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Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This is where I'll store assorted bits, including but not limited to DG lore, assorted NPCs, and entries for yon Dante's Inferno inspired short story competition.

An Eternal Journey, Limbo (Part 1, unfinished)
"Do I dream?" Dante said softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he floated within an endless white void. "Or have I died?" he continued, allowing his musings to drift out into the emptiness. His own words echoed back to him from the endless void, and after a moment he tried to move only to feel complete and unconquerable lethargy take hold of him. Dante floated across the strange expanse, alone with his thoughts and unable to affect his direction in any way, but after a while he determined that he felt as if he were going down. "Where am I?" he whispered harshly, trying and failing to get his limbs to respond once more.

Dante blinked and tilted his head up slowly, "For that matter..... Who am I?" A sense of profound panic washed over the floating man as he wracked his memory for his own identity.

Language. Basic mathematics. Reading and writing. Those he remembered and could draw upon freely, but no matter how hard he tried, Dante couldn't raise a single memory that had him in it, nor any clue as to where he was or why he was here. A glance down revealed that he was clad in a pair of black workman's pants and a white buttoned shirt with a grey vest over it, giving him no clue as to who he might be, but he glanced up and blinked again as he realized that he had thought of his garments as those worn by a workman.

"Greetings Dante," a cool, masculine voice sounded from just a few feet in front of him, and as he snapped to attention and focused on the figure an outline of a tall man in a white toga slowly appeared, fading into view. His features were angular and well defined despite his ethereal countenance, and a long crooked staff was held loosely at his side. "What did you call me?" Dante asked quietly, his eyes narrowing in an attempt to get a better look at the other man. "Where am I? Why am I here? And who are you?"

The figure responded in a cool, calm tone; "I called you Dante, because that is your name. Dante Alighieri. You are in Limbo, and you are here because you must find Beatrice. I am Virgil, your guide." Dante reeled as if he'd been slapped as memory flooded into him. Steel and stone. Him, standing alone in a dark room. A chair beneath a light, moving toward it and sitting down. A voice that he didn't recognize, two. A woman all in red. Beatrice. "Beatrice.... Where is she? What happened to her!?" he demanded urgently, but the figure responded in the same cool tone as he had addressed everything; "She is here, and she needs your help. Only you may bring her forth from this place."

Objects began to appear, fading into view as Virgil had. Vague outlines gradually gained substance until the trees became recognizable for what they were, and then the ground appeared beneath them, hovering just a few feet away as they continued to descend until it had gained enough definition, and Dante felt his feet touch something solid as the sensation of falling finally came to an end. Their surroundings were still utterly colorless save for his own garments, and Dante moved his arms and legs experimentally to find that the sense of lethargy no longer came. "Why couldn't I move before?" he asked, and Virgil frowned and replied; "It is unimportant. You must find Beatrice."

"That would be a lot more pressing if I knew who she was or why I should be looking for her," Dante replied sardonically, causing Virgil to frown even more. "She is your dearest, your love... Dropping through the veil has fogged your memory. Try to remember..." Memories once more flooded into Dante, of a woman with long, platinum blonde hair and almost unnaturally pale skin. Sharp blue eyes and clearly defined, angular features completed her face, and the golden sundress that the image in his mind clothed her in clung loosely to a relatively spare figure. "Beatrice..." he whispered thoughtfully, his doubts vanished, "She's here? How? Where... Where is Limbo?"

"She was... Taken here, due to the actions of another. Lucifer. He has already taken her beyond the bounds of Limbo... The First Circle composed of those who's sin was insufficient to warrant true punishment."

Virgil's explanation sparked questions of its own, but Dante opted to ask only one more; "First circle... Of what?" Virgil's voice was loud and booming as, with a grim expression, the shade replied; "The First Circle... Of Hell." The lands around them suddenly shifted, and Dante and Virgil suddenly found themselves standing atop a high cliffside that overlooked a long expanse of surroundings as dead and colorless as the ones that surrounded them. At the very edge of his vision, however, Dante could see a stone palace, and beyond that was a deep, black pit, its very visage sparking a sense of profound horror within Dante. "I will be your guide," Virgil said softly, "And now, we must hurry."

For a long moment, Dante looked on in silent awe at the alien landscape that played out in front of him, surprised at how different things could look simply by the lack of color.

Text Colors list!


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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Tassadar ventures forth into the bleak lands of . Can he and his fellow ULMFers survive the zombie apocalypse? Lets find out! Our first (recorded) journey commences on the easy difficulty, meaning only that I started with the most supplies. I decided to bring Sinfulwolf, RangerPrincess, Hafnium, and UnknownSquid along for the ride.

Left DC before the sun came up after we heard about the incoming nuclear strike. We had a party of more than twenty before, but now all that's left is me, Hafnium, Sinfulwolf, RangerPrincess, and UnknownSquid. We gathered up as many supplies as we could - I guess Sinful's experience kinda came in handy for that. We headed out at 4 AM on Tuesday, with 230 miles to the next landmark. We had 40 gallons of gas, plenty of first aid kits and meds, 600 rounds assorted, a full set of spare tires, a good supply of spare parts for the station wagon, 720 ounces of food, and $350. I checked everything over once we got a few miles out of the city, and then set about rationing our food and upping our pace a bit (strenuous pace, meager rations) in order to get out of the blast radius. Went scavenging for food, came back with a can of baked beans and some potato chips. I fucking hate baked beans.

Tuesday, 8 AM - Ranger dropped a gas can when she was looking for a bottle of water. It was an accident, but we're still out a gallon of gas.

Tuesday, 11 AM - Got into Pittsburgh. It's a nightmare. Walking corpses everywhere. Found someone that needed food and was willing to trade a spare tire, and after some consideration we took the deal. Had to get through a horde to get out of the city. Only a small one, but they were pretty aggressive, and after waiting an hour to see if it would clear we decided to fight our way out. Got through alright, and took down a couple of walkers for the next group that comes through.

Tuesday, 3 PM - Went scavenging for food. Found some baked beans, but when I spotted a trolley full of better stuff I got jumped by a walker. Ended up having to book it back to the car. I fucking hate baked beans.

Tuesday, 7 PM - Ranger wandered off while no one was looking. We looked for an hour, but we couldn't find her, and I was outvoted on continuing the search when a group of walkers showed up. God help me.... I'm sorry Ranger.

Tuesday, 8 PM - Hit the mall. Someone wanted a tire and were offering a spare medkit, but with the stock we had of medicine I had to pass on that deal. Someone else wanted some food for a couple medkits, and that deal I took since food's a lot easier to come by out here than medicine. Took a short rest and headed out at dawn.

Wednesday, 7 AM - Hafnium fell and broke his leg.

Wednesday, 8 AM - Passed a gravestone. It read; "Here lies andy. Pepperoni and cheese." Andy decided to come up and say hello, so I blew his head off with a 12 gauge.

Wednesday, 10 AM - Reached Indianapolis, left an hour later.

Wednesday, 1 PM - Somehow ran out of water, so I went scavenging. Came back with another can of god damned baked beans. I hate baked beans.

Wednesday, 4 PM - Sinful wandered off. I found her torn in half by a dozen walkers. Didn't tell Hafnium or Squid. I made sure that she wouldn't be coming back after I dealt with the things that killed her.... God help me.

Wednesday, 5 PM - Reached some farmland where a few live people were holding out. Traded some food for some extra ammo, good deal since we've got fewer mouths to feed. Ended up trading a few to somebody else for an extra muffler, then rested for a while and took off during the night.

Thursday, 1 AM - Bad smell in the car. Been driving almost non-stop since we lost Ranger. Thought it was an engine problem at first, but it was just one of the extra gas cans leaking into the back. Still sucks, but it could be worse, right? Dear god... I'm so sorry Ranger....

Thursday, 2 AM - Reached Chicago. I wanted to look for Harry, but we had to press on.

Thursday, 3 AM - Hafnium passed out at the wheel. Almost got us killed. I had to relieve him after an hour of sleep. I was not in a good mood after that.

Thursday, 7 AM - Found a remote shack with some people living inside. Bought some extra food. Decided to up the meal portions since we've got fewer mouths to feed....

Thursday, 10 AM - Couldn't find any water, had to drink the sludge from a drain. Couldn't conceivably wait a few hours without having a drink. Went scavenging for food, found some baked beans, but then I lucked out and spotted a shopping bag filled with canned food. Almost got swarmed getting back to the car though, and when I got back I found that the bag had nothing but cans of baked beans. I fucking hate baked beans. Squid and Hafnium were both sick, so I gave them some painkillers and resigned myself to more driving.

Thursday, 2 PM - Went food scavenging again. Raided a supermarket. No more god damn baked beans.

Thursday, 4 PM - Hit St. Louis. Left immediately.

Thursday, 6 PM - There was something in that water.... Hafnium's shitting all over the car, and we've had to let him chug our extra water to keep from passing out. Squid thinks it's dysentery.

Thursday, 8 PM - Found a cave. Stayed for a while, traded a tire for a spare battery and some fuel for a bit of extra cash. At least Hafnium won't shit in the car any more, as he seems to have gotten over whatever he had. Left at dawn.

Friday, 9 AM - Hit Memphis. Had to cross a horde to get out, decided to fight our way through, made it out easy enough.

Friday, 11 AM - Went scavenging for food. Found another bag of fucking baked beans, but then I spotted a shopping cart and lucked out. Chucked the baked beans down a drainage pipe.

Friday, 2 PM - Found an abandoned car with a spare muffler sitting in the back seat. Looked to be in good shape, so we stowed it. Found Ranger's backpack when I was sorting things for room. Dear God please forgive me Ranger.....

Friday, 4 PM - Found a prison. I would have kept going, but Hafnium wanted to stop and look around. Ended up wasting two hours and trading a medkit for some food.

Friday, 8 PM - Now Squid has the shits. Great. Because the car didn't stink enough after Hafnium's bout with dysentery.

Friday, 11 PM - Had to drink from another drainage pipe. Almost as nasty as the fucking baked beans we had for lunch.

Saturday, 1 AM - Took a brief stop for a piss, and Squid got bit by a crawler while he wasn't paying attention. The wound wasn't bad, but we all know what happens to people that get bit.

Saturday, 2 AM - Reached Mercy Hospital. Checked the map, we're halfway across the country now. No one to trade with, so we went on.

Saturday, 6 AM - We stopped as the sun was coming up, as we all agreed. Hafnium and I let him watch it, on his knees, before I put a bullet in the back of his head, plus another just to be sure. We buried him and kept going. I stared at his grave for a minute, and I wondered.... Did Ranger end up like Sinful? Eaten alive by a swarm of walking corpses? Or was she still out there, alive? I didn't like her chances alone, with no supplies, but... I hadn't been sleeping well for a while, and thinking that she might still be alive somewhere let me smile for the first time this month. Then I thought about what I'd just done to Squid, and I stopped smiling.

Saturday, 8 AM - Followed some circling vultures to a dead deer. Looked like it had been hit by a car, but we didn't have time to be picky, particularly since the zeds hadn't been at it yet.

Saturday, 11 AM - Reached Dallas, sold some fuel, traded some ammo for Sin's assault rifle that we no longer had for a spare battery. Good trades, but we had to turn down a couple desperate for a battery that were offering all they had. Namely, a couple cans of baked beans. Fuck that.

Saturday, 4 PM - Couldn't find any water. Not even drainage pipes. Wonderful.

Saturday, 8 PM - Got lost in the booneys for an hour before we got back to the main road. I blamed Hafnium, and we got into a fight over it. Ended up traveling in silence for a few hours.

Saturday, 10 PM - Lots of broken down cars, too many walkers to search 'em for supplies. Took an hour to reroute around the blockage, but Haf and I started talking again after that. I'd spend ten hours for that. It's just us now.

Sunday, 1 AM - Lots of fog. Must be near an unmarked body of water. Had to slow down for a while.

Sunday, 5 AM - I don't know how. I don't know why. But the car started on fire today. Not the engine, the inside. We got the fuel and ammo out before it could turn into a disaster, but it fried some of our medicine and bandages.

Sunday, 6 AM - We reached, of all the places in the world to still be open, a strip club. The girls were offering a bit more than usual, but the first time I saw one of them, I thought they looked kinda familiar, and.... Anyway. We left pretty much right away. Haf didn't seem to mind much.

Sunday, 8 AM - The check engine light is on. Shit. I'm a computer engineer, not a god damned mechanic. And an hour later, we had to spend another hour skirting around another road block of cars. Happy day.

Sunday, 11 AM - Hafnium's getting really sick. It's not just the shits this time. We're not sure, but we think the symptoms match those of Cholera. I don't know what that means, but I took the opportunity of having to stop to go out and scavenge for food. Came back with a really nice haul too. No more beans.

Sunday, 6 PM - Reached Albuquerque, couldn't find a single living soul, so we left right away.

Sunday, 10 PM - More drainpipe water. Delicious.

Sunday, 11 PM - The good news is, Hafnium isn't sick anymore. The bad news is, some asshole tried to slit our throats while we were stopped to rest. I don't know what happened.... Hafnium says that I went crazy, started screaming, and just emptied a magazine from the Glock into the stupid asshole, and then kept squeezing the trigger even after the gun started to click. We didn't bother to bury this one, just left him out for the zeds or the crows. Whoever got to him first.

Monday, 1 AM - Another fire in the car, had to chuck a can of fuel out. It exploded before it reached the bottom of the cliff, set some zeds on fire.

Monday, 3 AM - Found an active motel, bought some fuel, traded some bullets for a huge stock of food. Didn't know at the time that it was all baked beans. I really fucking hate baked beans.

Monday, 10 AM - Ran into a big thunderstorm that slowed us up a little. Was pretty stressful, particularly when we ended up having to fight a couple of zeds hand to hand in the rain. Found a convenience store that hadn't been looted fully yet though, and came out of that with a good haul.

Monday, 1 PM - More storms. Joy.

Monday, 2 PM - Lost a friggin gas can off a cliff. Damnit, I didn't even get to see that one explode!

Monday, 5 PM - Dead end. A bridge was out, and we had to look for an hour to get around it. More wasted fuel, more wasted time.

Monday, 7 PM - Ash storm. Must be from the nukes. I would say that I hope it's not radioactive, but I'm not having kids anyway, and I doubt we'll live long enough to worry about cancer. Haf and I have barely been sleeping lately. We're both tired, strung out... Haven't got much appetite either. Could just be the beans though.

Monday, 9 PM - We're in Las Vegas. Traded the last of Sin's ammo for some bacon, sold some medkits, bought a cheap battery, and some medkits for some fuel. Took a rest, and left a little after dawn.

Tuesday, 9 AM - Had to stop to replace the car battery. Did it quick, but we've got plenty of spares. Fucking check engine light turned on again though.

Tuesday, 12 PM - Lost half a can of gas to leakage again because both of us were about ready to pass out in our seats. Damnit.

Tuesday, 3 PM - Really? A snowstorm? What the hell.... Gotta be nuclear.

Tuesday, 4 PM - Found a coal mine that the workers had fortified. Bitter men. Most of 'em lost their families when the government decided it wasn't worth fighting for their homes and just dropped nukes to clear the hordes. For some reason that made me think about Ranger, lost back near DC, and Sin, torn apart by the walking dead, and Squid, buried somewhere around Dallas. Would we make it all the way to the sanctuary? What would we find there? Did we really want to trust our lives to the people that would burn so many to ash? The ones that allowed the dead to take over in the first place?

I don't know, but I didn't have time to cry again. Not like I did at the strip joint. I did some trading, and we moved on. Haf and I have been getting along pretty well.

Tuesday, 9 PM - Lost yet another gas can. And all we've got left to eat are baked beans. I. Fucking. Hate. Baked. Beans.

Tuesday, 11 PM - Hafnium's getting sick again. Looks like Typhoid. I'll probably get it too, but at this point there's nothing for it but to fill him full of meds and press on.

Wednesday, 2 AM - We hit Salt Lake City... And lost yet another gas can. Bought some fuel to replace it and some food from a well stocked group, gave Haf some meds, and pressed on a bit after the sun came up. There was a horde in the way, but we waited for it to shrink and go docile before we tried to sneak through with the windows down. That didn't work out so well, and we ended up having to pay some asshole that came to our rescue out of nowhere almost a hundred bucks.

Wednesday, 11 AM - Hafnium's getting over Typhoid. He also tripped and broke his knee. Wonderful.

Wednesday, 4 PM - Some jackass broke into our wagon and nicked Haf's wallet. He didn't get anything more valuable than that, but there goes another hundred bucks down the shitter.

Wednesday, 6 PM - Got lost, thought I saw the thief. Turns out he got bit at some point, and turned in the interim. He didn't have the wallet. Beating him to death (again) with a tire iron didn't help assuage my temper, which has been getting worse with the lack of sleep.

Wednesday, 8 PM - Hafnium has a bad fever. Gonna have to dip into our stocks of medicine again soon. Took a rest.

Thursday, 6 AM - Found an army airbase. Checked the map, and we're almost there! Just a little bit longer....

Thursday, 11 AM - Another downed bridge. Another hour. Another can of god damned baked beans.

Thursday, 1 PM - Yet another downed bridge. Did they bomb them around here to stop people from getting to them or something?

Thursday, 4 PM - A thief stole a spare tire. Joke's on him, we haven't needed a spare tire yet despite driving clear across the country. Not in a straight line either.

Thursday, 5 PM - We reached it. We reached the sanctuary in Oregon. Now, we just have to start up the generators.... Wait, this sounds familiar!

Had to fight a legion of the damned things off, but eventually Haf and I managed to get the gas into the generator and start her up. We got across the bridge just in time to watch a hail of gunfire wipe out the horde we'd been fighting by ourselves. God forbid the fuckwits have helped us while we were getting their gas. But... For now, I guess Hafnium and I are safe. From the dead. I'm not so sure about the living. They've been giving us a lot of shots since we got here, and I've started feeling a little weak.... And I'm itchy all over.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

A list of campaign/game ideas I have sitting around, half formed or otherwise. To be amended when I think of more things.

Dungeon Keeper!
System: Pathfinder or D&D
A group of servants to an evil overlord type who got axed by adventuring heroes escape from his collapsing doom fortress and the ensuing witch hunt for said person's fugitive minions, and decide to form a dungeon into which they will lure adventurers seeking treasure and fame. Basically, my idea is to give them a number of areas to choose from, give them some time to build things up, letting them recruit local monsters and such, and then sick increasingly powerful adventurers on them.

Star Wars, I need not say more
System: Star Wars something, probably revised.
Basically, some heroes (and I do mean heroes) get together to end ye galactic threat that I haven't actually thought through very much yet. Would be Old Republic, set a few years before the Mandalorian Wars, or maybe just not tied to any particular period but with Jedi relatively common.

Death Comes to Town
System: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
A group of PCs are all in a small town bar when the zombie apocalypse happens. It'd be heavy roleplaying, with each person having to explain why their character is at this particular bar in detail. A mad scramble to survive and fulfill their own goals should ensue. This will not turn into the "bunch of mercenaries that are in small town America for some reason" that my last AFMBE game turned into.

Slime Kingdom
System: Dark Gate
Ye group of slimes looking to do slimy things. Not sure when or if this will ever become a reality.

Day Laborers
System: Supernatural RPG, Dresden Files RPG, Hunter: The Reckoning, or AFMBE
A group of hunters go about, hunting things. Run under whatever system gets decided on at the time. I'm familiar enough with the settings of the first three to use any one of them, and the last would offer me complete creative freedom. Individual sessions would involve hunting a monster of the week, possibly with some gradually developing meta plot.

Space Quest!
System: Rogue Trader, Serenity, Star Wars, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Starsiege, Eclipse Faze, D6 Space, Gurps, or whatever works best at the time!
The crew of a space ship flies around doing whatever the fuck, including whatever makes sense in setting. Lots of interparty roleplaying involved, so I have less work to do.

System: Only War or Unisystem.
Imperial Guardsmen fighting for the Imperium in the 13th Black Crusade, starting in the Scarus Sector fighting against Orks and Chaos forces trying to take the Forge World Mordax Prime.

More War!
System: Only War or Unisystem.
Imperial Guardsman storming a bunker and then made to hold it, at all costs, against heretics and chaos marines. If progresses long enough go to the next bunker and do it again, though change things up to keep them fresh.

Game of Bones
System: None, light use of DG maybe.
Play the political houses in Badaria, either major or minor, and try to claim FORTUNE AND GLORY FOR THE FAMILY. Someone might even take over enough territory to declare themselves emperor.

The Bleakening
System: All Flesh
World War 2 era trench battle in France, hordes of zombies ensue, bleak as bleak can get. Everyone who dies, turns, and only complete destruction of the body can stop them.

The Lost Chalice
System: Something fantasy
No magic setting where there is no arcane magic, the gods have suddenly stopped giving divine power to their followers, and the dead have started coming back to life maddened and slaughtering the living. For centuries the three great kingdoms have lived together in relative harmony, each worshiping one of the three gods or goddesses over the others but still respecting the other two. Each kingdom has a magical chalice, into which they pour sacrifices at a special festival each year to appease the gods. Unbeknownst to them, however, there had once been a fourth kingdom, a fourth god, and a fourth chalice. The forgotten goddess, the goddess of death, had been the patron a kingdom ruled and eventually destroyed by sorcery and grew angry after centuries of neglect, and thus had cursed the mortal world until balance is restored. The party are those chosen to go forth and find the lost chalice, which must be filled with the essence of greatest sacrifice, for the death god to be appeased.
No enchanted gear, very low currency economy, no magic of any kind. Masterwork gear is hard as fuck to get.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Wolves

hme220: ".....You're really not a very nice person, are you?" the receptionist asked, tilting her head and causing the decorative beads hanging from her horns to jingle and clack together. He had just walked in, having found a flyer for a job on the tavern wall only a few blocks away, the task involving the retrieval of something and the prompt "dealing with" of the thief and her associates, and as it had been the first opportunity he'd had to make money in Acheron that didn't involve whoring himself out to succubi, it had possibly piqued Hank's interest. The woman sitting at the desk was a prototypical example of a succubus, http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=170&pictureid=10426 (in a dress instead of a bikini)
and she watched Hank curiously for a moment before adding, "I suppose you're here for the task that my mistress posted?" The office into which Hank had walked was well furnished and in excellent shape, still something of a rarity in Acheron given that it had been built from a ruined city. He'd come in off the street and into a waiting room lined with chairs, and with the woman sitting behind a desk there to greet him, a name tag sitting on the desk that read; "Peggy" along with her title "Receptionist"

RJ: Hank put one arm on the desk as he leaned against it, cleaning his throat in a vulgar manner before shaking his head. "No..." he replied, trailing off as he glanced at the name Peggy on her desk. "No, Peggy, I aint. I'm an honest man, though I've found that doesn't make me more likable either." he said, before his eyes wandered to her breasts, and his lips pursed as he nodded his head. "Nice tits." he announced crudely, before turning his head and coughing loudly. "Ahem. Well, I don't really care about details, so long as you don't mind those thieves to go missin'. And I never give any absolute promises. I ain't gonna accept blame for anything that goes wrong."

hme220: Hank's proximity didn't seem to unsettle the demoness any, and she smirked at the compliment towards her chest. "Thank you! I was going for a new look, so I made them bigger~" she said, and retained that smile as she replied to Hank's other comments; "That's implicit in my lady's wishes, I believe, but you'd have to settle the matter with her. As for the item itself, it's small and fairly durable, so you shouldn't be able to damage it by accident. Unless you start an international incident or somesuch, I doubt she'll care what you do to get the amulet back!"
The door to the demon's left opened suddenly, revealing a brief glimpse of another well furnished room before a woman dressed in red and black stepped out. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=170&pictureid=10112
She eyed him for a moment with a sensual smile, her appraisal of him well hidden beneath the facade, and then she strode out into the office. "Hello sweetie~ I think it's your turn!" She turned to Peggy, "I'll be seeing you later hun~ Don't forget me now!" And, with that, she strode out of the building, leaving the door partialy open. Peggy nodded to Hank, "You can go in if you like. She doesn't have any more appointments for a few hours yet."

