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The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas, Ninaski, Ruri, Nanako*, Jenkins and 'The Captain'.

((Edit: Apparently the map wasn't showing properly, along with the colors...))

"The Marine's body is down the hallway," The Captain nodded, "But you'll need a passcode to get to her body. Jenkins should know it...?" The soldier gave a slight nod, crossing his arms. After all, he wouldn't be given a weapon to help, "Good. I'll try to help with the second floor, but I can't promise Sally won't shoot at us.

"...Don't worry, she uses rubber rounds," He added.

"What about me? Am I just chopped liver?" Nanako asked with a growl, "I'm going with the smaller group. You'll need me." She took a few steps towards Jethro, as Ninaski glanced at Ruri, pairing up with the other medic.

As Nanako threw herself at Jethro's group, the Captain turned his head a bit, speaking quietly to Kardas.

"This isn't a real VARIA suit. Looks like one, but has a few enhancements... it's literally connected to me. You can tell because of the visors; Real VARIA suits have the two 'peep holes' for someone to look out through; our enhanced suits use actual Visors to provide more tactical information. As for vehicles, it doesn't matter. We couldn't make it to the vehicle garage."


Light Pink dots - Jenkins and Captain
Royal Blue - Ruri
Red - Jethro
Dark red - Emily
Purple - Kardas
Green - Ninaski
Dark Green - Skora
Blue - Cassidy
Light violet - Nanako
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Quickly catching up with Skora, Emily stops running when Skora does. Waiting for everyone to catch up, Emily starts quizzing Skora. "What is a Loki? What would it do to us?"

As Blue starts splitting everyone up, Emily gives a panicked glance towards Skora, especially as Nanako demands to come along. Whispering urgently towards Skora, "What do I do if the Loki comes back? Will any of my guns hurt it? Or do I need to run?" Everyone else seems far more confident in their ability to defeat anything in their way. Emily knew from personal experience that confidence was not enough. It also took a lot of luck and willpower for her to escape, and she wasn't going to give up her new found freedom easily. Not if a Loki could possibly be waiting to drag her back to the orcs. In slime.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora frowned, not liking the way Emily and herself had been split up for the moment. Turning to the ex-slave she said, "It produces the powerful aphrodisiac that orcs use to make their pink colored darts. If it catches you, you can bet it will rape and abuse you. My advice is to run unless you have heavy firepower."

She strolled back with Emily in tow and nodded to Blue.

"Fine then, let's get this show on the road."


((Not going to bother checking right now, but I thought I'd read the Captain making a comment about her being in the Level 2 dormitories and having barricaded herself inside. If it didn't happen within Skora's earshot, then let's retroactively assume that Skora and Emily were hanging out at the most obvious exit to this room, away from the immediate threat where everyone else seemed to be comfortable hanging around.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Why not?" Kardas asked with the same emotionless voice. "If it's simply the risk, outside has been very unsafe as of late, a fast mode of transport would serve us well now and in the future. Still, this is but a secondary goal." She followed along with the group, studying over the map she had downloaded from security, which was now updated with abstergo positions now that she had their comm frequency.

"What are the odds of Abstergo opening fire on us in the current situation?" she asked the captain as they moved. "With the seismic activities and general chaos they cause, are they inclined to become hostile on sight? They'll likely deny us access to level 2 I'd imagine, will they use lethal force to stop us? And would you be able to get us past them without a fight?"

Her calculating brain was already trying to find the best way through this with the minimum risk to her team. If they were going to treat her as hostile it would be best to simply go in blasting, rather than leaving themselves exposed. But at the same time, if hostility could be avoided it would be better to do so.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily is visibly not wild about the idea of going off with strangers, but she reluctantly nods agreement, and gets her guns ready. Looking warily at the new slime-girl, Emily chooses to keep her distance. If slimy is high on pink... it's prolly not safe to stand next to her. At least not if you want to stay clothed. When she finds out her sub-team's mission, she mentally prepares herself for another fight.

