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Tentacle Compendium.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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This is where people will list the types of tentacles and who has what on their ranch.
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

The current types of tentacles on my ranch (Currently called the heavy ranch because I don't feel like bothering nunu to change it to something else) are as follows:

Milking Tentacles
Gender: This tentacle type is universally male.
Description: 6 yards long and one yard wide at the rounded end and the other end trailing off to only a foot wide. They tend to be a splotched pattern of blue and white although some can be a completely one or the other color.
Diet: Grasses and leaves. Fond of human breast milk.
Uses: Their semen is a syrupy liquid with more nutrients than typical milk. Has a slightly tangy taste that is often covered by adding small amounts of sugar or fruit juice to the pasteurized semen.
Reproduction: The injection of unpasteurized semen into a woman's vagina causes her to conceive and bear 1-2 baby tentacles. Given that this breed of tentacle has been grown over generations to be larger than any woman's vagina, this must be done by hand. Gestation normally takes 2-3 months.

Tentaberry Bush
Gender: This tentacle type is hermaphroditic with several male tentacles and a central, egg-laying tentacle.
Description: This tentacle is a deep red plant like tentacle. The body is mostly a 2 foot wide circle of leaves which occasionally bear bright blue fruit about twice the size of a grape. Out of the center on the plant rise a collection of tentacles consisting of grappling tendrils, male reproductive tentacles, and a single thick female tentacle.
Diet Sunlight, water, and dirt.
Uses: This tentacle is generally planted to allow the harvesting of it's berries (A fruit which it originally evolved to attract females to mate with). The fruit are bright blue berries about twice as large as a grape and taste like a mix between a strawberry and a cherry.
Reproduction: Like many plant-like tentacles, this tentacle lays eggs into the womb of a female with it's female tentacle before passing the female to a nearby plant to have the eggs fertilized. The tentacles have been breed over time to have the excess semen form a layer around the eggs so that they come out in a web-like sack at the end of gestation. As many as 15 eggs can be in a single sack. Gestation typically takes 5-7 days.

My last type will appear after it has been produced (It's a mutation of the tentaberry bush that will be caused by exposure to magic tainted water.)
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Re: Tentacle Compendium.

Tentacle Variety:

Copy and paste the above to use for making your own tentacles.

Tentacle Variety: Fertilizer Tentacle stinger
Gender: Mostly Male, the few females are rare and far in between.
Description: The males are blue and long and thin, meant to sting the inside of a female's womb to increase egg amount releaseal. The males will then fill the female host with sperm to impregnate the newly released eggs. The females are red and can be seen as red condom bags around a male hosts dick, draining as much semen from the male as possible to use later on a female host.
Diet: Males - Breast Milk, grass, or plastic. Females - plastic or semen.
Uses: Increasing Male host endurance or Female birthing rates. Their fertility venom can be extracted by tickling the males.
Reproduction: Males fuck the female hosts. Females impregnate Female hosts with a male hosts semen. Gestation rate is three days and then birth. (Tentacles.) 8-26 tentacles can be birthed at a time.

Tentacle Variety: Drill Tentacle Massive
Gender: Male
Description: Huge, long slithering, the size of an average mans leg.
Diet: They eat almost anything, but primarily live off miniscule bacteria that are usually located in a persons butt.
Uses: Usually used as a punishment tentacle because of how rough they do it to someone's ass. Through they also increase senstivity in the vagina and are quite pleasureably.
Reproduction: Pumping and moving in and out of women's passage. They pump in and out and then blast a load into the women's slit. The female host will then birth to either 1 or 2 drill tentacles. Gestation is 1 day.

Name: Teamon
Gender: Male
Race: Sentient Tentacle Being
How many do you want to ride a day: My business leaves me with little time for such actions.
Hip Size: 31/31 (I think that's my pant size, the tag fell off. Assume I am a healthy weight)
Bust Size: Yes, I'd love a bust of myself, perhaps about a foot in height?
Healthiness: Quite Healthy
Favorite Tentacle: Mmmmm, this little one is pretty handy at opening letters.
Anal: No, thank you. I don't believe my anatomy even has one of those.
Skills: Filing, Brewing Tea, Proof Reading, and all of the other office essentials

Physical Characteristics: A simple humanoid shaped being fitted with six tentacle shapped appendages. Though his face is non-descript, He often wears a monicle and proper office attire. Unlike the typical tentacle, this monster is capable of conversing coherently and inteligibly, and will not perform intercourse with a mate unless permitted.

