruth very happy, as she had not spoken with her family for a long time. But it was upon reading the letter, that caused Ruth's heart to drop to absolutely dreadful depths...

To my dearest child,

I'm sorry that the only letter I could afford to send after so long would bear this news I'm about to tell you. I sacrificed much of our money to hire the postman to deliver this letter to you, as you have a right to know that something terrible has happened.

Your father, Maker bless his soul, has been struck with a deadly illness. I fear for his life, and the mages nor doctors will heed my pleas, for I've naught the coin to afford their services. I'm afraid your father's life in this world will not be around much longer...

Please, Ruth, please come home as quickly as possible...

Dread, fear, pain, sorrow, confusion, helplessness... No words even combined can explain how Ruth felt at that very moment. And on the hour, she had armed herself, and prepared for the trip into the country, where her parents lived. And the force behind her haste, was the horrifying thought that, if she was a moment too late, her father will have already passed, and she would have to live with the fact that she never had the chance to be there when he left for the next life, to be there when he needed her most...


A poor bar, not far from Ruth's home, located just along the parameter of a place called the Darkmoon Faire, was where Ruth sat, raising a mug to her mouth, filled with rum, intent on drinking the poisonous liquid until she forgot why she was drinking it in the first place. The bar's foundation was made of rotting wood, and nails, and it's patrons were composed of grisly, grimy men, leering at any and all attractive wenches that happened by, including the Lady-Knight Ruth herself, before noting her status, and turning away much like the cowards they were.

And in this bar, was where Ruth found the refuge of alcohol to drown her sorrows, by drowning herself with rum. She had visited her father that day, but the illness had set in so greatly, that he gave no response to her, rendered in a comatose state by the disease, with only the words of her mother, in an attempt to comfort her, to help ease the pain of the sight.

She spent the rest of the day with her mother, talking about her father, how much of a loyal, hard working man he was, and crying together until there were no more tears to be had. But, the pain still lingered in her heart, and after the coming of night, and the call of booze, silent offerings of reprieve from the grief, was something she didn't even bother to resist.

Her hopes of ever talking to her healthy, loving father again seemed dim, until a certain, strange man approached her with a strange offer, speaking tales of a mage who will grant her any single wish she wanted. He made many terms, all of which Ruth blindly agreed to in her intoxicated state, "Yes~! Yes I won't bring any weapons! I... I'll take my armor off and leave it at home! Midnight, of course! Thank you so much!" she thanked the shady man.

It didn't matter to her if he was telling the truth or not. She didn't care enough to not believe him, all she cared about was saving her father's life, and by all rights, a magical wizard who can grant wishes was the only chance she had!

And as the moon watched from high in the sky, casting light all around her, Ruth stood, and waited, with a simple cloth shirt and pants, and wooden sandals. Her red hair undone, hanging over the sides of her face a little. And her brown eyes eagerly searching for any sign of someone coming towards her, to take her to wherever she was supposed to go, a fact she'd forgotten after the booze wore off, with only the important thought still remaining, that by doing this, no matter how risky, it was a chance, a chance to save her father...
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Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret

Ruth stands waiting in the moonlight for what seems like hours, feeling more and more like a fool for having listened to the shady man in what was increasingly seeming like a prank. Suddenly, the necklace the man had given her starts to pulse with a red light, and the girl feels drawn towards a seemingly wide open field. As she walks, the wide open field changes, shimmering in the moonlight to reveal another large tent, draped in the gaudy colors of the Darkmoon Faire. Ruth walks until she stands before a door and is stopped by a man, the same man she had talked to in the bar.

The man looks her over, once again eying her body lustily from beneath the shadows of the deep hood, then holds out his hand. "I thank you for returning that to me," he says mischievously, motioning to the necklace, "And I am happy to inform you that you have been invited to compete in The Gauntlet, the most enjoyable game in the entire Faire." The shady man bows, while waving his arms in the direction of the door, which slowly opens on it's own. "Inside the Gauntlet, you will face many tests. Conquer them all, and you win the ultimate prize. Fail, and you become property of the Faire. If these conditions are not to your satisfaction, you may leave now." The last statement was said with an almost mocking tone, as though the man knew Ruth would not leave.