RJ: Hank squinted an eye at Peggy. "... How big can you make em?" he wondered, before the door opened and the woman stepped out. He admired her features for a moment, though he found a certain dislike for her hat. When he found himself being appraised, he gave a crude, loud burp to help give her a good impression. Walking out, he gave her ass his own appraisal, before looking back to Peggy, and grunting. "Yeah, whatever." he replied, before the sound of his heavy boots stepping along the floor were heard as he approached her office, entering without announcing himself. "Here about the job, just tell me what you need and then pay me when I get back."

hme220: The redhead's ass proved to be quite nice, obviously quite plump given the amount of billow her dress had, and she walked with a fairly pronounced sway of her hips. When he turned back to Peggy, she was grinning at him knowingly and said; "I'd be happy to take out upstairs and show you how big they can get, but I'm on duty until tonight~ Maybe next time!"
Once inside the office, he was confronted by a smaller but more richly decorated room, one rife with paintings and statues depicting men and women and sometimes... Other... things shown in sensual and often openly pornographic poses. The desk opposite the door was larger and had a number of windows behind it, and sitting on the surface of it was a woman dressed in a loose black robe, her skin tanned like that of her demonic receptionist, and a pair of black feathered wings jutted out from her back, too small to fly with but marking her as a fallen angel (or an impersonator of one) nonetheless. She watched him enter and frowned, and then addressed him in an imperious tone; "I suspect as much, given your overall demeanor. And you are?"

RJ: Hank gave Peggy a look that looked like a boy who just had his christmas toy taken away, before he'd be inside the office woman's... Office. Her reply to his question made him grunt as he'd fold his arms and lean against the wall. "Hank," he'd reply simply. "I try to make good first impressions." he said with a sarcastic grin.

hme220: "..... I can see that," the woman replied sardonically, and she rose from the desk to stand. "Well, I suppose one more set of eyes couldn't hurt." She tossed a piece of paper at him, "That's what you're looking for. Bring it back here, intact, and you'll get 200 denarii in coin, plus potential for... Repeat business. Do with the thief and her accomplises whatever you like."

RJ: Hank reached for the paper, crushing it in his hand before stuffing it into a pocket and deciding that the relationship between him and the black winged woman would only continue to prosper until they got married and hated each other as much as they could. "Got it." was all he said before going to leave.

hme220: "They went off to the East, into the woods." she offered as Hank turned to leave, and then he stepped through the door. "That was quick," Peggy remarked, "The other one was in there for twenty minutes.... Did you take the job?"

RJ: "Maybe they fucked. I didn't." Hank replied simply, before lifting his gun over his shoulders as he scratched his head. "I can already tell this is gonna be annoyin'..." he sighed. "Hate to kill a lady anyway." he said, before heading for the exit to the building. Wondering around to ask questions about where the supposed thief might be made Hank's head hurt just at the thought, so his first destination was to try and look for where she might've gone.
*He would say he didn't as if he didn't fuck, not that he didn't take the job*

hme220: Exiting the building, Hank had been told that the thief had gone East, into the woods, and that was all. As he stepped outside, he spotted the redhead sitting cross legged on a broom, hovering several feet off the ground. Spotting him as she flew off into the air (and providing a fairly nice view of her perfectly formed rear) she winked and blew him a kiss before taking off into the air.

RJ: Watching the red head fly off, Hank growled lightly. "Cocky little wench, ain't she..." he commented, before shrugging, and heading off to the east, and Hank would take note if that was where the red head was going as well. 'I'll hunt some fair game while I'm out there. I ain't gonna come back with nothin'.' Hank reasoned to himself, before setting his sights to the east.

hme220: Wandering his way out of Acheron and through a throng of many demons, Hank quickly lost sight of the flying woman but was at least given a wide berth by those he passed. Making his way out of the gates of Acheron, Hank was left with little choice but to strike off into the woods, and thus he did, beginning his search......

RJ: "Tracks, broken branches... Somewhere off the main road, that's where someone who wanted to be hidden would go... Because it's hard as hell to track someone through the wilds." Hank mused to himself. "Human tracks... I'll assume that's what I'm lookin' for. Well... Here's to hopin' my gamblin' luck's with me today." Hank grumbled to himself, before picking up a steady pace, and heading into the untamed woods.

hme220: There were plenty of tracks leading off of the road, and he went for the freshest immediately, wandering off into the woods in search of the mysterious thieves. Moving through the woods, it wasn't long before he ran into one of Acheron's less pleasant natives: Wolves. Specifically three of them, clearly corrupted and dragging the carcass of a deer along the ground. They all stopped and growled once they spotted him, and started stalking towards him with eyes aglow and fangs bared.

RJ: "Relax, boys," Hank said as he hefted his gun from his shoulders with a grin, holding the grip for the main handle of his gun. "I don't want the deer. I just want you!" he laughed, firing at the closest one.
(Defensive fighting, 20 to dodge.)
(Called Shot)
44 to-hit, counting defensive fighting

hme220: (2 out of 3 wolves hit, Hank takes a total of 34 damage and his shirt is damaged. Then he shoots, 39 * 2 = 78 damage. Splat) Hank's drew a bead on one of the three wolves, and the beasts predictably charged him in a slavering flash of claws and teeth. He sidestepped the one that he was aiming for, but the other two managed to scrape him, tearing his clothes and cutting jagged lines with their claws as they raked him. Then he squeezed the trigger, and one of the beasts was promptly turned into paint as the shotgun blast blew most of its head clean off. He even saw the darkheart drop out of the stump where its head used to be as the other two wolves turned to charge anew.

RJ: Hank grunted at the beasts took a chunk from him. "Damn critters." he growled, before making his aim quicker. After blowing the head away of the one wolf, Hank twisted his body, and his gun followed along, before he fired his gun without steadying the shot the moment he saw the barrel line up with a wolf, while preparing himself to block with his gun or kick a beast away.
Defensive fighting, 20 points

hme220: (54 damage, kills another wolf as Destiny's main barrel clicks on empty. The last wolf misses.) The two wolves lunged at him again, but Hank blew one of them apart with a snap shot to the head and blocked the other with his gun, pushing the thing away. It rebounded and spun, preparing to rush him again, heedless that its corrupted kin were dead.

RJ: Laughing loudly as the second was blown away, Hank admired the darkheart that came from it. "I need the whole set, come here, Lassy," Hank announced, reaching out to grab the last wolf's throat with his hand.
hme220: Hank's hand shot out and caught the wolf around the throat as it lunged for him, yelping and then growling as it began to thrash in his grasp.

RJ: Holding the wolf's throat, Hank let his gun leave his other hand, before he went to strangle the creature, while using his other hand to grip at it's head for a good angle to twist it's neck, all while gritting his teeth in a sadistic smile. "Let me hear that little doggie spine crack!" he requested of the wolf with a chuckle.

hme220: The wolf thrashed and howled in Hank's grasp, before the sound of a loud crack signalled its eternal silence as the corrupted beast went limp in his grasp.

RJ: "Ha-ha-ha!" Hank laughed gloriously as he heard the sound, goosebumps growing along his flesh as a sense of satisfaction rushed through him like the sound was a thrill to him. Taking a small knife he stuck it into the wolf's gut brutally, before cutting a line open, and using his bare hand, feeling around the insides of the beast while biting his lower lip in a happy expression, as if so excited to see what prize he'll pull out. "Where is it... Don't hold on me..." Hank murmured to the dog, searching for it's dark heart.

hme220: Hank's search took a while, causing him to be coated up to the elbow in the dead wolf's gore, but after a few minutes he pulled his arm free clutching a blood-smeared, glowing stone. Deprived of the fun of gutting the other two, Hank nonetheless presumably took their darkhearts as well, gathering a total of three.

RJ: Hank shook his blood soaked hand a little, before holding it up to watch the liquid blood glisten in the sun. "Reminds me of that chick I once saw with the cool arm." he voiced, before pocketing the three dark hearts, and lifting up Destiny in his hands, and giving her a kiss. "You did good, baby. Beautiful." he complimented her, before reloading two shells into her main chamber.

hme220: With the wolves dead and Destiny reloaded, all that was left now was for Hank to be on his way. Walking his way through the woods, Hank would, only a short while later, spot the redheaded woman sailing over the top of the trees, heading North East.

RJ: "The fuck...?" Hank would murmur quietly as he watched her go. "Shouldn't she be ahead of me?" he wondered. "The hell is she up to... Hrm..." Hank hrm'd, before looking at the tracks.

hme220: The tracks he'd been following had led this way, but there was no telling who's tracks they were exactly without some way to compare them. He could simply keep following them, or he could try to follow the competition.

RJ: "Well," Hank sighed. "Miss twenty minutes... Forget the amulet, you're interestin' me more at the moment." he said, before heading in her direction.

hme220: Tracking the woman through the woods was harder than it sounded, mostly because she was flying, but the relatively sparse covering offered by the trees around Acheron in the midst of autumn meant that he mostly kept her in sight. He spotted a tower that she seemed to be heading for well before he broke into the clearing in which it stood, and he watched as she landed at the top of the decrepit stone monument. It was surrounded by a moat, but a makeshift bridge had been erected across it. Of course, he would have to cross a lot of open ground to get there, and the image of someone casually shooting him in the head with a sniper rifle as he strolled up to the gates instantly came to mind.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Stalkers and Lamia

RJ: Following the woman, Hank's eyes were narrowed with suspicion as he tried to keep her in view. Even more when the tower seemed to be her destination. Hiding behind some brush, Hank chuckled at the thought of bein' sniped. "Well, let's see who's home." he said, before arming his bolt barrel, and taking careful aim... Looking for one of the windows which he could be sniped, and looking to fire into it to cause a ruckus to see who's home.
"Make some noise for me..." Hank whispered, hoping for a panic.
As he waits, he munches on a cookie

hme220: Hank's bolt gun sent a bolt straight through one of the old tower's windows, crashing into the stone and digging in with a loud snap. A chorus of crows disturbed by the shot took off around him, but all else was silent for a moment. Then, a few seconds later, he saw shadows move past two windows, though no one came out to greet him or shoot back.

RJ: "No retaliation? Bunch of pussies..." Hank grumbled, deciding to keep still, knowing that any peekers would detect his movements.
"Two... One of em might be her... Hate those girls with the hats... Castin' magic..." Hank grumbled further.

hme220: After a few moments, and just as Hank was about to fire another bolt out into the window, he heard a branch snap just beside him. His reaction to that was all that saved him from having his throat slit by the stalker's claws, the stealthy demon's camouflage failing as it clawed savagely at him, its ricktus grin appearing along with its ugly grey skin. (52 damage)

RJ: "Figured!" Hank growled. With this development, things could only get worse. Turning, and falling to his back, letting his gun cover most of his body, he fired a quick shot at the stalker with his main barrel as his heart raced with panic.
Defensive fighting 20

hme220: The stalker fared no better than the wolves had against Destiny, but this time Hank had the satisfaction of seeing the demon's expression as it found its death, in the form of a fist sized hole blasted into its chest. Horror and pain dawned on its face, and then it toppled forward and began watering the shrubbery with its lifesblood.

RJ: "Shit..." Hank cursed as he lay on the ground, holding his wound. "Where are they...!?" Hank wondered, pushing himself up to a tree where he could lean against it upright, standing as he held Destiny, and out of sight of the tower, looking for any other attackers.

hme220: Hank, keeping on guard, spotted movement amidst the trees several moments later, but before he could get a bead on it the other stalker vanished. He spotted movement again, and then again, but he lost track of them before he could take a shot each time.

RJ: "A few of you, huh?" Hank hummed, "Damn witches... This is why I hate em..." he said, keeping his eyes open, and his mouth mostly quiet.

hme220: The stalkers moved all around him, always passing to the next tree too quickly for him to get a bead on one of them. They circled him for about five minutes, leaving him tense but unharmed, before one of them suddenly charged at him, attempting to claw out his throat. Luckily, Hank saw it coming and managed to block the thing with Destiny. He lost sight of the other two in the commotion, however, and heard rustling as the demons moved around him.

RJ: Hank would fire off a quick blast of his shotgun at the stalker with a turn of his gun, keeping his eyes straight as he shot at the thing in the side of his vision, his hand quickly switching to the bolt barrel grip, ready to fire at the next thing to come at him, or if he was lucky, one out of place.
20 defensive fighting.

hme220: (60 damage, he spots the two coming for him, one of the stalkers rushed him and attacked, hitting for 20 damage, totalling to 72 damage. He then presumably shot that one too, dealing 32 damage) Hank's shot blasted off the attacking stalker's head, and a moment later he both saw and heard another of the creatures creeping up on him from behind. Spinning, he was too late to keep it from clawing at him, opening up gashes on his face, but then he shot it in the chest, burying a bolt into its left shoulder and causing it to recoil away.

RJ: Firing his next shot, Hank roared with blood soaked anger as it hit the thing in the shoulder. "You think you can kill me, you piece of shit!?" Hank growled, getting frustrated at the sneaky creatures, before aiming to finish the creature off while absolutely refusing to be taken down.
Defensive fighting, +20 dodge

hme220: (much better, 52 damage.) The demon hissed back at him and rushed, claws bared, but Hank put a bolt right through the thing's eye. It dropped to the ground, not even a gurgle to join the thud of its death, and the spear jutting from its eye socket left its head lying at an odd angle. The forest was silent and still save for the blood dropping to the earth in a pitter-patter. His blood.

RJ: Hank, groaning slightly, charged himself with anger. "Come out! Any more of you want to try at me!? Little fuckin' snakes!?" he shouted. With so many ambushing him so far, and likely the handiwork of the witch in play, Hank, just like many other times in his life, felt death knocking on his door again with a paper that said his life was long overdue. "I can't even see straight no more, and you're still gonna hide!? Quit fuckin' around and fight!" he growled.

hme220: The only response to Hank's shouting was a caw, and if he glanced up he would see that one of the crows had returned to its perch on the tree above him. It cawed again, its beady black eyes fixed on him, and then another one fluttered down and joined it. Then, as second bird joined its kin, there was an explosion, a bright light and thunderous sound, from within the tower. He couldn't be sure, but it seemed to Hank like it had come from the middle floor of the tower. As yet, no demons had come to take advantage of his weakened state, but whether or not he wanted to risk moving from his relatively safe position was up to him.

RJ: "I knew somethin' was up!" Hank growled, before looking to the forest, "Fuck you, snake!" he spat, before moving away from the tree, and holding his gun in the direction of the forest, watching to see if it chased. And if it did, he'd blast it with a bolt.

hme220: The forest stayed still except for the cawing and rustling of the crows, with no sign of the last of the demons that had attacked him.

RJ: Reaching the moat, Hank went to cross the bridge leading over it, while reloading his main barrel.
'I'm about to die.' Hank thought, 'All I can think about is lookin' for the next thing to kill. I'm gonna die with Destiny!'
With a grin covered in blood, Hank rushed forward into the unknown, breaking down whatever door stood in his way if he could.

hme220: The tower had no door, and after carefully running across the log that formed the tower's bridge, he turned and entered into what could only be described as a den. A half dozen filthy sleeping mats were visible along one wall, there was a back door leading out onto an overgrown ledge on the opposite side of the room, and a set of shadowy stone steps on Hank's right. He caught no traces of movement, but could hear clawed feet scrambling up the steps, somewhere a good ways above him.

RJ: Charging, he continued to run, going up two steps at a time, his hand firmly on his boomer barrel, ready to go out with a bang if need be, and blast everything in that room... At that moment, the red headed woman slipped his mind.

hme220: Charging up the stairs, Hank soon came face to face with two stalkers, both of them apparently stunned to see the blood-soaked man come charging up their tower steps, giving him a momentary advantage over the two demons.

RJ: Hand switching back to his normal barrel, he didn't want to waste his ammo on just two, so he used his main barrel to blast the first to hell, and looking to the second with a blood soaked expression that demanded for blood.
"DIIEEE!" he screamed.

hme220: (Hank deals 64 damage, but then takes 32 in recompense.)Not only did Hank's first shot blow the stalker's head off, it sent the demon tumbling out the window as well. The other got over its shock after the explosive blast of his shotgun in order to sweep its claws at him, but the added wounds on his face weren't nearly enough to stop him now. It began backing away, now more frightened than surprised.

RJ: Quick to shoot, Hank brought his barrel to the other one, pursueing the beast as he takes another slice. "WHERE YA RUNNIN'!?" Hank shouted with a loud howl, before blasting off his second round, and switching to the boomer barrel as he looked to expect to face a crowd.

hme220: (59 Damage) Hank's second blast tore off the stalker's arm, and it was sent flying back onto the staircase leading further up as it clutched at its lost limb in horror, hissing and thrashing in agony. There was no sign of a crowd, either on the landing upon which he stood or on either staircase, but from the door on the landing that Hank only then noticed he could hear someone making a great deal of noise. The door was closed, mostly, but he could pull it open easily.

RJ: Rushing, Hank did just that, yanking the door open and putting his hand back to his gun.

hme220: Pulling the door open, Hank was greet by the sight of the red-haired woman that he'd met earlier suspended in mid air, her legs spread wide. She was facing Hank, but he could still see the thing holding the witch, http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=170&pictureid=10425 its tail curled around her torso while the naga's main body leaned back, holding the witch's legs apart and allowing her to slam the woman's body down onto a long, thick tube that was embedded into her. The redhead was howling and clawing at her, but the juices leaking down the things shaft were a clear sign of her assailant's ability to inspire pleasure. "Sssso tight..... You're begging for my eggsss.... And giving me so much energy...." the snake-woman hissed, but then she caught sight of Hank over the witch's shoulder and casually tossed her aside, causing her to strike the wall with a thump. >>
"Ssss.... Sssstrangerssss, alwaysss bothering me...." she hissed angrily, and then shadows coalesced around her body, though not before Hank spotted the pendant hanging around her neck.

RJ: "Stop!" Hank shouted, the sight of the creature's female form reminding him of the girls back in Archeron. If the snake made one hostile move he'd pull the trigger for the Boomer. It was incredibly risky, but Hank didn't want to hurt even a monster lady, not unless she was gonna kill him.

hme220: (Hank takes 36 damage from ye snake slap, he then deals 82 damage with Destiny's main barrel.) The snake woman laughed at him as he hefted Destiny's most powerful barrel in her direction. "Sssssilly human.... Gunsssss won't work on me!" She suddenly shot forward and then coiled, her tail lashing out at him before he could even squeeze the trigger. The blow slammed into him and sent him flying across the room to slam into the side of the tower, the blow knocking the wind out of him. Fortunately, he didn't need to breath to shoot, and it only took a second for him to aim and squeeze the trigger. The thunderous explosion of Destiny's most powerful blast shook the tower, and Hank was hammered back into the wall with such force that he felt the stone give as it crumbled away, leaving a hall that he already felt himself slipping out of. The snake woman took the shot right to the chest and went sailing across the room, slamming into the wall with bone crunching force before she dropped to the floor, the magical shadows around her vanishing.

RJ: "This ain't a gun..." Hank managed to groan despite having almost no air as he aimed his cannon. "... It's Destiny..." he said, before he fired, and felt Destiny's passion come out of the barrel, blasting him back with such force that made him so proud to own her. Even slamming up against the wall, Hank thought of it as him carryin' the burden so Destiny didn't have to. As the snake dropped to the floor, he pet his gun lovingly. "Did good..." he said with a wheeze, before holding on tight to Destiny, leaning her up on her barrels, with her hilts above him as he reached up and took the handles as if they were her hands reaching out to help him up. 'You take such good care of me, my Destiny.' Hank thought, before slowly limping towards the snake, his eyes set on the prize, her amulet.
And to prevent tumbling out of the tower, he moved to hold onto whatever he could, Destiny, wall, or whatever else he could.

hme220: Reaching up, Hank felt more of the tower crumbling away, before the floor suddenly gave out and he ended up half out of the tower, dangling with his legs and Destiny still within, while his torso was hanging almost upside down outside, a fifty foot drop into the murky, rocky moat below him. He felt himself slipping further, but then a vine lashed around his waist, and helped him pull himself up to safety. Once back up in the tower, Hank saw the red headed woman standing by one of the tower's windows, the snake-woman's amulet clutched in her hands. She winked, blew him a kiss, and said; "Thanks for the assist sweety~" before diving out the window.

RJ: "Ah, shit..." Hank groaned, before giving a startled grunt as he was pulled up, and suddenly found the woman thanking him, and then diving outside as he looked after her. "Fuck you!" he shouted. "Damn you, woman!" he cursed, before grabbing Destiny and following after her with a limp.

hme220: Reaching the window as the vines awkwardly followed him, Hank was greeted by the sight of the woman flying off on her broomstick, though where in the hell it had come from he could only guess. Unless he wanted to take a shot at her, the witch was out of reach. Over in the corner, the snake woman groaned, but did little more than twitch as blood leaked from her mouth and ears, signalling some sort of internal injuries.
signs of, rather than signalling

RJ: Growling, Hank was filled with hate and anger as he picked up Destiny with his shaking arms... He found her right in his crosshairs, before he cursed, "Fuck! Fuck-fuck-fuck!" and lowered Destiny to the ground. "Two-hundred denarii! I regret shootin' you!" he announced to the snake, "I am so fuckin' sorry! Damn that bitch!" he cursed continuously, before he felt lightheaded from all the bloodloss, and Destiny felt too heavy to carry. "Fuck..." he whispered. "Take a nap wit ya..." he said to the snake, before turning around as he fell, and collapsed to the floor right next to her.

hme220: And then, blackness. After a while, the sounds of night, the hooting of an owl in particular, drew Hank back to the land of the living. Looking up, a pair of bright golden eyes looked down upon him, and the owl hooted once again. He felt weak, and his face was sticky, likely from his own blood coating it. He could feel the snake woman half-curled around him, acting as an insulator even as she leeched the heat from his body, likely a necessity for her given the cold autumn nights. Destiny was lying next to him, now nearly empty, and the snake woman was still alive but unconscious. If he wanted to, he could easily sleep away the rest of the night there, possibly allowing his wounds to heal somewhat.

