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Tentacles VS Humans Game #1


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Link to Game Rules Thread: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=18173

Current Phase:
Draw Phase

Current Encounter:

Investigate New Eden Dig Site -- All players draw up to 5 cards.
--Crew: 2-4
--Skills: Pilot & Planetology
--Target: 3+
--Successes Needed: 7
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.


Human Tasks

Powerfist Battlesuit -- Destroyed
Max crew - 3
Target: 6+
Key Skills - Mechanic
Success - Once only, trigger to cancel a Tentacle Attack OR destroy one revealed Tentacle Monster during the Final Battle.
Lifeboat Shuttle -- 2/6 Successes
Max crew - 3
Target: 6+
Key Skills - Mechanic, Pilot
Success - Go straight to Self Destruct/Wait for Rescue; with only the PCs included.
Repair Satellite Array -- 1/5 Successes
Max crew - 2
Target: 6+
Key Skills - Communications
Success - Go straight to the Self Destruct/Wait for Rescue Endgame.
Research -- 0/3 Successes
Max Crew - 4
Target: 6+
Key Skills - Biology, Languages, Medical
Success - Reduce the successes needed by one on all future encounters.

Alien Tasks

Alien Ship
- 3 successes needed in one attempt. (no success memory)
Needs 5+ on each die for a success.
Throw number of dice currently assigned to this task by other cards and encounters.
Success - The Alien wins.

Override the Computer 2/10 successes
4+ on a die for a success.
Each Alien Ship phase, the Alien player may discard up to one card in order to roll 1d6 for this card.
A success is recorded on this card.

Bad Blood
During each Suspicion Phase, the current Captain must choose another PC to discard a card and place it under Bad Blood instead of in the regular discard pile. Bad Blood cards are not reshuffled into the decks.
The same player may not be targeted in consecutive suspicion phases.
A player may refuse to discard. If they do, put a success on the Override the Computer card.
Suspicion cards may not be discarded under Bad Blood.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1


Captain Laura Shirude
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Muse Captain
Dice: 2d6
Bio: Laura is a diligent employee of the UneCorp research conglomerate that is one of the major financial sponsors for deep space research at New Eden. She is an all-rounder, familiar with many of the different lines of research going on, but master of none. She is for all intents and purposes the "face" of UneCorp on this mission and the ranking officer on board the company owned vessel. She is well-liked by the scientists on staff, specifically Aoru, the planetologist, who is one of her best friends since university. Her authority is partially snubbed by the non-researchers on the crew, who view her as too much a company woman. Laura will do whatever it takes for the mission to be a success.


Aoru Kiyameron
Status: Exposed
Key Skills: Planetology, Languages
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (No One Suspects): If Aoru is revealed as a Tentacle Monster during a Tentacle Attack, she requires 4 discards per player to defeat.
Bio: Aoru is one of the quintessential experts on New Eden, making the study of its geological and atmospheric examples the subject of her thesis during her schooling. She's made it her goal to be selected for this mission so that she can finally be hands on and exploring what she hopes will be humanity's new home, even if it is a little chilly. Even when the Muse's delivery mission is done, Aoru intends to stay at the Outpost for at least ten years to do her initial studies. Since there's quite an international team of researchers already in place and because Aoru is also something of a genius, she's taken it upon herself to learn eight secondary languages so that she will be ready to soak up information from every researcher at the station. An idealist, and a good friend of Captain Laura, Aoru is seen by most as too absorbed in her work and a little shy when it comes to normal social interaction.


Riley Chambers
Status: DEAD -- Tentacle Raped
Key Skills: Mechanic, Tough
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Riley is a wrench head and the best Ms. Fix-It you could hope to have around. She may not know a whole lot about space, planets, or even the computer, but if you need pieces of metal welded together or anything remotely practical on a ship of people who are for the most part dealing in lofty theoretical sciencey stuff, then Riley is your gal. That's not to say she didn't earn her way into this position. She knows how the Muse is put together, and she's also familiar with the schematics of Outpost 31 as well as the smaller campsites built on New Eden. She's been trusted by UneCorp as the person who can keep the multi-billion dollar research scheme running from the ground up - and she's being damn well paid for it. Nevertheless, she's still regarded as "just the mechanic" sometimes, and it's given her a bit of a hot temper. There are a bunch of different kinds of "smart" on this ship and Riley is one of them, dammit! She likes to let of steam by being a mischief maker, and her ally in crime on this otherwise boring mission is her best mate, the cook, Halley.


