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The Colony - Day 2


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Patch Notes! Lulz.
-Changed the EXP needed for level ups. Level 1 now only requires 5 EP, 2 is only 7 EXP, 3 is only 10, and then after that everything progresses as normal.
-Every other level after level 3 you'll begin to receive a feat instead of a bonus to one stat; Every three levels after level 3 is when you'll receive a bonus to one stat. While I enjoy games with uber characters, it's supposed to feel like an actual struggle against some orcs (which is why their difficulty was increased a few months ago). Only the Slaves/Grunts have the ability to be as strong as the Orcs.
-Realized no class had a hacking tool - and this was the big reason to include civilians in the beginning. So, Ashley gets a hacking tool, and so does every other civilian that joins after that.
-Also realized that the 'Tech Mine' ability had no damage roll; I added that in. Lulz.

((A storyline post, detailing the morning briefing and any objectives that have opened up. All of you will be able to participate in the first step of your storyline mission, but be warned, they aren't meant to be soloed. Most enemies have either been buffed up, or you'll just be facing more of them in a spawn.))
The Story:
Far in the future, when humankind has expanded throughout the stars, they find themselves a burgeoning race in a galaxy filled with extra terrestrial life... With no conflict; literally, the other races bowed down to the will of the humans, offering scientific discoveries for free. The planning, the preparation, and the significant theories of 'First Contact' meant nothing to the almost too-grateful hosts of the galaxy. Slowly expanding their reach throughout space with Space Stations, terraformed planets, and well-fortified 'bubble cities', human didn't question the often watchful eye of the other races. When disaster finally struck, the human race has suddenly found themselves alone in a very large galaxy, silent galaxy; their once watchful guardians have drawn themselves into hiding, leaving only the young of their species who wished to live amongst the humans.

Rising from the furthest part of space, beyond even human reach, an enemy attacks; Planets and settlements continue to go dark along the outer fringe of human space. An armada of destroyers, interceptors, fighters, and frigates all slowly move towards the major planet of Hallowell, ready to stop this almost secret invasion before it's too late.

Your characters begin their journey after realizing how wrong the Human Alliance is, on the largest space station named Titan. Each character will awaken to destruction and mayhem all around, as the invading force has somehow managed to get into the sealed station. A Marine, an Engineer, a Scout, and a Civilian all need to save this station, reveal their enemy to the alliance - and hopefully make it out alive...

The Story Thus Far:
Unshackled AIs, odd-colored darts, armor melting pellets, total destruction, and not to mention one of the only Genetic Hybrids in the Alliance, and it's only been one day since the invasion... No, wait, it's been seven, except we've happened to be awake for one day. The Commander's depressed, there are green aliens shooting at everyone that moves, odd slimes are crawling around a lot of the sub-floors, and apparently we can be kidnapped randomly and without warning!

But hey, at least none of us are being hunted down by an insane AI.

Every action you make is determined by your EP (Energy Points). The more EP you have, the more turns you can take in a battle, and the longer you can stay out from Firelight. Every movement you make costs you one EP, or two if it's 'rough terrain'; vehicles can be used to give an advantage over how much EP you spend while traveling. If you're stuck outside of a safe zone when you run out of EP, your character is forced to rest, which invites unwanted attention from enemies. If your character runs out of EP while in a party with other people, they can choose to help you come back (at the expense of 1 EP for whichever character helps carry you); or they can help you set up a defensive perimeter and defend with you, no matter your class. Please note, if you're out by yourself, you can use whatever EP you have to build a defensive perimeter. Depending on the closest safe zone, you may also request support, which could show up as NPCs, other players, heavy ordinance drops, or artillery strikes.

Your AP (Armor/Arousal Point score) is how much damage you can take before you actually become fatigued; I'll explain the negatives of losing your current AP down a little later. If you take a special perk, you can convert some AP into EP. While it sounds unimportant, AP is a good way to keep from experiencing any sort of negative effects from your enemies.

FP is your Fatigue, how long your character can go before he or she actually passes out. When her AP is run dry, her FP can be attacked at that point, meaning she begins to experience negative effects from whatever enemy she's facing. If your character fighting the usual orcs, for example, when her AP drops from their aphrodisiac darts, the character can no longer resist the urge and will proceed to go down on anything that presents itself. While it's good to have a lot of AP, having a substantial amount of FP is important too, as it keeps your character from being knocked out. Some enemies and some tasks actually can drain your FP, even if your character's AP is still full.
The list of status effects:

Orc Aphrodisiac Darts - When AP hits 0, the character can no longer resist the urge for sex.
Concussion Rounds - The character gains a -1 to any rolls involved in the current battle.
Slime (see the list of colors below)
Blue: Character loses 1 EP per round
Red: Character loses 1 FP per round.
Green: Character always goes last.
Brown: Character's Initiative suffers a -5 to the whole group
Pink: Can no longer resist.
Yellow: Character relieves themselves, losing 3 FP.
Black: Character loses a permanent 1 to either their FP or AP.
Wolf bite - Instilled with fear, making grapples on the character easier.
Melee Strike - Character gets the wind knocked out of them, losing their current or next turn.
Explosion - Character takes 2 EP to move anywhere until healed.
Please note: There are probably more to come, and these effects will stack.

Strength: Determines Melee attacks as well as dodging, pushing/pulling objects, jumping, throwing, etc.
Dexterity: Ranged attacks and dodging them, any sleight-of-hand tactic, camouflage, sneaking, balancing, etc.
Intelligence: Solving puzzles, resisting most form of coercion, and bluff checks.
Will Power: Used to rebuke sexual advances (when not horny), to deal or avoid damage during sex, and resisting any instant aphrodisiac.

Battle actions
While in a fight, there are many things you can do – the game is quite wide open, and if you run a tactic by me, I'll let you know if it's something your character can perform. There are a few basic actions that you can do, however. Please note, each of these take 1 EP to do unless stated otherwise:
Attacking – Shooting, hitting, throwing... Insulting; there's a lot you can do to attack.
Taking cover- Yes, you need to tell me that you take cover. If you don't, I'll assume your saving your EP for something else and your character is just standing out in the open. It's there to help you spend your EP wisely during a battle, instead of rushing heads-first into a combat situation. Taking cover is not always a full proof way to escape attack, as enemies can flank you (You can do that same), and there are weapons that pierce through walls.
Moving – You can move as far as you like, and I'll determine how much EP it takes up (usually not more than three). If you do something that's considerably harder than moving (climbing over walls, running up/down a debris pile, etc.), it'll cost two EP instead of one.
Sex – Yes. Sex is a form of combat in the game. Draining your opponent's FP knocks them out cold, but also makes them orgasm, which is something your character will want to avoid (most the time).