RJ: Dreams of denarii filled his subconscious. Destiny was shining with gold plating as she sat next to him in an expensive hotel room, filled with the finest lookin' girls any city had to offer. The girls were allowed to take any place they wanted, but there would be no replacement for Destiny. He'd give Destiny a kiss before any other woman, and much to his fantasy, the women loved the smell of gunpowder on his lips. Delicious food, fine music, dancing... Then his eyes opened... It was all gone. "Two-hundred denarii..." Hank whispered, before his eyes saw the golden ones above him. He blinked, before grinning slightly. "Howdy."

hme220: "Hoot-hoot" the owl answered back, as it blinked at him. Its call was well audible over the hiss-like snoring of the naga beside him, who looked to have somehow recovered from her injuries. "Hoot-hoot." it called again, somberly.

RJ: "... You think she likes me...?" he asked the owl, gesturing to the snake.

hme220: "Hoot-hoot-hoot."

RJ: "She's a real hoot, you say?" Hank chuckles, before closing his eyes. "Sounds fun..."

hme220: "Hoot-hoot. Hoot-hoot. Hoot-hoot. Hoot-hoot-hoot."

RJ: "..." Hank growled slightly.

hme220: Going back to sleep, Hank awoke again to the sound of birds, but this time it was dawn, and the calls were mixed. The sound of crows came from down below, likely feasting on the stalker's he'd killed, and the snake woman was now quite thoroughly curled around him, to the point that he couldn't even move, though she was still asleep. Apparently, she was quite adept at healing, as she showed no signs of injury despite taking Destiny's most powerful barrel right to the chest.

RJ: Hank twisted in her coils slightly. "Damn it... Is this karma?" he wondered, recalling all the times he left partners in their beds.

hme220: "Nmnmmmmm" the naga muttered in her sleep, still holding Hank tightly.

RJ: Hank twisted his lips at the stubborn snake for sleeping so long. "I'm hungry, damn it..." he said, before looking at her breast, and thinking the obvious. "... Why not." he reasoned, before putting his mouth over her nipple, and nursing on it with the suction of his mouth and fiddling with his tongue.

hme220: The rosy tip of the lamia's breast quickly hardened as his lips sealed over it, and she began to writhe and murmur softly as he sucked and flicked at it with his tongue. After a few moments he was rewarded with a small spurt of sweet liquid into his mouth, and he noted that a tiny bead of fluid had formed on the tip of the naga's other breast.

RJ: "I've done two taps at once." Hank reasoned, before moving his head over, and putting his lips to her other breast, sucking from it for a moment, and going back to the other, swallowing all of the sweet fluid her breasts gave him.

hme220: The naga's writhing and squeezing became stronger the more he sucked on her breasts, and she kept releasing more and more of the sweet liquid for him to drink. Her murmuring rose in volume steadily, and a blush crept across the unconscious naga's cheeks, growing brighter and brighter. Then, suddenly, the liquid slowly leaking from her breasts became a stream as the snake-woman moaned in her sleep, her body squeezing him hard enough that it hurt. She opened her eyes lazily a minute later, mumbling something incoherent as she smiled happily, but then she looked down and saw Hank sucking on her breasts, and her eyes shot open with a start. "Sssss!" She recoiled, pulling her chest just slightly out of reach, "What... Were you doing?"

RJ: Hank made an audible gulp after she pulled away, looking as if he wanted to reach out for more. "Having breakfast." he replied simply.

hme220: "Having... Breakfast!?" she replied incredulously, and then glanced down at her still leaking breasts with a deep blush. Going still for a moment as if caught by indecision, the serpent then whispered; "Well.... ssss.... I guess.... You can.... Have more.... But only if you let me have breakfast too! I didn't get to fill up on the witch...." she didn't seem like she was actually going to give Hank much of a choice in the matter, as she reached down and tugged his pants down before moving over him, her coils shifting as she shoved her breasts back into his face.

RJ: 'You know," Hank said once she brought up the witch and her own breakfast. "I was just thinkin' that that witch doesn't deserve you." he said with a chuckle, aiding her in taking down his pants as much he could. His length quickly became erect at the thought of having sex with the snake lady as his length reached full girth and length when her breasts were back in his face, and his lips sucking on her tips anew.

hme220: The trickle of her milk had become a flow, and the naga shivered and moaned as Hank started sucking on her once more. Hank could still barely move thanks to the woman's binding coils, able to do little more than shift his hips and maybe wriggle a little, but his pants came off all the same. She stroked him until he was fully hard, a task that didn't take long at all given his willingness, before she guided it against herself. A moment later, the lamia descended as Hank felt something warm and wet and as tight as a vice wrap around his length, the pleasurable moan that the naga emitted a good bit more intense than those she'd been letting out from the attention to her breasts alone.

RJ: Hank squirmed in her coils as he felt her sink down on him. Groaning, Hank pulled on her breast a little bit more than necessary with his mouth, before letting it pop out to focus on the other, giving that nipple teasing licks and letting the fluids from it flow down along his tongue. What few fingers he had to move curled and his hand twisted back and forth to pet along her scales, occasionally seeking to be free in order to grab that lamia's waist and possibly get both of her nipples in his mouth.

hme220: Moaning greedily now, the naga pulled her hips back, alll but unsheathing Hank from her tight folds, before bucking back down and taking him right back in. Her coils squeezed almost painfully now as she began to hump him aggressively, and every buck was accompanied by a portion of his soul being sucked away. Fortunately, her bucking and the accompanying shifts in her movement allowed him to get one of his hands free, and soon enough Hank had both of her breasts in his mouth, doubling the flow of her sweet milk into his mouth. After that she seemed to enter into a frenzy, as she pulled his legs apart and took his length even deeper into her now quivering sex, his balls rubbing against her soft scales every time he bottomed out into her.

RJ: Feeling her begin, Hank moaned with pleasure, wishing he could buck up into her to show how much he was loving her pussy. He could still show it with his mouth, kissing her rosy red points and drinking from them heartily. Once his arm was free, he first pet her along her back and squeezed her butt a bit, before taking her breast to his mouth and holding both within his lips, making wet noises from where he nursed from her chest. "Gonna cum." he announced, taking a split second break from her nipples to tell her is approaching orgasm, both his balls and cock twitching as he felt his release incoming.

hme220: Her frenzy redoubled a Hank's announcement, and her inner walls squeezed him and spasmed, sucking him in deeper as if anticipating his semen. "Nnnnn!" she moaned loudly, and then began bucking all the more intensely while her breasts began to flood his mouth, going nearly ten times per second as the drain upon his energy rapidly spiked. She stopped all outer motion when his first spurt of cum entered her, impaling herself and holding still while extremely powerful inner muscles spasmed around his shaft, the upward draw constantly milking him for his cum. Her inner spasms drew out Hank's climax as well, draining everything that he had to give from both his balls and his soul even as her breasts practically drowned him in her milk.

RJ: Hank cursed as she suddenly clamped down on him. He tried to steel himself as she drained him, trying to ride out the orgasm without falling unconscious, while still enjoying the feel of her inhuman pussy. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as pleasure and the soul draining overtook him. He'd forget to swallow during all this, and her milk pouring from her nipples spilled out of his mouth. Her milk continued to leak from his mouth until he'd have the chance to regain composure, and of course swallow it all by that point, any that was still in his mouth anyway.

hme220: After coming down from his incredibly powerful orgasm, Hank felt light headed and exhausted, much of his spirit having been sucked out of him along with so much semen that his balls physically ached. The naga's inner walls were still writhing around him, sucking him until he was dry, and once he managed to stop choking and swallowed the milk that had flooded his mouth, Hank found that it was still leaking profusely as the lamia moaned and writhed atop him. Her eyes were shut, and she wore an expression of utter bliss.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Witches

RJ: "Heh," Hank chuckled, letting her nipples free of his mouth. Even light headed as he was, he still gently took her head in his hand and delivered a kiss to the side of her head, relaxing in her coils. "Thing of beauty, you are." Hank grunted softly, before settling into his consistant prison.

hme220: "Nnnn.... Sssss..." the lamia twitched and squirmed around Hank, her inner walls still occasionally lightly shifting along his length. She kept draining him, albeit at a trickle compared to what she'd been taking from him before, until she finally pulled off of his cock with a contented sigh. She was still blushing, however, "Ssss.... No one'ssss ever told me that..."

RJ: Hank chuckled again, shaking his head lightly, as much as he could given how his head was swirling. "Most people in this world don't have good taste, darlin'." he said it as if it were so simple a thing. "Hell... I was fightin' for two-hunerd denarii the other day... Instead I got you. I'm fine with that, even though I still hate that damn witch's guts..."
"I'd buy you fer... Shit, more than two-huns, for sure."

hme220: The lamia chuckled lightly, "You're a very ssssstrange man..... I think I'll keep you!" Her tail coiled tightly around Hank, constricting him once to the point that he couldn't even breath, but then she slowly unwound from around him. He was free of her a moment later, "Jussst don't sssshoot me again!"
(Hank gains a mutation also)
(and also, 4 experience)

RJ: "... You hit me first," Hank said, taking the tone of a young boy who just got into a fight with another child, before sitting up, and dragging Destiny closer to him, inspecting her and checking her chambers for ammo, replacing the empty areas of what she had left and checking her durable frame for damage. "Keep me, huh?" he asked, humming at the thought. "Is that some kind of commitment? I don't do commitments."

hme220: "No commitmentssss.... I'll jussst get to fuck you whenever I wantsss!"she replied, and from the manner in which she was eyeing his crotch, it seemed like she might be thinking about round 2 already. Picking up Destiny, Hank found his weapon undamaged save for a few scrapes that he could buff out without too much trouble. The entire weapon was empty save for the bolt barrel, however, which only had two bolts left in its magazine.

RJ: "No complaints here." Hank replied, before taking time to reload Destiny's boomer barrel, as well as the rest, while the snake woman could talk or ask about anything she wanted.

hme220: Watching him reload, the naga tilted her head curiously, "Where did you find that.... Thing? I've never sssseen a weapon like it before.... And why were you here? Did you come to ssssteal my amulet too?"

RJ: "This ain't a thing." Hank said angrily. "Her name's Destiny. She's like my own daughter, born from all the sweat and blood I poured into her creation. There's nothin' like Destiny, and I'm proud of that." Hank stated passionately. "Yeah, I was here fer that amulet, just like that witch. I didn't really care for the details, I just wanted the money."

hme220: The lamia pursed her lips at Hank's reaction to her referring to Destiny as a thing, "Ssssorry...." She looked slightly glum at his admission, but nodded. "I undersssstand. It lookssss like you're not getting paid though.... And I'm guesssssing that all of my friendssss are dead too...."

RJ: "They hit me first." Hank repeated his previous tone of childishness. "They pissed me off plenty though. Damn cloakin' bastards. I think there was one more that got the message though, wisely backed off."
"So, they ain't all dead."

hme220: "Hrm..... The witch killed 2.... How many.... Uhhh... Hit you first?"

RJ: Hank rolled his head along his shoulders. "I killed... One... Two... Three...Ngh... All I know is I saw one off in the woods."
"Still alive, as of yesterday."

hme220: "Hrm.... Maybe we'll find him...... Are you ready to leave? I have no interesssst in sssstaying here any longer.... It'ssss ssstarting to get cold out here at night." Destiny was reloaded by then.

RJ: "You value their bodies at all? Their skin sells well enough for us to get a room with a fireplace." Hank said, before standing up, and holding Destiny in his arms.

hme220: The lamia pursed her lips again, ".......No, I ssssupposssse not....." Slithering over to the door way, she turned back to him, "Letssssss go...."

RJ: Looking to get to work, Hank drew his small knife and went to collect the skin from the stalkers, any that he could find in and around the tower. "Maybe these guys will sell for 200, you never know." he reasoned to himself.

hme220: Stepping outside of the room, Hank found the stalker on the stairs covered in over a dozen crows, and he had to shoo the carrion birds away in order to skin the thing. They cried out in protest before flying up to the rafters and leaving him to his gruesome work, which the lamia refused to watch, and thus he gained a single skin. The other one he'd shot out the window, and it was probably somewhere in the moat. Heading downstairs, they found a familiar - and likely unwelcome - sight in the form of the witch with red hair floating over the bridge on her broomstick, her legs crossed and a satisfied smirk on her face. "Hello again sweetie~"

RJ: Immediately, Hank's gun was in his hand, expecting a fight. He offered no word to the witch as he rose his gun and pointed it at her. Anger fueled his decision to hold his hand on the Boomer trigger as his face made a deep, angry frown, wrinkles appearing on his face where the muscles tensed to show his displeasure.

hme220: The lamia scowled up at the witch as well, shards of shadow appearing in her hands, but the witch wasn't apparently phased either by that or by Hank's gun. "Well, aren't you two just so happy to see me!" she said, rolling her eyes as she slowly reached into a pocket and drew forth a jingling bag.

RJ: "If you do anythin, you better make sure it kills me." Hank announced with a scowl. "I ain't gonna let you live if you don't."
"... The fuck you want anyhow? I break that broom over my leg and piss on your hat if you came just to brag."

hme220: The redhead quirked an eyebrow incredulously at Hank's dark promise, and then laughed richly at his threat to break her broom and piss on her hat. "Well, I guess you don't want your portion of the reward then, huh?" She tossed the jingling bag up and down a few times, "You really need to work on your manners you know!" Then, she casually tossed the bag at Hank, and if he didn't move to catch it he'd get bashed in the center of the forehead by it.

RJ: Hank refused to let go of Destiny. Taking a step back, he decided to catch the bag on a flat spot on the top of Destiny, keeping his gun on the witch. If nothing happened, Hank would narrow his eyes at her. "What's your game? Why didn't you take that money and hussle off?"

hme220: The bag hit Destiny and weighed it down slightly, and did nothing else as it sat there, slightly obstructing his view but not otherwise impairing him or his aim. After a tense moment, the witched rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "I took my fair share of the money... Plus a little fee for when I came back here last night to make sure that you and your friend there didn't bleed to death, after you didn't come back to Acheron. Congratulations sweetie! You passed our little test! You can even bring your little friend here along whenever you get a job from us, though you'll have to organize how you split the money between yourselves." She eyed the lamia, who was still in just as threatening a pose as Hank, and said; "What is her name, anyway?"

RJ: Hank looked at the witch as if she were telling a bad joke. Ever since she said she came back to make sure he didn't die, to the point and after about the test, and about splitting the money. His jaw worked as if it were chewing on something, before he turned his head slightly and spit out a chunk of... Something red and chunky, before shaking his head. "Thanks for the congratulations, does my foot win a free trip to yer ass? Paid lodging?"

hme220: "I'm afraid you'll not be getting anywhere near my ass if you keep talking like that~" she quipped back immediately, but then the witched sighed and leaned back on her broom. "The job's there for you sweetie, take it or leave it. If you're interested, all you've got to do is come back to the office and talk to Peggy~ It's much steadier work than having to find it yourself, and you barely even have to talk to anyone! I'm sure that's a real problem for you, with that attitude. You know where we are~" She tilted her head again, this time eying the naga standing next to him. "....He doesn't even know your name yet, does he?" she asked knowingly, and the lamia hesitated for a moment, glancing at Hank several times, before offerring a hesitant; "No...."
Laughing richly, the witched tilted her broom upwards and flew off.

RJ: "I still hate yer fuckin' hat!" Hank shouted to the woman as she flew off.

hme220: The naga slowly relaxed after the witch flew off, ignoring Hank's parting comment as she laughed her way off into the sky.

RJ: Hank lowered his gun, before turning his head and staring at the naga. "I hate her..." he said with a grumpy expression. "I ain't gonna ask you for your name. I don't even have one myself, other than some made up name I started givin' when people kept askin' for it."

hme220: The naga pursed her lips again at Hank's comment about names, appearing somewhat discontent with that, but she simply nodded. "Sssshe is very ssstrange.... How much issss in that bag?"

RJ: "It's probably full of shit." Hank replied, before setting it on the ground and opening it carefully.

hme220: The bag was filled with coins, a small vial filled with blue liquid, and a small note.

RJ: Seeing the note and vial, Hank's face twisted with pessimism, before his fingers worked the note to see if anything was written on it.

hme220: The note, written in flowing script, read; "Hello sweetie~ Do take care next time you decide to get sliced to ribbons! I might not be there to keep you from bleeding to death or taking an infection next time~ The potion's a gift for just such an occasion! Don't worry about owing me, I took the price of it out of your half. Until next time~" The note was signed with kiss, the lipstick still warm on the paper, and lamia scowled at it sourly.

RJ: "Until next time..." Hank grumbled, before crumbling up the paper, and throwing it into the sky before giving it a fair shot with his main barrel. "Thanks for the warning." he said, as if such a thing meant he'd be seeing her again. He didn't bother to count the coins before he looked to the lamia. "Lets go back and get situated in a nice room with a fireplace." he announced. He wasn't too worried about protecting her, she seemed well capable enough.

hme220: After blowing the paper into ashes, Hank's new associate nodded once more. "That sssoundssss good!" she said, and then they started heading in whichever direction Hank preferred.

RJ: Hank chose to follow the familiar route he took in order to reach there to begin with. On the way, Hank took time on often occasion to examine the naga's breasts. Often when he got bored, and tired of the quiet and peace around them.

hme220: The naga's bare breasts weren't the largest, not quite as large as Peggy's for example, but they were quite big and jiggly even after he'd drank so much of the naga's milk out of them. If she noticed him staring at her tits at random points (whenever he got bored,) she didn't make anything of it. They didn't encounter anything at first, but right about where he'd fought the wolves, Hank and his comrade ended up all but face to face with a half dozen green women that all turned toward them as one when they stepped into the clearing in which they were gathered. Recognizing them as alraune, one of them addressed Hank and the naga; "What are you doing here?"

RJ: "Just passin' through, maam." Hank replied.
As he said that, he kept his gun over his shoulder, not pointed at anyone.

hme220: "Ohh.... Well go on then!" the alraune replied, and they watched Hank and his lamia stride through their glade before returning to whatever it was that they'd been doing. "That wassss eassssy...." the lamia said, as if she were surprised by this. Regardless, they reached Acheron about a half hour later, the gates open and the guards.... Well, they let them in without bothering either Hank or his new friend.

RJ: Hank first headed to the general area where the hotels were located. He was mostly just interested in a room with a fireplace, not really needing much else as he searched around.

hme220: There were plenty of taverns and inns around Acheron, and after they had waded through the crowd of people offering to show them around (for a price of course) Hank and the lamia wandered about in search of one. They found one quickly enough, but it turned out that the rooms didn't have fireplaces. Nor did the rooms in the next four that they tried, despite some attempts at salesmanship on the part of the tavern owners to assure them that the beds were plenty warm enough, and that the common room had a decent fireplace.

RJ: "No, we need fire! Even the god damn cave men had it, why don't you!?" Hank said to the latest salesman who tried to sell him off with a shoddy room. "Does no place have a god damn fireplace?" Hank wondered aloud as he strode out of the inn angrily.

hme220: "Maybe we sssshould asssssk for directionssssss?" the lamia asked, just as frustrated as Hank with the lack of a nice place to stay.

RJ: "Anyone that would probably answer us would be just as likely to try and rip us the fuck off." Hank snapped, looking to see if he'd run out of options.

hme220: The lamia went silent after that, and Hank most certainly hadn't run out of options. It was another two hours before he found a suitable place, however, and the innkeeper took one look at his face and said; "One room or two? It's ten denarii a night for a room, twelve if you want food with it."

RJ: "'Bout fuckin' time." Hank cursed, before slamming twelve denarii on the table. "One room and food." Hank replied bluntly.

hme220: "You want that meal now?"

RJ: "No, later." Hank said, waitin' for the key.

hme220: "Alrighty, ya'll have a nice time now! And don't get the sheets too messy!" the innkeeper said as he passed Hank a key.

RJ: "No promises." Hank replied, finally grinning as he gave the naga's side a slight rub. "I'm gonna head back to that agency place." Hank said. "That witch might be there." he added as reason for why he was bringing the topic up.

hme220: "...Okay," the naga replied, frowning slightly as Hank delivered his reasoning for going back to the agency. Hesitating for a moment, she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, aggressively, and he felt her tail coil around his ankle in the process and give a squeeze. "I'll be upssstairssss...."
she said once she'd parted from Hank, taking the key and going up to do just that, relax in a heated room.

RJ: "Sure," Hank nodded to her, returning the kiss as he put one hand to what very nearly was her ass, before letting her slither up to the room with the key. 'She might lock the door and make off, but, hell, she was fun.' Hank reasoned as he headed back for the agency, with deep hesitation.

hme220: The naga's ass, despite being scaly, was quite soft and squishy, much like a normal woman's ass, and he got to watch it slither away as she went off upstairs. After that, Hank navigated his way back to the agency uneventfully, and found Peggy once more sitting behind the desk. "Hi again!" she said, grinning, "I heard it went well!"

RJ: Hank growled, shaking his head. "I'm just here to find out what kind of game was going on here. People with secrets just piss me off." her replied.

hme220: "It's no secret at all! Didn't you read the sign in front of the door?"

RJ: "No. All I know is I signed up for just a job. I don't remember no test."

hme220: "Ahhh.... Well, we're a contractor. Specifically, an adventurer's contractor. Instead of putting up their own posters, people that need things done come to us, and we either get the word out or send one of our associates to deal with it. One of our members died recently, so we needed some new blood.... And as it turns out, that's you! Whenever we get a job that fits into your skillset, we'll send you off to do it~ And you keep most of the money for it too!"

RJ: Hank dug a finger into his ear as it dawned on him why the witch mentioned their future meeting. If he accepted, he'd likely end up seeing her again, but... Somehow, with the situation as it was, he felt pretty confident she'd keep her distance. "... Yeah, sure, whatever. How much you takin' outta my pay?"

hme220: "Ten percent. You get to keep any salvage though, so you're usually not missing out on anything in comparison."
"And Magdalen usually negotiates for higher prices too!"

RJ: Hank took note of that. He never negotiated ever since it usually resulted in violence. "... Is that all?" he asked.

hme220: "Pretty much. You're free to refuse contracts that you don't like, but if you do that too often Magdalen might write you off. We'll contact you when we have a job for you."

RJ: "You're... Gonna send the witch to contact me, aren't you?" Hank grumbled.

hme220: "Who, Felicia? Sometimes. If Magdalen thinks it's important, she'll contact you telepathically."

RJ: "Can I make a personal request?"

hme220: "Sure."

RJ: "Tell her... Fellacio... To take off her god damn hat if she's comin' to contact me."

hme220: Peggy giggled, "I think I can remember that for you~"

RJ: "Much obliged." he grumbled. "So, uh... You like snakes?" he asked Peggy.

hme220: "Snakes? Uhhhh.... I... Guess?" she said, "Are those those.... Those things in the water, that are all shiny and that they sell fried in the restaurant down the street?" She grinned at him, "Are you asking me out on a date~!?" She leaned forward, exposing a great deal of cleavage and pleasantly tanned skin for Hank to ogle. "Cuz if you are, I get off in twenty minutes~"

RJ: "Not exactly," Hank replied to the first bit about snakes, though at the aspect of a date, he chuckled. "Well..." He suddenly juggled two things in his mind. On one hand, giving the snake woman a companion would be well off, but 'god damn those titties' was on his mind as well. His eyes fixed on her breasts, before he looked back up to her with a grin. "Twenty minutes then."

hme220: Grinning, Peggy nodded. "I'll be waiting~" she said, clearly excited.