Enhancement is never safe for the by-standers...
Re: The Colony - Day 2

(Increase MP by 2. Do I need to make up a contact now or can it wait until later?)

Ashley groaned quietly as she felt the wolfs rough tongue lapping at her face, trying to push it away briefly and go back to sleep for about a minute. It was about then that her memory kicked into action, and the civilians eyes snapped open. She groaned again, this time in shame, and sat up, glancing around at the rest of them. At least most of the rest of the group looked like they were naked, including the apparently captured orcess. She got to her feet, blushing brightly and throwing a glare at Laina. "So... Did we win? Where's the guy we were supposed to be here for? Ing-Tin or something like that?" She said, scratching behind the wolfs ears and pointedly ignoring both her own nudity, and that of the other girls.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Ruri looks slyly over towards Emily as she starts to head off with the others, " Don't worry, cutie~" she said sweetly, "While the Aphro the tentacles and orcs gave me in captivity may have nearly removed my previous inhibitions, I'm not a mindless slut. While I might like to have some fun with some of you some time, right now I know there's more important things to bother with. And I wouldn't rape you or anything." And with she put her clothing back on (I assume I have clothes to put on the tentacle spit me out nude) and took her nullifiers and headed out the door with the others, letting her hand slightly brush Emily's ass cheeks on her way out.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas, Ninaski, Ruri, Nanako*, Jenkins and 'The Captain'.

"You're going to want me to have a weapon of some kind if we'll need to clear this floor," Jenkins murmurs, stepping outside and glancing down the hallway. The groups follow, splitting up as they begin to move, "I can guarantee that if you take the Captain around with a gun to his head, you're probably gonna get everyone killed."

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Group 1); Cassidy, Kardas, Captain, Skora and Nanako*
The Asari's group moves through the halls quietly, Nanako glancing behind every once and a while. As the group comes to a stop near a corner, they can spot the shoulder of an Abstergo Guard - the same who had been guarding the stairwell. The Captain turns his head abit, addressing the group:

"If you want, I can try to make them leave their posts. Otherwise, you'll probably have to disable them somehow."


Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Group 2); Jethro, Emily, Ruri, Ninaski and Jenkins.
The second group departs, following Jenkins instructions, turning left into a small area. The room had a large viewing glass, peering into a clean room of some kind. Three long rows of metallic tables were set up, with some sort of plastic awning over each. The door to the right of the room is locked down - but Jenkins has already begun to work on opening it, quietly tapping in the access code. Ruri walks over to the large window, running her hand over it in interest.

"What sort of experiments were they doing?" She asks.

"I don't know. We're an arms dealer that doesn't deal with genes splicing," Jenkins replies, keeping his eyes on the keypad, "I just know they found her after the invasion. That's it."


Firelight Base, Floor 2: Command Center; Xerberus, Commander Winters, and Kiera.

"Uh... Well, Xerberus..." Commander Winters crosses her eyes, eyeing the genetic experiment with a slight frown, "I wasn't notified of your arrival on Titan even before the Invasion. When did you arrive?" She asked.

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

Marie just nods and smiles.

"My name is fucken' EENG-TEENG TOLL-KIN," Ashley hears a rather grumpy voice say, somewhere near the Portia. After a few moments, the odd, blue-skinned creature walks out, his white fur already matted with oil, rubbing a cloth over his hands as he glared at Ashley, "And you, sugar-tits, should fucken' learn it before I have you sucken' on my twelve inch dick! And trust me... You will soon," He says with a wild, half-cocked grin.

"...You may," Kiera adds, over the intercom in the room, "As I think Ing'Tin has had sex with every woman on this station besides Commander Winters." The little kobold like creature looks up at the ceiling.

"And you, you saucy lass. If only you were real, I'd turn your world upside down and leave you a changed woman, you sexy VI you."

