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Terror in Old Edo!

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

((I dont think this is something that really needs a roll. Not everyone has to help a disabled but helping someone out of bed seems somewhat mundane imo *shrug* ))

"Oh. Yumiko-chan. You're prompt, and fairly quick. My room is someways from the service quarters. Yes, it was a most restful evening. I hope you and Aria got adjusted well. I have a clean outfit laid out on the night stand over there. Please fetch it for me before you come get me, then alert the others as we head to the baths." She chirped sweetly as the silver haired elf arrived. "Aaah, careful now~" she sang as Yumiko helped her into her chair. "Well, shall we?~" Once the duo headed out of the mistress' room they would call out for the other three maids and down stairs and around the back where they found a beautiful springs surrounded by sakura trees and other vibrant plant life. "Well, would one of you girls like to help me out of my chair and bathe me?~"
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

After Comma help, Yumiko come and guide both elves to theirs rooms, giving them a brieft talk talk than Aria end with a hug to the glassed girl. You are so kind, thanks for prepare ours rooms. Well i will choice this one cheerfully said the elf before open the door of her room and store her things, really tired of by carring them alone.

Once a little rested, she follow the others and heard her Mistress words, trying to remember all before they were ordered to rest at theirs theirs rooms.

Aria bow to her mistress and went to arrange her things, to have all ready, then after change herself and wear a white silk transparent pijama dress she went to sleep, a little unused to sleep alone.

The next day she get up by the call of her mistress's bell, hals sleep she change and take a time until find out where her mistress is now, they went outside and heard her mistress next order. I will be honored in wash you, my mistress The still half sleep elf say in a kind voice, as she try to find a way to clean her mistress with her small strengh, maybe if she have the help of her Mistress to take her out her chair then she slowly put her in a kind soft way inside the hot spring to then lovely wash her.

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Kommatiázo was fine with allowing the elves to take the first jobs of the morning, might as well let them get used to some of the work, and not only that she preferred to do the other work around the house that didn't involve so much water. Not that water harmed her in any real way but it was annoying to get out of her clothes and sometimes it caused rust, and just in general she liked to avoid significant amounts of the stuff outside of whenever she needed a bath.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria Affection 4 x 4= 16 vs TN 12 Success

Aria would take her time to slowly and carefully lift the fragile mistress out from her wheelchair and show equal if not more care slowly undressing her, revealing her flawless, porcelain, alabaster skin to the maids. She would have a few random freckles spread throughout her otherwise perfect complexion, she would have respectable but modest C-cup breasts, with rosy colored areola and nipples, her legs were slender but surprisingly developed for a crippled, she had a flat and smooth belly with a cute little innie navel, her rear was a fine but shapely heart shape, with a cute dimple of venus. One oddity Aria would notice however is a faintly glowing arcane symbol that would appear just above her buttocks. The mistress would not notice if any of the maids gawked at her as she was too enraptured by the hot water of the springs and Aria delicate and relaxing washing. The elf could ask the mistress about if she chose to.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Ritsuko was quickly out of bed as well, finding herself with little to do after her morning task had been taken over by Aria. What to think of that? What to do? The feeling of uselessness crept on the girl’s back as she turned away from the bath area with the smallest frown anyone could have ever witnessed. But even the girl herself wasn’t certain why her face took on that expression.

She started looking around for something to do, finding it hard to feel comfortable for one reason or another, maybe it was some memories coming back; the number of people there, a beautiful naked body… but Ritsuko dismissed that idea quickly as she began gathering objects around the spring, different shampoos, soaps and a small cloth. She didn’t notice herself humming a tune from the time she was on her own as she brought it all together and set it gently on the ground. “Mistress…” Muttered with a hint of a voice the depressive maid as she approached, hoping that she would be able to fulfill her duties as well.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Focused completely at her task, Aria manage to lift and place softly her mistress close the spring, then she slowly undress her, as a lovely mother would do to her little child, the nearly perfect body in front of her stop her just a moment as she focused to continue. Just relax as i take care of all. The blonde elf say in a kind tone, starting to prepare all and then start with the woman hair, softly giving a massage as her soft hands wash the luxury Mistress's long hair, doing her best to make Sakuya enjoy every moment, as she use the shampoo than Ritsuko has bring. Thanks Aria say to the glassed girl Ehm... can you please also bring us a towel? Ask as all were new for her and looking for a towel could take her time yet it could not be hard to find on.