RJ: Stepping outside, Hank's mind was full of titties. Still, his mind also kept wandering back to the snake lady. She wants to lay eggs in people, and if those two get along... Then Hank could, even though he loves it without a doubt, have a break from getting drained.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Boobies p1

hme220: About twenty five minutes later, Peggy came outside, a typical spade-tipped tail flitting around behind her voluptuous behind, which strained against her dress almost as much as her breasts did. Spotting Hank easily unless he'd gone and made some attempt to hide himself, Peggy came up to him and said; "Hi~ Where are you gonna take me?"

RJ: Seeing Peggy come out, Hank chuckled as he saw not only her tail, but her swaying breasts as well. Her question was met with another chuckle. "A dairy farm," he said bluntly.

hme220: She giggled, "Are you going to milk me? I'll have to milk you right back you know~"

RJ: Stepping up to her side, he went to wrap an arm around her shoulder, and tuck that same arm over and under her breast, making it bounce slightly in his hand as he chuckled at the sight. "What do ya like to eat? Other than people, heh."

hme220: Not apparently minding in the slightest as Hank began playing with her breasts, Peggy tilted her head and grinned at him. "Other than people? Oh... This and that. We didn't have much of a selection back in Hell, and I've developed something of an appetite for fried foods~ We could go and get some fish from the place down the street if you like!"

RJ: "Yeah, sure." Hank agreed off-handedly. "You like that fish stuff, huh? Used to hate it myself, but eatin' it twenty times in a row seemed to make me find a taste fer it."

hme220: "Heh... Heh..." she laughed somewhat half-heartedly, "Right this way!" Peggy led Hank down the street a ways, to a small building with an overhang and a neon-lit sign over the top that read; "Harry's Fried and Grilled Take Out."
She pulled him up to the counter, behind which stood a fairly normal looking man that sized Hank up before turning to the woman that he was with; "Sup Peggy. The usual? What'll yer friend have?"
The demoness nodded, "Yup~ I'm not sure what Hank wants...." She glanced at him.

RJ: "I'll have what she's havin'" Hank replied simply.

hme220: "Comin right up!" the man replied, and then said; "Four coins please."

RJ: Hank put eight denarii on the table. 'I hate bein' a gentleman, but those titties are worth more than an extra four denarii.' he thought with a chuckle.
He pays four coins total, like a boss

hme220: The cook, Harry judging by the name tag, looked confused for a moment before Hank took back the extra money, and then took it, and moments later brought them their food, fried beer-battered fish with a side of fried potatoe wedges.
Peggy sat down to eat hers, smirking at him, and the bar and the tables around it were fairly packed with a wide assortment of people.

RJ: Hank went ahead and started eating his food. He didn't look too pleased with his meal, nor did he look disgusted. He treated it just as a normal meal, eating without too many manners other than slobbering all over his guest, before he spoke to Peggy, his mouth half full of fish. "You come here often?"

hme220: Peggy swallowed a mouthful noisily before replying; "Yup. It's my favorite place! Harry's really nice to me, and the food's great~ Where do you think I got the weight for these from?" She jiggled her breasts hypnotically when she asked her question. The food, while hardly five star, was at least decent.

RJ: Hank laughed. "Then eat up, darlin. More is better." he stated, before eating his food quickly and without delicacy, something he learned to do while on the move in the wild.

hme220: The two of them were finished soon enough, Peggy apparently unconcerned by Hank's lack of manners even though he finished a bit before she did. After licking the grease from her fingers one by one, Peggy sighed contentedly and said; "That hit the spot!" Offering him a sly grin, she added; "But I could always go for.... Dessert..."

RJ: "I bet you could~" Hank chuckled. "I got my place in some Inn, with a snake I picked up on the way, less you got some place better in mind." he offered, seeking to have the two women meet.

hme220: "Mmmm, I heard about her... Will I be sharing you then? I don't mind if I have to~" she said, grinning as a slight glow came to her eyes.

RJ: Hank looked to her with a bit of silent surprise. She still seemed rather set on expericing him, even if she had to share him. "Right..." he hummed, before shrugging. Trying for it any further would start to get on his nerves. "Depends on her." he replied. "I know what I want, though. And it's those girls right there." He said, pointing to her bountiful breasts.

hme220: Peggy tilted her head and shifted back, placing a hand slowly over her ample visible cleavage. "These? You want..... These?" They seemed to inflate slightly before his very eyes, straining her already stretched dress even further.
"Well.... You'll have to show me to this room of yours~"

RJ: Something in his pants seemed to inflate as well, before he stood right up, came over to her, and offered to help her out of her seat. "Let's not waste time, darlin."

hme220: Peggy giggled and took Hank's hand, allowing him to lead her back to his room at the inn, where he'd left the naga. The man at the bar scowled at him, and Hank heard him mutter; "...I'm gonna have to burn those sheets...." Heading upstairs, he found the snake woman curled up on a carpet sitting in front of a fire, which had been raised to the point that the room was a great deal warmer than the hallway from which they entered it. Turning as the door opened, she rose to what approximated a standing position for her and said; "Hank... Who isssss thissssss?"
"Isssss sssshe from the agensssssy?"

RJ: Hank nodded. "Yeah, but she doesn't have a stupid lookin' hat, so she's fine." he announced. "She's got nice titties, too." he added. "Kinda like your's."

hme220: The naga tilted her head, "Like mine? How ssssso?" Her breasts bare, she glanced between her chest and Peggy's a few times before muttering; "Herssss are bigger......" Peggy smirked reassuringly at the lamia, "Don't fret over it! I'm Peggy!" She casually slipped out of her dress, revealing a set of skimpy see-through underwear as the only thing covering her beneath. "Hank here has generously offered to let us drain him until he passes out.... It would be a shame if I had to do all of that work by myself~" The lamia tilted her head curiously at Hank, but then grinned. "Yesssss.... Twould be a ssssshame....."

RJ: Hank chuckled, shaking his head as if the naga didn't understand. "Size is important, but I felt as happy as a newborn babe, suckin' from yer purty red nipples." Hank announced while subconsciously playing with Peggy's breast. Watching her slip out of her dress, Hank expressed direct interest, using one hand to casually let his pants slip right off. "I'll be a gentleman when I have to. You girls don't have to do all the work."

hme220: Both women watched his crotch as his pants fell, and Peggy casually slipped her bra aside, though not off, and then glanced over at the bed. "Mmmm... That does look comfy, doesn't it?" The lamia's tongue slipped past her lips, its tip flitting back and forth for a moment as she leered at Hank as well. "It isssss...."

RJ: Hank chuckled, his eyes locked onto Peggy's breasts as she freed them. Though he wanted some of the naga's breasts as well, Peggy's was fresh to the scene. Hearing them talk about the bed so much though, Hank grinned as he walked over to it, and sat down on it with a pomf=3, his length pointed up with excitement. "What are we gonna do on the bed?" he asked with a sarcastic tone.

hme220: Both women chuckled softly, and followed him over to the bed. When he sat down, the naga lowered herself and Peggy leaned forward, smothering his face immediately with their ample softness. Beads of white were visible on both of their nipples, and if he opted to suck on either of them he would receive a gentle stream of milk, the lamia's familiar and sweet while Peggy's was richer and thicker. "I do prefer a man when he's dumbstruck!" Peggy remarked conversationally, and the naga nodded, "I like it when they sssssssquirm...." Both of them reached down and began fondling his excited length, rubbing their fingers and palms over his shaft and occasionally offering it a few light strokes.

RJ: "Damn, do those things always leak?" he wondered aloud, before his arms went to embrace both girls as he spread his legs and got comfortable. Going for Peggy's first, he took her closest nipple into his mouth, and got a taste of her milk. After his first gulp, he hummed while his lower half twitched from their attention to his length. "Tastes like some of that stuff rich folk drink." he said, before drinking from the naga's breast again. "Heh, course yer's is sweeter than any treat I ever consumed."

hme220: Both women hummed at the compliments to their milk, and to Hank's audible ponderings both of them simultaneously said; "Yes~" They paused and stared at each other, and then the lamia said; "Only when I'm aroussssssed..." And Peggy finished, "But I'm always aroused!" They both laughed aloud, and then began attacking his member in earnest, taking turns stroking him and feeding on his soul, but not allowing him to actually cum yet.

RJ: Watching the two of them laugh, Hank would swear he saw a friendship brewing. 'Guess my dick is a match maker?' he wondered. 'Never knew how much talent that thing had.' he chuckled, before their combined attention made him shudder with pleasure. Licking Peggy's breast from the bottom side until his tongue flicked off of her tip, collecting all the milk spilling forth, before dousing her thick milk with the naga's own, sweet milk, mixing the two together to make something even more delicious. "You two are workin' a little too well together..." Hank hummed.

hme220: "Mmmmm.... We're just getting started!" Peggy murmured, and the naga added; "Yessss... Letsssss ssssshow him..... What we can really do!" The two of them promptly pushed Hank down onto his back, and Peggy quickly moved up and knelt over his face, laying down over him so that she could take the tip of his cock into her mouth and suck on it lightly. Something warm and wet flicked back and forth against his shaft as the naga joined Peggy's attentions, having lowered herself between his legs. The demoness' ass, every bit as impressive as her chest, hovered over Hank's face, her slit glistening through her naturally transparent panties, and she wriggled her bottom back and forth invitingly even as she started bobbing slowly onto his rod.

RJ: "You don't expect me to just lay back and take-!" Hank gave a start as Peggy and the naga pushed him back to lay back and take it before they began to attack his length together. Just as he sought to try to be more than just the recieving end, he got a facefull of Peggy's ass. Growling lightly, Hank parted her panties to the side before attacking her pussy with his tongue, eating her out as if she were that fish from before, minus the use of teeth as his tongue licked and pressed against her pussy, which, on top of everything else, made his length twitch with excitement as he was taken into Peggy's mouth, licked by the naga, and inhaled the scent of her horny, demonic pussy.

hme220: Peggy's scent was quite literally intoxicating, every sniff and taste leaving Hank increasingly light-headed, seemingly eroding his resistance to the pleasure that the two women were providing to him. The demoness straddling his face moaned lewdly around his cock as Hank's tongue dove into her folds, her girl-cum sweet and almost as rich as her milk, and his tongue-work caused her to slow her bobbing slightly. The naga between his legs had no such distraction, however, and he felt her tongue wind around the base of his manhood and start stroking it upwards, and Peggy's bobbing never went further than halfway down his shaft, giving the lamia room to work her attentions. With both of them feeding greedily on his essence, Hank felt even more light-headed than Peggy's intoxicating sexual juices were leaving him, and the attentions on his manhood had him rapidly reaching the limits of his endurance.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Boobies p2

RJ: Hank's hips twitched as he groaned from their combined attentions. Peggy's lips and their tongues working together, Hank was glad for the excellent massage his length was getting, and tried to treat Peggy to the best massage his tongue could give, trailing his tongue along her slick womanhood, applying pressure with his tongue to press against any nerves she had to receive pleasure while mostly focusing on her clit. Even though he did the best he could with his tongue, he brought his finger in to aid, sticking it into her pussy, and curling it inside her to hit that one spot he noticed girls love while using his other hand to indulge in his favorite part in his face, her round, plump butt.

hme220: Hank's return attentions with his tongue upon the demon's flower were met with eager moans and an increased pressure both around the top half of his cock and on his face. Adding his finger to the mix caused her to briefly pause, particularly when he started rubbing it against her g-spot, and his other hand felt Peggy start to quiver with excitement. She seemed ready to orgasm, but with both of the skilled women working on his shaft at once, Hank's endurance simply wasn't sufficient, and when the naga suddenly gripped his balls and began to massage them, he felt his orgasm begin. Peggy pulled off after swallowing down the first few spurts, and both she and the naga stuck out their tongues and caught much of his seed, leaving the rest to paint their faces white.

RJ: "Hngh!?" Hank gave a start upon the naga suddenly grabbing his balls. That surprise made him cum much quicker than he would have. Releasing his seed, while the two of them collected what he let out, Hank let out a grunt and went a little limp. 'Just like all the things I love, leaves a bad after taste... Women, beer, blood...' Hank thought to himself as he lay there, recovering.

hme220: Both women fed deeply upon Hank's soul while he orgasmed, leaving him feeling weak, and weary, though he wasn't emptied yet. His two partners started kissing one another, sharing his release and cleaning much of it off, before the naga casually took his member into her mouth and deep throated it, squeezing her throat muscles to milk out any leftover dregs of seed. "Oooh can you you unhinge your jaw?" Peggy asked, giggling, and the lamia said something that was muffled by Hank's dick down her throat. The demoness pulled her voluptuous rear away from Hank's face and climbed off of him, and the lamia pulled away a moment later. "Awww, he's all tired~" the demoness said softly, and the lamia chuckled and said; "He'sssss got more than that.... You'll sssssssee."

RJ: Right as the naga replied, Peggy would suddenly find herself being groped. "Boobies." Hank announced simply. He'd been wanting to play with them for a while, and now he really wanted to. He still felt a little light headed, but like that, all he could think of was how horny he still was.

hme220: Peggy giggled loudly, and the naga said; "Ssssssee! I told you!" The demoness then gleefully smothered Hank with her breasts, bending over him while smothering his face in her heavy tits. "You want boobies, so here are boobies!"

RJ: "Must be my birthday!" Hank announced as he wildly shook his head back and forth, making a funny sound as he helped to smother his face in her breasts. Blinded, he wildly searched behind Peggy. "Snake boobies!" he called with a muffled voice, his hand making a groping motion.

hme220: Another giggle, this one fairly sibilant, sounded as the naga moved up and laid down beside Hank, quickly shoving her breasts into his hands as Peggy giggled loudly at the violent man's antics with her breasts.

RJ: His hand finding the naga's breast, he first enjoyed the feel of her breast in his hand before moving to stimulate her a little bit, rubbing his thumb against her nipple and lightly pulling her tip with his fingers. Meanwhile, he licked from the bottom of Peggy's breast to her tip, before sucking on it heartily. Meanwhile, his other hand smoothed along her back, before finding her ass, and groping her jiggly bottom aggressively.

hme220: The giggles of his partners soon turned into lewd moans and gasps as Hank played with them, feeling his hand wetted by the naga's milk while he began to drink some of Peggy's once more, and Hank felt his member stiffen suddenly and grow more sensitive as he drank it down. Feeling his cock brush against her leg as it jumped up, Peggy moaned and casually sank down onto it, her folds easily taking it in and squeezing it, "You're already so hard again~ You must really like my milk!" she moaned lewdly, her bottom bouncing and jiggling onto his cock several times before she suddenly went still with just the tip inside.

RJ: "You forgot to mention all the other things I like." Hank chided Peggy as he gave her breast a big smooch while thrusting himself upwards inside of her, patting her butt occasionally as if to encourage her. With a mouth full of her milk, he turned his head over, and with some of it spilling out, he said casually, "Want some?" to the naga.

hme220: "Don't mind if I do~" the naga said, and then kissed Hank deeply on the lips, sucking up much of Peggy's milk, which seemed to cause her to heat up just as it had down to him. Hank felt her tail curling around one of his legs, but Peggy continued to bounce up and down onto his cock, hogging it all to herself, and her increasing tightness signaled that she was soon going to cum from his member pistoning in and out of her.

RJ: Feeling her approaching climax, Hank's free hand went from her ass to her front, using his middle finger to rub at her clit back and forth quickly, while his other hand hugged the naga around her waist, pulling her closer. His groans signaled his own approaching climax, and his eager thrusting upwards signaled that he wanted to empty himself inside of her.

hme220: Rubbing her clit seemed enough to set the hypersensitive demoness off, as she clamped around his cock mere moments afterwards, and she was too busy moaning to tell him to pull out even if she wanted him to. Her spasming inner walls milked Hank's member for all that it was worth, ensuring that every drop of seed that he released was sucked up into her womb, and she fell down on top of him a moment later. "I think... I might.... Be needing.... Some... Maternity leave.... Soon..." she gasped as she recovered, her inner walls still quivering around his member, and holding all of the mess that he'd released deep inside.

RJ: Hank let out a prolonged groan of pleasure as he experienced a great thrill upon being allowed to release inside of her. Before either of them calmed down from the orgasm high, he looked straight to Peggy as she mentioned maternity leave. "I want it's name to be Apples. Boy, girl, doesn't matter... Apples." Hank said bluntly.

hme220: "A...Apples?"

RJ: "Apples."

hme220: "Apples..... Right..." Peggy said, now somewhat worried. "Why?"

RJ: "Why not?" Hank replied, raising a brow at her.

hme220: "....Isn't that... Like.... A vegetable... Or something?" she asked, and the naga laughed lightly, "It'ssssss a fruit."
"....What's a fruit?"

RJ: "Sweet and delicious."

hme220: ".....Right... Well.." Peggy said, climbing off of Hank's cock, "I guess... That couldn't hurt.... But if we're.." She was cut off as the naga suddenly said; "Oh no... You're not done here yet!" Glancing her way, Hank would see the snake woman's ovipositor sticking out of her crotch, fulyl hard and slick with the serpent's juices. Peggy was gazing at the extremely long appendage with something close to awe, "You sssaid sssssssomething about maternity?"

RJ: Hank looked a little dissapointed at Peggy's lack of enthusiasm, before the naga suddenly took initiative. "Oh right, that thing." he said, recalling that same organ going into the witch. "I liked the idea of it inside the witch better, but do what ya want." Hank shrugged, relatively indifferent.

hme220: "Who?" Peggy said, confused, but the lamia suddenly coiled her tail around the demoness, and lifted her up. "Eep!" Peggy said, as the lamia moved her over until she was hovering over the massive appendage, some of Hank's semen dribbling out of her pussy and onto the snake's ovipositor.

RJ: "You know, that witch. With the hat. Kinda snobby... And I hate her..." Hank let out a low growl as he observed Peggy being lifted over the naga's length, but mostly towards his thoughts of the witch. "She pisses me off so much... And god damn that looks hot." he commented on the scene.

hme220: The lamia smirked, "Yesssss.... The one that ssssssset me on fire.... I don't much like her." Peggy tilted her head and opened her mouth, but all that came out was a moan as she was suddenly impaled on the lamia's ovipositor. "Sssssshe would be full of my eggssssssss by now if it weren't for you..." the snake woman said in Hank's direction, but she didn't seem particularly angry about it. In the meantime, she started lifting Peggy up and down, fucking the succubus vigorously as she moaned and squirmed, clearly in too much pleasure to even speak.

RJ: "My bad." Hank replied while watching the scene. Since they were so occupied with each other, he just sat back and scratched at his beard, humming as he once again became rather hard from watching the lamia fuck Peggy. He was a bit excited from what he expected to follow as well.

hme220: "You are forgiven" the lamia said charitably, "Giving me thissss ssssslut isssss repayment enough." The bouncing demoness was moaning and screaming like a whore in heat, her hips pushing back into the naga's thrusts with as much power as they could, and the snake woman remarked; "Ssssshe really likesssss thisssss.... Sssssshe'sssss giving sssso much energy...."

RJ: "Wait..." Hank said slowly, sitting and thinking for a moment. Slowly, he paired the thoughts together in his head. Demon. Energy. Energy suction. Naga lady. Energy means life. No energy means... "Hold on a moment!" Hank suddenly said in protest.
"... Let me do her in the ass while you do that. It will help her... I think."

hme220: The lamia paused at Hank's sudden outburst, causing Peggy to whine and squirm needily, and then smiled reasuringly; "I wassssssn't going to hurt her.... Sssssshe drained enough from you to lasssst a while. But..." She tilted backwards onto the bed, presenting Peggy's rounded ass, and she laid a hand on one of the demon's cheeks to pull it aside, revealing her anus, as well as her pussy lips stretched around the lamia's ovipositor. "If you inssssisssst~"

RJ: "Hmm..." he hummed at her words, before she laid back and spread Peggy out. That was enough for him. "Yer damn right I insist!" he replied with gusto, hopping onto the bed, and putting his hands on Peggy's ass, thrusting himself in eagerly.

hme220: Peggy's ass yielded easily to Hank's cock, but her insides clamped around him and began to squeeze as the lamia started rocking into her once more, at which demoness and naga had begun to moan, the former being much louder. "Sssshe'ssss even tighter...."

RJ: "N-no kiddin...!" Hank grunted, before rocking his hips back and forth to alternate who was thrusting into Peggy. When the lamia drew out, he thrusted in. And when she thrusted, he pulled out so that no matter what, Peggy was getting something fucked into her.

hme220: Peggy's anus pulsated around Hank's cock with every thrust, both his own and the lamia's, and within moments the demoness was cumming between them, well before Hank could work up to an orgasm of his own. She was draining him, lightly, but she didn't seem to be tiring at all, but the lamia beneath her began to moan more loudly herself, and he could feel her beginning to quiver beneath the two of them, particularly her tail which was coiled around one of his legs.

RJ: Notcing the lamia about to cum, Hank felt more curious than horny for that moment. So he drew himself out of her ass, and turned about, letting Peggy stroke him if she wanted, while watching the point they were connected with great interest. "Imma name each one." he announced suddenly.

hme220: Peggy was somewhat preoccupied, and thus left Hank to his own devices, but the lamia called out over the demoness' moans; "You sssshould~ They're yourssssss!" Moments later, she moaned and then hilted herself into Peggy, causing the demoness to cum and spew her juices all over the place as the lamia's ovipositor began to pulsate. Hank watched as one orb passed up into the demoness, and then another, and then another, totaling to twelve in all by the end.

RJ: "Apples," he made sure to name the first that, "Pumpkin, Sugar, Vanilla, Cream, Cocoa, Sweetie, Precious, Cherry, Berry, Pudding, aaaand..." he watched the last egg go in, patting Peggy's butt. "Muffin."

hme220: The lamia and Peggy were busy cumming together, and then recovering, but when they had recovered, the lamia said; "Why do you name them all after foodsssss?"

RJ: "Because I like food. Figure I should like my kids too." he replied simply.

hme220: The lamia chuckled while Peggy continued to pant, "Fair enough...."

RJ: "You, uh... Feelin' alright?" he asked Peggy, slightly concerened, what with the eggs. He meant for them to be for the witch, so he was slightly worried that the pain he wished for was brought onto Peggy instead.

hme220: "Yeah... Uhhh... fine..." Peggy replied contentedly, cuddling the lamia for a moment before rolling off, her belly now bloated.

RJ: "I'm gonna have to pay for this, aren't I?" he asked with a pessimistic tone.

hme220: "What? No.... Why would you?"

RJ: "No reason." Hank said quickly, and evasively.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Maids

Tass: After the three of them were all fairly satisfied, with the yet unnamed Lamia giving Hank a quick suck to finish him off, they were all fairly tired, and thus went to sleep. Peggy awoke with a groan, which then awakened Hank, though the lamia was still fast asleep curled around the two of them. "Feels like they're ready to come out.." she groaned, after which she hastily dressed and departed, giving Hank a quick kiss before carefully extracting herself from their third member's coils. That left Hank, who was heavily enwrapped and practically unable to move.

MAF: Hank grunted as he was kissed and left by Peggy. A part of him didn't want to see his little babies go, but he just leaned back into the lamia's coils. Hank didn't sweat anything he had no power over. So he just laid there, trying to get comfortable while the lamia slept

Tass: The lamia continued to sleep for several more hours, during which time someone knocked at the door. "Room service."