Reiko Amamiya

Status: Safe
Key Skills: Biology
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (The Perfect Vessel): If Reiko is revealed as a Tentacle Monster during the Final Battle, she requires 2 more successes to defeat.
Bio: Reiko's name is known throughout every scientific circle worth its salt in biology on earth. Her intelligence is off the scale, and her work ethic is second to none. She prides herself on excellence and exactness, and it can lead to others thinking she's a bit uptight and maybe even arrogant. She also tends to boss her assistants around a lot. With the discovery of New Eden, Reiko has forged ahead into the new field of Xenobiology, studying alien forms of flora and yes even some microscopic fauna that have been found in ice samples taken back to Earth. Now she's headed to New Eden for an extended stay, intent on making her already expansive reputation become legendary in the history of her field. Move over Darwin. Even if others find her a little grating at times, grudgingly everyone has to concede that Reiko is usually right or at the very least, her opinions have practical merit. Reiko's assistant is Mako, who lives constantly in her shadow. Reiko doesn't mind the girl as long as she keeps up with her. On the whole, Reiko has respect, but no one is really her friend. But she's okay with that.


Halley Nawls (Alkannar)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Lucky
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Halley's always lived a charmed life. She was born six weeks prematurely and with a stopped heart. Medical science can't explain what made it suddenly start beating again, but somehow, someway, it seemed Halley's destiny to make it. Daughter of a wealthy family with connections to UneCorp, her parents really had wanted her to go into science, but it was always Halley's desire to travel and cook. After having an adventurous time spanning the globe, her parents offered her the opportunity of a lifetime -- to travel to an alien world as a cook! Halley couldn't say no, and began a crash course in space flight at UneCorp, where she met Riley Chambers and they quickly became fast friends. Halley is the natural optimist and joker, and her easy going presence on the Muse often helps to relieve tensions that normally arise from long periods of confined living.


Dr. Marlisse Culver (Takimaru)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Medical
Dice: 1d6
Bio: There are many times that Marlisse asks herself why she ever accepted this "prized" position as ship doctor. Yes, the pay was excellent, even bordering on the absurd, but that doesn't make up for the lack of human civilization that she misses back home. She's an excellent doctor, but not a standout -- those of course are kept back on Earth to tend to everyone who needs them. Marlisse felt that to be offered the position of ship doctor had, at the time been a miraculous windfall, but after months of space flight, she's regretting her greed. As such, she generally wears a sour expression while moping about on the ship. Her only saving grace is that she has a thing for the ship captain, Laura. Marlisse has flirted with the buxom blond on several occassions, and the whole crew now pretty much knows which team the good doctor bats for. She's yet to convince Laura to go to bed with her, but hey, a girl has to have a hobby when no one is getting so much as a paper cut -- maybe persistence will pay off?


Mako Sukotsuto (Loli Defense Force)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Biology
Dice: 1d6
Bio: This shy, nervous girl is always aiming to please and do her best. She's a brilliant biologist, and huge fan of her idol, Reiko Amamiya, but always seems to be just a bit behind the dauntless senior biologist. Still, Mako beat out hundreds of other applicants to be Reiko's assistant for this mission and that means a lot to the little scientist. While not being brow beaten by Reiko, the young biologist quietly works away in her room on the Muse, and sometimes strikes up a conversation with Lulu, the ship's cyborg systems interface. The two have become quick friends and enjoy playing chess and backgammon with each other to pass the time.


Mina Trent
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Communications
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Interstellar communications is a delicate craft and Mina is a standout in her niche field of engineering. She's been asked to join this mission because of a problematic drop out in communication with the Outpost 31 space station. A satellite relay failure is suspected, and she's been sent to get communications up and running again. She has a bit of a testy personality, but on the whole, she's amiable. She's a card shark, as people have learned to their dismay in the recreation lounge after losing hundreds of credits to her in poker. Faye in particular has lost a decent sum to her and even accused her of cheating once. The two haven't been on good speaking terms since then.