Determined to claim the prize and rescue her father, and confident in her ability to strike down any foe thanks to her rigorous martial training, Ruth strides purposefully through the door. As she does, the man calls out to her, "See you inside!" It doesn't take Ruth's eyes long to adjust to the dim light of the room she has entered and as she looks around, she has to wonder just what kind of Gauntlet this is. She had been drunk when the chance to join had come up, so she wasn't particularly sure about the details, only that it was a test of endurance. The room she stands in is mostly empty, the walls made of hewn wooden planks, with a small raised stage in the middle. In the center of the stage rises a metal pole, and closer inspections reveal white stains on the floor of the stage and the pole. As she looks over the room, Ruth hears the door behind her shut with a loud boom, and she spins around to notice that it is gone completely. There is no way out of this room!

After a few moments of looking around the room, Ruth suddenly hears a sound, like a wave approaching. As she continues to listen, the sound grows louder and louder, until she can finally identify it not as a wave, but applause. Over the din, she can hear the shady man yelling, "Thank you everyone and welcome to the Gauntlet, the most enjoyable show in the world!" The sound continues to grow louder, but still Ruth can see nothing but the blank walls of the room. "Tonight's challenger comes from nobility, the daughter of a fine lord. She has trained as a warrior, but tonight she will dance like a harem girl. Everyone, please welcome... Ruth... Alexandria!" The applause is once again deafening, though interspersed with hoots can cat calls this time.

As the speech continues, Ruth notices a glowing ball of energy materialize in the room, shimmering and undulating as it hovers in place across the room from her. The shady man picks up again, yelling, "As you know, before we get to the main event, we like to have a warm up. Let's all get a good look at our fine competitor, as she entertains some of the Faire's less usual guests!" The applause picks up again, but then begins to fade, the sound becoming hardly noticeable as the glowing ball begins to pulse and bounce, still hovering in place. With a popping sound something emerges from the ball of energy, then another, and another, and so on until fully a dozen small creatures stand chattering in high pitched voices on the bare floor.

Ruth may not have done much adventuring, but she immediately recognizes the creatures as imps, small demons well known for their mischievous nature. The group of creatures suddenly notice her as well, and all clamber over to stand at the foot of the stage, jumping up and down as they shout at the girl. The demons stand only up to Ruth's knee, and their mottled grey skin and angular features, combined with the sharp claws on each finger and horns atop their head speak of their aggressive nature. She notices that each little creature sports an erection, larger than one would think such a creature would have. As Ruth stares at the creatures, she hears the shady man whispering, almost as if he stood next to her, though she was still alone in the room with the horde of imps. "They've paid good money for a titillating dance. Give it to them, and be good about it, or they might not stop at just watching. They want to get their money's worth, after all. Hahahaha...."

Although Ruth was born of nobility, she was not so naive as to not know of the goings on in the seedier parts of the world. The imps were waiting for a sexy dance, and if she didn't provide it, they might want more. Of course, she could also attempt to use what little magic she knows to try to trick the demons into thinking she is dancing for them, without having to debase herself to such a level. If she failed in that deception, though, the creatures would definitely not be pleased.

(Paths: Dance for the Imps, Naughty; Attempt to use magic to fool the Imps, Spirit(Combat))
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret

Standing under the moon, Ruth changes her position numerous times during her wait; Leaning against the gallery, chewing her nails nervously. Pacing to and fro impatiently, constantly thinking that she'd been tricked, either as a prank, or as a perverted man's desire to harm her. And longer still, Ruth took to placing her rump on a nearby barrel, with her back to it, having to resort to hopping up onto it due to her size. And after making her mark, she shuffles back, into a more comfortable position. There, she began to hum quietly, a gentle tune taught to her by her mother, which always seemed to calm her down no matter how distraught she became.