MAF: "Come on in, I'm a little tied up at the moment." Hank replied.

Tass: The door opened, and a demoness in a maids outfit entered the room. Seeing Hank the lamia cuddled under the blankets, she proceeded to the fireplace and stoked it a little before turning to him. "Would you like your clothes washed? Some breakfast perhaps?"

MAF: "Both of those, and I wouldn't mind you too." Hank chuckled crudely.

Tass: The maid chuckled, "I could use a pick me up~ How about after I bring you breakfast?" she said as she gathered up his clothes. Regardless of his answer, she left and returned with two plates of food, setting one aside for the still unconscious lamia and handing the other to Hank.

MAF: "Thank you kindly, sweetheart," Hank said to the maid when she returned with the food. Provided he could actually eat, he did so while examining the maid in greater detail.

Tass: Eying him back, the maid casually undid the front of her dress and allowed the whole thing to fall to the floor, leaving her in a headdress, stockings, and nothing else. She was thin, and though her curves were less than those of Peggy or the lamia currently curled around him, she still possessed the general beauty possessed by all demons, and her soft blue skin was pleasant in its own right. "See anything you like?"

MAF: "Do I have to chose, or can I just say everything?" Hank replied, one hand pawing at her, groaning as the lamia prevented him from just jumping on the maid.

Tass: "Of course~ Would you like an appetizer, or shall we start with the main course?" she cooed lewdly as she crawled forward onto the bed, crimson eyes glowing.

MAF: "I prefer those all-you-can-eat places." Hank replied. "Now get over here and lemme play with those titties."

Tass: "Oh, but your breakfast will get cold~" the maid stated with mock concern, but regardless she pulled the blankets aside, revealing his member, and then crawled down onto him between the naga's coils. With his cock against his belly, she sat on it, rubbing it against her petals, while leaning over and pushing her pet bosom toward him.

MAF: If his arms were free, one hand would grab her back and bring her chest in faster, pulling her in before his mouth was snare one of her breasts, while the other hand grabbed her ass as he'd begin thrusting motions, thrusting his larger cock along her folds eagerly.

Tass: Letting out a little squeal as Hank pulled her in and started sucking on her, the maid writhed her hips against his thrusting motion and the hand planted on her firm bottom. The underside of his engorged rod was quickly slick with her juices, and though she didn't provide him with any milk, her nipple hardened and her body twitched as he suckled at her chest.

MAF: Hank moaned as he continued thrusting while patting her ass to encourage her to become as zealous as he was. His tongue began to wildly flick back and forth along her nipple while his mouth began to make a powerful suction around her tip.

Tass: Hank hardly needed to encourage the maid in her efforts, as she was grinding herself against him eagerly and letting out soft, lewd moans. The familiar sensation of his energy being drained grew as she rubbed herself over his cock, the demon on top of him siphoning off a small portion of his soul with every buck, but it seemed to be getting replaced as quickly as she could suck it away.

MAF: As she thrusted her hips, Hank gripped her ass and lifted up slightly, trying to raise her ass in a gesture that he hoped would register to her that he wanted to stick it inside her. The energy draining didn't even bother him that much. So long as he got to fuck her, Hank didn't care even if the building was on fire.

Tass: The maid got the message quickly enough, as she lifted herself up, grabbed Hank's cock, and lined it up. She slipped down onto him easily despite being almost unbareably tight, merely sticking it in almost enough to send him over the edge, and as she rubbed her petals against his base she let out a low, satisfied groan. Her inner walls began to pulsate around him, their motions again almost enough to bring him to orgasm.

MAF: Hank didn't hesitate even while in the belly of the beast as it were, and thrusted up into her with gusto. "Gonna cum," Hank grunted, slapping his crotch against the maid's ass as he thrusted upwards.

Tass: "Mmmmm.... Gimme~" the maid cooed softly as she bounced atop him, her inner walls quivering around him invitingly while tendrils of her spirit latched onto his own, sucking at his energy like leeches.

MAF: Embracing the leeches, Hank squeezed the maid in a powerful embrace, before making quick, rapid thrusts, and slamming home as his climax hit him, squirting his seed into her pussy as he groaned and panted, pulling out slightly only to slam into her again with each squirt he released, to intensify his orgasm.

Tass: Moaning loudly as Hank filled her up, the demon maid's pussy continued to squeeze and squirm around him, practically sucking out his semen even as he thrusted lightly up to ensure that he was emptied thoroughly. A slight sense of fatigue came over him, but it was nothing compared to how he'd felt the first time he'd been with a succubus, and she cooed softly and said; "You were made for this~ Have you been somebody's pet before? i could keep you going all day if I had the time~"

MAF: Breathing heavy, Hank chuckled, "I ain't no one's pet, darlin. I'm just an indulger in this paridise of pretty ladies." Hank answered honestly.

Tass: "Heeheehee~ You'll be in paradise here then, as my kind can usually sense men like you, even if we don't know it." Removing herself from his cock without losing even a drop of his seed, the maid thrust Hank's breakfast in front of him. "Come now, eat it before it gets cold!" she said, while turning around and planting her pussy right back onto his cock.

MAF: "If that means I'll have lots of nice women lovin' on me, I won't complain at all." Hank announced, eating his breakfast with one hand while holding her hip with the other, fucking himself up into her as she sought round 2.

Tass: Still wrapped in the nagas coils, Hank was ridden vigorously by the maid while eating his breakfast, and treated to the pleasant sight of her bottom bouncing on his cock as it vanished into her folds. He got maybe halfway through before she suddenly tensed and released a thunderous moan, her inner walls tensing around him such that his resistance suddenly melted. Her orgasm didn't even give Hank a chance to prepare, and the sudden spasming around him milked a second load of cum right out of him as it set him off into his own, but the demoness didn't stop bucking onto him even as she came. >>
Every shot of his cum vanished into her, and despite her continued motion only one dribble of his semen spilled out of her, visible running down his shaft for a second before her next downward motion caused it to vanish. When she bucked back up, it was gone without a trace.

MAF: Hank couldn't be a happier man. Feeding her hungry pussy was an activity Hank would be happy to call a hobby. With his thumb, he'd pull the flesh of her blue ass back to see the sight of her pussy and asshole, and grinned when he did so, swallowing a mouthful of food he had in his mouth as he licked his lips at the lewd sight. Gritting his teeth as she suddenly came, he came with her and shot another load inside her devouring pussy, thrusting up into her and loving every moment.

Tass: The maid rode him throughout breakfast tirelessly, draining him the entire time. Finally, after making him cum inside of her one more time just after he'd finished, she pulled off with a sigh, her sex having sucked up every drop he'd had to offer without releasing any of it. "Thank you for the tip~" she said politely, "Please come and visit us again some time~" With that, she redonned her dress and took his cleaned plate.

MAF: Hank chuckled. "If I agree to stay here for a while, I hope I can work somethin' out with the owner. Some price off or sum shit." he announced. "I love it here. Hey," he called out to her. "You can stop by anytime. I like ya~"

Tass: "I can tell~ Well, we do do discounts for extended stays, but with service like ours, it's not cheap. You can ask at the desk. I'll be sure to come to your room often so long as you're here~" she said, and then winked and blew Hank a kiss before departing. The lamia awakened a few moments later, stretching and squeezing him painfully for a moment before spotting his still-revealed cock. "Breakfasssssst~" she said, before leaning down and taking him into her mouth, ignoring the taste of the succubus maid still on his rod as she started to bob up and down, also sucking away at his energy that just kept replacing itself.

MAF: Hank nodded to the lamia, "G'mornin'," he said as she rose, and when she immediately dug in, he chuckled. "He-he-he! Damn, I'm really lovin' havin you around." he announced happily.

Tass: Bobbing her head and wrapping her tongue around his cock, the lamia gave a muffled cry in response to his statement. Placing a hand on either of his thighs, she shut her eyes and kept at her work until Hank blew his load into her mouth... Twice, at which point his balls had begun to ache from cumming so much. Pulling off with a satisfied coo, the naga glanced at him and said; "After that ssssssuccubussss and me, how are you even still consssssciousssss?"

MAF: After releasing his third load, Hank chuckled at her question. "Who the hell knows?" he asked her back. "You complainin'?"

Tass: "Not at all~" she hissed, and uncoiled from around him before sighting her plate of food, which was cold by now. "Breakfassssst!" she cried again, and gobbled it all down in a matter of seconds.

MAF: Hank chuckled as she gobbled down her second breakfast. "Once I get my clothes back, I'm gonna speak with the owner of this place. And then I'm gonna head out to see what needs killin'." he announced to her. "You can do what you like while I'm at that."

Tass: "Mkay~ I'll lay around for a while!" she declared, "And then maybe try to make ssssssome money!" she added after a moment. A moment later the maid came in, carrying Hank's relatively cleaned clothes with her. She set them onto a small mantle and curtsied, "Is there anything else you'd like, sir or lady?" The naga immediately replied; "Hot chocolate!"

MAF: Hank chuckled. "I've got all I wanted. Take care of my snake for me though." Hank announced, slipping his clothes on, but before he went over to them, gave the maid's bottom a firm grope.

Tass: The maid, still not wearing any panties, gave a soft coo at Hank's groping and bowed, pushing her bottom into his hand slightly. "Of course~ I'll have your drink shortly madame!" With that she departed, and naga came forth and gave Hank a kiss on the lips. An extremely deep one at that. After she parted from him, she said; "Good luck... And don't get yourssssself killed~ Elsssse I'll have to go and find people to feed on again!"

MAF: "No promises." Hank replied, returning the kiss and grabbing the naga firmly in his arms during the kiss. "I'd rather die fightin' than die an old man sleeping in his bed."

Tass: The naga harumphed, but didn't offer any complaint.

MAF: "Take care now," Hank said to the snake, before going out, seeking the owner to negotiate some kind of deal for his permanent stay.

Tass: Hank was directed to a woman in the kitchens, one with pitch black, messy hair and sunken grey eyes. His negotiations turned up some success, allowing him to stay there with the naga for full room and board (including dinner and breakfast) for only six denarii per day.

MAF: During the negotiations, Hank often flirted with the black haired woman, but was relatively pleased with his success.
And then, thanking the woman, he went to head for that organization he found himself working for. All the while, thinking of the witch. "Don't be there-Don't be there-Don't be there-" he chanted as he walked.

Tass: Immediately after Hank stepped into the office, he found the witch sitting behind Peggy's desk, still wearing her hat. "Hello sweetie~"
she called at him flirtatiously, tossing him a wink in welcome as she leaned over the desk, placing her head on her hands.

MAF: "GOD FUCKIN' DAMN IT!" Hank shouted at the witch.

Tass: She quirked an eyebrow at him, "Something the matter dear? You seem upset~"

MAF: "Hate your hat." he replied, before turning to Peggy. "Give me somethin' to kill. Like, now."

Tass: Peggy, as it turned out, was not there. The only one in the outer office was the witch, who sat behind Peggy's desk.

MAF: And so Hank directed his request to the witch, wanting to be free of her as soon as possible.

Tass: She received his comment about her hat with nothing more than a giggle. "You want a mission eh?" she said, winking exaggeratedly at him, "Well, I've got something for you~ Nice, simple... And bloody."

MAF: Hank cringed as the pressure of being near her wretched hat began to crush his mentality. "Uh-huh... Uh-huh... Uh-huh," he nodded, face going red with rage.

Tass: She tilted her head, "You want it?"


Tass: Giggling again, she handed him a map. "Follow that, kill all of the bandits, and you'll get eighty, plus whatever you get for salvage. Don't even have to carry anything back here or look for anything, just kill all of the bandits. Got that?"

MAF: Hank snatched the map from her hand, and turned with a growl, stomping his feet angrily as he sought to distance himself from her before his head exploded from all the blood flowing to it.
"I hope they have hats, every single one of em!" Hank growled. And if they didn't, he'd picture witch hats over their heads instead.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Onis and Bandits

Tass: Departing from the office with the hatted witch's giggles echoing after him, Hank was left with directions and violent purpose, his goal to wipe out a group of bandits that were stalking Acheron's North-Eastern road, one that would take him past the formerly abandoned mine.

MAF: "Gee, I hope bandits don't show up to steal my net worth of a thousand denarii I happen to be carrying on my person!" Hank shouted out, trying to lure the bandits out.

Tass: Given that he was still standing outside of the office, Hank drew a lot of confused looks from assorted passersby. A guard came up to him, a man in black chain armor and a full helmet with the city's symbol coating his chest in vibrant red. "Is there a problem sir? Were you robbed?"

MAF: "Why did a guard answer my bandit call?" Hank complained. "The hell's wrong with you?"

Tass: "There aren't any bandits inside the city sir."

MAF: "Yeah there is, I fucked one."

Tass: "....What!?"

MAF: "You gotta step up yer game, kid." Hank advised.

Tass: "....What in the hell are you talking about?"

MAF: "Just don't go answering any more bandit calls, unless you are a bandit." Hank lectured him, before moving forward, calling out again, "Man, I wonder what I'm gonna spend all this money on!" Hank called out loudly. "All these diamonds, I'm rich!"

Tass: The guard just looked confused, but Hank's calls were still earning him a number of odd looks. The guard followed after him, putting a hand on Hank's shoulder as he said; "Sir, please don't go around shouting. You're disturbing the peace." Meanwhile, a woman with pure-red skin that was sitting at a patio outside of a nearby bar stood up, to her full seven foot height, and called out; "Oi! You! Moneybags! I'll betcha everythin you got that I can *hic* outdrink you!"

MAF: "Winner gets to fuck the loser, and get their very own pet guard that will follow them around." Hank replied bluntly to the red skinned girl.

Tass: "Fuck, all your money, all your jizz, all your energy, *hic* AND a pet guard!? Get your ass over here boy!" she called, her massive bust jiggling as she dropped back down into her seat and motioned for him, her lips curling like the horns jutting from her temples.

MAF: Hank gestured to the guard as he approached the red skinned woman. "Come on kid, yer gonna help me catch bandits." he announced before sitting with the drunk woman.

Tass: "What,...... The hell?" the guard said, standing in place while Hank walked over and sat down. A barmaid in a skimpy outfit, specifically one with bunny ears and a little fluffy tail on her bottom, plopped an ale down in front of him and the red woman immediately and she clinked her mug against his and said; "First one to pass out, die, give up, or throw up loses!"

MAF: "Yup, cheers!" Hank announced, fetching up the ale and chugging it down with the horned demoness. "Don't drink, kid. It's bad for ya." Hank lectured the guard.

Tass: The woman easily chugged her ale, and within moments they had another one placed before them. "What... But... I don't..." the guardsman seemed at a complete loss. "Heh, you'll be feeling it soon I'll wager!" the demoness said while reaching for her second ale.

MAF: "Yeah," Bakan nodded, downing his second ale, before burping loudly and slamming the mug down. "Feelin' the insides of that pussy real soon! Hey," Hank pointed at the demoness, "How'd you get so big? Was yer mom er dad... A tree?"

Tass: "One way or another!" she agreed before downing her ale. "What!? No I ain't no tree yah dunce! I'm an oni! And you'll be rememberin it too! You won't even be able tah finish with any other woman after I'm done with yah!" she boasted loudly as she took up her third ale, by which point the alcohol seemed to be hitting Hank a little bit.

MAF: Hank laughed as she boasted, drinking his third ale as well. "Look here, ya big red pepper, you ain't got what it takes!"
Laughing, he shook his head, before patting the guard on his shoulder. "You're a good kid."

Tass: "...I don't even know anymore..." the guard said, and the oni grinned at him brightly as she hefted their fourth ale. "You're gonna be squirming like a little worm soon! You'd better have a nice big one for me to play with!" she said, and then chugged down her fourth ale. Hank was definitely feeling it now, particularly after he finished his fourth ale.

MAF: Finishing his fourth, Hank laughed again, "I've been tryin' to make it bigger. Apparently sex does the trick, so I've been havin' a lot. Yer gonna help me with that." Hank announced. "Hey, take off that helmet kid. What are ya, the dark knight?" Hank asked, chuckling. "Gotta show those sparkling Ack-ron eyes if you wanna tap her too."

Tass: "..They don't pay me enough for this crap..." the guard grumbled while they were brought their fifth ales. "You know I'm on duty, right? Actually... Never mind that question." The oni smirked, casually leaned forward, and ripped off his helmet. "Oi!" he called irritably, "That's mine!" The oni flicked her tongue at him before placing it between her massive breasts, chugging her ale and causing a rain of white foam to rain down onto the piece of armor and her bosom. Licking her lips as she finished, she said; "Come 'n get it if yah want it so bad!" The guard simply scowled and shook his head.

MAF: "Go get it kid! Hahahaha!" Hank laughed. "I'll help ya, come on!" Hank said, drunk out of his mind as he tried pulling the guard along to help with retrieving his helmet, though Hank mostly wanted to suck on her breasts.

Tass: The guard grunted in surprise when he was grabbed, and pulled over to the oni. She took up both ales this time, and when Hank drew near she casually grabbed his head and yanked it under her breasts. "Better open yer gob, boy!" she said, before she both chugged her own ale and poured Hanks down her front, the liquid passing between her massive bosom and running down her crimson skin towards him.

MAF: Hank eagerly drank from between her breasts, growling under his breath as he was determined to gather as much as possible, before letting out a roar of a laugh as his world began to spin. The sensation was so welcome to him, because it reminded him of how his head would sometimes spin during combat, especially after losing some blood. Being drunk like that while destroying everything in his way is a feeling like no other.

Tass: "Heh, looks like you're done kid!" the oni said, while the guard retrieved his helm from between her breasts. It was now soaked in ale, however, so he simply scowled at it and put it under his arm. "You wanna give up, so we can head on upstairs and start the fun?" she said suggestively, still holding his head and rubbing it against her breasts.

MAF: "I aint... Done!" Hank announced, intending to drink himself unconscious if need be. He was never the type to surrender.

Tass: "That's the spirit! Bar wench, get us some Boilermakers!" she called, and the barmaid brought over shots of whiskey along with their next ales, pouring the more potent alcohol into their drinks. "You're all mine after this~" the woman said with a grin, before raising her back up over her breasts to make him drink that way.

MAF: 'Damn...' Hank would think to himself. 'Wasn't I supposed to be doin' somethin?' he wondered, before he forgot and let himself drown in the valley between her breasts and the potent alcohol that was to follow, until either of them, likly him, would pass out from the booze.

Tass: Hank then passed out from alcohol, his last sound that of the oni cheering and the guard sighing. He woke up with the red woman's chest, now naked, pressing into his fast while she stroked his cock. Both of their clothes were gone, and a deliciously sweet liquid was pouring into his mouth from the tip of one her breasts. "That always wakes 'em up!" she said lewdly, and then pulled his head up to her bosom.

MAF: "Shit..." Hank groaned. "First time I ended up in a place like this after going on a rage binge. Should stop drinkin' when I'm pissed off." he said, before looking at the oni. "I got a question."

Tass: "What's up?" she said, still rubbing her tits over his face, and her hand over his cock.

MAF: "Why the fuck am I not inside you yet?"

Tass: "Cuz I'm still thirsty, and you weren't hard enough when you were asleep!"

MAF: "Well I'm hard right now." Hank complained, making light humping motions. "So c'mon, Pepper."

Tass: "Heh, how'd you guess my name?" she said, before positioning herself over Hank's cock, mounting him, and promptly swallowing his manhood into her unbearably tight pussy. The oni began to buck onto him immediately, moaning lewdly while she fucked him so hard that the bed was shaking every time she dropped her wide, juggly bottom down on top of him.

MAF: "Shit...!" Hank cursed as he couldn't even thrust upwards to meet her, as he was just slammed back down, forcing him to take the abuse of her hips. Or so it would have been, if Hank would have given up. Despite her power, Hank slammed himself upwards, knowing he'd be crushed back down that much harder, but did so anyways, filled with the urge to thrust himself into the giant woman's fuck hole.

Tass: "Heh, you got spirit!" Pepper said, and she began to slam her powerful hips down all the harder. "It tastes great too! Like warm whiskey~" she said, and Hank would feel his soul being sucked out of him by her with every burst of pleasure that she caused him. The urge to cum was rising rapidly, and his partner showed no signs of stopping or slowing down any time soon. "Gonna suck every last drop out of yah!" she cried lewdly, as her hips bucked even more wildly.

MAF: "Have all ya like!" Hank announced up to her while groaning loudly from how insanely good her pussy felt, and from the savage thrill of fucking in such a manner, before reaching his hand forth to find her clit and attack it ruthlessly.

Tass: Hank could barely keep his hand in place, so rapid were Pepper's motions, but he caused the oni to shiver... And start bucking even faster and harder, causing her to take him up on his offer as she rapidly milked a powerful orgasm right out of him.

MAF: Grunting, and groaning, his lower half twitched upwards as he came, spilling his seed inside her as he let out a prolonged groan. 'Real heavy hitter, this one...' Hank said, mostly in admiration than anything else.

Tass: Pepper didn't even stop bucking onto Hank as he came inside of her, merely giving a low groan at the feel of his seed spurting up into her crushing depths and briefly shifting to a swift grind. "Tryin to pass on yer legacy huh? Make me cream afore you pass out and you might get your wish~" she called, before his orgasm completed, leaving him on the verge of passing out even as she continued to bounce onto his cock powerfully.

MAF: Still able to hold on thanks to the strange mutation in his soul, which Peggy seemed to enjoy, Hank decided to at least make her cum, not so much to make her pregnant, as to simply feel and hear her climax as she cums on his dick. Hands and hips working, Hank grit his teeth as he fucked and teased as much as he was able, despite how little he could do to begin with.

Tass: "Heh, that the best you got!" she groaned, and then suddenly bucked down and held him against the bed. From there, he could play with her clit more, but she grinned down at him and said; "Watch this!" Her inner walls suddenly spasmed and began to squirm, causing her to moan with pleasure but sending a spike of sensation up into Hank's brain that very nearly paralyzed him.

MAF: Hank went stiff the moment she slammed her hips down. He knew something was coming, but nothing prepared him for what really did come. Flat to the bed, Hank's mouth opened but made no noise. 'The... Hell!?' he exclaimed mentally. 'Her pussy is using my dick like a damn chew toy!!!'

Tass: Giving an excited gasp, Pepper began to grind back and forth onto Hank's cock, an act almost as good as when she'd been slam fucking him a moment ago. "Mmmm~ you took the first one! Nobody's ever lasted past the fourth!" she groaned, and then that blissful contraction happened again, even stronger this time as it suck everything out of him....

MAF: "The hell... Is your pussy... Made out of!?" Hank exclaimed as she grinded her hips back and forth on him. It was strange how almost every pussy he ever enjoyed felt different from one woman to another, especially between races. He didn't even think such a big woman would have such a tight pussy that she could squeeze his finger tight. All the same, Hank groaned out as he suffered her second contraction, face red as he made a resolution not to be broken.

Tass: Pepper groaned excitedly, "Out of heaven boy~ Now give it another treat! You're cum's like the best ale in the country, and I can feel you've got plenty more to give." The next few seconds were torture, as she began to buck slowly up and down, pushing him ever closer to the edge while his balls boiled with the urge to release. "Gimme~ Gimme gimme gimme!" she chanted, and then the next spasm happened, the pleasure of it orgasmic in and of itself, and threatening to make him cum harder than he ever had before if he didn't muster up a supreme act of willpower to resist it.