"There's a dormitory available to be used as a prison for the orc now," the AI said, "...When you're all ready, please take her there."
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Ashleys eyes flash dangerously to the little gremlin, and she half-growls, half shouts; "Excuse me? Sugar tits!?" Her wolf raises its hackles and growls at the little alien, and she raises a hand to hold its head softly, calming it just as she had her old dog. The explanation from Kiera that he was essentially a man whore did not help her mood, particularly as her mind had unintentionally strayed to what she could do with twelve inches. She glares at Ing'Tin with as much hostility as the normally jovial girl can manage, and says; "Listen, you little.... Imp! If we hadn't gone through all the trouble to save you from her;" Ashley jerks her head toward the bound orcess; "I'd shoot you in the groin right now, just to keep you from getting any more ideas about my tits."

Then, she turns away from him and bends over to retrieve her peacemaker, not realizing until she stood back up to hear the kobolds snickering that she'd just bent over right in front of him, giving him a perfect view of her big round ass and pink petals. Blushing slightly, she mutters; "Might as well try and find something of use in here...." She sets about searching the room, looking for anything that they might be able to use, shooting glares at anyone that tried to talk to her as her wolf followed her around. Once she'd completed that, and made sure that she had both of her weapons and all of her ammo, she said; "Lets get out of here before I really do shoot him."

(Use Scavenge twice. Then get ready to leave.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Archibald followed the group to the observation chamber, looking at the marine and calculating several equations in his head. "Yeah. Jethro's definitely gonna want her out of there. Either crack the door faster or I'll barrel through the glass myself." he states, his rifle now pointed upwards as he places his left hand on the glass, trying to determine how much force resistance it might have by pushing in on it. His voice remained mechanical and deep, but this.............personality.........that had surfaced was definitely a lot less patient than Jethro himself.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base, Floor 2: Command Center; Xerberus, Commander Winters, and Kiera.

"Uh... Well, Xerberus..." Commander Winters crosses her eyes, eyeing the genetic experiment with a slight frown, "I wasn't notified of your arrival on Titan even before the Invasion. When did you arrive?" She asked.

Xerberus stood at attention, more or less, as she was scrutinized. "Airdropped a good half hour or so ago after the initial reports finally reached command. They figured it'd be best to send a terror specialist in, what with the suggestion that it's a full-scale invasion. I was told to locate a officer for a proper briefing on the situation however, as they didn't know all the facts. I been equiped for general combat but I await your orders," she replied simply, if with a unerring coolness to her voice. All the while, her antennai twitched, trying to catch on any unexpected intruders.

((Pulling stuff out of your ass sometimes is fun! :D ))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora gripped her pistol tighter and glanced about, but really was waiting for Cassidy to make the call. She wondered exactly what was the rift between these Abstergo types and their Alliance counterparts that they would have to contemplate shooting one another at a time when a Loki or possibly several Loki were burrowing underneath the complex. Shouldn't the guards have bigger concerns?

She also wondered what the captain would do if they simply let him try to approach the guards. Could he be trusted? Skora thought about it from his point of view: If he was caught betraying whoever it was controlling his suit, he'd be dead. If he tried to take said suit off, he'd be dead. Cassidy just put a hole in one of his other officers during what had been a peaceful negotiation (and we'd gone through all that talk of laying down our weapons, hadn't we?) and now he was being led around weaponless during an assault on his own base by two different groups. Skora wouldn't trust herself in his shoes.

Still, she didn't say any of this. She merely took things into account, tensing herself for the conflict that would surely come at any moment.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas tosses up some ideas in her head. While there was no way she could trust the Captain to not rat them out and ruin the element of surprise against the shoulders while his suit was primed to execute him, perhaps there was a way she could keep her gun trained on him by being out there with him. In theory, if his gun could be modified to not be able to fire; a simple process of removing the ammo cartridge, he could appear to have her as a prisoner.