When the necklace gave it's signal, Ruth gave a cute yelp of surprise as it began to pulsate with a strange, red glow. Which Ruth took the time to examine, and for the most part, become entranced by the ominous red glow of the necklace. The magic started to work it's way around her mind, like a noose around a wild beast, and began to use it's influence to pull her where it wanted her to go.

Following the necklace's guidance, into the fields, Ruth suddenly stopped, putting a hand to her mouth in surprise as the massive tent suddenly appeared out of thin air to her. She stares in awe at the work of magic before her eyes, having little to no knowledge of such a force herself. But, after the necklace reminded her of where she was once again, she did not hesitate to step into the tent, where the shady man was there to greet her.

As the man held out his hand, Ruth slowly reached up, and took the necklace off of her neck, and placed it in the man's hands. And at his mention of the gauntlet, Ruth's eyes went wide, blinking several times with surprise, "This is the Gauntlet!?!" she thought to herself. Also thinking of the things she heard from some of the nobles who claimed to have seen the show of the Gauntlet... And blushing as she did so.

But, when the offer came, Ruth shook her head in defiance, "No! I can't quit! My father's depending on me!" she boasted, even if only to help encourage herself to do what she was likely expected to do...

Stepping inside the room, Ruth looked at the lone pole with interest, a small smile creeping along her face, along with a small blush as Ruth remembered of the time she learned how to pole dance for a boyfriend she had some time ago. But, her thoughts were interrupted when the doors behind her suddenly slammed shut, which brought a gasp, and nearly a scream of shock. And when she turned to look, the door's lack of existence only brought silent worry, as her eyes fixed on what wasn't there...

Having been at many Balls, and ceremonies, Ruth quickly recognized the sounds of applause. And with a horrible thought, she blushed in embarrassment, thinking about how one of the nobles from the castle may be watching her, and would witness the things she was about to do... This fact infuriated her, that some perverted nobles might even seek to harm her image even after the Gauntlet...

The speech was a blur to her, little to no words having meaning to the Knight-turned-Porn-Star. But, after the applause died down, Ruth's attention was brought to the shimmering ball above her, and when imps began to fall out from it, she immediately went on the defensive, just on instinct. Only it seemed these imp had other interests, than just murder and thievery, as noted by their erect cocks directed at her...

Ruth swallowed a lump in her throat, "I'm supposed to... Dance for these things!?!" she questioned her circumstances with disgust. However, no matter how despicable, Ruth swallowed her pride, and hesitantly went to her shirt, pulling it over her head, the moment her breasts became free, the fleshy globes bounced joyously, as she tossed the shirt aside. And after adjusting her red locks of hair, did the same to her cotton pants, until she stood in nothing but her cute, pink panties. Then, to add insult to injury, she stepped up onto the stage, and did as best she could to use what she learned, trying to ignore the fact that it was meant only for those she loved, and reminding herself that it was to help her father.

She gripped the pole, lifting her leg to hook around it, and giving the creatures a good look at her crotch, before she spun around the pole slowly, as if advertising her body, giving the imp onlookers a good inspection of every inch of her body. Then, she suddenly lifted her other leg, hooking it onto the pipe, holding herself there, upside down as her hands came to caress her own flesh, trailing along her skin, until they cupped her breasts. She massaged, and squeezed her round breasts, eventually lowering her head, and lifting her right nipple to her mouth, where she sucked on her own breast.