Lulu Nori
Status: DEAD -- Tentacle Raped
Key Skills: Computer Systems
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (Data Access): If Lulu is revealed as a Tentacle Monster during a Tentacle Attack, the Alien Player draws one card.
Bio: Lulu was caught in an electrical fire at the age of 18 and badly damaged. She lost both of her legs and had to undergo extensive surgery to save her life. Thanks to the wonders of medical science, she survived and has been given a new lease on life with cybernetic legs. UneCorp has taken advantage of her cyborg body and hired her as a permanent ship systems expert for their deep research vessel, the Muse. Lulu is able to interface with the ships computer by plugging herself into its main frame, downloading data directly to herself. Despite the horrible trauma she has gone through, Lulu is a chipper optimist, and is happy to be going on this important mission as a valued member of an extremely capable team.


Maria Stone (ToxicShock)
Key Skills: Cargomaster, Tough
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Maria is in charge of the vast inventory of supplies that the Muse is delivering to the outpost. Nothing grows on New Eden yet, and that means that everyone at the Outpost and the crew of the Muse is dependent upon the necessities stored amongst the six vast cargo holds that make up 70% of the space aboard the Muse. It's a lot of responsibility for just one girl, but Maria is a long time, trusted UneCorp employee and is known for getting her job done. She's in charge of all the rationing, and often times can be caught arguing with Halley about how many chickens are really necessary to defrost for a meal, or something of that nature. She is often the butt of many mischievous pranks pulled by Halley and Riley. She gets along with the quieter crew, like Mako, who don't cause trouble, and she has a good respect for Reiko, who seems like the most professional woman aboard this ship next to herself and the captain.


Faye Iverson (Guan Yu)
Status: SAFE
Key Skills: Pilot
Dice: 1d6
Alien Bonus (Fighting Fire with Fire): If Faye is revealed as a Tentacle Monster during a Tentacle Attack, it takes two Flamethrowers to defeat her.
Bio: UneCorp hires pilots from outside contractors. Usually ex-military. Faye is a fly-girl known for her flying skill and no-fear personality. Frankly UneCorp was hesitant to hire her given her seeming proclivity for high risk maneuvers, but Veronica Masters vouched for her and so she got to go with the crew. Faye is a lush, a loud mouth, and a provocateur of the highest degree. She's also a conspiracy nut and has the true gift of gab. At least for these reasons, she can be very entertaining. She's nursing a grudge against Mina for taking her money in cards, but she at least gets along with her long time wingmate, Veronica. The two of them come from a school of space piloting from the United Earth defense force -- a space program designed to defend the earth from any enemies unknown. It's mostly still a covert game of arms racing amongst the major powers that be on earth, but the important point is that Faye knows her stuff in piloting both in zero g and in atmosphere, which will be useful if ever Muse needs to take the skimmer lifeboats down to the planet camps.


Veronica Masters
Key Skills: Pilot, Tough
Dice: 1d6
Bio: Veronica is one of the best pilots ever to come out of the academy of the United Earth defense force. She's the best zero g pilot out there, top of her class. The only person who can keep up with her is Faye Iverson, and the two of them graduated at the top of their class together. But whereas Faye is all heat and passion, Veronica is cool as ice. Hence their nicknames "Fire and Ice." The two of them get along so well that some have thought they may even be more than friends. When UneCorp demanded Veronica's expertise for a deep space mission, she made it clear that the only way she'd go was if Faye came along too and was paid for it. Veronica got her way, as she so often does when she puts her mind to it. If anyone could challenge Captain Laura's authority, Veronica would be the one to do it. However, Veronica has not really had the need or inclination yet to challenge for authority. She's satisfied for the most part to just do her job and make sure Faye doesn't get into any fights.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

After 13 months of periodic space pulse jumps and intermittent periods of suspended animation, the crew of the UneCorp Research Vessel, Muse, arrive at their destination: the Outpost 31 space station hovering above the small ice planet known as New Eden, its breathable, earth-like atmosphere and abundant water sources provide a new hope for human expansion. But the journey has not been easy nor without problems. Errant ion storms encountered during the trip have knocked out the Muse's long range Communications Array, and it can only be repaired when the crew dock at Outpost 31. Without the array up and working, the crew are unable to communicate with relatively nearby outposts, the only sources of possible aid, should they need it.

