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The Colony: Invasion


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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GM Note: So, here we are, seven days before the Invasion of Titan. This is an idea Maiko asked me about that I thought sounded absolutely awesome, so we're trying it out here, as well as some new features to the Colony that might get added on. Since this could explain a few of the going-ons in The Colony, you could check back here every once in a while. Enjoy!

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector K-79 (Luigi's Salvaging): Katerina 'Kat'.

Character: Katerina 'Kat'.
Class: Citizen
AP: 3
FP: 3
MP: 6
EP: 4
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 2
Will Power: 2
Feats: 'Techy': Working at a Salvaging company as Tech Support has it's advantages; Kat starts with Salvage, Hack, and Craft.
Armor: Civvies (5 Durability)
Weapon: Fists, 1 Damage
Picture, snapped by a pervy boyfriend:
Headstrong and energetic, Kat always tries to see the positive side of things, despite her grumbling when she's working with something that 'doesn't want to work back' as she puts it. She's not particularly social adept, but because of her condition, she forces herself into the nightclubs of Century. She's an abysmal dancer though, capable of taking down every other person on a dancefloor when she attempts it. While not exactly perverted, she claims to have an open mind and is willing to try just about anything once. Kat's sexual preferances seem to change with the months.

Although humans have been using genetic engineering to add animalistic features to unborn children for nearly four hundred years now, they have never been able to breed true. Even two people with the same features would naturally produce a pure human child. That changed with the birth of Katrina, the first human born with animal features, in her case, feline ears and tail, the same features her parents both had. Katrina was the first example of animal gene mods breeding true. Since then, only a handfull of other children have followed her.

There was, however, a side effect of her inherited gene mods, only noticed when she hit puberty. Kat has an abnormally active sex drive, having been described by doctors as if she were constantly in heat. Remarkably, Kat's kept from becoming a complete slut by focusing on normally astimulating topics. Studying mechanics, electronics, computers any form of technology that would keep her mind occupied with anything but sex, Kat quickly became adept at fixing just about anything, or breaking it, and making it do something it was never supposed to.

While she was approached by the Alliance military for recruitment as a mechanic, Kat turned them down, instead finding a job working at a salvage company, repurposing old technology for new uses, including a few contracts by the Alliance military.

Katrina has never been able to hold a lasting relationship with anyone, either because her tastes change too quickly, or her focus on technology either drives them off or temporarily supresses her libido enough that she dumps them. One boyfriend she had liked to have her pose nude except for a collar and then take pictures of her. When she found out he was selling the pictures online, she very quickly dumped him. Once he got out of the dumpster, she broke up with him. She's still a little ticked that there's nude pictures of her circulating, but there's not much she can do about it, and when her sex drive acts up, she actually finds it rather stimulating, knowing that there's teenage boys out there fapping to her.
Kat stretched lazily in her chair, letting out a yawn. The business for salvaging around Titan had been slowing to a crawl recently, to the point where Luigi and his brother were sending drones out into the nearby asteroid field for loot. As such, there had been very little work for her to do as a techy. So boring, just sitting around and playing 3D solitaire...

But then there was always Freedom.

A brief smile slipped across Kat's face, realizing that she was going to the club with her friend, Freedom, tonight. And while Freedom was working still, Kat could always stay in the woman's office while she monitored Architect, the AI Janitor for Century.

Deciding on impulse, Kat punches out at her computer, putting on her jacket and running out the door to a busy street on Century. Dodging through the crowds and up the ramp to the hover-tram, the cat woman just barely makes it into the train, sitting down next to an Alliance soldier, the woman glancing side-long at her.

"Hi," She muttered gruffly, before sliding the visor on her helmet down.
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Re: The Colony: Invasion

Boredom was deadly for Katerina. Well, not deadly, but she could feel her mind slipping more towards sex as she moved the cards around. It didn't help that her boss had set the game to use pictures of naked women on the cards. With a sigh she closed the game before she started masturbating at work. The last time her boss caught her doing that, he chewed her out, but not before eating her out thankfully. Looking at her phone, Kat remembered her 'date' (Freedom never called them that though) and smiled. "Hey boss, I'm clocking out early." She said, poking her head into Luigi's office and before he could reply, she had her jacket on and was out the door.

She had to suck in her chest as she just squeezed through the closing doors on the train and sat down with a huff, one hand casually hefting one of her heavy breasts as she mentally complained about their size. She had been teased a fair amount about her breasts, with many suggestions that she had some cow genes, but Kat just found them alternatly fun or annoying, depending on what she was doing at the time.