Teamon's body is a shade of grey, and may be seen sipping tea during his breaks. He is often never far from the manager of the ranch - Teamon must ensure that all corespondence sent out must be professional to ensure the manager's reputation is not tainted.

Here's the more detailed version.

ScrewDriver said:
Tentacle Variety: Sentient Tentacle Humanoid
Gender: Male
Description: Perhaps the only variety of its kind. This being was initially a common tentacle variety
until it achieved its own self-awareness. It is proclaimed as a freak of nature, or endearingly labeled as the "Ghost in the machine" by scientific communities. This variety appears as a light grey humanoid with tentacle appendages sprouting from his back. His body holds very few details - picture of a man with a skin tight bedsheet wrapped around him. He is proper and quiet, and prefers the company of another intelligible being. He is capable of performing the tasks any intelligible creature can perform.
Diet: Tea, crumpets, and anything else the average person can eat. He prefers to eat things that are healthy though.
Uses: paper work, proof reading, and the Space Ranch Manager's personal Aid. Occasionaly used as the managers "pet".
Reproduction: Though it is unconfirmed whether this variety can breed, it does secrete a viscous fluid upon climax. The fluid has a faint sweet smell to it, which is either a remaining property from its initial design, or an effect caused by the amount of tea that it drinks. The fluid is quite tastey, and is safe to consume.

That also counts :)
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Re: Tentacle Compendium.

Tentacle Variety: Khulza
Gender: The Khulzas are exclusively male.
Description: At first sight one could mistake a Khulza for a giant slug, though they lack the sheen of slime or the eyestalks. Their 6 feet long tube-like bodies have a tan color with dark brown and green spots and are lined with black, button-like eyes. Towards the bottom their bodies billow outwards and thread into a multitude of tentacles, about two feet long each and 3 to 4 inches thick. They use them not unlike a snail would with it's muscular foot. Underneath it's front the Khulza has a sucker-like body with beak-like teeth that it uses to suck in and cut grass for nourishment.
Generally Khulzas are docile animals. When they enter their period of heat, however, it is hard to stop them from mounting any female -of any race- in their sight. Extensive training is needed to suppress that instinct.
Diet: Khulzas are grazing herbivores.
Uses: The Khulzas are excellent for jobs like pulling plows or even carriages once they're sufficiently trained. Their method of movement doesn't stir up the ground and even grants them decent speed. Most Khulzas can even be saddled and ridden.
Reproduction: The reproductive organ of a Khulza can be found towards it's rear end. Unlike the movement tentacles it is of a greenish blue color and 4 feet long when fully extended. It can swell to half a foot in diameter. Along its length are several bulges that can be filled with blood to lock the animal's member inside a female's womb and vagina to ensure impregnation. Gestation takes only a few days.
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Tentacle Variety: Bluestipe
Gender: The Bluestipe is a hermaphroditic fungus.
Description: Bluestipe fungi are organisms that grow to enormous sizes - the field at the Blackcorner Ranch is one single being! Most of this mass is the myzelium, the web of thin roots in the ground. The surface part of the organism consists out of the female and male parts.
The female parts are microscopic pods that turn into mushrooms with a pale white head and an intensely glowing blue stem. The glow fades away after they are harvested, though.
The male half of the Bluestipe manifests in packs of thick, fleshy tentacles with the same blue glow as the mushrooms. Thin, hairlike potrusions with a white, bulbous top run along their sides in a line: These hold the Bluestipe's spores. The tentacles simply lie on the ground in a star pattern, sprouting from a small mound in the earth - until a female comes too close to them. With a burst of speed they can extend to up to 5 feet in length.
Diet: Sunlight (or any type of radiation, really) and dirt.
Uses: The blue mushrooms of the Bluestipe are edible and can be harvested.
Reproduction: The tentacles of the Bluestipe snag any female that enters the range of their tentacles and start to rape her. The muscle contractions of an orgasm tell the Bluestipe that it's time to place their spores inside a host's lower orifice. As the host staggers away after being raped she leaves a trace of spores, impregnating the Bluestipe's female parts that turn into mushrooms.
- - -
Tentacle Variety: Stretcher Tentacles
Gender: Male
Description: Stretcher tentacles grom from a fleshy pod about the size of a man. Their skin is of a dark red with a pattern of orange and violet stripes along their body. As their name indicates Stretchers are very thick, going from 4 to 7 inches in diameter.
Diet: Stretchers are magical beings and feed off sexual energy created by a female orgasm. This leaves the female feeling drained after an encounter, but is not actually harmful. If no female has visited the Stretcher for a while it goes into hibernation until one happens to stumble upon it.
Uses: The Stretcher works as both a living sex toy and an instrument of torture. Greenskin females especially appreciate the tough loving this breed gives.
Reproduction: Rather straightforward. The Stretcher entangles a female and rapes her vigorously, releasing copious amounts of seed into the female. Gestation takes up to a week.
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