The inocent elf ended to wash her Mistress' hair and then continue with placing soap at the woman, not trying anything naughty or even thinking on it, but Sakuya certainly could get turned on with her body caressed in a tender way. Mistress, can i do anything else to make you feel better? Aria say as she use the warm water to clean the soap and give a lovely massage to the Mistress back and limbs, ready to undress herself if needed to place her mistress on the spring as she take care of her so she dont fall to much on it, just then she would remember the strange image at the mistress's rear than she filled with soap and not thinking than could bother her she ask. Sorry to bother you with this question my Mistress but what mean that strange image at your back? it shine and it scared me a little until nearly make me get worried and close to ask for help for you.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Hmm? Is something Ritsuko-san? Would you like someone to wash you as well? You sound kindly sullen. Did Aria do something wrong or are you having a problem?" She asked sweetly at her faithful maid's muterings. "No thank you Aria, dear. You are doing a fine job just washing me. Aaah~ This is heavenly....." Sakuya cooed out at Arias ministrations in her bath before stirring slightly, "Oh? Y-you noticed? You must be magic sensitive. Its not normally very visible. That is a special placed on the magically gifted female members of my bloodline. I guess you say it is a potent magical contraceptive. If one of the females of my clan find a boy we really like it keeps from conceiving children till we are ready, then we perform a special ceremony that lifts the seal."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Ah… No, nothing of the sort.” Yelped Ritsuko as she moved about to hand Aria the towel she requested, a slight feeling of disappointment pervaded her as Aria took completely over one of her roles. What to make of that? What to feel like? Ritsuko spaced out at those questions for the better part of a minute, until she decided she wouldn’t be figuring that out any time soon. And though the idea of joining in the bath somehow made her feel fuzzy for some reason, she couldn’t get the feeling she wouldn’t be doing anything useful.

“Mistress, I’ll go ahead and prepare for your morning meals. Is there anything specific you prefer today?” She declared with as little strength she could muster, unless Miss Sakuya did not need that from her or requested something different, Ritsuko would be on her way to prepare the breakfast for the household.

(Figured I could use skill for it)
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

While most of the rest of the group was dealing with the bath scene, Komma, despite her rather hard to miss size, had managed to depart the area without comment. Now she was working her hardest to tend to the mansions garden, pulling out what weeds had popped up over night and watering everything (though she still avoided the water as much as possible). Attempting to do the work with all the precise skill she possessed.

(Roll Skill)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko was honestly unsure what to do with herself now that Lady Sakuya was taken by her sister elf. If nothing else, she was quite surprised she was even able to lift the woman, given how fragile she looked. But that was not important now. Waiting for a moment to catch her breath, Yumiko could hear the two chatting inside the bath. Heaven above, how could Aria be so rude to look there of all place, even if she was washing Sakuya? Well it was hardly her place to eavesdrop. There was work to be done and she needed to do it, seeing as her associates had gone to do the same. Given how often she had to do laundry back home, she figured she'd give that a tackle. "How hard could it be? How much laundry could 3 women possibly produce?" She said with a confident smirk as she arrived at the laundry room. Rolling up her sleeves, the elf would get to work.

(If a roll is necessary, use Skill.)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Im glad to heard than you are loving your bath, Mistress. Aria answer as she continue washing the woman and then heard the little talk between her and Ritsuko, slighty worried than she has made any mistake washing the Mistress, but as the maid havent said anything she just proceed until she ask about the unknown mark on the back.

Hmm? I havent not thinking of it, but maybe im sensitive to the magic thanks to my heritage. But i dunno if i can learn to use any magic, yet we could try to find it one of these days f Mistress wish. The blonde elf end to say with an smile as she give the final touches to the Mistress's Bath, ready to take her out to dry and dress her, yet she still continue the little talk among both of them. I only heard rumors about that kind of magic, it really sound really helpful as this can be taken out in any moment and as Mistress is so charm and beautifull, certainly have a lot of suitors, no doubt than you had or will find that lucky person, my Mistress. Aria say completely sure than Sakuya has many proposals every day or at least per week.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"I'll have miso soup, fried rice with pork, and tea; please, Ritsuko. Nothing fancy. If any of the others have something they would prefer, I am sure they will let you know. Thank you~ Oh! Where did Komma-chan go? Wasn't she here with us just a short while ago?" She asked curiously as she finally noticed the patchwork maid's absence.

Meanwhile Yumiko would find that the four maids did not produce much laundry at all, and it would all fit snug inside a laundry basket. She would, after a short spell of wandering around, find her way to the basement where the laundry was situated. Being accustomed to taking of laundry in her old life, she would find she would have little to no trouble taking care of the laundry.

As Komma would make her way out to the garden, she would suddenly get the strange sensation of being watched by someone...... But by whom? The mansion was secluded and hidden away enough that most people from the outside should not know about it; but never the less she would definitely feel the unsettling presence of another individual in the general area of the garden-orchard. At this point she could choose to either ignore it or proceed with her current chore of gardening.

Poor Ritsuko would find herself having just a bit of trouble preparing the traditional Japanese breakfast that Sakuya had requested, however. While she would manage to get the flavoring and such right and properly cook the pork, she would find the rice to troublesome as it would turn out just little burnt. Not inedibly so, but still frustrating.