The Alliance soldier's gruff greeting was met with a similar one from Kat, who only nodded. Clearly the soldier didn't want to talk. Leaning back and relaxing, Kat couldn't help but pass her eyes over the soldier's body. Sure the Alliance armor was practical and covering, but it still hugged the right curves, and gave an air of danger and control to the person wearing it Kat thought.
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Between Sector K-79 and L-79 (Hover-Tram): Katerina 'Kat'.

The tram hummed along the track at a high speed, gliding through the cityscape below - and, as they came closer and closer to Century's Center, above. Called the most Futuristic City, Century was also the largest city on a space station - and one of the largest cities this far out in Alliance Space. It had been a perfect place to live for such a long time.

Her train of thought was interrupted with a loud, resounding 'FABOOM', almost like from a comic book. The tram came to a stop, dangling in mid-air, as everyone covered their ears, groaning in pain, some screaming in surprise. Out of the corner of her eye, Kat saw the Alliance soldier suddenly go limp, falling flat on her face, as a few other people on the tram dropped to the ground...
Re: The Colony: Invasion

"Ow! What the fug?!" (She had been raised not to swear.) Kat's ears flipped back from the sound, an advantage she had, she didn't have to cover her ears from loud noises. Looking around, she noticed the train had stopped, but the lights were still on. "That's odd..." She whispered to herself, then looked around to see how everyone else was doing.

Aside from a few people who, like the soldier, seemed to have passed out just from the sound itself, everyone still seemed able to move around, but most were covering their ears or cowering. Kat had no idea what the sound had been from, but she knew she had to get off the train. Getting to her feet, Kat looked around for the emergency exit.
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Between Sector K-79 and L-79 (Hover-Tram): Katerina 'Kat'.

"Oh no.. Are they dead?!" One of the women on the tram squealed. Kat didn't really have time to react to her exclamation, the tram doors opening wide as the fire pole-esque emergency escapes descended from above the doorways, dropping down to the streets below. She could see other trams around doing the same thing, some people already sliding down the emergency exits.


Without hesitation, Kat jumped onto the emergency chute, wrapping her arms and legs around it and sliding down to the ground nearly one hundred feet below. Her heart was pounding in her ears from the ride, but she could hear Architect's voice over the city loud speakers:


Her heart racing, Kat looked to the large, towering structures at Century's Center, realizing that Freedom was still there... but should she go after the woman?..
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Watching everyone running for the safe areas, Kat felt herself torn between her own preservation and her concern for her friend. Turning back to head for the safe area, Katerina took one step, paused and turned back, running towards the center. She might not be a soldier, but she knew a thing or two about technology, and that would be useful she thought.
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Between Sector K-79 and L-79 (Hover-Tram): Katerina 'Kat'.

Kat decides to go back to check on Freedom - after all, she'd like to think her friend would do the same for her... And if Architect was deploying Drones, then it was a very bad thing for Freedom to stay where she was.

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector L-79: Katerina 'Kat'.

Kat kept jogging against the floor, the streets quickly becoming deserted, save for the unconscious Alliance soldiers lying all about. Several drones walked past her, speaking in Architect's voice and warning that she should get into a safe zone - but Kat ignored them, knowing they wouldn't harm her. Her ears bent backwards as the screech of the airborne drones boomed overhead. Were they being invaded? Her mind raced, finally coming to the conclusion that, if they were being attacked, she should arm herself..

She felt guilty, kneeling down next to an unconscious guard, stripping the woman of her pistol, and uploading some data from the woman's omnitool to her own. The only thing she needed to download was a hacking protocol, hoping the soldier - and Architect - wouldn't mind in the long run...

((Katerina gets a DX8 Pistol, 5 clips, and a hacking protocol on her Omnitool.))
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Kat was afraid of guns. She had been nearby when a guy went on a shooting spree when she was six, and a bullet had flown past her head. She'd been terrified of guns ever since, but this was potentially a life-or-death situation. Giving a hard gulp, she picked up the weapon and tucked it into the waist of her jeans, then remembered she'd need ammo for it too, and grabbed some clips, slipping them into her pockets. Upgrading her omnitool was something she was much more comfortable doing.

All set now, she continued jogging to the center buildings. She briefly considered hacking a drone and having it accompany her, but she wanted to still be on Archie's good side when this was all over.
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector L-80: Katerina 'Kat'.

Kat tried to stay under cover as the aerial drones engaged some flying enemies, the sounds of their autocannons ringing in her ears. There was a loud screeching noise as one of the craft took a hit, spiraling out of control and crashing through one of the tall buildings, finally crash-landing on the ground about twenty feet in front of Kat.