Types of Combat – There are different types of weapons in the game, and each have different effects on EP. They're split into X types of weaponry:
Melee – Pretty straight forward, 1 EP for 1 attack, unless your character has a special feat.
Manual Actions – Same as Melee weapons, 1 EP for 1 attack, but with Manual Action weapons you need to manually chamber another round, costing another EP. While it takes more EP to operate, MAs are usually much more damaging than other ranged weapons.
Semi-Automatic Actions – Every 1 EP fires 1 round, making SA Actions the simplest to use weapon in the game. They deal less damage than Manual Actions, and lack the rate of fire that most Automatic Actions have.
Automatic Action – Every 1 EP fires 3 rounds, giving you a high rate of fire. The rounds deal less damage than most other ranged weapons, but Auto-Action weapons tend to have larger clips.
Explosives: Ranged Explosives are treated as Manual Actions; Stationary, or set, explosives are treated as their own class. They require 1 EP to lay, but can take up to 10 EP to arm, depending on the size and complexity of the explosive.

Ammo Types – There's a few different types of ammunition available for the weapons:
Regular Ammo – Comes standard in all military weapons. Can damage armor and walls, but regular ammo doesn't do too well against the latter.
Shredder Ammo – A special design made to tear through flesh and bone alike; deals excellent damage against flesh, but has trouble penetrating armor.
Ember Rounds – Deal damage over time, as well as initial damage to the target. Effective against some creatures in the Horde.
Cryo Ammo – Has a chance to freeze an enemy for a few turns; it can work against armor, but any sort of armor severely reduces the chance of instant-freezing.
Rubber Ammo – Acts just like normal ammo, except it incapacitates an enemy instead of killing them. This only deals half damage to armor.
Warp Ammo – Has a chance to pierce armor and walls.
Acid Ammo (Orc Weapons) – Only deals damage to armor and clothing, and is surprisingly non-toxic... Although it's not recommended to eat it.
Aphrodisiac Ammo (Orc Weapons) – Small darts that inject a powerful aphrodisiac into their target. If the individual is wearing any kind of armor (note, not just clothes, but armor), the dart can't reach the skin.

Resources – There are several resources you can find in the game, each allowing your character to craft items, or letting Kiera create items and ammunition.
Gunpowder – Used in creating make-shift explosives; Kiera uses to make ammunition of anyt kind, as well as explosives.
Metal – Used in the creation of armor, vehicles, and weapons by Kiera; can be used for make-shift cover and housing.
Plastic – Plastic is used in the manufacturing of many different items, but is most often used in armor and vehicles; There's not much of a use for it elsewhere (but the GM is open to suggestions!).
Rubber – Rubber's used for different types of ammunition, as well as armor and vehicles, by Kiera; It provides a fun distraction out in the field though.
Chemicals – Chemicals is a general term for many materials in the game; petroleum, thermal paste, cryo paste, etc. This is used in the manufacturing of many types of ammunition, vehicles, and some armor.
Neutronium – The densest material in the known universe. This is only used in constructing certain building and vehicles. A special walker is needed to collect this material.
Genetic Material – Collected by Engineers only. It allows for Engineers to come up with deadly weapons against their enemies. Each group of enemies have their own genetic material, allowing for special attacks to be made against that certain group.
Orc Chips – Circular disks, about 15mm in diameter and 2 mm thick, they're an odd silver color that glint green in when light reflects off them. It's unknown what the disks mean to the Orcs, or even if they're a unit of money for the creatures. Kiera however delights in collecting these disks made from an odd, unknown metal.
There will always be more resources than these listed, but those will mainly be used for special quests.
I'll be doing some more with the rules soon.