After her breast play, using her athletics, she planted her hands on the stage, and flipped over, landing on her feet, with her legs spread, and her round, supple ass on display for the imps, while her upper half remained upside down, still looking at the imps, both her ass, breasts, and cute face there for all the creature's eyes to see. And reaching her arms up, she smoothed her hands along her skin, and inner thighs, sometimes spreading her ass a little to entice the perverted imps further.
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret

(Dance for the Imps, Naughty = 15)
(Ruth's Naughty is 6, Roll of 13 = 19. Ruth succeeds by 4)

As Ruth begins her dance, the imps jump up and down more, obviously excited, hooting and hollering at her. Several of them rush to scoop up her shirt and pants, fighting over them as they rub their faces in the cloth, sniffing and licking while they rub their erections. Ruth's clothes are quickly torn apart, the rags being used to assist the imp in their masturbation as they watch Ruth's pole performance. Only a few moments into her dance, Ruth feels a warm splash on her leg as she spins around the pole, the imps already enjoying themselves immensely. As she lewdly bends over to show herself while looking at the imps, Ruth can see that each one is staring at her, their tiny eyes crawling over every inch of her exposed skin, while their hands work their members furiously.

"Will you look at this?!?!" the shady man whispers into Ruth's ear, though from his tone, it sounds like he is yelling. "This girl dances like she's been stripping every day of her life!" Though she can't hear the applause of the crowd she knows is watching, she can feel their eyes upon her flesh just as well as those of the imps. Forgetting her embarrassment, the girl continues without losing a beat, her body pressing against the pole, hips gyrating, and flesh on display. The imps continue to enjoy their show, oblivious to anyone else watching, entranced by Ruth.

Ruth continues her dance for several long minutes, switching between displaying herself to the hungry eyes and pressing against the cool metal of the pole. She frequently feels warm splashes against her legs and feet, though at one point while bending over and bringing her upper body closer to the stage, one of the imps' cocks erupts, shooting a stream of it's spunk at her. It lands on her face, a string stretching from above her left eye, over her nose, and past her lips, dripping slightly down to one breast after she rights herself. The imps continue their raucous approval, shouting and cheering as the girl dances. Finally though, the imps seem spent, sitting down on the floor rather than jumping up and down. Another energy orb materializes behind them, and after a few release their last load towards Ruth, the creature bound off through the portal and out of sight. What remains of Ruth's clothes lies soaked and smelling on the ground, the numerous strips of now unusable cloth having been used over and over by the demons.

As soon as the demons leave, the sound of applause comes crashing back, perhaps startling the girl. "That was incredible! Did you see her?" the man's voice yells, "If I didn't know better, I'd say she was a common whore! Which is why the next test is so important!" Barely a second after the orb of energy fades from view, a doorway appears in the far wall, shimmering into view just as the tent had in the field. "Continue on, little dancer," the shady man once again whispers in Ruth's ear, "The show has just begun."

After taking whatever time she needed to feel comfortable after her lewd display, Ruth would find the next room to be much like the first. The plain wooden walls stretched across the room, but in the middle is something different. Something large, and alive. Sleeping, in fact. After taking a few steps closer, Ruth can tell that the large shape is actually that of a two-headed ogre, one of the huge muscled giants that inhabit the mountains and terrorize any who pass through their territory. The beast lay on it's side with it's back to her, it's huge form rising and falling rhythmically on the wooden floor, one head resting atop the other. A dark blue cloth was draped over the monster, though a closer inspection would reveal that this is not a blanket, but a robe, marking the ogre as one of the few of it's kind capable of working magic.

Whatever Ruth may have been thinking about the ogre is cut short when the voice of the shady man booms into the room, "Time for our next challenge!" At the sound, the ogre twitches, though still doesn't rise. "All of you came here to see a show! And it wouldn't be much of a show if I just brought in any whore off the street! We want to see adventurers, proud women of strength and power, brought down to their knees in submission!" Thunderous applause erupts from the unseen audience at this statement, and the twin-headed ogre twitches more. "So now, we will test this woman's bravery, to show that she is indeed a warrior! A lesser woman would be crying and blubbering at the sight of the monstrosity before her, but not our little Ruth. No! She will bravely continue on in the face of danger. Continue on, past the mighty, the powerful, the magical, Krod'Mok the ogre-mage!"