The craft was made from an odd, red metal. It looked like it was a cross between a fighter and a transport, with how large the back end of it was... and, much to Kat's fears, it turned out she was right.

The doors to the rear of the ship burst open, a guttural roar echoing through the city, as several creatures with green skin and black armor jumped from the crashed ship. As soon as they jumped out, several more were right behind them, the cycle continuing, until almost twenty of the green humans were out of the vehicle, quickly dispersing and running in different directions... Except for two of the enemies, who had caught Kat standing not too far from their crash site...

((Kat has initiative for 3 rounds.))

Katerina: Civvies: 5 Durability.
AP: 3, FP: 3, MP: 6, EP: 4
DX8 Pistol: 5/5 rounds/clip, 5 clips, 1 damage.

Orc Soldier 1: Armor: ??
AP: ?? FP: ?? MP: ?? EP: ??

Orc Soldier 2: Armor: ??
AP: ?? FP: ?? MP: ?? EP: ??
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Kat stumbled back as the ship crashed, tripping and landing on her ass. As she watched the humanoids spill out of the back, only one word came to mind. "I-invasion?" When she noticed two of the aliens looking her way, panic took over at the catgirl turned tail and ran blindly away from them, ducking down side streets trying to lose them, sure that they were following. She only stopped when she found herself in a dead end alley.

Breathing heavily, she leaned on one of the walls, praying that the green skinned aliens had lost her.
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector L-80: Katerina 'Kat'.

Combat rolls:
Kat: Runs; Provokes an attack of opportunity from both orcs; uses 1 EP.
Attack 1: 10 + 3 = 13 vs. 9 + 2 = 11; Damage: 1.
Attack 2: 6 + 3 = 9 vs. 5 + 2 = 7; Damage: 2. Kat's clothes are at 2 Durability.


Soldier 1: Follows after Kat and attempts to grapple her; uses 2 EP.
Grapple 1: 3 + 5 = 8 vs. 1 (Critical Fail) = 1. Kat is grappled with 14 points.
Grapple 2: 9 + 5 = 14 vs. 8 + 1 = 9. Kat is grappled with 19 points. She cannot attack, but may attempt to escape.

Soldier 2: Attempts to remove the rest of Kat's clothing, groping the cat girl if he succeeds; uses 5 EP.
Remove Clothing 1: 4 + 5 = 9 vs. 5 + 1 = 6; Civvies: -1. Kat is nude.
AP Attack 1: 3 + 3 = 6 vs. 5 + 2 = 7; Miss.
AP attack 2: 5 + 3 = 8 vs. 8+ 2 = 10; Miss.
AP Attack 3: 8 + 3 = 11 vs. 2 + 2 = 4; Kat takes 1 AP damage.
AP Attack 4: 4+ 3 = 7 vs. 4 + 2 = 6; Kat takes 1 AP damage.

Kat decided it was best to run away - at least she might live to fight another day. But, as she turned to run, she heard two shots ring out - and something hit her! Remembering the incident as a child, the catgirl lets out a scream of terror, closing her eyes in fear, waiting for pain to explode through her body... But, instead of pain... she only felt her clothes falling away, leaving the cat girl in her slutty panties and bra. She went to cover herself up, squealing, running away, completely distracted by her nudity, her nerves, and the orcs still running after her. After crashing into a trash bin, a wall, and running down a dead end hallway, Kat thought she had lost the creatures...

...Only for one of them to throw himself at her with a guttural roar, grabbing onto the cat girl's flailing arms. He grabbed onto her wrists with one hand, holding her arms about her head, chuckling at the pathetic visage in front of him. He turned the cat girl about, letting Kat watch as the second orc walked up to their captive. With a lewd grin, he grabbed onto her thong and bra, ripping the soft material away from her body. Placing his rough hands on her hips, he slowly made his way up Kat's body, the girl's eyes growing wide as she realized how close he was to her fun bags... one of her weaknesses!

Kat couldn't help out a little bit of a pleasurable mewl, the orc roughly squeezing her breasts. She watched, mouth agape with quiet moans, as the orc squeezed towards her nipples, taking them between his index and thumb, pinching and rolling them, making Kat squirm... Was this really happening?!

Katerina: Civvies: 5 Durability.
AP: 1/3, FP: 3, MP: 6, EP: 3/4
DX8 Pistol: 5/5 rounds/clip, 5 clips, 1 damage.