Classes: There are nine different classes for PCs:
Marine, an expert of combat, she'll have the highest AP, FP, Strength and Dex, but she'll have lower Int, EP and MP. The Marine is looking to restore Firelight base to full functionality as her mission.
AP: 7 FP: 7 MP: 2 EP: 4
Str: 4 Dex: 3 Int: 1 Will: 2
Equipment: Heavy Armor (20 Durability), Jennings SA Rifle (d2 damage, 7 rounds per clip, 5 clips), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips).
Inherent Feat: Double time: When by herself (or with other Marines), the marine moves two times for each 1 EP she spends in the world.
Abilities: Tough: Once activated, the character loses 1 MP per turn, but every attack to her AP is reduced by 1.
Break Free: Uses 2 MP to gain a +4 to escape chances on a grapple currently being performed.
Engineers are all around scientists, skilled in Engineering, Genetics, Biology, and Chemistry, and have very high MP, Will, and Int, medium FP, but low AP, EP, and very low strength. Her mission is to find a way to stop the invading forces using some sort of scientific answer.
AP: 3 FP: 5 MP: 8, EP: 4
Str: 1 Dex: 2 Int: 4 Will: 3
Inherent Feat: Scan: Just by fighting an enemy Engineers are able to determine their attributes and stats, as well as passing them onto their allies.
DNA Extraction: Allows the Engineer to extract DNA from their opponents; Dead opponents give half the DNA available, alive give the full amount, and their seed gives double the amount.
Second Wind: After losing all FP on a one-on-one battle, the Engineer attacks ferociously, blowing her enemy away. It costs a full clip of ammo, and cannot be used when outnumbered.
Starting Equipment: Light Armor (10 Durability), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 10 clips), Genetics Sampling Kit.
Civilians are thrown into the mix with the highest EP in the game, decent AP and FP, but overall lower attributes, as they don't have the same training that marines and engineers receive; however, the Civilian is looking for their lover/spouse, who did develop new type of explosive for the military, and she knows all the access codes to get into any building still standing in her neighborhood.
AP: 2 FP: 4 MP: 4 EP: 12
Str: 2 Dex: 2 Int: 3 Will: 2
Starting Equipment: Civilian Clothes (7 Durability), DX2 Pistol (1 damage, 3 rounds per clip, 12 clips), Access Card, Hacking Tool.
Inherent Feat: Blind Luck: A 5% chance to come across a beneficial, random event.
Panic: Costing 2 MP, the Civilian gets +d4 to her next attack when outnumbered. It can only be used once during a battle.
Scavenge: The Civilian searches for any valuable object, gaining a +1 to all search rolls; allows her to collect materials, also. Costs: 3 MP.
Scout, the stealth expert of the game. She focuses on stealth and the destruction of key objectives with a variety of explosives, and to this end has very high Dex, Int, and MP, but she has low EP, strength, and lower FP. Her mission is to destroy the point of entry for the invasion.
AP: 4 FP: 4 MP: 10 EP: 4
Str: 1 Dex: 4 Int: 4 MP: 3
Starting Equipment: Light Armor (10 Durability), Hamilton Sniper Rifle (d4 damage, 1 round chamber, 12 rounds), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 5 clips), C4 Explosive Charge (1, d12 damage, max against walls/vehicles).
Inherent Feat: Spotter: The Scout has a higher chance of spotting invisible enemies and hiding enemies than any other class (+4 to the spot checks on them).
Camouflaged: The Scout uses her training and the shadows around her to hide for 1 MP. Unless the scout moves or attacks, the ability costs no more MP; otherwise, it will only cost 1 MP per action. If discovered, she can't go into hiding until she's no longer known to the enemy.
Careful Aim: Costing 1 MP, the scout gains +1 to her dex and adds on one damage to her next attack roll. Adds another 2 damage if undetected.
Mechanic – A somewhat sturdy worker, Mechanics can easily repair any vehicle, structure or weapon to working order. They're essential to running any mission off-planet, or even in tight situations. Able to Scavenge and Craft, Mechanics can build ammunition, turrets, and even some buildings. They're personal mission is to rebuild the Titan Defense System, eliminating heavy resistance from enemies.
AP: 5 FP: 6 MP: 4 EP: 5
Str: 2 Dex: 3 Int: 1 Will: 1
Equipment: Medium Armor (15 Durability), DX8 Pistol (1 Damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips), Omnitool (1 Damage, Special: Welds, Charges, Lifts, Crafts)
Inherent Feat: Craft: Allows the Mechanic to craft an object based on the materials around her; using this, she can even modify weapons.
Tech Mine: The mechanic can deploy a mine, even by throwing it from her omnitool, exploding after an enemy walks near it, dealing d8 damage; Costs: 4 MP.
Scavenge: The Mechanic searches for any valuable object, gaining a +1 to all search rolls; allows her to collect materials, also. Costs: 3 MP.
Medic – Medics are the reason why many soldiers are still alive, performing even complex surgeries on the battlefield with their Meditool. When the Outer Colony Conflicts came to an end, Medics honed their skills, becoming an offensive force capable of poisoning an enemy, weakening them, or even strengthening their allies. A Medic's personal mission is to get the Medical Labs in Firelight Base up and running, allowing her to save hundreds of lives and provide soldiers for the ongoing struggle against the enemy.
AP: 2 FP: 3 MP: 8 EP: 6
Str: 1 Dex: 2 Int: 3 Will: 3
Equipment: Light Armor (10 Durability), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips), Meditool (Special: Heals d4 AP/d3 FP).
Inherent Feat: Empathetic: By standing near a weary ally, the medic heals 1 AP or FP per round.
Group Heal: Boosting her meditool's capabilities, the Medic heals a group of allies around her for either 3 AP or 2 FP; costs 4 MP.
Poison: The medic lightly poisons an enemy, making them lose d2 AP per round. This costs 2 MP.
Pilot – There's a reason the Alliance won the Outer Colony Conflicts: Dedicated humans and aliens that commanded mechs, tanks, submarines, and even large bombers into battle. A Pilot is offensively the weakest character, as she can only use pistols – but as soon as she gets into the cockpit of a vehicle, she becomes a force to be reckoned with. She has low AP and FP, but a very high dexterity, mostly for piloting any sort of craft. The Pilot's Mission is to find her Heavy Walker, which was scheduled to be delivered the day of the invasion.
AP: 2 FP: 2 MP: 4 EP: 6
Str: 1 Dex: 5 Int: 2 Will: 3
Equipment: Jumpsuit (7 Durability), DX10 Pistol (d2 damage, 4 rounds per clip, 6 clips).
Inherent Feat: 1337 skillz: The pilot has the ability to drive any craft without taking an extra training.
Double Tap: The pilot fires two rounds rapid fire, guaranteeing that if the first hits, the second will two; costs 2 MP.
Summon Drone: A flying camera drone shows up, revealing all locations of non-hidden enemies on the 'radar'; costs 3 MP.
Runner – While the Outer Colony insurrection was defeated by the Alliance almost 50 years ago, there are still those who hold the hope they'll be free from the Alliance High Command. That's where the Runners come in; agile individuals skilled in free running, a Runner is mainly used to avoid the soldiers of the Alliance, delivering valuable 'Packages' across large areas of land undetected. When they do need to use firearms, Runners fall back into the spray and pray approach, then quickly leave the area. The Runner was on their way to pick up a Valuable Package when the invasion hit; now her main goal is to get to the package, retrieve it, and see what's inside.
AP: 3 FP: 3 MP: 10 EP: 5
Str: 1 Dex: 3 Int: 3 Will: 2
Equipment: Runner Clothes (5 Durability), Modified DX5 (Automatic) (1 Damage, 9 rounds per clip, 4 clips)
Inherent Feat: Free Running: Allows the Runner to move over rough and dangerous terrain with little to no difficulty.
Abilities: Cheap Shot: If no combat has started, this surprise attack deals x2 damage and costs 2 MP.
Scavenge: The Runner searches for any valuable object, gaining a +1 to all search rolls; allows her to collect materials, also. Costs: 3 MP.
Orc Slave/Grunt: When the Orc Horde finally makes their move and descends upon a civilization, there are always dissidents. A lone slave may be found wandering the ruins of their civilization; Sometimes even Orc Grunts may be found, searching for a new Krush. The humans are more than happy to take in these lost souls, whether it's from the kindness of their hearts or just hoping to learn the secrets of their enemies. The mission of both Grunt and Slave is simple: Adapt and survive.
AP: 2, FP: 2, MP: 6, EP: 4
Str: 3 Dex: 2 Int: 1 Will: 1
Equipment: Orc Pistol (1 Damage, 8 rounds, 2 pink clips, 2 green clips, 1 red clip).
Inherent Feat: Orc Mastery lvl 1: The Grunt/Slave can wield basic Orc Weaponry without any sort of issue. They also have knowledge on the clip 'colors', and are able to warn allies what color means what.
Grunt Feat -Tactical Awareness?: The Orc, having defected from the horde, has some idea of their tactics... sort of. +1 to most rolls when fighting against Orcs.
Slave Feat - Inconspicuous: As long as the human wears a collar, they're considered an Orc Slave. Many of the Hordes races will not attack the character if they're alone and does not provoke them; of course, they may expect some sort of show from the slave.