At the mention of it's name, the monster finally rouses, it's right arm pushing off against the floor to bring itself to a sitting position. It doesn't seem to be ready to fight just yet however, and Ruth is surprised to see one head, the one covered in a hood of the same cloth as it's blue robe, turn to face the uncovered one and speak. "Krod, wake up. Wake up, fool!" the right head voice darkly intones. The right hand comes over to slap the left head several times, but the left head merely shakes a few times before it responds, "Krod still sleep, Mok go night night too." Mok is insistent, however, and continues to prod Krod, "That foul worm has brought yet another woman to us. I can feel our power growing. A bit more soul energy and I can free us from this prison!" If she looks closely, Ruth can see that around each of the ogre's heads is a collar, seemingly plain steel, but crackling with magic. Krod yawns, then says, "Soul? Mok take soul, get us outta here, right? Back home?" The ogre's left side finally seems to stir, and together with the right, pushes the ogre to a standing position. "That's right Krod, but only if you wake up and help me catch the human."

As Ruth watches the ogres' heads argue, a shimmer in the air reveals a weapon rack off to her side. In it are several staves, maces, and wooden swords. As she looks over the blunt weapons, the shady man whispers to her, "Knock the ogre out, and place your weapon in the weapon rack on the other side of the room. Your next challenge will be revealed then... if the ogre doesn't finish you first!" The voice finishes with it's mocking laugh again, before fading from her senses.

Ruth has been well trained in combat, but ogre's are well known for their sheer brute strength and stamina. Defeating such an opponent will take all of her skill, and if she loses, the mage may well steal her soul, as it has threatened. With her meager magical defenses, Ruth is unsure she can withstand such an attack. On the other hand, the monster is quite slow, and still seemingly waking up. If the girl is fast enough, she may be able to reach the other side of the room and place one of the weapons in the opposite weapon rack before she catches the ogre's eyes.

(Fight the Ogre-Mage, Combat(Spirit), Avoid the Ogre-Mage, Explore(Combat))
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (RaptorJesus)

Sitting on the side of the stage, panting from exhaustion, Ruth rested for a time. The exercise she had gotten on the pole took quite a toll on the lady knight's stamina. Although, that was the least of her worries, since now, the only thing she had to cover her decency was her pink, cotton panties. She felt cold without clothes to cover her, which only made her nervousness worse. Ruth wondered if she would fail, if everything she had done so far would be for nothing. Her father would die, and she would either die as well, or become a slave to the Faire.

She shook her head, hopping off of the stage with determination, "No! I won't let it end that way! I will save my father, even if I have to knock the lights out of that wizard! I won't give up! I must be strong!" she thought, giving herself a pep talk to encourage her to go further, no matter how afraid she might be of failure.

Proceeding onward, Ruth kept her shoulders back, and her head high. She walked as if she still wore her royal armor, no more shame, or fatigue shown on her features. She was ready for any challenge that the cruel men might throw at her. Even if it was...-

"An ogre!?" thought Ruth, as she happened upon the large brute. Without any defense of her own, nor magical spell for her to cast, Ruth knew that this was a battle she would likely not win. That is, until the shady man revealed the weapons rack. Ruth blinked with surprise, but didn't hesitate too long. She ran for the weapons rack, quickly grabbing a heavy looking mace, gripping it in both of her hands, before charging at the ogre. She ran as quickly, and as quietly as she could, getting close enough for her to properly take a stance, and begin spinning around in a circle, with the mace outstretched in front of herself. She thought it silly to try and fight this way, but the beast was far too large, and it's heads were it's most vulnerable area to strike. So, with a silent prayer, Ruth released the mace, hoping that the heavy weapon would collide with the back of the monster's head, and send it back to the ground.
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (RaptorJesus)

(Fight the Ogre-Mage, Combat = 18, Spirit = x1)
(Ruth's Combat is 9, , 9 + 6 = 15. Ruth fails by 3)
(Ruth takes 3 HP damage and 3 Magic (WP) Damage)

As the two heads argue with each other over which way to turn to face her, Ruth grabs the heavy mace and spins, building up it's momentum. When she releases the mace, the well trained warrior's aim is dead on, hurtling through the air straight at the ogre. Unfortunately, Ruth forgot to compensate for the fact that a two headed ogre has, in fact, two heads and a space between them. She had been aiming for the spot where a single head would lie on a creature that large, and as the ogre's sides argue with each, they are cut short as the heavy mace flies through the air between them.