Orc Soldier 1: Armor: ??
AP: ?? FP: ?? MP: ?? EP: 3/6

Orc Soldier 2: Armor: ??
AP: ?? FP: ?? MP: ?? EP: 0/6
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Re: The Colony: Invasion

Katerina let out a cry of fear as she realized she hadn't gotten away. "P-p-please... Don't... don't hur-Ah!" Having expected the green people to want to kill her, Kat was a little suprised as one of them pulled her arms up and the other tore the remnants of her clothing away. Clenching shut her thighs, Kat tried to hide the last of her dignity from these aliens, but her body had a different plan.

Kat had fantasized about being raped before, even going so far as to doing some non-consent play with one of her partners, but always safely, and with safe words. Now she was going to be raped for real by unknown aliens in some back alley. As much as her rational mind tried to fight it, it was quickly losing to her body. She had the presence of mind, however, to try to bargain some safety from the creatures, assuming they spoke English.

"P-please... I'll do whatever you want... any-Ah! Anything! Just please, all I ahhh-sk is that you let mmmm... me go once you're done. Nnn!" Although it was hard for her to think, let along speak while being felt up by the orc, her speech punctuated with moans and gasps, she got her message out just as the orc gave her nipples a pinch, drawing a lusty squeal from Kat. As if to emphasize her offer, she gingerly spread her legs open. Her body was more than ready to do whatever the orcs wanted her to do, but her mind was still resisting... but it was a losing battle.
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector L-80: Katerina 'Kat'.

Combat Rolls:
Kat: Pleads with the orcs, and, unable to understand English, suffers a penalty; uses 1 EP.
Will: 4 + 2 = 6 - 2 = 4 vs. 9 + 3 = 12; The orcs can't understand Kat's words.

Enemy Rolls:

Orc 1: 10 + 4 + 3 = 17 vs. 5 + 2 = 7; Kat takes 1 AP damage and 1 FP damage. She now wants to sex anything that moves.

The orcs holding onto Kat looked at her in a perplexed way as she spoke, staring down at her with yellow eyes... before they went back to molesting the pink-haired cat girl, enjoying her little squeaks and moans of... Not really protest. Too soon her pink pussy became moist, wishing for nothing more than to be filled. She was sure these orcs could do the job...

Katerina: Civvies: 0/5 Durability.
AP: 0/3, FP: 2/3, MP: 6, EP: 2/4
DX8 Pistol: 5/5 rounds/clip, 5 clips, 1 damage.

Orc Soldier 1: Armor: ??
AP: ?? FP: ?? MP: ?? EP: 4/6

Orc Soldier 2: Armor: ??
AP: ?? FP: ?? MP: ?? EP: 0/6
Re: The Colony: Invasion

"Anything... anything at all..." Kat continued her plea, emphasising her willingness to do anything to ensure her safety by pushing her bare ass against the crotch of the orc holding her. "Anything... do anything to me!" Or maybe she had just gone mad with lust...

((2 EP to try to get the orc grappling her aroused... more than he would already be))
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector L-80: Katerina 'Kat'.

Combat Rolls:
Kat: Tries to arouse the orc behind her; uses 2 EP.
AP Attack 1: 4 + 2 = 6 vs. 6 + 3 = 9; Miss.
AP Attack 2: 7 + 3 = 10 vs. 2 + 2 = 4; Damage: 1 AP.

Enemy Turn

Orc 1: Begins to screw Kat; uses 3 EP.
FP Attack 1: 3 + 3 = 6 vs. 1 (Natural Fail) = 2; Kat takes 2 FP damage (Critical Multiplier) and orgasms.

Kat's mind was so clouded with lust, her actions could barely be preformed as she expected. Rubbing her rear against the orc, she did her best to arouse the creature, moaning like a needy slut... She barely felt any sort of movement behind her, the orc not enough close to being aroused.

Her cat-like ears suddenly perk at the noise of the orc in front of her undoing the buttons on his armor. She quickly swivels her wide eyes around and down to his hands, her tail curling and uncurling in bliss as the creature's green fingers work the buttons on his fly. Her heart flutters, beating faster as the creature's cock flops from it's confines, nearly eight inches long and still growing! She tries to do calculations in her mind as the orc grasps his appendage by the base, rubbing it against her folds. Her body arcs in response, her sensitive folds wet in anticipation, quickly concluding the orc must have been the biggest man she'd had yet... Wait, did this count as a man?

He drives home, sliding his hard cock into Kat's waiting folds, drawing a cry of desperate pleasure from the cat girl, flexing her muscles as she's fucked in mid-air by the creature. Pushing in all the way to the hilt, she feels the creature's cock at her cervix, sending an odd tingling sensation throughout her body. As the hard phallus began to draw itself out from her, Kat's pussy clenches about the green manhood, crying out in ecstasy as the creature chuckles at how easy she is to manipulate... Teasingly, he acts as if he's about to pull his entire cock out, drawing a disappointed moan from Kat's lips. Grabbing roughly onto one of her tits, he kneads her soft, tender flesh, before slamming his cock into Kat's body, surprising her enough to bring the cat girl into a mind-numbing orgasm...