Races: Don't care. You can be a furry, Elf, Asari, even a robit of some kind - as long as it isn't any sort of Goblin, Werewolf, or any other creature considered a 'monster'.

Character Sheets: Pretty straight forward.
Class: Marine/Engineer/Scout/Civilian/Pilot/Runner/Medic/Mechanic/Orc Grunt/Orc Slave
Level: 1
Will Power:
Equipment (List Below):

You can list any sort of backstory; like, if you choose to be the civilian, name your spouse/lover, what race they are, etc.

Leveling up allows you to increase either your AP, FP or MP by one, or your EP by two.
Every two levels allows you to increase your Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence or Will Power by one.
Every three levels gives you the chance to buy a feat, presented to only your character, based on her experiences.

Your character can die, but the invaders are rather entertained by the fact many of their races can breed with pretty much anything, meaning that there's only one real 'game over'. You have the chance to escape from your captors, but after so many tries, you will need to be rescued. If you get a game over, or if you won't be rescued for quite some time, I'll bring in another player to help balance out the teams again.

Current Roster:
1: Viola Theta #36 - "Circe", Scout; played by Maikochan.
2: Ashley, Civilian; Played by Tassadar.
3: Reya, Marine; Played by Keylo.
4: Cassidy, an Asari Engineer; Played by Pale.
5: Laina, Mechanic; Played by Quartz.
6: Jenn, Medic; Played by Twisted's Evil Cousin.
7: Kalica, Runner; Played by Dreana.
8: Marie Kinkaid, Pilot; Played by DeMatt.
9: Orc Grunt/Slave slot, held by TDreams.
10: Orc Grunt/Slave Slot, open.
11: Orc Grunt/Slave slot, open.
12: Orc Grunt/Slave slot, open.

Currently on Hold:
Hali Qui, Engineer, played by Hali. She'll be back soon.
Ruri Nasegawa, Medic, played by TentariX. Low posting by Tenta, so Ruri disappeared. I'm sure she could always reappear though.
Annerose, Pilot, played by LDF. She may return.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base
At 9:30 AM (Titan Time), even if an alarm had been set in the individual rooms, Kiera was kind enough to give everyone a wake up call. For some rooms she played a horn in... Other's she'd shift the bed and make somone fall off. For a certain blue Asari, Kiera was kind enough to douse in cold water. She spoke to everyone on the same level as Kalica picked herself off the floor and Cassidy spit water from her mouth: "Attention! All Alliance Soldiers, report to the Command Center in half an hour. Civilians are not expected to come."

The AI disappeared then, allowing everyone to get ready. Kiera had left extra ammunition for everyone in their firearm lockers.

Circe: +2 DX8 Clips, +8 Hamilton rounds.
Cassidy: +3 DX8 Clips
Ashley: +5 DX2 Clips, +4 Peacemaker Rounds.
Reya: +2 Jennings Clips, +1 DX8 clip.
Laina: +3 DX8 Clips.
Kalica: +3 MDX5 Clips.
Jenn: +3 DX8 Clips.
Marie: +2 DX10 Clips.

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Ashley, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy Laina, Anne, Jenn, Marie, Commander Winters Kyle, Theresa, Simmons and Halmond.

Cassie stood at-ease on her Command Deck, watching everyone trickle into the command center. Everyone from the day before arrived, all at different times, with a new comer being the last to arrive. The tall, thin woman wore a pilot's jumpsuit, her silvery hair tied back and away from her face. As the Commander spotted this tall woman, a smile slipped across her face; Circe and her group spotted her as one of the civilians that Cassie had been protecting.

As everyone arrived, Kiera stopped playing with a virtual rubix cube, a much more complex one with 18 sides. She waved her arm, a window hovering in the air in front of her. As text began to sprawl down through the window, the same information began to flit across the HUDs of everyone in the command center.

Cassie snapped to attention and did a quick salute, Kiera and the soldiers all quickly returning the gesture. Everyone was in unison except for Ashley, who was a good four or five seconds behind; the Commander didn't seem to mind, returning to her at-ease stance. She cleared her throat, beginning to speak.

"Thank you all for coming," The woman said, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Especially our two civilians... Ashley and Marie... Well, somewhat Marie," The rabbit smiled even more, nodding to her, "She's still one of the best pilots I've seen.

"Are you loading the information they'll need, Kiera?"

"Yes Ma'am," The AI replied, "All objectives, VIPs, and Sensor Nodes are being uploaded now. I've also let them know about our current resource situation."

"Perfect," Cassie said, then fell silent for a few moments, letting everyone read.

Current Objectives:
Find the VIPs.
Marcus Valarus
Role: Security Chief. Without Marcus, high-level weapons cannot be created or distributed.
Description: One of the 2000-odd hybrids on Titan, Marcus is the only other genetic hybrid to reach an officer rank (besides Commander Winter). A lion with golden fur and a dark brown mane, he dominates most other people that stand near him at a very tall 7'6''. He's built very solid, and can supposedly lift a quarter ton without a problem.
Background: There's not much information on Marcus before he came to Titan; there was some sort of scandal on the Kensley - a massive Dreadnaught that orbits Mars. There isn't anything too spectacular on his record after reaching Titan.
Last Known Location: Marcus Valarus was heading North, towards the Carmine Forest, with the intent of heading off a supposed enemy attack. He hasn't been heard from in eight days now.

Tina Campton
Role: Liason. Tina has/had a vast network of both 'official' and 'unofficial' contacts across Titan; some of them survived the attack. She also knows where many supply caches are hidden.
Description: Tina happens to be the only known Human-Vekander cross. She keeps the bright red skin, mammalian ears and long tail from her Vekander mother, but has the high intellect of her father. Either from an odd mutation or a 'defect' from being part human, part Vekander, Tina has one yellow eye and one purple eye. Because of her mother, she's nearly seven feet tall.
Background: Tina was about 6 months old when she made contact with the Alliance; more specifically, her father transferred her from a Vekander Science vessel into the care of the Alliance. Her father, and the ship he joined, has not been seen near Alliance space since. After Tina hit the age of 18, the young woman disappeared from all known space, until Commander Winters arrived on Titan. Billed as an 'Assistant' to Commander Winters, Tina went about the daily activities of scheduling the Commander's events, and also granting her audiences with major gangs around the station.
Last Known Location: When the invasion struck, Tina happened to be 'liasing', as she called it, with some off-the-record contacts. The contact was a few miles Southwest, in one of Titan's many low-end apartment complexes.