More alarming for the crew of the Muse is the lack of reply from the New Eden space station on the short range communicators. After days of impulse travel, the station finally becomes visible, and the crew are treated with an unnerving site. Almost a quarter of the station is a complete wreck. Just floating debris and twisted metal in space, as though some explosion had torn through the lower levels of the station from the inside. Immediately, Captain Laura Shirude orders that the Muse crew arm itself and prepare for a boarding action.

Veronica Masters and Faye Iverson coordinate to dock the Muse to Outpost 31 on the relatively intact upper levels. Hastily, an exploratory team is organized. The airlock doors are opened and the women are met with, of all things, a large cold-climate working dog, looking underweight and hungry. Yelping and wagging its tail, the dog rushes by the startled away team and runs through the Muse.

Captain Laura: "Someone get after that dog! Riley, handle it. Make sure it doesn't get into the research equipment."

Riley: "No problem, Captain." *saunters off to go in search of the dog.*

*Far down the halls, the startled voice of Aoru can be heard above the barking of the dog*

Aoru: "Wha!? A dog? H-hey! Don't lick those! Ahh, don't lick me! Ick! Heheh... aww, you're friendly aren't you?"

Riley: "Looks like Aoru's made a new friend. Don't worry, I'll get the animal secured."

*The Captain nods and turns back to the others on the away team.*

Captain Laura: "I only want four of us to go. The rest of us can stay and start on other tasks. Marlisse, I trust you to lead the team. Choose three others to go with you."


I've performed the Encounter and Draw phases for all players. All players have received their starting hands. We are currently in the Exposure Phase. During this phase, the Alien may play an Exposure card to Expose one of the NPCs or PCs. Also, the current captain (Takimaru) must choose one PC to discard a card to the Bad Blood pile. This effectively removes a human card from the game. The same PC may not be chosen consecutively to discard.

Note, an already Exposed NPC or PC may not be exposed again.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

~~Roleplaying is now allowed, feel free to pick up the scene on the bridge of the Muse, your typical sci-fi space ship. While everyone's getting used to the game play, the team captain (Takimaru) has told me that he intends for Faye (Guan Yu) to discard a card. Also, the tentacled Tassadar hisses evilly and plays a card next to Lulu, your Computer Systems tech.

Hmmm? Has anyone seen Lulu? She's normally on the bridge at her station...


Current moves: Guan Yu needs to discard a card.

Then: Tassadar may choose to play any cards from his hand that are not exposure or dice canceling cards. (ie, they have some sort of event text on them.)

After that: PCs in any order may play non-dice affecting cards from their hand.

Then we move on to the nuts and bolts of the encounter.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Marlisse catches a glimpse of the animal running through the corridors and can only respond with a sigh, massaging her temples with the thumb and middle finger of her left hand. She stares blankly as the canine proceeds to treat Aoru to a nice helping of its slobber.

"...Just what we need, a dog. Potential carrier of rabies, leptospirosis and probably a plethora of parasites, nevermind the unknown ones..." she recites, mumbling to herself. At the very least, she would have something to do other than routine checkups and physicals with the crew thanks to this new addition, but the management of contagious diseases was not the highest on her priority list--especially considering the interplanetary environment the girls were now forced to adapt to.

The doctor's normally cold demeanor softens as Laura addresses her. "Believe me Captain, if I could just take you with me, I would," she replies, the corners of her mouth curling upward into a sultry smile.

"However... seeing that some sort of capable member should be watching over the ship, I suppose I'll have to settle for... hmm..." Marlisse stops to ponder for a moment, rapidly skimming through her mental roster since her favorite crew member obviously wasn't going to be a viable option in this case. "Faye... would be my first choice," she mused to herself silently.

"If anyone is physically capable of getting the job done, it's her--outside of her little drinking problem and overall attitude, the girl passes her physicals with flying colors. Speaking of toughies... I'll probably bring Maria along to keep Faye's reckless disposition in check, and Mako as the biologist, since having both Reiko and the redhead on the same team would be more of a headache than I'd ever need on such a dangerous expedition," the physician continues on in her thoughts, organizing the best possible matchups in orderly fashion.

Finally, after a moment of visible contemplation, she speaks up. "I'll be taking Faye, Maria, and Mako."

With only one person on the away team who was even remotely likely to challenge or undermine her authority, Marlisse felt that this would be the most efficient setup.