Back in the bath, Sakuya and Aria would continue their lite conversation as the elf would proceed with drying and dressing her dear mistress. "W-well.... Y-yes.... I-I have had a f-few suitors thus far..... B-but..... I-I I'm not quite r-ready for marriage as it is presently...... N-not really even for..... s-s-s-sex...... OH! How lewd and naughty! I-I shouldn't be talking of such things! Especially not for a pure and proper priestess! L-Let's change the subject, okay?" She blurted out blushing a deep bright pink.

Yumiko, no roll needed.
Komma {Hidden Luck Roll} 4*6=24 vs TN 15 Pass
Ritsuko 4*2=8 vs TN 10 fail, but the degree was only minor so the meal is still acceptable, but just not as good as she would have liked.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Oh i understand. My more deep apologize, my Mistress. It was not my intention to talk really about ehm that moment in a relashionship. But more likely the pure feelings of love to a chosen person... I will not touch the topic until you are ready and want to talk of it, my Mistress The elf say as her mother like touch calm her mistress and make her feel more open to talk and feel good for that. Can we talk about your past? if is right, i will love to know more of you my mistress, your childhood or it could be really useful to know what you like to do in order to serve you better Continue Aria, as she take care of the woman's hair, making a pure inocent tone and trying to find out how she could serve her better.

[affection if needed]
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Komma shifted a bit as she felt someone watching her, which immediately sparked off a note of worry. What in the 7 dread levels of hell could be watching her here. Then she thought it might just have been a small animal or something, but still though, if it was it wouldn't distract her for more then a second. Standing up to her full height she did a quick scan of the immediate area and said "Hello? Anyone out there?
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“This… isn’t…” Ritsuko looked displeased, with good reason, looking at the minor mess the rice had become, there was little to do to save it without it becoming inedible for the mistress, and she knew it. It also worried her that she never really made these kind of mistakes before, was she tired or sick, she didn’t feel anything… Was she simply losing her ability to function with the arrival of the new maids? Doubtful, and overly paranoid…

The girl sighed, an obvious pout on her face as she took the meals to the table, standing quietly by the door as she thought of a way to warn her mistress of her failed attempt to prepare her morning meal correctly.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Seems her guess was right as far as the actual estimation of laundry that the house maids produced. It only made the job that much easier, especially given she has had some minor experience doing the cleaning in her own home. After her parents left,, she was left to do all the work herself. But, as with everything else, she saw this hardship as something to learn from, which she did. With all that said and done, she would fold up the now clean clothing and deliver them to the appropriate people.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Oh.... Oh, its okay Aria. My imagination just ran off with me again. I know you weren't trying to make me uncomfortable or anything. As for our little chat, what say you, we finish it during breakfast. Would you be a dear and fetch Yumiko and Komma-chan for me please?" She asked daintly to the elf girl as she dried, dressed and helped her mistress back to her wheelchair, "Ritsu-chan~ Is breakfast ready yet? I think were all ready here~ Aria went to seek Komma and Yumiko for us~" she called sweetly to her other maid.

Meanwhile as Komma would call out to the feeling she had been having out in the orchard, she would bushes off in distance rustle and hear a faint mischievous giggling. It looks like who or what ever was watching would not come right out and face her. It seemed to want Komma to try and seek it out, if she dared to venture a search.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Komma could only sigh as whoever it was didn't show themselves, but she wasn't going to let this drop. Leaving the gardening alone for now, hoping that she could pick it up again later, she went off in search of the voice. She had to find out how whoever it was managed to even get here in the first place.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria accepted with an smile to end the talk after breakfast, maybe then Sakuya will be more relaxed and will enjoy the talk. As you wish, my mistress. I will look for them, i could take you to the dinner room before that if you wish. Aria said before let Sakuya choice, but even if Sakuya decde to go alone Aria will try to check her to see than she will be fine. Once alone Aria will try to find out where is both maids as she check every corner of the mansion to find any possible secret.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Yes…” Ritsuko quickly came to the aid of her mistress with a slow gait, her face still marked by a subdued pout, and the overall depressive aura that now seemed even stronger than normal around the silent girl. “Miss Sakuya…” The girl called coyly as she set the plates and utensils around the table.

“I couldn’t quite…” As if confessing to a crime, the girl’s voiced choked somewhat as she bit her lip, “… I had some troubles preparing the rice…” As if it was the hardest thing she’d ever had to say, the almost voiceless girl simply sighed at her own failure. “It’s slightly burnt…”

The girl declared as she set the last plate, her eyes unable to leave the floor from the shame as she returned to Miss Sakuya’s side, “I… hope it’s still to your liking.” She muttered, with a slight bit of fear in her voice. Even if she knew it wouldn't come, the girl felt as if a beating was coming, like it would when she was still working as a hostess in that place Miss Sakuya tore down.