Nanako Hisagawa
Role: Head Surgeon. Nanako can perform complex procedures that the medic cannot; she'll also be able to help the Medic's healing abilities.
Description: Nanako is a woman of small stature and frame, with long black hair and paper white skin. Her eyes are a piercing blue color.
Background: Nanako was born and raised in Japan; her father a former Alliance marine, and her mother a dancer. She grew up as a gymnast, performing in the Olympics, and later the Galatics, attending the First Lunar University as she did. Nanako wanted to cure diseases and make a name for herself in the medical world; instead, she ended up serving the Alliance to pay off her student debts while treating the sniffles and handing out STD cures to marines.
Last Known Location: Medical Officer Nanako was on a trip to Abstergo's East-Titan complex, ironically, East of here. Her TPS transmitter is still showing her location, even though Kiera's sensors can't see into the compound.

Ing'tin Toklin
Role: Repair Overseer. Without Ing, larger vehicles cannot be commissioned or repaired; he decreases repair time on any vehicle in the garage.
Description: Ing'Tin Toklin is from a race that's stood the test of time, having been around far longer than the Asari or Vekander...But no one can pronounce their name, so they've been dubbed the Loomi by others. Loomi resemble Gremlins from the stories of WWII pilots nearly a millennium ago; about 4 feet tall, with pale blue skin, Ing has blue fur covering most of his body. His eyes are pale and pupiless, but he can see as well as any human.
Background: Hired by Commander Winters, Ing'Tin Toklin is known across the Galaxy for his superior knowledge of vehicles, space ships, weapon systems, and also the inner workings of every known female species. How the Commander hired him to Firelight is a mystery, but his technical prowess could mean the difference between winning and losing a fight.
Last Known Location: Sub-Floor 12, in Garage 4. Ing'tin was performing maintenance on several Valkyrie bikes when the Invasion struck. Kiera's sensors are down on this entire level, so she doesn't know if he's still there.

Kairn Broadside
Role: Resource Manager. Kiera can't relocate resources without nearly overheating and wearing down her processors; Kairn is there to make the processor as easy as possible, even helping to reduce the amount of resources the AI uses while creating items.
Description: Kairn is a Yuli, a race opposite the Asari: They all appear 'male'. He has deep blue skin with black spots running along the back of his arms, legs and torso; his frontside is a pale blue color. Kairn is a rarity among Yuli for his red eyes. The alien is 5'6'' tall, and has a long scar running from his shoulder down to his tail bone.
Background: Not much is known about Kairn. He was working at Firelight far before Commander Winters appeared, and the alien refuses to talk about the scar on his back.
Last Known Location: Kairn's last TPS transmission came from Subtley Fuse Industries; he was there to hopefully secure a contract with the company to increase Firelight's resource production.

Acquire Resources for Firelight
Kiera used her 'emergency stash' to make sure everyone received ammunition today, but still had to dip into the communal pool of resources. She'll need a constant income of these five resources, or else everyone will run out of supplies.
Current Resources:
Gunpowder: 8
Metal: 14
Plastic: 14
Rubber: 13
Chemicals: 16

Reactivate Kiera's Sensors and Sensor Nodes.
Kiera is essentially blind at the moment. Her sensors in the base are easy to activate, but require 1 Chemical for an entire room; the sensor nodes are easier and less expensive to activate, but are few and fare between. Destroyed Nodes can be repaired at a cost.

Personal missions:
These are the class-specific missions currently available, as well as how many 'parts' have been completed for it.
Objective 1 - Find an Orc Camp. Recommended Team Size: 1.

Objective 1 - Find a Security Captain; Start with Marcus Valarus. Recommended Team Size: 4.

Objective 1 - Find the last known location of ex. Recommended Team Size: 1.

Objective 1 - Consult with Kiera to find it there are any lab technicians. Recommended Team Size: 1.

Objective 1 - Find Ing'Tin Toklin; Pilots have this save objective. Recommended Team Size: 4.

Objective 1 - Find Ing'Tin Toklin; Mechanics have this same objective. Recommended Team Size: 4.

Objective 1 - Exam Simmons. Recommended Team Size: 1.

Objective 1 - Find out where package went. (complete!)
Objective 2 - Consult with either Ing'tin or find the Post Master to see what vehicle was used to deliver the package. Recommended Team Size: 1.

Cassie clears her throat, making sure everyone was paying attention to her again. Looking around the room, she made eye contact with every soul there.

"As you can see, we probably have our work cut out for us. The VIPs? We don't know if they're alive, if they've been captured, or if they've been killed... but we'll need them to become stronger. Finding them, finding other survivors, and finding resources are our main objectives right now. I can't provide much for support with only myself here in the Command Center... But Kiera and I will be your eyes and ears wherever our sensor nodes go.

"Be careful while you're exploring, and make sure to go anywhere prepared. Because of the unusual minor seismic activity at night, the gates to the base will be closing at twenty-hundred hours exactly. Please be back before then," Commander Winters said.

"Dismissed for now. There will be a debriefing at twenty-one hundred hours, here, in the Command Center. Good luck out there."

((Just to give everyone a head's up: I'm moving all characters and their stats over to a new system that'll make it a lot easier for me to do rolls and such. It won't take long to do, and it'll make posting faster! :D ))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Ashley pulled herself out of bed as Kiera sounded a horn in her ear. She shut off the alarm next to her bed, which had gone off a second later, glared at an indistinct patch of wall where she imagined the AIs holographic image to be, and got up. Having slept naked, she pulled her clothes back on, grabbed her weapons and ammo and headed for the command center, even though Kiera had said that civilians didn't have to go to the meeting. She waited for about twenty minutes for the rest of their group to show up, having gone straight there after waking up. She tried to keep up through the briefing, especially after she fumbled her salute so badly.

Once it was over, she quickly went into her user interface, and began looking over what the base needed. It looked like they could use gunpowder the most at the moment, though she figured that they would take what they could get. Then, she opened a channel to Kiera and said; "Kiera, could you give me the personnel file on Pvt Donald Roscowitz please? I have Commander Winters permission, in case I don't have clearance or something. Any information on his last known location would be appreciated. Also, if you could give me any indication on where you think would be a good place to look for supplies, I could try and scrounge something up for the base to use."

(Get info on Personal Mission and ask Kiera about supplies.)