Tentacle Variety: Purifier Tentacle
Gender: Male and Female (though differentiation occurs between diploid and haploid stages rather than by gender.)
Description: These tentacles exist in two stages: the diploid (or fertilized) stage is composed of a network of fleshy, frilled tentacles like vines which are sedentary, and are used to scrub air and water clean enough to breathe and drink. They are vaguely iridescent, or metallic, though their exact colour changes based upon what they've been scrubbing (those that scrub a lot of copper from water become green, for example, while those that are scrubbing soot may take on a darker shade). While most of this stage lays flat along a wall, ceiling or floor, long haploid-stage-delivering protuberances will jut out from time to time for easy harvest. Inside these pods the haploid stages are coiled and, in some sub-species, the haploid stages can be ejected violently against a creature if brushed -- these sub-species are not as often domesticated!

The haploid stages are single tentacles, only about three feet long, which can fit comfortably within a vagina or anus or even mouth, the excess wrapping around the humanoid's leg or throat to anchor it. This stage can exist independently of fertilization, and will scrub its hosts bloodstream of infection, chemicals that don't belong, or even for use to convert carbon dioxide back into oxygen... of course, they must be trained not to attempt to flood their hosts with endorphins, which the haploid stage is known to attempt to provoke through sex and then absorb into itself. It's recommended that haploid stages are used one at a time on a host, for if they fuse to form a diploid stage, the host may be caught in a ball of quickly growing limbs, which would be detrimental to both beings.

Diet: most chemicals that are taken in through the water and air (or a host, though its absorption rate isn't enough to harm the host).
Uses: See above.
Reproduction: Mostly independent of humanoids; the haploid stages can exit their pods if not harvested and slither/swim to one another to become a new diploid stage.

((Hope I did that right. XD))
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

*sadistic, evil grin* Felt like tossing in a few "dirty tentacle" types that may 'accidentally' slip into tentacle ranches or be found in the wild and need to be "treated" by the "professionals" of the ranches.

Tentacle Variety: Fertility Blob
Gender: None (asexual reproduction)
Description: The tentacle equivalent of a weed. Often appears as a pale pool of water, larger clusters often being mistaken for small ponds or lakes, and on rare occasions, a stream. The liquid itself is merely a watery nutritional substance that the creatures create to store gathered food for the colony. It uses this water-like appearance to coax females into trying to swim or drink from it before the creatures themselves attack.

The individual creatures are exceptionally thin and only about 3 inches long and their color varies, typically only slightly darker than their nutritional fluid. Because they function as a group, they can easily become lengths ranging from ten feet, to in rare, large clusters, hundreds of feet long to attempt to catch its prey.

They will implant themselves into a woman's womb and wait there until they have gathered enough food, then exit her and return to their colony with the fresh nutritional goop.

These tentacles have been known to infect animals as well as intelligent creatures, however most animals are unable to gather food at the same rate while pregnant, causing them to run out of nutrients, when the entire cluster will leave the animal's body to find better food supplies. Intelligent creatures will often still be able to eat (such as buying food or being fed by their fellows), allowing the tentacles to survive in such women almost indefinitely.

Diet: Though the colony may subsist on plants and soil for some time, their typical diet is to trigger a woman's reproductive system into thinking she is pregnant, draining her body of nutrition, and in some species, magical energy. They are called the "fertility blob" because a woman's belly will swell as if they are pregnant at an accelerated rate, coming "to term" in a matter of two months. The first time. Once their food supply reaches her limit, a small amount of the tentacles are "birthed", taking as much of the nutritious goo as they can carry to return to their home or start a new colony.

Even after this occurs though, the majority of the tentacles typically remain in a woman, breeding inside her and keeping her body in a state where it thinks she is pregnant, and she will come "to term" again every two weeks, only to "birth" another batch of the tentacles over and over.

Uses: Although no known uses are confirmed, there are rumors of women using these to fake pregnancies, enhance their libido, enlarge their breasts (due to hormones), or help encourage pregnancy in the infertile. There are also rumors of certain countries using them as a form of torture against spies, keeping close tabs on the drugs and magics used to "cure" a victim, so any woman looking for the cure can be examined by the government.