"Oh my goodness, that was so close!" the shady man's voice yells over the abrupt laughter of the audience. Ruth spins, hoping to grab another weapon to defend herself against the brutish ogre, but is surprised to see that the weapons rack is gone, and all of the weapons it held as well. "Certainly a nice attempt, but now our dear Ruth is unarmed!"

"Dat girlie try trow sumtin at us!" the left ogre head says, his brow furrowing in anger as he speaks to the other. "Let's beat dis girlie up and get oudda heer!" The huge ogre spins around with surprising agility and advances on Ruth, his meaty hands clenching in fists. "Finally, a sentiment I can agree with," the right head says with a grin, just as one of the huge fists crashes into Ruth's chest. The girl is knocked to the ground, coughing and twitching, until she is picked up. "I was expecting more of a fight," the ogre says, "But this girl's soul will taste just as sweet whether she goes down easy or hard."

Ruth struggles while in the ogre's grasp, but she soon feels a tug at her mind. As her soul is wrenched from her body by the ogre, she screams out in pain, unable to do anything but attempt to resist. The sensation feels like it lasts a lifetime, but in reality the ogre's evil magic only affects her for mere moments before Ruth feels herself grabbed by another hand, stronger than the ogre's but surprisingly gentle. Cradled in the magic, invisible, hand of force, Ruth is suddenly propelled away from the ogre, who yells in anger, "I WILL steal enough souls to break free! And When I do, I will destroy you, human!" As she stares back at the ogre, she can see the creature isn't shouting at her, but simply up at the walls, presumable his anger is directed at the same man who is pulling the strings behind the sadistic game she finds herself in.

With a thud, Ruth lands on the floor of yet another room, and watches as the ogre in the previous room is blocked from her view by yet another door slamming shut behind her, before fading from sight by the magic at work in this strange building. Turning around, Ruth is surprised to see not another room, but a hallway, just barely wide enough for her to walk through. At the other end is the familiar sight of a yet another door. As she stands to walk towards it however, the now familiar voice of the shady man once again calls out. "Well, the ogre proved to be too much for our little warrior, but it was quite an impressive try, you have to give her that, at least." As the man speaks, Ruth can once again hear the hoots and catcalls of the audience, though she notices they seem much more enthusiastic now than in the previous challenges. "It's time for what I know many of you view as the most enjoyable part of our little game... The Hall of Hands!"

As the shady man announces the next challenge and the crowd roars it's raucous approval, Ruth is stunned to see hundreds of glowing blue circles appear on the walls of the hallway before her. From these magical portals emerge hands... many hands... and even some other appendages.So many reaching limbs erupt from the walls that the previously clear path to the door is completely obscured. In her mind, the shady man whispers to Ruth once again, "Welcome to the Hall of Hands, one of our crowd favorites, as I'm sure you can guess why." The man chuckles creepily, then continues, "All you have to do is get to the next door, that's all. Don't worry, they won't try to stop you... much..."

Although the door is no longer visible, Ruth knows that she must only move forward to reach it. That is easier said than done however, as the grasping hands are sure to try to slow her down, to do gods knows what to her. Ruth, strong as she is, can't fight all of them off, nor can she avoid them, but perhaps magic can be of some use. Protecting herself with magic might let her get through the appendage filled hallway without incident, but after seeing how easily the ogre-mage was stopped after it tried to drain her soul with it's magic, Ruth may be in trouble if she attempts to bypass the challenge.

Willpower - 9/12
Combat and HP - 9 27/30
Explore and Stam - 3 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 2 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 6 20/20

(Ignore the hands and forge through, Naughty; Use magic to protect herself, Spirit(Naughty))