MAF: Not bothering to resist, he embraced the pleasure as he willlingly let his cum flow, and allow the cum hungry oni to drink up his essence flowing from his gonads. 'Think of the high score!!!' Hank shouted to himself, summoning every once of willpower he had to withstand her contractions up to a fifth time, and maybe even beyond if he could manage. Either way, it was a challenge, and Hank loved challenges.

Tass: Hank's explosive orgasm caused his eyes to roll up into the back of his head, and drew a long moan from Pepper as her sex squirmed around his cock. His orgasm allowed everything to be sucked from him, every single drop of semen that he had pouring out and causing the oni's belly to bloat, her womb stretching to contain all of it even as it exploded out of her. Even after he'd been milked dry Hank just kept on cumming, his cock jumping even though he had nothing left to give. His soul was largely sucked up as well, as if the oni were using his rod as a straw to drain him completely dry, and after his second orgasm no amount of willpower could keep him from passing out.

MAF: 'God... damn...' Hank barely managed to think, his vision black from his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he was suffocated with the inhumane sensations he was forced to endure. 'Some other asshole did better than me...' Hank mentally groaned as he realized he wasn't going to make it even to the fourth time. 'Fuck... you...' Hank cursed the mysterious 'top player' that ever was fucked by this oni.

Tass: Hank, as he blacked out, felt the oni start to buck onto him with renewed vigor, using his body for her own pleasure even as he blacked out, the tightness of her folds ensuring that he'd remain hard....~~~
Some time later, Hank awoke with a throbbing headache, a combination of hangover and the result of being drained. There was a note next to his pack, as he found himself still in the oni's tavern room, or wherever she'd taken him after he passed out the first time.

MAF: "Tell me she didn't take the hearts. I had a lot of fun getting those." Hank grumbled as he took the note to try and read it.

Tass: The note read: "Howdy kid! Whenever you wake up from this, you oughta know that you were a pretty good fuck! We'll have to have another drinking contest some time! I took my winnings from yer pack, but I left all your weapons and such. Shouldn't part a man from his trophies. You paid for the room, so stay as long as yah want!"

MAF: Hank wondered if all his coins were gone, including the ones from the pack the witch bitch left for him after that one mission.

Tass: All of Hank's money was gone, though Destiny and his assorted trophies remained.

MAF: "Shit." Hank growled. "Those fuckin' bandits better have found a fuckin' gold mine."

Tass: Hank was left, naked and alone in the hotel room where he'd had some of the best sex in his life.
His clothes were on the floor, scattered about haphazardly.

MAF: Hank dressed in his shabby clothes and put his weak armor on before picking Destiny back up. He'd not bother to stay in the room, no point in it, he'd reason. Without money he doubted that he'd get extra food from the place, so Hank immediately left the hotel, in search of bandits, and quite sore that he lost, eager to make up for what he'd lost by crashing in on the bandits and taking their fortune.

Tass: Leaving the inn, he found that night was nearer than it had been when he'd last been outdoors, but he was allowed out of Acheron anyway. The gates clanged shut behind him, though the guards told him that they would let him back in whenever he opted to come back. Stepping out onto the road, he was left with the choice of how to best hunt the bandits as the hour of twilight descended upon the autumn-colored forest.

MAF: Putting a hand to his mouth, Hank proceeded onwards. "I should be careful, my gun's worth a lot of money and who knows what bandits may come out!"
Shouting like that, he searched about to see if any bandit would take the bait.

Tass: Hank went on down the road a short ways, before someone clad in black leather armor and a dark mask would jump out while clutching a pair of daggers. "Stop right there criminal scum!"

MAF: "You wanna redo that?" Hank asked bluntly. "I think you got a little too excited."

Tass: "You're under arrest!" the man said, "Don't try to resist! We've got you surrounded!" *chirp, chirp, chirp went the crickets.*

MAF: "Look, this is gettin' awkward. Get back in the bush, and try again. With feeling."

Tass: "I'm not joking! Now will you come quietly, foul knaive? Or will I have to smite thee!?"

MAF: "Question."

Tass: "...What is it?"

MAF: "Is that thing behind you your's?"

Tass: The man glanced behind himself, "Huh? What thi" *shot*

MAF: "Made you look," Hank said, before bashing the back of the man's head with his gun, not wanting to kill the stupid kid.

Tass: *bashed, flopped..... Vanished into thin air as if he'd just evaporated.*

MAF: "... I never knew I had it in me to turn people to dust with just a single hit." Hank hummed.

Tass: "Get him!" called a voice.... A musical, feminine voice that was both alluring and frightening at the same time. Hank didn't have long to ponder this, however, before a group of bandits suddenly attacked him.... >>
(both win their stealth checks and autohit for double damage)
(33 and 34 damage respectively, leaving Hank at 9/86 HP)
Two men came out, quickly swinging with swords and scoring nasty hits on Hank.

MAF: "........" Hank was at first silent upon their attacks, spilling his blood on the ground. Standing in place, he adjusted Destiny over his shoulder, before pulling the trigger in the direction which he knew one of the backstabbing men to be. "Better not miss," Hank advised the other man, turning and ready for the attack that would end Hank's life if it landed.

Tass: Hank shot the man that had stabbed him first in the chest (39 damage) dropping him to the ground and seemingly killing him instantly. The other man swung... And missed Hank's throat by inches as his cleaving swing went wide, giving him a moment to aim and fire his next shot.

MAF: Keeping himself ready to dodge another strike, Hank lifted his gun to fire his main barrel, and kill the other man while Hank squinted one eye at the bandit. Overall, he was finding the bandits to be boring to fight. Quiet, sneaky little fucks as he'd call them. "Told you," Hank said, before firing.

Tass: Destiny blew a hole the size of Hank's fist in the man's chest (47 damage) and he simply tumbled over, dead. A sound in the woods drew him towards them, however, and he spotted a human figure moving among the trees, retreating away from him.

MAF: Seeing the figure, Hank sighed, "God damn, you're boring." he complained, before switching to his bolt barrel, and aiming for a leg shot.

Tass: (21 damage) Hank's bolt shot out and speared the fleeing bandit in the leg, causing them to let out a quick scream and stumble. They didn't fall, however, and instead scrambled behind a tree. Hank noticed that she, for the scream had been decidedly feminine, had been wearing a hat, a classic archer's cap.

MAF: "I am going to have so much fun tonight." Hank chuckled upon seeing the hat. Giving chase, he hoped to catch up, and have a little 'fun' with the woman who so boldly decided to wear a hat.

Tass: Hank soon arrived at the tree behind which the woman had been hiding, finding no trace of a blood trail nearby.

MAF: "Aw," Hank gestured with disappointment. Looking around, he began to whistle as if calling a dog, as if that would summon her.

Tass: Looking around, Hank wouldn't even hear it as the woman dropped from the tree that she had stealthily climbed up... Right on top of him, bringing the pommel of her sword down onto the back of his head, and dropping him like a stone.
(also, before I forget, gain a mutation for the oni)

MAF: (+1 Large, for Large times two!)

Tass: (Yaaaay)

MAF: "FUCKIN' HATS-" Hank growled before he was knocked out.

Tass: When Hank awakened, he found himself lying face down in the dark forest, alone and with Destiny lying underneath him, apparently undamaged. His pack was missing though, which included all of his ammo, and he felt woozy, as if he'd lost a great deal of blood... And was still losing it.

MAF: 'What a shitty way to die...' Hank thought as he noticed how he was bleeding. His pack was gone, he was truly without anything. Nothing in his main barrel,and limited ammo in his bolt barrel. he felt so woozy that getting up, let alone taking Destiny with him was too much. It dawned on him that this was pretty much it. He wasn't going to leave Destiny behind no matter what. "... Fuck..." Hank cursed, clinging to his gun, before closing his eyes.

Tass: Hank wasn't dead yet. His body was gummy, and perhaps still bleeding slightly, but he was conscious, and presumably not one to go out like a bitch.

MAF: Taking a moment to brace himself, Hank tried pushing himself up, which he did, barely. With the last of his strength, all he could do was press on, bleeding out like a mere animal, as he took Destiny by the hilt, and tried to drag her along behind him.

Tass: It was then, as all hope seemed lost, and Hank closed his eyes to die clutching Destiny in his arms, that he heard a female voice say; "Oh balls, the bandits caught another one! Go see if he's still alive!"

MAF: "Fuck that..." Hank whispered faintly under his breath as he tried to get along. "Dyin' like this sucks... But livin' on pity... I'd blow my own brains out if I still had my fuckin' ammo!"

Tass: "He seems to be still alive!" said a man's voice, masculine but fairly high pitched and possessed of similar melodic tones to the female bandit that had killed him. Whether he liked it or not, Hank felt a surge of energy flow into him, his body healing and strength returning to his limbs.

MAF: "God damn it..." Hank began to tremble as energy came back to him. Like a dog dead on the side of the road, someone took pity. And that's what he felt like. "GOD FUCKIN' DAMN IT!" Hank screamed. Of such a mind, Hank would turn and choke the man that healed him if he was near.

Tass: He was, in fact, quite near, and the elven man would say only; "Hurggkk!" as he was choked, while a woman would come up, completely naked and possessed of grass-green skin, and scowl down at him as she said; "Stop that!"

MAF: Hank toss the man aside as he was beckoned to stop. Taking Destiny, he held her more like a club. Only with bolts and the big one, he moved onwards. He wouldn't leave until he found the fucking cunt who left him like that, and made her life a living hell.

Tass: "Oi? Where are you going!?" the naked woman called after him as Hank stormed off. Ignoring her, he heard her mutter; "asshole" while she helped the choked man back to his feet. Hank, meanwhile, moved off into the woods in search of the bandit woman that had done this to him.

MAF: Hank, blind with rage, searched the forest at random. He didn't give a fuck, he'd find where she was if it was the last thing he'd do, looking for her blood, tracks, anything that would tell him where she was.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Elf Bandits

Tass: Proceeding blindly into the woods, Hank charged off in a seemingly random direction, his mind full of rage, and eventually came upon a set of tracks that were lined with what he immediately recognized were his own things, including a number of bolt rounds for Destiny. The shotgun shells, a more common ammunition, were missing, but he eventually scavenged the parts to maintain and reload Destiny's main barrel as well. The tracks, it seemed, led off into the woods, and gradually grew lighter until disappearing completely.

MAF: Noticing the tracks, Hank grunted, holding Destiny tight in his grip. "Don't worry baby," he spoke to Destiny. "I won't let that bitch that stole from you get away with it." he said, carefully tracking the bandit woman's tracks, all while imagining all the different ways he was going to make her suffer for what she did. Hang her upside down, beat her with Destiny's barrel, let Destiny herself teach the bitch a lesson. Tie her up by her limbs, and drag her around for a spell, before leaving her to some horny creature. Or maybe just kick her a few times. Maybe kick her a little more.

Tass: Following the tracks, Hank eventually came upon an old wooden building that had been turned into a makeshift fortress. He practically stumbled right onto it, but once he saw it he realized that it wasn't particularly well hidden, just remote. As soon as he broke from the cover of the underbrush, he heard a man called out; "Intruder!" Looking up, he saw a man dressed like those that had attacked him, in camoflage with a dark mask. They knew he was here, apparently, but for the moment it was just one man standing on a makeshift tower that he had to deal with.

MAF: Without saying a word, Hank rose his gun to fire at the man above. His mind was rarely this clear, rather than dumbed down by his ever constant hangover. The humiliation combined with the rage was enough to sober him up beyond what any outside mental influence could do. The only thing that was on his mind was finding what was stolen that belonged to Destiny, and putting a conclusion to this that he would be satisfied with, which would be either to die fighting these cowards, or to kill every last one of them.
(Defensive fightan, 20 into perception)

Tass: (hit, damage = 37) Hank's shot smacked into the man's shoulder, causing him to scream with pain as he recoiled. But, even with a bolt sticking out of his shoulder, his return shot went wide as it plunked into the ground. Concentrating on his surroundings, Hank heard a number of booted feet moving towards him, traveling over wood, but one other was creeping through the woods towards his back.

MAF: Hank followed up with another shot, before his eyes turned, leaving the man he shot at, assuming his bolt would hit, to look for those attempting to repeat what they did before. This time, however, Hank wouldn't let them weaken him with their pathetic way of fighting. They had to be put to the ground for being so boring.

Tass: (hit, he had 2 HP left so meh) Hank's second bolt sent the man tumbling backwards onto a wooden bridge, causing it to shake loudly before he tumbled into a stream that ran through their compound. Turning around, he found himself face to face with the same woman as before, now sans her hat, causing him to realize that she was an elf.... A drop-dead gorgeous, platinum blond elf. She came to a dead stop as he spun on her, Destiny pointed in her face even as she raised a knife that she'd likely intended to jab into his back.

MAF: "Fuck." Hank cursed upon seeing her. Why did she have to take the fucking hat off? Keeping his gun pointed at her, he also kept his senses fine tuned. He swore he heard another one of the bastards. The rest could die, but her, he'd take her, find her hat, put it on her, and THEN do horrible things to her.
(20 to perception again)
(Hank holds fire)

Tass: (That's full defense, which is 30 Perception, Dodge, and Resistance.) "You.... You're supposed to be dead!" the elf exclaimed, "I... We killed you!"

MAF: "You didn't finish the job, that was yer mistake." he replied. Where the fuck was the other one? Was there? "Don't move." Hank warned her, keeping his eyes locked on her, but his mind focused elsewhere, trusting his ears.
Tass: The others were still oncoming, about five of them by his count. They had just made the bridge when the woman exclaimed; "Well this time, I'll just have to finish it for sure!" She suddenly darted forward, slashing at his throat and missing.

MAF: "Hmph," Hank grunted, before trying to go for a quick knockout, looking to bash her over the head with Destiny. She was too precious for his revenge to kill.

Tass: (Attack: Miss. Her attack: Hit. Damage: 38 damage. Hank is at 48 HP) The woman nimbly sidestepped his strike, and responded by slashing at his side with her dagger, giving him a nasty gash. Her compatriots were over the bridge, and would be attacking him momentarily, and surrounding him unless Hank did something quickly.

MAF: Hank growled loudly. Pissed off, he turned to the approaching bandits, and fired the big one. A large ball would fly at the closest unlucky fool that was approaching, and blast him to bits while he kept his distance from the bitch with the knife. (+20 to dodge)

Tass: Hank's boomer barrel obliterated the charging man, and the thunderous crash and the explosion of their comrade would send the other men scattering as the woman swung at him again, this time missing by a hair's breadth.

MAF: Seeing the other men scatter, Hank turned back, and rounded on the bitch with Destiny, aiming to hit her, and hit her hard. (20 to dodge again)

Tass: The woman narrowly dodged out of the way of Hank's shot, and he realized that his rifle only had one shot left in total, in the bolt barrel. The woman's sword missed the top of his head by centimeters as she tried to back him towards the bridge, where his footing would be unstable.

MAF: "Alright, fuck it." Hank growled as he rose his gun, and fired his bolt at her leg.

Tass: (Hit, 41 damage She hits him, for 37 damage, leaving him at 11 HP.) Hank's last bolt hit the woman right in the leg... Again... Causing her to yowl in pain, but then she slashed at him angrily, scoring a nasty hit over his chest that immediately welled up with blood. "Always... In.... The.... Fucking.... Leg!" she exclaimed. Meanwhile, the other bandits were peaking up from cover to watch the ensuing battle.
MAF: No bolts left, Hank snarled at her, "Smile!" he shouted, launching his fist at her face.

Tass: Hank's fist reached out and slammed into the woman's face, causing the rest of the bandits to turn and bolt, each going in a different direction as their apparent leader was dropped to the ground, knocked out cold.

MAF: Seeing the bandits bolt, he truly wondered why they did. They could have killed him for sure. And fuck, why didn't they? He didn't want to go, remembering how this day went for the rest of his life. Still, he got half of what he wanted. So, he grabbed her by an arm, and dragged her into the isolated house. His intent, to find Destiny's things, and tie her up like a mummy.
And most importantly, find her hat, and put it on her

Tass: Hank did in fact find the rest of Destiny's ammo, as well as a decent pack to put all of it in. He also found his money, half divided up already, as well as another 200 denarii, plus a sniper rifle, a heavy crossbow, an assortment of daggers (12) and a very shiny kite shield. He also found the elf's hat, and put it on her.
And tied her up however he saw fit.

MAF: First, he removed the bolt. Harshly. The squish of her flesh would please him a little, but only a little. Her unconscious body wasn't worth anything. Taking all of the stuff he found and packing it all into a big bag, Hank intended to pawn all of it. The good thing was that he now had some money. He didn't quite remember why he came all the way out here, but at least he'll somehow be leaving the situation, taking with him the loot and bad memories.

Tass: The woman stirred and awoke as Hank pulled the bolt out, and immediately screamed in pain before thinking to quiet herself, which she did quickly.

MAF: "Keep doin' that screamin' thing. It's relaxin' me." Hank said simply as he packed the loot. Of course, she was well tied up, wrapped up as he was by the lamia to the point where all she could do is squirm like a worm.

Tass: (wat)

MAF: "Oh, shiny." Hank commented at the shield.

Tass: The woman squirmed, ineffectually, against her bonds while Hank admired his loot, finding that the shield was probably enchanted.

MAF: "Alright," Hank set the bag of loot aside, before coming towards her, and pressing his boot onto her wound. She had a hat on, so he felt completely unbothered by causing her pain. "Let me say one little thing." he began, even if she was screaming in pain. "I meant what I said back there. You shoulda killed me. The fact that you let me live, knowin' you stole from my precious Destiny, and knowin' I was nearly killed by the most piss cowardly way of fightin', really fuckin' makes me hate you. Your boys coulda killed me too after I knocked you out, even saved ya. But they ran. It's clear. Nobody fuckin' likes you."

Tass: The elf groaned and thrashed in her bonds, her body quickly soaking with sweat from the pain that Hank caused her. His words caused her to scowl grimly, "They... They probably... Went to.... Regroup... You should run.... While you still can!"

MAF: "I don't give a fuck, woman." Hank said bluntly. "I don't care if they come back and kill me. I'm ready for death. I should have died. I'D RATHER HAVE DIED!" he shouted, kicking her in the stomach. "I'm gonna humiliate you and make you suffer. And you know what else? I'm gonna make you live. You're gonna remember this, just like me, and won't ever forget it."

Tass: The woman intook breath sharply at Hank's kick, and began to shiver in her bands as he declared that she was going to live through whatever he was about to be put through. "Then... Go jump off a bridge or somethin!" she hissed, out of breath.

MAF: "I plan to die fightin' a good fight, thank you so very much." he spat. "Destiny has a thing or two she wants to say too." Hank added, before picking up Destiny, and crushing her down on the woman's wounded leg. "She doesn't like ya either. If'n ya only robbed from me, I'd probably even forgive ya... But you... You insulted my baby."

Tass: The woman howled wordlessly in pain, thrashing uselessly in her bonds until she slumped, panting and exhausted. "Fuckk... You.... And... your.... Stupid.... Gun!" she grunted, one word at a time and through gritted teeth
as Hank tortured her twice-shot leg.

MAF: "What was that about a fuck? I can accomedate ya just fine." Hank announced. Picking her up, he took her outside. Rather than one of the things he talked about, he decided to do them all. After Destiny had a nice talk with her, it was time to enjoy a nice show with her and one of the wild beasts of the forest. If he ever found one, he'd pull her bindings down so that her ass was exposed, yanking her trousers down as well. She needed nothing else off to get fucked anyway. Hoping, he wanted to find something with a nice, huge cock.

Tass: Carrying the feebly squirming woman for a ways, Hank stumbled upon a bear feasting upon the carcass of a deer. It turned and growled threateningly at him, its chest rumbling as he noticed the various markings that it had, indicating that the beast had been subjected to much corruption.

MAF: "Hey there Pooh Bear." Hank greeted the beast, before laying the woman down on her front with her ass in the air, and yanked her pants down as he planned to do. Looking back to the bear, he smacked her ass roughly. "Come get her! Come at me though, and I'll waste ya." he announced, as if the beast would ever understand. Keeping his main barrels loaded, he was ready to blast the beast in the head (called shot +10 deadly aim) if the bear threatened to kill either of them, before he backed away from the 'feast' he had prepared for the monster.

Tass: The elf squirmed viciously, and after he pulled her pants down he couldn't help but notice that the elf had a wonderful ass, one that jiggled just right when he smacked it, his hand print appearing in red upon her bottom. She tried to inch worm away from the beast as it came up, failing completely as it panted and sniffed her, a telltale erection appearing between its legs as it moved to mount the now loudly screaming elven woman.

MAF: Instantly, Hank felt jealous. Seeing what the bear was about to do brought about mixed emotions. He almost wanted a piece of the elf himself, but it'd be impossible to enjoy it. He preferred willing partners who moaned with pleasure, and not anything else. When he thought about it, there was simply nothing he could do now to experience that ass. So he leaned against a tree, and watched with an emotionless expression.

Tass: The elf continued to scream and struggle as the bear mounted her, and Hank could tell by the change in pitch of her voice when she was penetrated. She tried, uselessly to squirm away... At first, but after a few minutes the fight seemed to leave her, and her screams died down to silence as her eyes went blank. The bear panted and humped her for several minutes before unloading inside of her, and then pulling away and wandering back to its kills as if it were bored, leaving the elf lying limply on the forest floor with semen leaking from her abused pussy.

MAF: Hank, his desire for vengeance... Had vanished. Yet he felt even more miserable. Shaking his head, he cut the elf loose, and backed away from her. She had enough, he figured. And he really didn't want to continue any more.

Tass: The elf was lying on her side, not unconscious but also not moving, while the bear feasted on the deer. It would likely carry her off to its lair if he left her there, but he was free to go. He had technically completed his mission, as it was unlikely that this group would be attacking anyone else in the near future.

MAF: With the bear likely to take her, Hank sighed. He looked up to the sky for a moment, thinking about nothing. The empty sky, spotted here and there with clouds, helped to make his mind similarly empty, as he walked over to her, ripped off her panties, used them to clean the cum off and what was leaking from her, before pulling her pants up, and lifting her over his shoulder. If he left her anywhere around this forest, she'd suffer further. Hank decided that she suffered just enough, and the blank look on her face seemed so much like how he imagined himself to look at that moment. He didn't wonder if she'd cut his throat now or later. He just felt empty and disgusted with everything. So, he took her back to the house, and laid the woman down on whatever bedding was available, before going to reload Destiny's boomer barrel. Only, as he began... The large cannon fell, and slammed against his foot. Hard. "Did I go too far, Destiny?" he asked his gun, recoiling as if Destiny had been the one to scold him.

Tass: The woman was limp and lifeless over his shoulder, but her continued breath signaled that she was still alive. There were cots back at the bandit's hideout, and they would do for bedding for the moment. Whether or not his weapon had fallen on his foot on purpose, or due to his own clumsiness, was impossible to tell.