((Kat orgasms.))
Re: The Colony: Invasion

As the orc's cock entered her, Kat was reminded of a dildo she had that was the largest thing she ever had inside her. When the orc bottomed out, she briefly realized that he was bigger than even it had been, but this realization was quickly pushed aside by the overwhelming sensations coming from said cock.

Being suspended in the air, her pussy open to this monster invader, that sense of being nothing more than a fuck-toy triggered something in Kat that set her off. Unable to do more than moan incomprehensivly, Kat hoped the orc driving into her got the clue and continued to do so. All she wanted now was for this perfect pleasure to last for as long as possible. All thoughts of running, finding Freedom, anything other than what she felt now were driven from her mind.

((Orgasm time!))
Re: The Colony: Invasion

Seven days before the Wakening; Century City, Sector L-80: Katerina 'Kat'.

The orcs chuckle as Kat moans in bliss, holding her in mid air, stopping their motions as she orgasms about the creature's cock. It takes her a while to come down from the mile-high orgasm, her body already tired as her tail sways back and forth, flexing her toes and fingers a bit. She breaths heavily, her ears twitching as she tries to listen and decipher the two orcs, talking to one another... before she feels a little pressure at her rear. Kat's eyes go wide, tiredly squirming in the orcs hands, but to no avail. As the orc pushes it's slimy cock into her tight ass, Kat's mind goes blank...

She comes to moments later, a pair of hands from behind kneading and squeezing her breasts, enjoying the feeling of her soft flesh beneath their rough hands, the orcs breathing heavily in her hair; the second pair cupped her ass cheeks, holding her up in the air still as the orcs timed their thrusts, keeping Kat off-balance, one never hilting in her at the same time as the other. She clung to the orc in front of her by his shoulder pads, moaning in pleasure into his chest, her body suddenly tensing as she orgasmed again... and again... It seemed like it would never stop, Kat's body becoming ever more tired with each thrust of the orcs. She looked up at the orc in front of her, trying to focus her big blue eyes, but unable to, whimpering in a perverse pleasure, begging...

"Please... Let me go..." She whimpered. The orcs didn't understand, or, in all reality, most likely did not want to release their new pet. The orcs didn't even reply to her pleas, the woman feeling another orgasm building in the pit of her stomach, never realizing the orcs were increasing their thrusting speed. She only began to moan and pant in quicker successions, breathing heavily on the orcs neck, before throwing her head back and releasing another lust-filled, orgasmic moan in the air, her body rippling with pleasure - only for the odd, pleasurable feeling of the orcs' seed to explode into her womb and bowels, launching load after load into the cat girl. While it wasn't the first time she had felt the sensation, being brutalized and used as a toy by the orcs only seemed to tap some primal pleasure of the woman, driving her into another orgasm almost immediately after her first. She lost track of when the orcs finally finished... but Kat, having lost all sense of time, was almost unconscious as she was dumped unceremoniously to the ground, the orc grabbing onto her hair roughly and pulling her up, sticking his cock in her mouth. She moved on autopilot, running her tongue along the orc's flesh, tasting both her juices and his seed, moaning about the phallus as she took more and more into her mouth. She couldn't remember even if the orc deposited a load into her stomach... everything, after the last bit, was darkness to the cat girl.

As she awoke, however, all was not right. She was still in the alley, and the two orcs were still there... But she couldn't move, and there was an odd, cool sensation about her neck...

"<She's awake,>" One of the orcs grunted - much to Kat's surprise. She didn't own a universal translator... so how could she understand them now? She looked up at the orc, licking her lips, as he began to speak: "<Release your arms and get on your hands and knees.>"

Not a chance! Kat thought to herself... only for her body to move by it's own accord, the cat girl getting onto her hands and knees, the cool metal about her neck heating up...
Re: The Colony: Invasion

As Kat lay on the ground, the exhausting sex with the orc in her memories, she realized she was waking up. Expecting for the whole experiance to be a dream (she'd had vivid sex dreams before, especially when her libido was cranked up), when she found she couldn't move and her body still ached, she suddenly woke up.

As her body moved on its own, Kat felt fear fill her heart. Was the collar doing this? Was it some form of mind control, or was it directly controling the impulses from her brain? Could it stop her heart? Terrified of what this collar could do, Kat started to panic, trying to order her body to get up and run away from the aliens, or do anything at all.