Taking Faye, Maria and Mako as part of the away team.
Choosing Faye to discard one card to the Bad Blood pile.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

What's the commotion? Halley poked her head out of the Galley, where she'd been fixing lasagna as a comfort food for the crew after hearing about the explosion on the station. When she sees Riley go by, she waves to the green-eyed woman.

"Hey, Riley!" She jogs down the corridor to catch up. "What happened? I heard a dog? Can we keep him?" Definitely cheerful, despite the somber news that the station and ship were both damaged.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako wanders around the bridge, holding onto a worn out chessboard, and a small box of pieces. She meanders around to Lulu's station, before looking slightly distressed, pacing back and worth for a few moments, before sitting down at the cyborg's station. Starting to set up the board and pieces before she suddenly jumped at hearing her name, looking around quickly, "H..Huh? Me? I'm on the away team?" She sets down the chess pieces as she stands up and walks over to the captain, "I'll try not to let you down t..then..." She looks around again, "By the way... did Lulu say where she was going?"
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

What's the commotion? Halley poked her head out of the Galley, where she'd been fixing lasagna as a comfort food for the crew after hearing about the explosion on the station. When she sees Riley go by, she waves to the green-eyed woman.

"Hey, Riley!" She jogs down the corridor to catch up. "What happened? I heard a dog? Can we keep him?" Definitely cheerful, despite the somber news that the station and ship were both damaged.

"Hiya Halley. Yeah, some mutt got aboard. Just seeing to it now, now where did it get off to?"

She starts to motion for Halley to follow her, but Captain Laura's voice rises.

"Nawls," she said, calling Halley by her last name. "I need you for another task at the moment. Let Riley take care of that dog, she'll join us later. There are a few things that I'd like to get started on while Marlisse and the away team are checking out the station. First off, we still have a mission to complete for UneCorp, and that means getting the Lab area cleaned up and prepared. We also need to get that Communication Relay repaired ASAP so we can phone this in to Outpost #30. Or if you want you can start spooling up the jump engines on the shuttle to see if we can't speed up our planetside deliveries."

"Don't forget the cargo loader," said Reiko, suddenly appearing from nowhere. "We'll need that giant robot suit powered up as well if we're going to start unloading all the heavy terraformers for planetside delivery."

Captain Laura nodded, and by the time Halley turned around to see where Riley was, the green eyed red head had already disappeared down the corridor following the dog.

"So what task do you want to see to first?"
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako wanders around the bridge, holding onto a worn out chessboard, and a small box of pieces. She meanders around to Lulu's station, before looking slightly distressed, pacing back and worth for a few moments, before sitting down at the cyborg's station. Starting to set up the board and pieces before she suddenly jumped at hearing her name, looking around quickly, "H..Huh? Me? I'm on the away team?" She sets down the chess pieces as she stands up and walks over to the captain, "I'll try not to let you down t..then..." She looks around again, "By the way... did Lulu say where she was going?"

"Hmm? Lulu's not at her station?"
Laura looked over to the empty seat as if noticing the vacancy for the first time. "Strange. Hey Mina, did you see where Lulu went? Mina? MINA!"

The petite, purple haired communications officer plucked off her headphones, and looked up from her station to the captain with uncomprehending eyes. Some hard metal rock music emanated faintly from the earpieces. "What was that captain? Lulu? Nah, I've been busy... y'know... trying to get this blasted comm system back up. I think the satellite array must be broken. I may have to go for a space walk to fix it."
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Captain Laura nodded, and by the time Halley turned around to see where Riley was, the green eyed red head had already disappeared down the corridor following the dog.

"So what task do you want to see to first?"

"Hey, Captain! Sounds like a bunch of stuff! I think I'd better work on the the robot." She sounds cheerful, at that. And I can either get on Reiko's good side, or have a surprise prank for her, with it.

The amethyst-eyed cook grins, smiles to the Captain and Reiko, "So I'll get right on it! Food's ready and waiting in the galley for people to eat whenever." She heads off to the cargo bay to start work on the loader.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

"Woof!" The dog barked excitedly, having finally been pried off of Aoru by Riley. It glanced around, tongue lolling out of its mouth, before suddenly darting off despite the mechanics attempts to catch it. Running further into the ship, the dog disappeared from sight, followed as quickly as could be managed by Riley.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Faye (Guan Yu) discards a card to Bad Blood. (all discards are face-down).

The Alien (Tassadar) chooses not to play any cards during this Alien Phase.