MAF: Hank loaded up the boomer barrel properly this time, and set Destiny on one of the cots next to the girl. For some reason, he felt like Destiny wanted to be away from him, and closer to her, to counsel her. Destiny was always a sweatheart like that, no matter how much she enjoyed shedding blood same as him. In the main room, Hank sat against the wall, and stared at various things. If the bandits came back... Hell, she seemed to favor them. If they bumped him off and nursed her back to health, fine. The need for survival was never something that existed within Hank. For hours he'd sit there, either until it was night, or until she showed the will to live herself.

Tass: The bandit elf eventually seemed to fall asleep, and shortly thereafter night fell, shrouding the forest in darkness. The elf woman's belly had begun to grow, and Hank remembered that corruption often caused warped creatures to be able to breed with beings of other species, including humans and elves.

MAF: He'd kill the creature. This much he knew he'd do. But first, water and some simple food. Something healthy from the forest would do, and there was a river nearby. He'd just have to find somewhere not contaminated by blood. So, he came back into the room, and looked at Destiny hard. He still felt a rejection, so he decided to leave the house without her. Life never felt so lonely. He left the house, with his flask, almost always emptied of it's alcohol contents, and a pouch for the food he was seeking.

Tass: It was dark, and food was difficult to find, even though Hank could now see well in the darkness. He eventually found some berries, and some fresh water, however, and could return to the bandit camp.

MAF: And he did so. He returned, put the flask on whatever surface he could use, and etched, with a knife used for skinning, "Water" next to it. And setting the berries down near that, he carved, "Food," before leaving the room. He felt like Destiny hated him a little less for that.

Tass: And then, nothing continued to happen, the bandits having apparently left the place permanently.

MAF: With that, Hank simply waited, leaning agianst the wall until he himself fell asleep as well. Roughing it like that, he didn't mind sleeping in such a position.

Tass: And then, Hank would awaken to find the woman gone, but with Destiny, and his empty flask, both still there. The woman's tracks, limping, led off into the woods, meandering strangely as if they were those of an intoxicated person.

MAF: "... Did I pick bad berries?" Hank wonderd. Feeling a sense of urgency, he fetched Destiny, and only Destiny, as well as her things, before following after the girl's tracks. He didn't do it so much for worry, so much as if he felt Destiny would never forgive him if he didn't find that woman.

Tass: Hank found the woman slumped over about a half mile from the camp, her bottoms torn and her crotch bloody, as if she had given birth and something had clawed its way out of her limp form. She was, once again, unconscious.

MAF: Hank sighed, and picked her up again. "Can't stay here no more." he concluded, before seeking to return to the bandit camp, fetch his loot, and drag both it and her back to Acheron.

Tass: Dragging everything back to Acheron was a chore... A long, boring chore, during which nothing happened save for an encounter with a skittish squirrel. The guards stopped him and asked him if he wanted a collar for his slave upon his arrival.

MAF: "She ain't a slave." Hank replied. "Just a dumbass like me." he stated bluntly. "She needs to see a doctor."

Tass: "Oh. Well, you can find one just inside, come on." the guard said, apparently unbothered as he led Hank inside, and took him into a small side office where a somewhat deranged looking woman in a white coat stood. "Yes!?" she asked hoarsely, "What's wrong with who?" She blinked through her oversized spectacles at them, a mix of irritable and curious.

MAF: "We're both wrong, but she's hurt. Birthed a bear too. How much will ya charge me for helpin' with any womb problems and with her leg?" he asked.

Tass: "Eh? Healin in Acheron's free for serious wounds, yah daft boy! Who do you think we are, Badarians!?" she said, annoyed, as several men made of animated clay came forth and lifted the elf from Hank's arms, placing her on the table for the doctor to examine. "You know her?" she asked, eying the battered elf as she healed the woman.

MAF: Hank shook his head. "No. To be blunt, we're somethin' like enemies at this point."

Tass: "....Huh.... Then why'd you bring her in?"

MAF: "Because I respect my enemies. Even if they don't return the favor. She did me wrong... I did her... A little too much wrong back. That's why."

Tass: "Oh... Ehhhh, if you say so. I guess you probably ought to not be here when she comes to then..."

MAF: "... Right." Hank agreed with the woman, before reaching into his pouch. "Here," he began. "Since this is supposed to be a charity business, I guess you won't take this for yerself." He said, leaving fifty denarii. "Tell her that's her's." he said simply, before turning on his heel and opting to leave the room.

Tass: "Right," the doctor said, gesturing and causing one of her golems to take the money and set it aside, not even bothering to count it. Hank was allowed to leave peacefully, and go on to his own business.

MAF: Leaving the elf behind, Hank tilted his head to the side, cracking his neck and releasing a little tension as he began to travel through the streets. Seeing the agency that seemed to employ him once more, he headed inside. Silent, he looked around to see what was going on.

Tass: The place was as quiet as ever, and the witch still sat behind the desk, reclining in Peggy's chair and now sans her hat. Seeing him enter, she looked up between her breasts and called out; "How'd it go?"

MAF: "What was I supposed to do again?" Hank asked. He'd forgotten a long time ago. He made his way inside, and to the witch, likely looked very blank. As if something sucked all the vigor out of his spirit.

Tass: "Get rid of some bandits... Are you alright hun? Did you sleep with the wrong succubus or something?"

MAF: "Bandits? I guess I killed the ones I was supposed to." he answered simply. He sought out the nearest seating, and without even looking at the witch, took a heavy fall with a great sigh.

Tass: "Mmm, fair enough. If they become a problem again too soon, you'll have to back out there and finish the job~" she said, tossing a bag of coin at him idly. Tilting her head, she asked; "What happened out there?"

MAF: "Why do you care?" he growled, taking the bag of money with unsatisfaction. It was clear that he seemed to not even want it.

Tass: "Truth be told, I don't. I'm just curious."

MAF: Hank growled, and what little energy he had in him wanted to tell her to fuck off, but his energy to hate her just wasn't there. "Met a bandit girl and her friends. Killed em all, but they nearly did me in with their shifty little tricks. They stole from Destiny... I made em pay... I made her pay... Though Destiny got mad because I went too far. I let her get raped by one of those creatures out there. She birthed one of it's spawn, then I brought her here to a doctor." he summarized it.

Tass: "Huh.... Sounds like a mildly odd day. First time you ever got your ass kicked?"

MAF: "I hate you." he said with a lethargic tone. She brought out that tiny spark he had.

Tass: "That's nice," she stated nonchallantly, as if she didn't care. "Well, that explains why you're all mopy. Honestly it's almost cute! I just wanna go over there and cuddle all of your care away~"

MAF: "I'd rather you cut my heart out."

Tass: "Adorable~"

MAF: "I'm goin'." Hank decided, standing up from where he sat, and bringing all of his heavy loot along with him. "Here, have a knife should the thought cross your mind." Hank announced, stabbing one of the daggers into the wall as he moved to leave the building.

Tass: "Oi! Watch the property!" she called after him, though the witch didn't even get out of her chair as Hank left the building.

MAF: Hank left, took his loot, and sold it to whatever store he could find that would take anything. Even if that creepy merchant fellow was around. Seeing that guy, despite his appearance, made Hank feel comfortable. The guy just seemed to have a nice style.

Tass: The merchant popped up and bought Hank's gear (half value, I'm too lazy to calc it out. You can look up the reward for dealing with the bandits too... it's in the logs! :p )

MAF: Then Hank went to return to his room with the fireplace. He wondered if the lamia didn't up and take off since he was gone for a whole day.

Tass: The lamia was still laying around, sleeping. It was difficult to tell if she'd left since the last time he was there.

MAF: Laying Destiny down, Hank felt a small sense of warmth at seeing the lamia, and immediately sought to embrace the sexy beast.

Tass: The lamia reflexively cuddled him for added warmth, like the lazy lizard that she was.

MAF: And then Hank sought to get some nice sleep in the presence of someone who appreciated him for what he was worth. His dick.

Tass: And then, sleep. And the spending of his nifty new 4 exp.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank goes shopping!


Darkbrain - 150 denarii
Venom Sacksx2 - 75 denarii


Armor: +6 Dodge, +6 Resistance, +1 DU, +10 TP - 1 Dark Brain


Main Barrel: Paralyze: DC 28, Stunned: DC 24, +4 attack, +2 damage, +1d8 Heat Damage, +4 AV - 2 Venom Sacks, 2 Darkhearts, 140 Denarii


Total Cost:
365 denarii
2 Dark Hearts
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Angelle, Alex's daughter in Termite's thread, put here because I would rather keep it someplace easily accessible. The actual sheet was done by Termite.

Name: Angelle "Dizzy" Alistar
Race: Confusing...
Class: Spirit Wielder
Sex: Female

Body: 20 10 + 10
Mind: 18 10 + 8
Spirit: 42 30 + 12

HP: 50 20 + 18/2 + 42/2
PP: 49 20/2 + 18 + 42/2
EP: 61 20/2 + 18/2 + 42
Speed: 14 Sqrt(20*10) = 14.14
Dodge: 40 40
Armor: 5 (6 equipped) 0 + 5
Resistance: 21 42/2
Perception: 20 Sqrt(42*10) = 20.49
Stealth: 6 Sqrt(20*10) = 14.14 - 8
Grapple: 20 20
Spirit Ceiling: 14 61/5 + 2 = 14.2

TALENTS 5/5 + 2
[R] Dragonfire Adept Grants 2 + Spirit/20 Dragonfire Powers (2 + 42/20 = 4.1)
[R] Pain Resistant AV +5
[C] Holy Mage Grants 2 + Spirit/20 Holy Magic Powers (2 + 42/20 = 4.1)
Demonologist Grants 2 + Spirit/20 Demonologist Powers (2 + 42/20 = 4.1)
Spirit Warior Grants 2 + Spirit/20 Spirit Warrior Powers (2 + 42/20 = 4.1)
Psyker Exceeding Spirit Ceiling activates Psyker Phenomena
Skilled Wielder Gains a Wielder Aptitude, Spirit Ceiling +2
Natural Warrior: Duelist Dodge +10, Damage +2 when using a single one-handed weapon
Succubus Magic Gain 3 Succubus Powers
Side Skill Gain 1 Skill

[R] Obvious Stealth -8
[R] Open Soul EP Damage Taken +5
[R] Idealistic RP: Character tries to help others whenever she can
[R] Selfish RP: Character thinks only of herself
[R] Sensitive PP Damage Taken +5
[R] Fetish (Crossbreed) PP Damage Taken +8 when engaged with any creature of mixed heritage
Mutated Gain 3 Mutations
Mutated Gain 3 Mutations

[R] Odd Skin (Scales for the tail and around lower back)
[R] Greater Wings (Feathered - one white/one black) Can fly at Speed
[R] Naturally Supernatural Immune to Corruption, deals 1/2 Corruption to others
[R] Demon Ignore 5 Damage from Fire/Force
[R] Faerie Ignore 5 Damage from Cold/Electricity
[R] Selective Fertility Can apply Fertile/Infertile Flaws at will
[R] Tail (Lizard tail) Can be used for Foreplay/Penetration
[R] Whip Tongue PP Damage Dealt +2 when giving oral
Whip Tongue PP Damage Dealt +2 when giving oral (+4 Total)
Tight (x2) PP Damage Dealt +2 when being Penetrated (+4)
Soft-Skin (x2) PP Damage Dealt +2 during non-oral Foreplay (+4)
Multi-Orgasmic After orgasm PP resets to 1/2 max

Defensive Stance
(Activated) The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them in melee and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.

Dragonfire Adept
Black Dragon
Some dragons do not manifest physical bodies when called upon. Some simply stretch their power into the mortal plane, and pull whatever they please into the void with them to be eaten. The ones whose use this power call upon such dragons. Doing so is extremely dangerous, but the devastating power of these creatures is not to be taken lightly. A black dragon of fire stretches out from the caster, seeking and destroying whichever of the caster's enemies seems to be the most powerful.
-The character pays 1 + 2X EP. In addition, the character takes 2X damage. This damage ignores AV.
-One targeted creature takes 15X damage. This damage ignores the targets AV, as well as any special resistances they might have. This power cannot miss, and ignores any obstacles that might appear in its way.
-X cannot be less than 4 for this power.
Dragon's Breath
The devastating fiery breath of a dragon!
-The character pays 1 + X EP.
-Choose one of the following ranges. All creatures caught within that range take (2d6) * X Heat/Fire damage.
1) A 10 foot radius explosion, anywhere within the character's line of sight.
2) A 100 foot long line, originating from the character.
3) A 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character.
Dragon's Pride
Dragons are proud creatures. It only follows suit that those who venerate them begin to manifest much the same sort of invigorating arrogance when confronted by lesser creatures.
-The character pays X EP. They must also pay X - 3 EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-The character gets a +4X bonus to Dodge and Resistance, as well as a +2X bonus to Perception.
The character emits a deafening roar, a sound both painful and frightening to those who are nearby to hear it.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet take 2d4 * X damage. In addition, all creatures that take damage from this power take a -X penalty to all non-damage rolls until the end of the encounter. Multiple Roars do not stack, the highest penalty is taken and the lesser ones are lost.
Holy Magic
The character conjures astral chains to bind a creature, holding them in place and preventing them from moving or fighting.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within line of sight must win a Resistance check equal to 6X or gain the Bound Status. Powers and Spells that could normally be used even with the bound status cannot be used while the creature is bound with this power. All active Powers and Spells on a creature that fails this check are deactivated. The creature bound in this way can attempt a new Resistance check every round in order to escape at the same DC so long as the character pays the upkeep cost.
Holy Fire
White fire springs forth from the character's hands, and streaks out toward their foes. This flame cannot harm those allied with the one using it.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) A bolt of white fire strikes one creature within line of sight, which takes 3d4 * X Heat/Fire damage.
2) All creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within 100 feet of the character take (2d4 + 1) * X Heat/Fire damage.
-Demons and Undead takes an additional +X damage from this power, and it ignores any natural resistances to Heat/Fire that they possess.
Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to do the same.
-The character pays 4 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The wall appears, and any creature not allowed to pass through it must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 points of damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check. Passing through the wall takes up the creature’s turn. Demons and Undead attempting to pass through this wall take a -4 penalty to their Resistance check and have the damage against them doubled.
-The character may pay an additional 4 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to the Resistance check required to pass it. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3. This can be done multiple times.
Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) One touched creature regains 6X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 4X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
3) Negative effects can be removed from a targeted creature for 3X Each.
Devil’s Lightning
Black lightning crackles forth, firing in a line from the casters hand out to 100 feet away, or until it hits some obstruction that it can't pass through.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5 feet of a 100 foot line take (1d8 + 4) * X Electricity damage.
Form of the Swarm
The character's body dissolves into a legion of tiny creatures of the casters choosing. Be it bees, locusts, rats, ants, bats, spiders, butterflies, or what-have you, the character becomes a swarm of them.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character can only move at half their Speed, but can fly and can generally get around obstacles very easily.
-Killing individual members of the swarm has no effect on the whole. As such, directed attacks against the character have no effect, butaArea of effect attacks deal ½ of their normal damage. If knocked out while in a swarm, the character regains their original form and falls to the nearest available location.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold.
-Reforming takes a turn during which the character can take no other action.
-The swarm doesn't have to stay completely together. Creatures do not normally recognize the character as what they really are while in a swarm. While in this form, the character cannot attack, cast Spells, use Powers other than this one, use any special abilities, or communicate verbally with other creatures.
Gorgon’s Gaze
The character lets their gaze linger on one creature within line of sight. A brief focusing of their energies and the targeted creature can be turned to stone and instantly killed.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The creature must win a Resistance check against the character or be turned to stone.
Vampiric Futanari
The character grows a penis temporarily, if female. If they already have one, they can use this to alter the shape and size of what they already have, or to temporarily grow a 2nd one. A character with this active orgasms and impregnates as normal.
-Costs 2 EP to activate and lasts until deactivated or until the character rests.
-The character also gains the Soul Eater Special Mutation while this is active if they don't already possess it.
-Note: This power can be used at any time, even when the character is Horny, in a Submission Hold, or Bound.
Spirit Warrior
Battle Aura
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them heightened strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X, as well as a +X bonus to Resistance.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.
Energy Blade
The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm.
-The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal ((2d4 + 1) * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one (or both if they conjure two) of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's unarmed attack. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a sword (any of the three kinds depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.
Energy Blast
The character uses their energy directly to attack an enemy. These blasts can look however the character likes.
-The character pays X EP.
-One target creature within line of sight of the character takes (3d4 + 1) * X damage.
Energy Wave
Like energy blast but covers a wider area.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character deals (1d6 + 4) * X damage to all creatures within 1 of the possible ranges:
1) All creatures with a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight.
2) All creatures within a 30 foot, 120 degree cone.

WIELDER APTITUDES 1 + Spirit/30 (Round down) + 1 = 1 + 42/30 (1.4) + 1 = 3
Harmful Spirit
For any Spirit Powers that deal damage, the damage rolls for those powers have their minimum value set to 1/2 the max roll of the dice.
Master Blaster
The character is a master of the destructive aspects of their abilities. Spirit Powers that deal damage are treated as if they had put an additional 3 points of EP into their activation. This bonus may be traded in order to force any creatures struck to make a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4 times the EP input (usually X in the Power's description) or gain one of the followings statuses: Blinded, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened. The player chooses which status effect to inflict when they make the attack.
Burning Spirit
The character's soul is dangerous to those attempting to take it. Any creatures that drain the character's EP against their will take an amount of damage equal to the EP drained. Damage caused by this aptitude ignores all AV, and causes doubled damage to creatures that don't have an HP stat. In addition, damage dealing powers cause an additional 1 point of damage per point of EP input.

The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Apparent Innocence
(Passive) The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.
The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation. The character must have be Naturally Warped or higher to take this power.

Unarmed: (+20) {2d4 + 5} [Blunt]
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
[50] Denarii


Backstory stuff for Alex's family
Termite said:
He is a massive dragon bearing a dark green hide that some would consider black. Just like Karthus he also takes after the stereotypical dragon, and rumors have flitted about that say the two may actually be brothers. But unlike the green scaled behemoth Aureus is far leaner and more mobile. As such his ability to fly is leagues above his supposed brother, and though he is not the fastest beast in the skies his maneuverability still makes him a dangerous foe to face.

Can't figure out a human form for him. Derp. But personality wise he will act rather haughty at times since he has gained some lands for himself, and he keeps his emotions in check to prevent anyone from questioning his motives. That doesn't mean he doesn't have them. When he learned what his two eldest children had done to his youngest it infuriated him, and he privately threatened each to accept any challenge Alex may throw at them or learn just how ferocious a full-blooded dragon can become.

If he were to have stats based on the other dragons I'd give him:
Body: 60
Mind: 20
Spirit: 50
Speed: 50
Has Stealthy and Whirlwind solely for the purpose of swooping down on groups of enemies and cutting them apart when he first appears.

I don't ever plan on actually summoning him, so the above is only necessary in case you decide to have him running around. He also has an odd fetish for the letter 'A'.


Armecia Alistar
A beautiful woman from a rather humble home, Armecia just happened to be born in the lands that Aureus claimed as his own. The village where she came from was a rather paranoid lot, and she was offered as the young virgin sacrifice to sate the demon dragon's barbaric hunger. Though he adamantly refuses those rumors that village proves to be stubborn, and the girls that get sent his way are simply told to leave and do whatever they wish. But Armecia proved to be a rather curious soul, and she stayed at his side. Their courtship was a rather long and drawn-out affair by human standards, but eventually he confessed his feelings in private. The two eventually produced three heirs, all whose names start with the letter 'A', Alex being the youngest.

Personality-wise she's going to be a far more emotive being. She loves each of her children despite what they have done to each other, but truth be told Alex is her favorite. It's so much easier to cuddle with the youngest, and though she may be a loving mother she does have a rather mischievous side that knows how to tease each and every member of her family. Watching the little one squirm when in a good mood was one of her favorite hobbies.


For the other two dragon-kin I have no real preference other than each having an 'a'-name.
Eldest brother = Akorvick.
Akorvick, her brother and the eldest of Aureus' children, hissed sibilantly in response to Alexandra's attempt at a respectful reception. He was the largest of them by far, standing at well over seven feet tall, and he had inherited the dark green scales of their father in full, leaving him almost black in the shade of the trees under which they'd encountered her. Muscle corded and stretched visibly beneath those armored scales, which covered most of Akorvick's heavy body, and he alone among the three of them had learned to fly under his own power so far, the massive draconic wings spreading from his back powerful enough to blow lesser men from their feet. He was also a bully, fully possessed of the arrogance that some attributed to their race, though none had ever called him as much to his face, and he glared at Alex with an eagerness and a hunger for violence that signaled that she ought to be careful, lest she give him an excuse.
Middle sister = Annabeth.
Her sister was of a build with their mother, but decidedly more feminine, and while her physical might was what one would expect from one of their lineage, she preferred to employ strategies similar to their father, being a quick and spontaneous fighter rather than the ponderous brute that their brother opted to be. Though her wings were larger, like those of her brother and father, she hadn't yet learned to fly with them, but her spiked tail and coating of brilliant emerald scales more than made up for this deficiency. She was also a talented mage, and had been growing her skills under the tutelage of a sorcerer from Crolia, one of their father's many debtors. There had been times when her sister had opted to test her newfound powers on Alex, particularly when she discovered a particularly painful or intriguing spell, and these instances had been growing more common of late.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Angelle: Bold RoyalBlue in Comic Sans Ms

Undine: Bold DeepSkyBlue in Comic Sans MS
Left wing

Necro: Bold DarkSlateGray in Comic Sans MS
Right wing
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

~Tassadar's Patented Guide to GMing~

While this wasn't exactly requested by anyone, I've felt the urge to write it for a while and had a bit of free time on my hands. So, without further adieu, lets get into it! We'll start with same basic rules and move on from there. Keep in mind that this is a largely subjective guide, and I'll do my best to explain why I think certain things throughout.

Rule 0: What you say, goes.... But don't get angry with people.
Proper communication between players and their GM, particularly when an issue comes up that results in loss of enjoyment for one or more parties involved, is essential. Nobody is psychic, and it's particularly difficult to tell if someone's upset through a non face-to-face medium like online role playing, but we're all supposed to be in this for fun. As such, maintain an approachable persona for your players and respond to questions or concerns with a level head, even if the questions seem absolutely retarded. Things going poorly in an RP can be extremely upsetting, particularly if you're actually into it, and no matter how obnoxious that can make someone seem keeping from getting upset yourself is very important in resolving such issues. It'll save everyone headaches in the long run.
That all said, keep in mind that you are the GM. You are the world builder, the keeper of the lore, the persona behind the NPCs, etc. What you say is law, and while you should always keep an open mind if a player brings up valid points, you should only bend so far. If a player notes a mistake but you really want to keep the original outcome in the game, don't be afraid to remain mysterious about it rather than retcon it, though one shouldn't be afraid to do the latter either. A mystery is an easy way to introduce new story elements to a game and is a tactic I've employed a couple of times when players have pointed out mistakes to me, just try not to leave any loose ends as you get toward the end of the game.