No, even then, she was a sitting duck for them if he betrayed her. The plan was unacceptably risky. "Apologies Captain, but I cannot think of a way we can send you to try and get them to leave their posts that does not exceed acceptable risk," she replied coldly. "I fear subdual by force is our only option at this point. Do you concur?" she inquired to Cassidy.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily looks around nervously, trying to watch all the intersections as well as feel for the warning of Loki Vibrations. She wasn't going to get caught with her pants down this time...
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Casssidy's left fist comes up in a halt gesture as she spots the guard's shoulder, and carefully, using the same sign language, she walks the group a few paces down the corridor, hopefully out of earshot. Odd. She'd claimed -not- to have had any military training before..

Once she's certain they can't give their position away with discussion, the Asari pauses to think.. then speaks.

"Unsure, Crazy. If we let him go to the guard, then either option A, he alerts whoever's on duty, we kill them both.. he won't pose a significant threat without a weapon, after all, or B, he does as he's offered. You're right, though, the risk is... unacceptable. Here's the plan, then."

A glance to the corner to ensure the shoulder hasn't moved.

"I'll distract him. Get him thinking about other things than guarding. As soon as it sounds like he's distracted, Green, Doc, come round the corner and get a gun to his head. Crazy, keep good hold of our friend here, ensure he doesn't get any heroic ideas. Speaking of.. hold this for me, Doc."

Pistol drawn from her holster, spun between her fingers, handed to Nanako.

"If he doesn't buy it, then come round the corner and get a gun on him anyway. Everyone get it..? Oh, and Captain, dear.. what's this soldier's name?"

((Give pistol to Nanako, prepare to go round and distract the soldier!))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

(okay sorry for being away from this for so long. anyways add points from level up to AP)

*With the battle over she paid a contempt filled glare at the orcess after what they had to go through just to rescue Ing'tin. Giving a sigh and approaching the short kobald she had some buisness to do with him and after ashley took off rather upset with him she smirked a bit and moved in to start her own conversation.*

"Well now that thats done with maybe you could help me out with something Ing'tin. We shall be heading back to the command center and all now and well perhaps while we are heading back you might tell me where to find something that belongs to me. After all according to Kiera your the one that would know which vehicle you sent it in before all this craziness happened."

*She would use a sweet polite tone with him for now using the sweet over sour means of thinking. she cared little for her state of undress knowing she could get another set of clothes when they got back. After all with the weapons these orcs were using she expected to end up naked quite alot from now on.*

(soooo work on getting info about my package from Ing'tin and then prepare to elave after that.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Ruri ran hand gingerly down the glass window her eyes fixated on the numerous metal tables laying throughout before using one hand to adjust her glasses. "Do you know of any scientists who were responsible or in charge of the experiments who might be alive still; or where they could be located for us to ask them?" She asks in a inquisitive and hopeful manner as she turns to Jenkins. I wonder if they were anything like what happened to me during my capture? She thinks to herself as she turns back to the window once again putting her hand on the glass. I would like to do a thorough search/examination of this facility if possible.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((DeMatt gives up on actually writing something coherent. Marie gains +1 AP, and the feat 'Scavenge'.))

Marie glares at the Head Mechanic as he openly ogles all the naked female flesh, both themselves and the orcess included.

"Yeah? In a 'proper' battle, I wouldn't be wandering around waving my sidearm - I'd be in a fighter. And damned if these whatzis look like they're capable of making a decent SAM launcher."

Marie goes rooting around in the cabinets and storage, looking for anything useful - a roll of shop towels, maybe, which she can wrap around herself.

"And if you're hoping for THAT, then you'll have to come up to the main base. We're not staying around here, not with the hangar door hanging open."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Barracks); Lullana, Circe, Marcus*, and an unnamed Engineer

With no response from Lullana, Circe, Marcus and the Engineer fall silent, following the Orcess back to the camp. Once there, Lullana disappeared with the Engineer - leaving Circe and Marcus by themselves. The woman looked up at the lion man, before taking him towards the tent where Tereani had first met her.