Name: Ashley
Race: Human
Class: Civilian
Level: 3
AP: 2
FP: 5
MP: 4
EP: 12
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence: 3
Will Power: 2
Equipment (List Below):
Civilian Clothes (7 Durability), DX2 Pistol (1 damage, 3 rounds per clip, 17 clips), Access Card, Devlin Peacemaker (d3 Damage, single shot, can pierce armor, 4 shots), Hacking Tool.

Inherent Feat: Blind Luck: A 5% chance to come across a beneficial, random event.
Panic: Costing 2 MP, the Civilian gets +d4 to her next attack when outnumbered. It can only be used once during a battle.
Scavenge: The Civilian searches for any valuable object, gaining a +1 to all search rolls; allows her to collect materials, also. Costs: 3 MP.
Animal Lover: Ashley gains an affinity with animals, allowing her to convince an animal to join her side using a will power check; of course, the downside is her animal magnetism also comes with a +1 pleasure bonus any creature deal to her.
MP usage per creature:
Small Creatures: Regular animals, such as cats, dogs, even earth-based wolves: 2 MP.
Medium sized creatures: Orc Pack Hounds, Orc Pack Wolves, Goblin mounts, etc: 4 MP.
Large Creatures: Dire Wolves, other unseen creature: 8 MP.
Extra Large creatures: Yeah, they're out there; Costs 14 MP.

-Backstory maybe. But this is my preferred rape-bait charry, so I can at least give the usual description: Black hair with light blue highlights that falls to her shoulders, D-cup breasts with little pink nipples, wide hips with an ass to match, about 5'5" and of average build in terms of muscle vs fat, and rather pale skin.

Edit: Background - Ashley had moved here after getting a degree in nursing, but had yet to find any work other than at a local diner as a waitress. She had moved here to be near to her ex-boyfriend, Donny, who was a soldier stationed at Firelight base, and had custody of their 5 year old daughter, Alysa.

Experience: 1/10
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Following true, old-fashioned Asari instincts, evolved to cope with a world that was nearly ninety percent sea, Cassidy gulps, swallowing the unexpected mouthful of water, before she's even properly awake. Rather than the rude awakening the ever-friendly AI had envisaged, the Asari makes a point of stretching, yawning, and peeling herself lazily out of bed, with an obscene gesture towards what looks like the closest video sensor. An obscene gesture only doubled by the Asari's habit of sleeping nude.

Once more dressed in what any other race would call a catsuit, but what the Asari insisted was light armour, with the borrowed pistol at her side, the tattooed scientist slips into the Command Center seconds before the last arrival, and quietly makes a space for herself beside the Elevator.. without making eye contact with Cassie.

The scientist also remains impassive through the salute, and briefing, apparently more interested in the data scrolling through her wrist-computer. Something seems to snag her attention, though.

"....Unusual seismic activity? On a space station? Right. What's -really- going on..?"

The murmur, however, isn't aimed at the room in general, and it was unlikely any but those standing close, or Kiera, would hear. With privacy in mind, the scientist taps at her wrist control.. and her armour extends, shifting to form a helmet. Another input, and the visor darkens, projecting her HUD and shutting off the world outside. A neat combination of anti-glare tint functions and immersive HUD projection. In the privacy of her helmet, the Asari subvocalises..

"Kiera, quick check. I know you won't let me into our labs without supervision - so did any of your trusted personnel make it? Doctors, technicians, trainee students... even a salarian if you have one."

So, with the stat change in mind, I'm posting the "current" stats and equipment list for Cassidy in here. At least, as best I know it.
Name: Cassidy Mri'Lori.
Race: Asari
Class: Engineer
Level: 1
AP: 3
FP: 5
MP: 8
EP: 4
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 4
Will Power: 3
Equipment (List Below):
Light Armor (10 Durability), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 13 clips), Genetics Sampling Kit.

((Interview Kiera RE lab techs. Also, test the state of the AI-duplication multi-presence system, allowing them to be in more than one place at once. Or, check if Kiera can multi-task efficiently.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

(Whee, introductory post! I'll paste the character sheet as a reference, since only Silth has it so far.)
Name: Marie Kinkaid
Race: Human, low-G variant
Class: Pilot
Level: 1

AP: 2
FP: 2
MP: 4
EP: 6

Str: 1
Dex: 5
Int: 2
Will: 3

- Jumpsuit (clothes, 7 Durability)
- DX10 Pistol (semi-auto gun, d2 damage, 4 rounds per clip)
- 8x DX10 Clip

- 1337 Skillz: The pilot can drive any single-operator craft without taking extra training.
- Double Tap (2 MP): The pilot fires two rounds rapidly; if the first hits, so will the second.
- Summon Drone (3 MP): The pilot calls for assistance from a flying camera drone, revealing the locations of all non-hidden enemies on the 'radar'.

Before the development of modern grav technology, human colonists had to contend with both weak and strong gravity on the worlds they settled. In time, their bodies adapted to the conditions there. Marie Kinkaid's ancestors came from among low-grav colonists; thus, compared to an average human, she is both tall and skinny, topping six feet while weighing a mere 110 pounds. This ancestry also explains both her relative weakness (normal-G is quite a bit more than her homeworld's) and her skill at maneuvering herself and vehicles. She keeps her hair long, but tied back, the silvery-grey strands bound together and dangling down her spine.

During the Outer Colonies Conflict, Marie joined up with the Alliance, after training being assigned as a fighter pilot, dogfighting with the insurrectionist forces and covering the heavier craft against interception. At the end of the war, her undistinguished performance led to her retiring to a civilian position on Titan, where she's been flying shuttles and running cargo walkers with the station's cargo-handling organizations.

A lucky break led to Marie being among the survivors being protected by Commander Winters early in the attack. She's since decided to volunteer her services, if they should ever find an undamaged vehicle for her to use...
A tall and willowy woman steps quietly into the room. Kiera had opted to sound a scramble alert in her room rather than some more mundane alarm, and there is still a red mark on her forehead where she'd smacked it in jerking upright. Spotting Kalica and her wild mode of dress, she silently heads to the opposite side of the room. A silvery-gray ponytail dangles down her spine, thumping gently against her chair as she sits down. Her salute is in time, but anything but crisp, civilian life obviously having worn down her military discipline.

Her name being called, Marie gives a wan smile and waves at the group. At the Commander's comment on her skills, she reddens and says, "So, yeah, I was a fighter pilot, and yeah, I'm still here. They still said they didn't need me any more after the war." She looks down at the brand-new DX10 pistol in her lap, and adds, "I just... couldn't stand sitting in a bunker, I guess..."

