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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Walk?" Grave smiled. "That may be unnecessary, depending on the location you want to visit. Siphon, the ability I used earlier is a kind of teleportation. Instead of moving myself through space, I open a path into the dark realm, from which I can return into this world, as long as I am able to find some sort of a point on which I can focus to manifest a gate leading out of the dark realm. It may be a location, it may be a person... And I can take guests with myself, as long as they stay close to me." The darkling nodded at Siphon. "As for your question... I used the word 'seal' because I didn't believe that the big guy would have an ability to cross from one plane to another, nor the power to control darkness. He'd be trapped in the darkness forever. Complete destruction is possible, but it may take time and more power than I have at the moment. Altough if I crossed into the dark realm, I could use the power of other darklings, considering I'm a higher class... The void itself is dangerous as well, considering it can devour you if you're too weak." Grave shrugged. "Anyway, those abilities are different from the power I used to have... And as far as I can recall, some darklings are capable of absorbing the abilities of their victims, so if I can get a piece of that beast, I might be able to analyze and replicate that wierd blast."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"West of here. I have a lock on their transportation." Burrito says, stepping up onto the sword, chuckling as his feet suddenly become attached to the sword, by use of magnets in his boots. "If you take over the world, at least let us live in peace." he says in a joking tone of voice, his arms crossed as he waits for Oni to move.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Don't worry, I'll try to have it as peaceful as I can. But, who knows what dark beings I'll attract while I'm on this planet?" Once finishing the two of them would suddenly be moving at an alarming rate, about fifty miles per hour. Anything and everything were blasted out of the way by Oni throwing balls of negative energy at it, and if Burrito caught a glimpse of Oni's face he'd see it twisted into an expression of maniacal joy.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito would watch as Oni smiled, destroying everything in his path "You haven't changed. A thousand years of fighting, and you're still as demented as ever." he says, looking around as the battleground for the group comes into view "There! That's where the others are." he says, pointing past Oni at the group.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I may still enjoy killing, but at least I've got most of my sanity back now. Being immortal gets boring if you're living a normal life after all." Oni says as the sword slows down and stops a little ways away from the group. Oni hops off and waits for Burrito to do the same before dematerialising the sword.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito hops off the sword, looking over the group and sighing "What the hell did I miss this time?" he asks, lowering his arms to his side as he looks over at Shrike on the ground, then goes wide eyed as he notices Grave "Status report. I want to know what the hell hit you guys."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni silently follows Burrito to the group, not caring about what happened though inwardly he was pissed to find that none of these so called 'Gods' were here. Oni stands there, his arms crossed.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded to Grave and seemed about to say something when Burrito and Oni showed up.

Raising an eyebrow at Oni, he nevertheless answered.

"Supermeme hit us, and decently hard too. I have a fair gauge of his power now, I was able to goad him into blasting me with an attack of pure energy. Unfortunately not before he damn near killed Shrike. I've been able to heal the physical wounds, but I think he did something else to her on a mental level that only she can fight off. If we attempt to wake her before she is ready, I do believe it will most likely kill her at worst, at best ... it may destroy her mind. TP showed up here just when it seemed Grave might actually stop Supermeme, and they took off. However ... I know exactly where their base is, and how much time we have left until the mass production of their Tyrant units finish. We have roughly an hour at the most before they are ready. Good to see you back on your feet again sir."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave looked at Oni. He instantly recognized the person he was dealing with. "Holy shiiit... You know, I was beginning to wonder why can't you people just die? Anyway, what do you intend to do with Shrike? We're running out of time, it seems, and we can't leave her just like that. Also, we may have to deal with a pissed off homicidal Lurker, but that's my problem."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni smirked at Grave, his arms still crossed though he chuckled slightly.

"You know, I really did hope that I would've died then. But, it looks like the Gods had other plans for me. And you don't have to worry, Gig's no longer a part of me. Well, not in the sense that he was last time." Stretching an arm out to his side Oni summoned his sword.

"Hey shitheads, missed me?" Gig's voice rang out from the blade.

"We're still together, though there's no chance of him taking over me again. So you don't have to worry about me killing you all. But, this planet will still be mine. Though you can still have peace if you want it."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon hesitated a moment then nodded.