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Unknown Sector), Orc Encampment; Circe and Marcus

Entering into the tent of the Chieftess, the bioid spotted another slave – this time a human girl with tan skin. She was moaning and dribbling at the mouth, the Asari and Vekander groping and kissing any sensitive spot they could find. Tereani sat on her command chair, several screens floating in front of her, which immediately disappeared as she spotted Circe and Marcus. A smile breaks across her lips, the woman standing up straight.

“So... You've found a male slave. Not something I'd expect from the great Viola, given her... 'track record', but a start, nonetheless. I do have a new mission for you, however. And it involves a very fresh pet I've picked out just for you,” The orc chieftess says, “Come, follow me.” With that, she stepped from her command chair, leading Circe and Marcus out of the circular building. The genetic hybrid looked down at Circe, obviously holding back a snide remark, kept only in check by his cover.

She walked the two towards one of the smaller buildings, more of a shed than anything else. The orcess stops, glaring back at Marcus.

“Make sure your slave stays,” She orders, before swiping her hand over the biometric pad. The red steel door slides open, revealing the cramped,10x10 area. Half of the area was taken up by a thin pane of the red metal, slightly opaque, but just enough to the point Circe could see clear through to the opposite wall. A woman, her features tinted by the red wall, sat on her knees. She was completely nude, and with long, light blue hair, running all the way down to her waist – and, of all things, she was reading an actual book. There hadn't been one of those for centuries. The door slides shut behind Circe, locking, as Tereani begins to explain.

“She's told me her name is Na... Nao... LeSaaang. Ugh,” The orcess rubs her head, then tries again: “Nao Lesang. It's... Not easy to pronounce, with how my tongue would like to work,” Circe notices a slight tint to the orcess' cheeks, turning slightly pale, before she took a deep breath.. Had she been blushing?
“She.. Calls herself a Sanguinarian, and claims that she needs either blood or those -” The orcess points towards a small, military-grade box filled with packets of what looked like red jelly, “- to survive. While she has tamed a few of my promising grunts, I know that you'll be able to make her as calm as a Krutak.

“...It's much less fearsome than it sounds,” Tereani murmurs, “She is, no matter what you do with her, part of your next mission for me.”

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Group 2); Jethro, Emily, Ruri, Ninaski and Jenkins.

“I have no idea what kind of experiments are going on,” Jenkins says, finishing with the door. It stutters for a second, seeming to lose power, before quickly sliding all the way open, “It was a joint venture between our company and Kesler Trigenics. Too classified for me to really look in on.

“And a few other marines tried to get through the glass. We don't know what happened to the women in that group,” He adds, stepping through to the other room. Everyone follows but Ruri, who stares through the glass for a few seconds, before walking into the waiting area.

The bay doors slid shut behind Ruri, flashing red as they locked once more. After a few seconds, the doors on the north wall slid open, some cool mist pouring from the adjacent room into the waiting area.

“Don't worry, just some disinfectant and coolant. It's constantly being pumped into the room,” The abstergo prisoner says.

Emily was still slightly skittish from the Loki attack... and, she could swear, there was something always moving in the shadows...


Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Group 1); Cassidy, Kardas, Captain, Skora and Nanako*

Nanako makes a face as Cassidy hands her the firearm, looking down at the pistol before sliding it into a holster. She didn't respond to the woman's request, and the Captain didn't reply to their suggestions that he would rather betray the woman than the company that had enslaved him. Instead, he shook his head, laughing a little.

“It's funny you think I'd betray you by giving you all up, but you want me to give you the names of the soldiers there? Heh... The one closest is Private Saunders, the one just behind him is Private Nikami. They're both fond of Azure Wine,” And, with a small pause, “...The actual wine, not your juices. Good luck though.”

Firelight Base, Floor 2: Command Center; Xerberus, Commander Winters, and Kiera.

The Commander watched Xerberus silently, almost suspicious, even after the woman had finished speaking. It took a few moments, but she finally nodded, uncrossing her arms.

“We don't know where the enemies are from, or really what they're capable of,” The rabbit woman started, much to the surprise of Kiera.