With the verbal briefing at an end, she taps through the various task lists, pausing over the mention of the Repair Overseer. Valkyrie bikes...? Don't remember those... "Erm, I'd rather go looking for the Repair Overseer... but it might make more sense to go after the Head Surgeon first, since we know for sure where she is."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Ashley, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy, Laina, Anne, Jenn, Marie, Commander Winters, Kyle, Theresa, Simmons and Halmond.

Another representation of Kiera suddenly appeared in front of Ashley, smiling brightly; the original VR stood back by Cassie, idly playing with the 16-sided rubix puzzle. She began to upload the file Ashley requested, explaining as she did:

"Of course, Civilian Ashley. Even if Commander Winters hadn't given you permission, I'd still be obliged to; if Private Roscowitz died or contact was lost with him, he had you as his Emergency Contact - most likely to care for his daughter. As for our resources? Anything is helpful; but just be sure to go out in a group. While I'm having trouble tracking the Orcs, when I do get information on them, they seem to be moving around in larger packs."

Ashley: Objective 1 complete. Objective 2 open.
Objective 2: The Honeydew Apartments Apparently Don lived in the 'Honeydew Apartments', a complex in a rather well-to-do neighborhood. Ashley didn't have the money to even move into that place; how did Don, of all people, get the money to move in? Worse off, however, was the fact the apartment complex was nearly six miles off. It would probably be best to take a vehicle there...
Recommended Team Size: 4-6.

Kiera was definitely able to multitask, cross-task, sub-task and program VCRs, it seemed. She was speaking inside Cassidy's helmet as she spoke to Ashley and fiddled with her puzzle.

"Lab Technicians? Do you -really- think I want you down in my labs?" Kiera's voice sounded inside of Cassidy's helmet. Before the Asari could come up with a reply, the AI continued, "And I wouldn't let you inside my labs... if Commander Winters hadn't told me to give you all the help you needed in getting them open again."

Cassidy caught Commander Winters looking at her, even if she couldn't see the woman's eyes. After a few moments, the rabbit went over to Marie as Kiera continued.

"I have a list of available Lab Technicians... We'll start with whom I know is the best, however."

Cassidy: Objective 1 Completed; Objective 2 now open.
Objective: Find Sharon Hayes. So there are about 3 different lab technicians Kiera would recommend - this Sharon Hayes being the most intelligent lab tech out of all of them. Most of her files are behind red tape, but Cassidy at least knew where she was last: With Nanako Hisagawa in the Abstergo-East Complex.
Recommended Team Size: 4.

Cassie walked over to Marie, standing just a little shorter than the woman. She smiled up at Marie, offering her hand.

"Thank you again, Marie. I'm happy to have you as part of our team again."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

*collecting the new ammo upon getting up and dressed her love of kiera was dropping faster and faster especally with the wake up call this morning. arriving and getting a heads up on the VIPs that were missing she smiled a bit to herself. watching the others start getting themselves together she gave a small call out as most the people were still together*

"If we are going out to do anything we could probably benefit fro splitting up into two groups. at least get more then one thing done today and make our situation better. finding the surgeon would be great but i think getting the repair overseer back to help get some transport operational will speed up things for us far more. so with that said who wants to head out to the garage and try and find this Ing-whatever guy? the repair overseer."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Oh, Kiera.. you don't think I could -break- anything..? I'm not a salarian, or a human, after all.. I'm more at home in the dance hall, or wrapped around a stripper's pole, you know that.."

Thankfully, the Engineer remembers to keep her visor opaqued, and her voice low. That probably wasn't the best of teases to announce to her fellow squadmates. Cassie at least would probably ensure she lived up to the promise, and she had no desire to go back to -that- life.

With one last check over the data, the Asari unseals her visor, and relegates her HUD to transparency once more. Pointedly avoiding Cassie's gaze once more, she nods in appreciation of Marie's suggestion.

"I'm with Mercury over here. As far as I can tell, Abstergo East is the only place with two, potentially more of our VIPs... and, if I know corporations, plenty of valuable resources, too."

(I can't believe it, but Cassidy suggest we go to Abstergo. Clearly she hasn't played Assassin's Creed.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe was up a full half-hour before Kiera's wakeup call, cleaning her rifle and going over plans in her head, ticking off the seconds to the briefing so that by 0930 it was hard for the soldier who was used to wakeup calls before dawn to keep from pacing around the room. When Kiera's alarm came, Circe was out of her room almost before the AI could finish.

Although Circe was the first one in the command center, she stayed quiet as the others talked with Kiera and suggested plans. She had come up with her own plan in the morning, and there was nothing she needed to ask regarding it, though she knew going Lone Ranger would be a bad idea.

"I agree with Miss Kalica." She finally said, listening to the Runner's suggestion. "Once we have vehicles, we can quickly and safely get to the other objectives. However, I think of more immediate importance than Officer Hisagawa is Kairn Broadside. We have limited resources right now, we have to be as efficiant as possible with what we have. However," Circe looked over to Cassidy before continuing, knowing the that once the Asari had something in her head, she was hard to dissuade. "If the second group did decide to head to Abstergo's complex, they should keep their eyes open for supplies until our resource manager is back."

Circe didn't say which team she was going with, waiting for the others to decide where they were going first.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Ashley goes over the data from the file Kiera brought up for her, not giving the AI any verbal response, and then pays attention to her surroundings at just the right moment to hear Kalicia ask about finding the repair technician, and Cassie ask about going to someplace called Abstergo East. She brought up a map on her HUD, looking for Abstergo and checking if it was close to the Honeydew Apartments. After a second or two of thought, she decided that if she wanted to get to Dons apartment in one piece and back to tell the story, she'd need some kind of vehicle, so she announced "I'll go look for the repair overseer. What's his name? 'Ing'tin Toklin?' I don't even know how to pronounce that, so lets go with Tin."
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

(Sorry about being slow, been kind of busy.)

Startled awake by being unceremoniously dumped onto the floor, Laina fumbled around frantically searching for her weapon. After a few dazed moments of panic, she realized what had happened and let out a prolonged sigh. "You do know how on edge everybody is, right Kiera?" She began, as she stood up and grabbed her weapon holster off of a desk next to her. Having fallen asleep in the previous day's clothing, she was basically ready to go as soon as she woke up, so she quickly finished her thought before exiting the room. "This has been stressful enough for everybody as it is.. We don't need any additional scares on top of that. Could you please just ensure that my alarm clock goes off at the correct time in the future?"