Reproduction: The tentacles prefer to breed inside their food source, causing women unlucky enough to be "impregnated" by them to be unable to remove them without exceptional means. The tentacles will create new ones through asexual reproduction, and are known to do so anywhere they have enough nutrition to get by.

Due to the way the cluster works together, it was originally thought that these tentacles re-impregnated women as they left her and she gave birth every two weeks after the original birth. It was later discovered that the tentacles inside her will continue to breed indefinitely until stopped.

Tentacle Variety: Tainted Whisper
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Description: An extremely rare breed of intelligent tentacles, they are a mere inch in length and burrow into a person's ear in their sleep. The transparent tentacle then begins to secrete a toxin that causes its host to become unnaturally horny and seek out others to have sex with. The amount of secretion increases gradually as its host adapts to this new lifestyle, every instance of sex causing the hormones in its hosts blood to spike, which causes even more of the toxin to be produced.

Although this tentacle may infect animals as well as intelligent creatures, due to its enjoyment of feeding on its host's mind, it almost never infects animals.

Diet: The Tainted Whisper feeds off of its host's blood and thoughts, and seems to greatly enjoy the pheromone increase and mental state caused by sex.

Uses: This tentacle is sometimes placed in uncooperative farm animals to encourage breeding. Its only common use amongst sentient creatures is as a form of (typically illegal) aphrodisiac, once someone is infected, if they remain unaware of it and are not treated, the victim will gradually become more sexual until completely giving in to the sexual urges, perhaps even becoming the aggressor in a relationship, or multiple relationships. When the person who infected the individual is finished with the relationship, a simple antidote can be administered, causing the breakup to seem as if it was simply the end of a passionate fling, often leaving the victim in a state of confusion over their unusual actions.

Reproduction: It uses this urge for sex to seek out others of its kind to mate, when it detects others of its species in an area, it will "whisper" tones into its host's ear that encourage attempting to mate with anyone who is also infected. The tentacles will overwhelm their hosts by encouraging them to have passionate sex until both of them pass out, then mate with one another before returning to their host's bodies, both tentacles impregnated. In rare mating situations, the tentacles have been known to push their hosts into having sex to death.

They will then attempt to have their host have sex with others into exhausting the other before birthing their young into the person who their host had just been with. Children will grow until they may infect others in about six weeks, and may remain inside their parent and feeding for up to six more weeks. If a new host is not found for the children, the parent will birth them anyhow and kick them out, leaving the young to seek its own host, though the odds of success if this happens are considered almost zero. The tentacles are not known to be able to live together in a host.
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

Tentacle Variety: Sculak Sanz Tree
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Description: A fruit bearing tree, Long and willowy branches fall off thinner limbs.
Diet: Photosynthesis
Uses: Pleasurable euphoric caused by consuption of its fruit, and "Comfy Chair" Stimulates victims till unconciosness.
Reproduction: Polination and budding.
Capture Method: Enticing victim with an "easy meal" and sensing them by psyonic signatures ensnares with smaller vines levitating the victim off of the ground, slowly stripping victim as it
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Re: Tentacle Compendium.

impales there sex upon there thicker limbs.
Where the Sculak Tree would begin to strangle the unconcious victim the more docile Sanz varient releases said victim till conciousness returns...

Tentacle Varient: Ruby Sleeper Mangrove
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Discription: A meter tall and half across, Bright ruby in colour with long fanned stamen, vines shooting from the bell reach several meters and grow buds.
Diet: Photosynthesis
Uses: Selling of the mature flower polyps.
Reproduction and Capture Method: Upon
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

stimulation of its stamen the bloom closes, in an attempt to ensnare whats near also coats victim in pollen. It then brings its vines up to rear, poking, proding, and finally stripping... The length of stimutation goes for as long as victim fights "Pollenation". After succesful pollenisation the bud drops to grow a new plant. Often being carried away within the womb of the prior victim.

Tentacle Varient: Ghorlak Spitlers
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Discription: Size of a cat this blob of short tendrils is
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

shockingly agile and intelligent! Able to jump up to five feet and porportionally smarter than a common dog The Spitler breed has even been known to "care" for other spiecies in there ecosystem!
Diet: Omnivorous and will even attempt to injest titanium should hunger rise.
Uses: Eggs are high in protien and lycopene and lower in cholesterol than chicken.
Reproduction and Capture Method: Three or more usually jump at and knock victim to ground, creating a vacuum using there soft bodies binds limbs into place
Re: Tentacle Compendium.

the one mating stretches a phallus into the sex and causes climaxial lubrication. An egg travels down the tendril as it undilates within once reaching the end it stays put untill a burst of seminal fluid fertalizes it with the pressure to not only force the egg out but to implant it within a womb. A backsplash is almost always present. And proces will usually be carried out ritualisticly one after another. Its not uncommon to have a half dozen from one laying. Gestation period 24 hour hatch 7 day birth.
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Re: Tentacle Compendium.