"I can teleport her somewhere they CAN'T get to her, then go get her later on when this is all done with. I'll need to feed though when I come back, before we begin the final assault. Pretty sure Copper needs to as well, and yeah, interesting to see you back Oni. Where's Gig?"

He raised an eye when Gig spoke.

"Oh your joking me right? Your IN a sword now?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Ha! You wish I was in the sword. I am the sword." Given his predicament Gig still sounds pretty happy about it all.

"It would take too long to explain fully, but the basics of it is that what we've lost as a whole we've gained from being apart. The Gods thought that a fallen God of destruction would be better suited to serve his ex-vessel as a weapon of destruction."

"Hey, I serve no one!" Gig snaps at Oni, displeased by Oni basically calling Gig his slave.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"He showed up, and you thought you could take him without me?" Burrito asks, looking over at Siphon and growling "Did you at least figure out his weakness? Any kind of defenses he has?" he asks, pulling a cigar out and lighting it, before taking a puff and exhaling "Do you even know why Shrike's blade couldn't hurt him?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"He appears to be able to regenerate any wound inflicted even before the damage is actually done, that's why he's so damn tough. It seemed electrical attacks pissed him off, but weren't enough to stop him completely. Currently he has no real weakness, but that soon will change. The virus is slowly killing him. He's tough yes, but I don't think he's invincible. He can be hurt, it just takes a lot. And for the record, he attacked us, not the other way around. Our ride is pretty well flattened. Oh, I DID determine one thing though regarding TP. I think we can nullify his teleportation abilities by generating a specific frequency of an E.M. shield."

He seemed as if there was something else he knew, but for the moment he wasn't saying.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni started chuckling to himself, though it suddenly exploded into a crazed laugh.

"Looks like I came back just in time," Oni says once he finished laughing. "Sounds like your problem isn't his regeneration but your own abilities."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shrugs.

"Possible, but I wasn't exactly going all out on him either. The next time I meet him on the battlefield, there will be no holding back. I will allow the beast within to fully rise, even if it does in the end destroy my entire mind. That's where you Oni, and Grave will be needed. In the event that happens, and there seems to be no way of fixing it, I'm ... asking that the both of you handle things. If I'm right about how bad I might get, you two may be the only ones capable of stopping me, or fixing me. Gig, are you capable of telepathic communication still?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Heh, you honestly believe you'd do much damage to him at full power? But, if it makes you feel any better, sure I'll kill you when you do go out of control." By the sound of Oni's tone it would seem as if the opportunity of killing Siphon is one that he'd not give up so easily.

"Hell no. And even if I was it's only with others that are attuned to negative energy." Again, Gig sounds pretty pissed at the loss of another of his abilities.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Leave Supermeme to myself and Oni. Together, we may actually be able to hurt him." Burrito says, looking over at Oni "The rest of you will have to handle Toonpimp. He's too fast for myself to handle, and if we don't all attack him at once, we won't be able to even scratch him." he says, taking another puff from his cigar and blowing the smoke out his nose "If what I've heard about this virus is true, then Supermeme is going to be immune to anything you throw at him. But Oni and myself haven't fought him yet. Meaning he doesn't know how to defend against us." he says, thinking as he removes the cigar from his lips and taps it with his index finger, knocking the ashes off and replacing it between his lips "Any objections?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Heh, I thought I was right. And if that immunity is based on genetics then he wont be able to become immune to my attacks." Oni says more to himself, chuckling slightly. "And there's no objections from me."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shook his head. "Burrito. So far, it seems that I might be able to stop Supermeme by myself, as long as I can find a way to avoid his attacks at the same time... Since he's a power-type fighter, I think I can do this. Also, unlike the rest of you, I am an elemental - a darkling. I doubt that any kind of genetic immunity can help against my kind. Plus, I might be able to finish this without having to fight at all... If my trap works, I may open a portal to the dark plane under him and suck him in. It's a bit of a roundabout way, but it can work. Toonpimp, on the other hand, is someone I've never faced before. You guys seem to know his powers a bit better, and you've said that he has to be attacked by a large number of fighters at once... And honestly, I don't like fighting in a crowd."