When she arrived at the command center, the others were already discussing their plans for the day. Not choosing to interrupt them, she instead stayed behind them and pulled up a display showing the list of VIPs on her omnitool, carefully studying the individual profiles. After it became clear that the plan was to split up, she stepped up closer to the group and said "These VIPs all seem pretty spread out, so I think the transportation to get to them is going to be important. I'm going to go with the group that's looking for Ing. Even if we aren't able to find him, I'd be able to at least try and get those bikes running so that we can reach the others more easily. After that, I agree with Circe that we should look for the Resource Manager. Our stockpile situation right now is bad enough that we really do need to make every bit count."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

She knew Commander Winters didn't really care about Marie herself, just that she had another warm body to work with. All that nattering about Marie's skills and how glad she was that Marie was "back on the team" was just propaganda, getting Marie reaccustomed to being under military discipline and getting her mind on the mission.

But, damn it, it was working. Marie shows a tentative smile in return, taking Cassie's hand and giving it a firm squeeze. "I guess... I just wish I was doing it from the inside of a Hellcat, or a Mad Cat since we're inside..."

She gives a sharp glance at the Asari, wondering how she'd guessed her old callsign. This turns into a more calculating look as she and two others voice their support for rescuing the Repair Supervisor. "Well, if you all want to go after Ing, then I'll go along with that. Commander, you and Kiera think it'd take four of us to get down there safely, right?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((..That was actually Cassidy being a sarcy bitch and calling her names..! No guesswork involved!))

Cassidy had never been a team player. Not in the slightest. This was partly due to her antipathy towards large conversations and "group discussion sessions". Like this one. In Cassidy's world, either she gave the orders, and other people followed.. or she was -given- orders, complained about them, and eventually followed them.

As more and more voices of people she quite frankly, couldn't care less about, chime in from every possible angle, the Engineer shakes her head. Eventually, she clears her throat.

"Well... if we have a plan forming, then I'm available to help a group out.."

Lappy, after all, was watching.

"But bear in mind, I'm a doctor, not a marine. I'm not going to be much use in a firefight. If we come down to depending on my pistol for defence..? We're probably fucked."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe allowed herself a smile as four of the others quickly formed themselves into a group to find the missing Repair Overseer. However, with such a group already formed, that left her with the possibility of teaming up with Cassidy, something that left a bitter taste in the bioid's mouth.

"Kiera," Circe looked over to the AI's figure playing with the cube. "I arrived here on a semi-combustion engine Valkyrie. Do you know if it's still outside the base?" Circe then glanced over to Cassidy, waiting to see what she would do, if anything in response.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

((Well, I -was- waiting on Keylo to post... same with Twisted1.. So I guess we can start a group without them.))

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Ashley, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy, Laina, Anne, Jenn, Marie, Commander Winters, Kyle, Theresa, Simmons and Halmond.

Cassie smiled as she listened to everyone pronounce Ing'Tin's name wrong. Waiting until everyone calmed down, Commander Winters spoke up:

"It's pronounced 'Een-Tin Toll-kin' - he doesn't like being called 'Tin'... It's apparently a racial slur in his race. As for how many it will take?... Well, we're better off in bigger numbers, just to be safe. Sub-Floor 12 has rather wide-open spaces for us deploy large groups in. But uh..." She paused, looking between Circe and Cassidy, "...If you two want to go after someone else, I'm sure that would be fine."

Kiera didn't look up from her puzzle as she answered Circe.

"it seems to be, but that bike was a semi-combustible engine, Circe. While it used synthetic oil for fuel, it also used an energy network across Titan - and that vehicle came specifically from Trinity Base, nearly 30 miles away." Finally, she looked at Circe from over her puzzle, "And I don't believe it has any fuel left to operate so far from Trinity."

((For now, when it comes to Reya and Jennifer, people will have to pick them up on a group. I'll just roll attacks and such for them.))
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

With one group firmly established, and no one but Circe stepping forward to join the second... Cassidy makes a tactical decision. By which she means, she sizes up Circe's gun, then compares it to hers. Taking, of course, bioid reflexes and combat training into account as well.

She comes to the irritating conclusion that the bioid is just about her only chance of survival outside of a large group, and sighs.

"I suppose it's you and I, then, la'rath'randa.. That's you, by the way."

A nod to Circe, just to make sure she knew who the Asari term referred to. Not that she was going to translate it, of course. On top of which, modern suit translator systems struggle with the word, offering only "girl rath'randa" as a suggestion.

"So.. the humans bunch up, and send the bioid and the Asari out on their own. And they say prejudice is dead. Come on, V.. Circe. Let's go and get this Resource Manager of yours. I'm in the mood to kill some of whatever the hell these things attacking us are."

Booted feet ring out as she strides to the elevator, and turns to face the room. Still, of course, avoiding Cassie's gaze.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Ashley, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy, Laina, Anne, Jenn, Marie, Commander Winters, Kyle, Theresa, Simmons and Halmond.

Cassie didn't show any sort of reaction to whatever Cassidy called Circe... But, her being so close to she and Marie, the rabbit only had to lean over and whisper:

"That's not nice."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe frowned as Kiera informed her of what she didn't want to know. "Thank you Kiera." She said, turning to look at Cassidy just as the Asari turned to look her over. "I guess it does, blue." She said, not hearing Cassie's whisper, but inferring the meaning.

"If you've got anything you need to pick up before we head out, you should do it quickly." Circe said, walking over to stand next to Cassidy by the elevator. She was wearing another suit of armor, her third since waking up. Inside she hated the fact that she kept ending up in her birthday suit. Well this time she had someone for backup.

Backup? Circe cast a quick sidelong glance at Cassidy as she hit the elevator call button. She distrusted the alien, and was confused as to why her first thought was one of trust. More like a diversion.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Okay, I guess it's Ing then. I still like Tin better...... Ready whenever everybody else is."

(Once everyone gives an acknowledge post, Ashley will get up and go outside with the rest of group 1.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Cassie's comment earns the rabbit a shake of the head, and no more. Cassidy replies in typical snarky fashion.. but still, without making eye contact, or even looking at the lapine.

"I've called many people far worse. Several in your hearing. Besides. I'm not nice."

With that, the elevator dings, and the scientist stomps inside, eager to be off before the larger group get themselves organise.

"Come on, Rath'Randa. I'm good to go, and I want to get out of here before the mob get organised. We can be halfway to this Resource Manager before they wake up every alien on this station with their mess."

She leaves the blue comment well alone. Probably because she has no real way of denying it.. not to mention the memories it rouses.

((Out for the night.. feel free to walk Cassidy ahead with Circe for plot advancement.))