Right then. Here's my contribution to the Tentacle Compendium. The Dream Tail is here because my character happens to have one as a pet. The Grass, I just felt like adding for stock or what not.

Tentacle Variety: Dream Tail
Gender: Hermaphroditic
Description: The Dream Tail is a fairly exotic species of tentacle, not often seen away from their elusive jungle habitats. They seem to possess some basic degree of intelligence, though are still largely not understood. Averaging at around two foot long, these short single limbed tentacles are capable of changing their colouration in a manner similar to the chameleon and various exotic fish. The body is roughly an inch and a half thick when relaxed, but can contract and thicken to up to twice their normal diameter. They move using a method bridging a snakes slither and a caterpillar's contracting and expanding motion. They have a clear front and rear end, the front housing the male business end of the creature, the rear the female end. Strangely, some individual tentacles occasionally seem to develop a preferred direction of travel, with either end always facing forwards when on the move. The female end of the creature possesses both it's allotted half of the reproductive system and the mouth, integrated into one opening. The female end also houses three highly elastic and flexible "tails". These "tails" are a set of centimetre thin tentacle limbs, that are generally hidden while retracted into the main body. When extended they reach the same length as the main body, though may stretch a little further if needed. These extra limbs are primarily used to aide in travelling and climbing, as feelers, for snatching small prey or food stuffs, and for gripping onto a mate. Though these tails are not exceptionally strong, when they are allowed to wrap tightly around something, or intertwine, they possess an excellent grip and are incredibly resistant to removal or breakage.

Diet: Omnivorous, the Dream Tail will eat a wide variety of foods, their diets varying with one location to another. Small insects, pond life, fruits, vegetable matter, etc.

Uses: The Dream Tail's name comes from the thin lubricative slime it produces. Though a little difficult to harvest, especially in meaningful quantities, it is known to have a soothing effect, and aid in relaxing sleep as well as inducing soft dreams. In some regions a "refined" mixture is used a form of mild hallucinogenic, the stress reliving aspect supposedly helping to avoid bad trips. In any case, the relatively small amount produced by the tentacle makes it a rare commodity.

Dream Tails are surprisingly rare due to their bewildering refusal to breed with one another after contact with humans. During their natural breeding cycles they form long "chains" with one another, connecting front and back in groups. Scientists and Tentacle experts have been unable to fully explain why Dream Tails develop a sudden fascination with humanoids upon first contact. An affected Dream Tail universally shuns others of it's species, seeming to prefer human contact. Unlike other tentacles capable of using humanoids for reproduction, the Dream Tail cannot and gains no obvious benefit from such behaviour. Overall this quirk has caused their numbers to dwindle, as wild clusters disperse upon discovery. One researcher proposed a certain level of psychic sensitivity may be related to the cause.


Tentacle Variety: Lilim Grass
Gender: Hermaphroditic (Plant)
Description: A plant type tentacle found growing in highly fertile soils. At first glance it can be easily mistaken for a patch of thick bladed healthy grass. On closer inspection the "blades" are more fleshy than fibrous, and much more energetic. Lilim Grass "colonys" can range in size from tiny patches, to sprawling meadows. The shoots will typically grow to a fixed regular length of one foot, though experts can coax it into adopting a longer or shorter normal. The tentacles in fact extend some way further into the ground, and can quite rapidly push out when desired. A Lilim Grasses worst enemy is the lawn mower.

Photosynthesis, soil and "bonus juices".

Uses: Regional dishes. Automatic enforcement of 'keep off the grass' signs.

Reproduction: Lilim grass may reproduce without external assistance, but is greatly aided by passing lifeforms. Normaly waiting dormant and enduring the foot falls untill the subject has passed some way into the patch, then suddenly animating all together to reveal its true nature. While active the grass seeps a slick liquid that it will atempt to spread across the patch in a sort of pollination . Attempting to escape a patch of Lilim Grass once too far in can be a serious challenge to say the least. Once snared the grass will probe and grope continuously as it slowly drags the subject all over the patch. Only after sometime, ranging from an hour to a full day, will it release it's catch. As the victim staggers away, the slick they are coated in will contain thousands of microscopic seeds which with luck might reach a new home.