Faye (Guan Yu) chooses not to play any cards this Crew Phase.

Any other PCs may choose to play non die affecting cards at this time. Please announce whether you will or will not play cards. and what they are.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

After she had gone through a routine docking process with her long-time pilot buddy Veronica, Faye had been summoned to the other room nearby as they opened up the airlocks. A dog had run in from the door much to their surprise, but she had not paid it too much attention. Let the more biologically-inclined people handle the animals. Leaning against the wall, the red part of the piloting team paid attention to the captain only partially, going through a quick check at her trusty pistol as Laura announced her plans for the investigation.

If she had heard right, Shirude had given command of the operation the doctor, Marlisse. After a brief moment of silence, the redhead pilot heard her name being mentioned, looked like she had just been taken into the team. With a finishing touch, the gun in her hands clicked back to it's ready stage. A minor twirling maneuver later, it was once more safely tucked into Faye's holster. "Me? I'll come with you, deputy. Don't know why you'd pick me though. Maybe it's my charming nature?" she remarked at the choice despite knowing the reason clear as day. It was her physical condition, her strong body. Crossing arms, the pilot prepared for the eventual departure.

(No cards used)
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Maria appeared a little unusually more than upset, though who knows what's unusual in unusual situations. She tried listening up to her crewmates, even as her name was mentioned, but couldn't help but stare off down the halls, muttering to herself. "A dog? A damned dog raising hell here? Better not get into my holds, there's way too much space and important cargo. If that thing gets into our rations...

Turning back to Marlisse, she took a quick breath to level herself before nodding silently at her, then to Mako. Glancing at Faye, she runs a hand through her own blue hair before leaning herself back against the wall, waiting for the word to move on, but still throwing a worried gaze occasionally towards the holds of the ship.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako quietly goes through a mental checklist of her tools and what to bring on the trip, content with what she had, she walks over to the chessboard and moves a white pawn forward, before heading across the bridge to talk to the captain, "W...Well... I guess I'm ready to head out. I should have everything I need... and um... Lulu should be back soon... I hope."

(no cards)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Almost as if it were in response to Maria's muttered words, Riley's voice suddenly shouted out; "Dammit, he's gotten into the hold!" Followed immediately by a excited bark. A moment later, several more barks and the laughter of a little girl, a good ways away from the airlock where most of the crew was gathered.

Aoru: "It looks like Lulu's been found."
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Eventually the crew gathers round to listen to the Captain and the doctor discussing the dividing up of tasks. Eventually, Laura and Marlisse suggest the following teams:

Explore the Outpost Encounter:

Battlesuit Task:

Communications Relay:

Lifeboat Shuttle:


(PC players, this has been suggested by Taki, but it needs to be approved by a majority. Please voice your approval or disapproval.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Halley runs off to the hold, then, both for the powersuit and her friend. "Hey! Riley! You want help getting the dog back? Then we can get that mech-suit up." Halley grins, "It'll be fun! Get a cage set up where we can keep an eye on him, yeah?"

((Current setup looks good to me, certainly.))
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Having produced a tablet of sorts, Marlisse begins to organize her own personal supplies for the expedition, among other things, and glances upward to see the fiery-haired pilot arriving to greet her. "Hardly. I'm just planning to put that body of yours to good use," she replies nonchalantly while scanning the woman's frame briefly, then turning her attention back to the electronic device. The tone she took made it difficult to discern if the doctor was making a pass at Faye, or just being herself--this was something of a quirk for Marlisse, whose rhetoric sometimes lingered about the line between blunt statements and sexual harassment, but only ever fully crossed it when the Captain was involved.

She returns the nod to Maria approvingly, then glances over to Mako with a slight grin. Something about the girl's attitude amused Marlisse--perhaps it was the scientist's meek disposition that made it easy for the physician to relax around her.

"Hope you ladies have everything you need," the doctor utters with a slightly raised voice, addressing her team as a whole. "I've got a ton of meds packed up via the autoloader, but it doesn't mean I intend to be putting all of them to use. So... stay alive."

With that, Marlisse stoops down to pick up her signature piece of personal luggage; a large, black leather doctor's bag, circa 1908. She had no qualms about allowing other people to carry and load her equipment, but the old-fashioned case was the one thing that the medical practitioner didn't allow to leave her sights.

No cards to be played this phase.
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