“Commander, I don't think we should be sharing this-”

“We need her help,” Cassie cut off the AI without looking at her, continuing as if nothing had happened.

“They mostly use nonlethal ammo, darts of sorts, which I've seen punch through 3 centimeter thick metal. The darts have various effects, the most sinister of which appearing to be some sort of aphrodisiac. They appear to some green ammunition that melts through clothing and armor, but doesn't burn to the touch – even on bare skin. The smaller pellets can't damage vehicles or walls too much, but they seem to have launchers which can easily eat through a vehicle's armor, and sometimes even Screaming Ceramic.

“So far, we don't know what they want. They seem to be more intent on capturing and subduing any species they come across, rather than killing them. In fact,” Cassie paused for a second, tapping her lip, “...When rescuing a group of civilians with a fire team, I've even seen one of their officers threaten a lower-ranking creature for using lethal ammunition.

“Oh yes,” The Commander was finally coming to a close, “We've been calling them orcs.”

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley, Anne, Kalica, Ing'Tin Tolkin*, Beast Apprentice*

Ing'Tin's grin just gets wider as Ashley begins to vent, almost cackling near the end of the exhange.

“She's a fiery one. Where'd we find her?” Ing'Tin asks, looking up at the ceiling. Kiera remains silent on the topic however, instead speaking to Marie now.

“Pilot Marie, if there is enough power running to the room, I can shut and seal the bay doors, thus keeping us relatively safe. There is more than 4.5 miles of tunneling around Firelight Base that leads to the surface, and without a proper GPS system or someone who knows the tunnels well-”

“Tha's me,” Ing'Tin rose his hand, moving back behind the Portia buggy. Kalica took her chance and followed after him.

“- you'll essentially be lost. I assume, the only reason as to why the Orc was able to get in this way, was her wolves. While they may not be like any terrestrial species we know of, based on their long snouts and the flares of their nostrils, they have excellent olfactory organs. Ah, Pilot, there's a few jumpsuits in the locker to your left. They're what Ing'Tin's staff had to wear around him though, so, expect them to be... skimpy...”

Moving behind the buggy, Kalica confronts the Kobold-esque creature. He glances at the nude Runner, listening to her as he pulls a small, oil coated sliver of metal out of the engine.

“Thar's the she-beast causin' all this havoc in my engine...” He murmurs, pocketing the metallic shard, “Y'think, wit all the advances you humies brought to us, we'd at least rely on -some- machines without a grid-based fuel system.”

Standing up straight – really only about the height of Kalica's abdomen – he looks up at her with a grin.
“Aye, I sent out one'a those Etrusius Spanners out wit that package. Has thick armor, but no defense against an EMP. I tried ta put one in, but, ya'know, bureaucrats and all said it was too expensive. If ya need to track it down, ask Kiera to try an' locate it's service number: ES837.”

Ashley does a quick sweep of the garage, quickly disheartened at how picked apart it was. When she gets close to the Portia, however, she notices a small stockpile of materials, mostly scrapped from the Valkyries. Wandering over, her wolf at her side, she hears Kiera speak in her ear:

“Ing'Tin found out from me our supply situation. While most of you were out, he had Anne help him pull apart much of the two Valkyries. It's not as much as I'd like it to be – but it's better than what we have now.”

Found Resources:
Gunpowder: 12
Metal: 42
Plastic: 22
Rubber: 28
Chemicals: 25

Current Resources:
Gunpowder: 20
Metal: 42
Plastic: 26
Rubber: 41
Chemicals: 41

Marie pulls out the jumpsuit and immediately realizes what Kiera had been talking about. She lets out a disheartened sigh, staring at the lowest pair of short-shorts she had ever seen. The actual shirt accompanied with it was a low v-cut, exposing a good bit of breasts, and only had three buttons near the bottom of the shirt to cover her abdomen. It looked like putting it on would expose most of her navel, too. There were about ten in the locker – a few had names on them, and some very suspicious white stains, but five were completely clean and name free.