Rule 1: Tailor your game to the person or people that you're playing with.
You should get to know your players, not only their likes and dislikes but as a person as well. Tailor the experience as best you can so that they're enjoying themselves. Keep in mind that this includes far more than the flavor of the enemies they're fighting; the tone of the RP, the style and mannerisms of the NPCs that the character(s) interact with, and the manner in which they're introduced... All are extremely important to shaping a good experience for your players, which is ultimately your job. I've enjoyed games that weren't precisely to my preferred flavor plenty of times as a GM without leaving my comfort zone.
For example, one shouldn't throw a player (or group) that prefer a light hearted, whimsical game into an RP with a lot of death and gore. At best they'll be able to put up with it, but at worst they simply won't enjoy it at all, and then everyone's wasting their time. An RP that the players aren't enjoying usually won't be enjoyed by the GM either, even if it's the exact sort of story that you like to run.

Rule 2: In character drama is important, out of character drama is bad.
This one is fairly self explanatory at first glance, but it also sort of ties into rule 1. Creating drama and investment with the player characters is essential, but allowing that to spill out into real life, or allowing real life issues to spill into a game is sure to lead to bad times all around. Don't do it, and if you can help it don't let your players do it.

Rule 3: Make the players feel like their characters are important.
This rule varies in importance at times, but the importance of the PC(s) should always be on your mind when shaping your game. They're the star(s) of the show, the main characters, the people who are supposed to be around for the entirety of the story. Make them (and the players) feel like it. Don't DMPC (place greater importance on the actions or presence of NPCs than on those of the PCs,) or make their actions insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
While it's generally fairly tempting given the epic scale that they tend to try and present, one of the biggest mistakes that one can make as a GM (and one that I see constantly) is to mold your game in the style of a JRPG. An intrinsic story element in most JRPGs is that the characters don't actually win in any significant manner until the end of the game. This is because JRPGs tend to be about conquering the self rather than an outside force (this is done metaphorically in most cases, since there is usually an actual villain to contend with.) This makes for a good story in a scripted video game, but simply doesn't work with the freedom offered by a pen and paper styled RP, not without making the player characters feel largely incompetent or inconsequential due to the fact that most of their actions are essentially required to fail in order to keep the plot rolling as you desire. Constant failure generally makes for an extremely frustrating game, and constantly asserting that the PCs are weak is generally a good way to see a lot of people quitting, unless it's an ero rp and all the player wants out of the game is rapesmut. Use supposed-to-lose fights as sparingly as possible (preferably not at all,) avoid the overuse of characters vastly more powerful than the PCs, don't randomly insert forced bits into a character's backstory without them requesting it in the first place, and don't make the villain invincible until a certain arbitrary point in the story. These are all just extremely frustrating for the players if not handled in exactly the right way.
That said, not all JRPG tropes are necessarily bad; they just need to be used in an appropriate way that should largely be left up to the player, not you. A mentor character with greater power than the PC(s), a villain too powerful for the PCs to defeat on their own and thus requiring some sacrifice on their part or a retreat now in the interests of getting powerful enough to defeat them, their plans/actions having unforeseen consequences, being manipulated by the NPCs that they've trusted; these are all very good ways of creating drama if done properly. Personal internal struggle isn't a bad thing either, but keep in mind that taking control of the PC from the player is decidedly not the best way of doing it. Use mind control and the like as sparingly as possible.

Rule 4: Roleplaying is more important than mechanics, regardless of the system used.
This transfers to a lack of system as well, to be fair. While I personally find statless RPs to be extremely haphazard and irritating, that's due more to my personal experiences with the medium rather than any inherent weakness on their part. Use whatever mechanics you think you need given the tone of your game and the setting in which it takes place.
When in game, allow a character's actions to mean something. If they come up with a good plan, reward them for it by having it work (or at least not fail drastically) even if the mechanics don't necessarily support it very well. If they use proper teamwork or something that you hadn't thought to to give them an advantage in a situation, let them have that advantage rather than mitigate it unless there's a very good reason for doing so. Good roleplaying should be rewarded at all times.

Rule 5: Suspension of disbelief is essential.
Simply put, have things make sense. The easier your world's logic is to follow, the more your players will get into it. If there are strange things in your game, have an explanation on hand for them, don't just handwave it unless the PCs wouldn't know how/why it works in character, which ties back to the whole "mystery" scheme. Have NPC actions make sense in context. Have NPCs develop and grow alongside the PCs, both in mechanical terms and in their personality. Your villains are not exempt from this; a well characterized villain, even if the PC and the player hate them rather than sympathize with them, can make for an extremely good game. If they make seemingly inexplicable actions, allow the player characters to understand them. Don't use your NPCs as plot devices, and have them behave as their station in the world would realistically dictate. An archmage or an ancient dragon shouldn't act like spoiled children and yet be portrayed as wholly positive figures, for instance. What's more, unless you're playing in a crapsack world setting, powerful NPCs should generally be at least neutral, and rulers of the realm should generally be at least decent rulers on a moral scale unless the PCs are attempting to depose them, or will be given the option to attempt to depose them in the future.
Use gm fiat as rarely as possible against the players. If they're going to do something that would lead them down a bad road, let them do it unless it would be extremely out of character, and if they persist and give a valid IC reason for it, let them do it. The character should, of course, pay the appropriate consequences for their actions, but you should shape it as a growing experience for the character rather than vindication.
Morality should be as grey as possible at all times. Make the people that you're having the PCs fight feel like actual people. Give them families, hobbies, desires beyond "mwahahaha power!" or destroying the universe or what-have-you. Give them reasons for doing the things that they do that the players can empathize with, or at the very least understand. If they're the sort of villain that's dead-set on the destruction of the player characters, include a valid reason for doing as such that they might be able to understand. Work with your players to create ties to their character's backstories, working in aspects of them into the overall plotline or making side-quests that fit the characters into the narrative of the game seamlessly.

Rule 6: Use failure sparingly, and make it have impact every time.
Despite the jokes about such, I don't lightly kill NPCs that have been developed to a significant degree. Death in a game should have a permanent, significant impact. When the PCs fail to accomplish a goal, it should feel important, not like any given day (this ties into rule 3.) Pyrrhic Victories should also be rare. Most importantly, don't make the failure come due to the non-preventable actions of an NPC - losing should come due to the failings of the player characters, not what ostensibly boils down to "because the GM said so." That said, you don't have to make what the PCs could have done to have changed that outcome readily apparent, making this tie into rule 4 somewhat as well.

Rule 7: Be adaptive.
PC action should shape the game. This doesn't mean that you should let them get away with anything, and it also doesn't mean that the rest of the world should be completely static when they aren't there. I mentioned the ills of using JRPG tropes earlier, and this one of the problems common in WRPGs. While the main story should mostly be affected by the actions of the PCs, the world itself should change and evolve constantly because of, in spite of, and regardless of their actions.
Another aspect of this is that the PCs should make important decisions affecting the plot, but these decisions generally shouldn't be an A-B-C style list. Coming up with the most likely scenario and planning a bit beyond that doesn't hurt, but don't stop them from doing something that you didn't think of just because you didn't plan for it. In fact, it's best to keep any and all plans as abstract as possible, since trying to guess what something as fickle as a player will do is a fool's game. Generally, if it takes more than three paragraphs to summarize the objectives of the PC or NPC, then you're planning too much. Contrary to what some might tell you, winging it isn't a bad thing.
Another important aspect of GMing is to give your players choices that are significantly different from each other but can still achieve a "good end." Forcing people through adventure game logic with only one viable option is infuriating and generally fruitless, because at some point they're going to start not picking that option just to spite you even if they do manage to recognize it.

A few simple tips to aid in GMing:
1) Spice up your conflicts. Don't always do the same thing, use some stuff that's unusual or that your players might not see coming. Combat is less fun when you know the stats (or strength and weaknesses) of whatever you're fighting by heart.
2) Even in tragic or grimdark games, add some comedy from time to time. Nobody likes to be depressed. That said, make sure to keep a balance of tone. You're trying to make a believable world here, and a world that's all derp or all serious isn't realistic.
3) Don't be a teenager and try to make the most powerful NPC ever. It's childish and stupid, and no one wins in contests of character dickwaving. You might think it's cool, but no one will remember it except for in a how-not-to-do-it story if you do it in a particularly irritating manner. On the other hand, people will remember the regular guy/girl that you characterize extremely well and who develops a relationship of some sort with the PCs... So long as they're given a decent amount of exposure of course.
4) When coming up with the story for your RP, don't be afraid to adapt story elements from existing works, just be sure to make them your own. You're telling the story here, not George Lucas or R.A. Salvatore, or whoever else you might borrow from. Even tropes are okay to use from time to time, so long as done well and made to make sense.
5) Start things off simply, and with something familiar. This is as important for new players as it is for experienced ones, as you want to start people off inside their comfort zone before you start trying to pull them out of it.
6) Fudge results as little as possible. It's a terrible habit to get into.
7) Don't pull punches. While PCs should feel like they're competent, they shouldn't feel like they're invincible. Players will start doing stupid shit if you let them know that you won't kill them for it, and they should have as little plot armor as the villains do, which is to say none at all.
8) Respect your players. Just because you're the GM doesn't make you infallible, even in a system of your own design, so if they think you did something wrong it's alright to pause the game (briefly) to look over the call you made.
9) Rules transparency is essential. Players not understanding why something happened to them can lead to endless rage or feeling like they've been cheated.
10) While rules transparency is essential, event transparency is not. Having things going on behind the scenes is a great way to spice up an RP, and some systems/settings rely on player or PC paranoia as a central game mechanic. They do this for a reason. If playing a face-to-face game, just roll randomly for no apparent reason. It'll scare new players and make experienced players question what you're doing.
11) The most important part of most RPs is that they inspire emotion. This creates investment. Fear, joy, sorrow, guilt, anger, lust, exhilaration... These are what you're trying to inspire as the GM. Get to it.
12) Have bloody fun you senseless pricks. When running an RP starts to feel like a responsibility rather than a hobby, you're doing something wrong.
13) Be descriptive. Don't just say "a ghoul" or "an alraune" or "a dragon", be cheesy and give details. Size, color, texture, smell, sound; these are all things that you can embellish to great effect to convey the essence of a thing. Just don't go overboard.
14) Empathize with your players and their characters.
15) Don't use Whitewolf mechanics or settings, ever, because they're terrible. Drop nukes on your players when they piss you off for unrelated stuff. Kill all of the NPCs. Don't do any of the other things listed in tip 15.
16) When you have newbie players, don't feel like advising them out of character about their options is a bad thing. That said, if it's a group game don't let other, more experienced players tell them what to do all the time, or they'll get bored or upset.
17) Don't just name monsters, use descriptions. Go into detail. Monster namedrops should be frightening things, and nothing will put your players on edge more than not knowing anything about what they're fighting. Giving a creature a name often lets them know a thing's abilities and powers, which is far less tense than facing an unknown element.

A note on the above rules: Before any of you come and tell me about such and such; Yes, I've broken pretty much all of those rules myself in the past. I even still do break them sometimes, but I'm also no more perfect than any of you. I may also update this guide at a later date, so for now feel free to offer your input.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

I think that GM/Player chemistry is important, personally, so catering too much to the player's wants to the point that it's just not enjoyable for you as the GM anymore can lead to poorer performance or even a terrible hit to inspiration, but this depends on the person, as Tassadar himself sometimes strikes me as a happy little robot.

That's why I think an added rule is to know your players before you GM for them. If you know you're not gonna get along with someone, you shouldn't try to RP with them unless you're confident that you can handle it.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Hank vs the World, Hank vs Derp

Tass: Hank was awakened some hours later, his pants and undergarments tugged down around his waist. The lamia's mouth was hovering centimeter's over the tip of his fully stiffened member while she looked up at him with a heavily aroused look, her lips parted and her tongue pushed past them to flick and curl lightly around his shaft. Her tail was curled around his waist and legs, though he was still mostly able to move if he so wished.

MAF: "Mornin' babe." Hank announced his first words of the morning. "You know how to make a man wake up in a good mood, heh," he chuckled, moving a hand to pet her cheek a little.

Tass: "Morning~" the snake-woman replied conversationally, and then her tongue wrapped fully around his shaft, causing it to vanish inside a warm, wet, tight tunnel of pink flesh before his very eyes, leaving not even a trace of it left for him to see. As pleasurable as that was, Hank was made to feel even better as her mouth descended in full, taking him into her mouth fully. Her head began to bob, up and down, in a steady rhythm.

MAF: Hank moaned, briefly thinking about how some of those monsterish girls could be really good fucks over any common farm girl as he leaned back, letting her nurse off of his cock and all the energies that would come forth from it. "Sorry fer being gone for so long, bet you were lonely." he chuckled, petting his hand along her head to give her nothing but encouragement

Tass: "Mmmm~" she just continued to bob, looking up at him and smiling around his cock all the while, her tongue squeezing around his shaft while the tip of it came further out of her mouth, teasing his balls whenever her lips pressed against the base of his shaft.

MAF: She was good, Hank already knew that, and was reminded of it now. Groaning, he leaned back completely, chuckling as she gave him a little smile while eating his cock, and giving her cheek a little pinch, not enough to even sting, entirely playful. Then, he suddenly held her head tighter. "Comin....!" he announced, groaning aloud, before letting out a sexual growl as he came.

Tass: She giggled around his shaft as he pinched her cheek, the vibrations from her throat tickling his shaft, and began to bob her head just a little bit faster. His announcement caused her to groan softly around his member and go all the way down, her tongue writhing and milking his shaft as it erupted down her throat. Every drop was sucked out of his member and into the naga's throat, and even after he'd finished cumming she continued to suck for a few moments before pulling off, leaving his shaft glistening with her saliva but not leaving even a drop of semen behind.

MAF: Hank let out a happy sigh once she released his cock, before suddenly, despite his drained energy, he lunged at the naga. "Come 'ere you!" he announced, aiming to tackle the naga and hug her down on the bed and kiss her neck, maybe nibble it too.

Tass: Hank found that he was only slightly drained, the naga having fed but not enough to leave him weakened significantly. Though she was wrapped around him, Hank was easily able to overpower the naga, who began to laugh as he tackled her and kissed her neck, squirming but not in any manner that would actually cause her to pull away from him. He even felt her arms wrap around his back, pulling him closer against her.

MAF: Hank placed a few kisses before rising up to look her in the eyes directly. Those beautiful black eyes each possessing a red Iris. "Shootin' you with a big ass cannon ball was the best thing that ever happened to me lately." he announced.

Tass: "Really? I thought you sssshooting your other cannon at me wasssss better~" she replied playfully, her hands softly caressing Hank's sides while her tail began to wind around him.

MAF: Hank blinked. "I only shot you with one-nevermind I get it now." Hank rolled his eyes, before simply embracing her as she embraced him. Looking over, he saw that the fire went out. "You want me to get that fire you love goin?" he asked.

Tass: "That'd be niccccce" she replied lazily, her eyes half closing as she continued to caress his body. The maids could do it for him, but there was firewood set next to it already and there was nothing stopping Hank from lighting the fire himself. What he did after that was up to him.

MAF: He tried to stand up and carry the sexy snake with him as he went to start a nice fire. "Once I get this fire goin', I'm gonna... Make a trip to the doctors. Check on somethin." Hank announced. "Then I'll stop to see if there's a job waitin' for me and come back here, you fine with that, sweetheart?"

Tass: The naga was extremely heavy, but Hank managed to haul her over to the fireplace after she wrapped herself around him. "Okay.... I think I might go out and take care of a few thingssssss myssssself, but I won't take long." She kissed him on the mouth after he'd gotten the fire going, but then uncoiled from around his body and dropped to the floor.

MAF: "Just don't do nothin' dumb, that's my job." Hank announced, lighting the fire and seeking out his clothes and Destiny.

Tass: "I would hate to encroach upon your bussssinesssss~" she replied playfully, and then they parted ways for the moment. Heading first to the doctor's by the gate after getting dressed and taking up Destiny, Hank was greeted by a receptionist who smiled at him and said; "Hello! How can I help you today?"

MAF: Hank would stare at the receptionist intently to see if he remembered her being there when he brought the elf bitch in.

Tass: She hadn't been, but he'd also come and left through a side entrance.

MAF: "I'm here to see a doctor." Hank announced. "Just to talk to one, about a girl I left here."

Tass: "Do you have a name for either of them?"

MAF: "Uh... The girl was an elf with silver hair... Fuck, why are names so important!?"

Tass: "Because they help us tell who you're looking for!" she replied immediately, "I don't know about any elves here, you'll have to wait in a chair while I go check around."

MAF: "Fuck." Hank cursed, grumpily taking a seat.

Tass: The woman was back a moment later, and she said; "She's still here. Right this way." Hank would then be led to a room with a number of cots, an infirmary, and in one of them lay the elf that he'd abused, asleep. The doctor he'd encountered was wandering about, tending to patients seemingly at random.

MAF: "Still asleep?" Hank wondered aloud. "Lazy bitch." he commented at the elf. "Oh well." he shrugged. "Wait, is she in a coma or some shit?" he wondered aloud.

Tass: "No, she's not in a coma. She was awake earlier, but she just gave birth an hour ago!" the doctor said irritably, scowling at Hank.

MAF: "Birth?" Hank wondered aloud.
The hell did she get pregnant by after the bear, he wondered.

Tass: The doctor nodded, "She was raped by one of the god damn nurses. Ended up popping out two dozen plant seeds... Horrible after what she'd already been through!"

MAF: "This hospital sucks. I'm takin' her back." Hank announced.

Tass: "You're free to take her out, as you're the one that brought her in." the doctor replied dismissively, going back about his work.

MAF: "I hate my life." Hank uttered as he collected the silver haired elf and hoped she remained unconscious before he took her to his apart... "Damn it..." he remembered her tendencies. "Where the fuck can I put this chick where she won't get raped?"

Tass: The eight ball says ask again later.

MAF: The hospital staff would have to clean up a broken eight ball that day as Hank went outside, and thought deeply. "Fuck it, I'll sit on her till she wakes up." He announced, deciding to head to his apartment after all, place the elf on the bed, and literally sit on her.

Tass: And so did Hank return home, finding his apartment empty as he sat upon the elf. The maid came in at one point, the same one that he'd had sex with, and said; "Can I get you anything? Anything for your friend there?" The demon didn't seem bothered by the fact that he was literally sitting on her.

MAF: "Some food and drink for me and this unlucky girl here." he announced. "And maybe give her a few slaps too, Destiny doesn't like me hittin' women."

Tass: The maid then came back with some food, and then spanked the elf several times until she awoke with a start... Just as the naga walked back in to join the strange scene. Everyone else just stared at each other, with the elf too weak to squirm out from beneath Hank.

MAF: "Great, you're awake." Hank announced. "Sucks to be you right now, but at least you're out of that shitty hospital." he announced, taking the plate of food and placing it on her boobs as he rose. "Eat the food, drink the drink, and get out."

Tass: ".....What?" the elf and the lamia both said at exactly the same time.
The maid just stood back and watched.

MAF: "Scales, don't mind all this. This is just between me and Destiny."
he said to the lamia

Tass: "....Okay~" the lamia said, apparently content with that as she slithered over and curled up next to the fire, apparently asleep in seconds. The nude elf, who'd been carried naked across Acheron, was still both confused, mortified, and now becoming enraged as she recognized Hank. "Where am I?" she demanded, trying to cover herself with her hands even though the tray of food was already doing that for her, "Why have you brought me here?"

MAF: "You're in a room with a fuckin' fire and yer here because I brought you here. Does it fuckin' matter!?" he growled, but if Destiny had hands, he would feel her pulling on his ear. "... Look, you're in Acheron. I brought you here to try and make good on my promise to you. Now eat the fuckin' food, or don't, I don't care, and get out"

Tass: "What promise?"

MAF: Hank put his hand to his face and sighed deeply.
"I hate you so much..." he whispered. "Just... Do what the fuck you want."

Tass: The woman glanced between him and food, apparently weighing her options, before hesitantly beginning to eat. "Who are you?" she asked between bites.

MAF: Hank leaned his head back as the elf suddenly wanted to know his name. He glanced over and looked at Destiny, before having a conversation only they could hear. "Please let me throw her out." Hank begged. "Oi! Ya let da knife eared cunt get fuked bye ah bear!!!" Destiny replied with a scottish accent. "Ya got yer bloody vengence befoor all that, ya stinky half-wit!" Hank imagined her scolding him. Hank tried to block out Destiny's scolding after that. "Hank," he said simply.
His utterance of his own name, the elf could hear.

Tass: "Hank.... Why did you bring me here?" she replied, while the succubus maid looked on with almost childlike glee.

MAF: "Because the hospital sucked." he groaned.

Tass: "No... To Acheron. In the first place."

MAF: "Because I sucked."

Tass: "....Huh?" By then she'd finished her meal.

MAF: "You done?" Hank asked, looking like a worn out old man despite his age.

Tass: "Yes... But, I don't have any clothes..."

MAF: Hank grit his teeth, his face turning red with rage as he stood up, and threw his own clothes off, and threw them at the elf. "THEN FUCKIN' TAKE MINE!"

Tass: The elf looked horrified while the maid burst into laughter, and she took his shirt and pants, threw them on as quickly as she could even though they smelled horribly and didn't even come close to fitting her, and ran out the door as fast as her legs would take her.

MAF: "... Fucking god damn it, I gave her the clothes I spent my money on." Hank growled. "And now ya gave the bitch yer clothes ya spent yer money on! Ya never cease to amaze me, ya fukin' twit." Destiny followed up.

Tass: The maid was still laughing, the door was still wide open, and the naga was still asleep on the floor.

MAF: "Are ya gonna run naked through the town like a loony?" Destiny. "I'm gonna run after her naked." Hank answered, before he bursted out of the door, his cock and balls swinging as he tried to give chase to the elf.

Tass: The elf was in the lobby when he caught up with her, not moving very quickly. The packed tavern room stared at him, a mixture of laughter, facepalming, and appreciative looks from the assorted patrons following him as the elf turned back and looked even more horrified than before.

MAF: Quickly, he went to pick up the elf, and take her back to the room with the intention of getting his clothes back. "I SAY SHIT ON IMPULSE SOMETIMES, NOW GIVE ME MY CLOTHES BACK!"

Tass: She struggled, ineffectively. Some of the tavern goers cheered him on while others looked horrified and confused. Regardless, she ended up back in his room, and naked, as she was made to surrender his clothes. When they got back the maid was on the ground, laughing hysterically as she banged a fist against the floor, apparently starting to run out of breath.

MAF: "... Allright, here's how we're gonna do this." Hank began. "We're gonna look into a mirror, and say 'strangah' three times." he announced, clothing himself before finding a mirror and saying. "Strangah, strangah, strangah."
Then, he looked around for the merchant.

Tass: "What are yah buyin?" the merchant said from the back of the room, opening his coat as Hank said the third repetition of "strangah."

MAF: "Clothes for the elf bitch." Hank announced.

Tass: "Good stuff on sale stranjah!" he replied, before a set of clothes would fling out of his coat and hit the elf bitch in the face, knocking her onto the lamia, who promptly awakened and curled around the nude elf with a hiss, constricting her. The maid was likely audible a few blocks away by this point.

MAF: "That was just fucked up, what you did." Hank said to the merchant.

Tass: The merchant did not respond.

MAF: "Well... You got clothes now," Hank said, giving the merchant however many denarii

Tass: (I'm pretty sure that it's only 2) "Hehehe... Thank you!" the merchant replied, closing his coat. He then vanished, and the elf gurgled in the increasingly tight grasp of the enraged naga. The maid kept laughing.

MAF: "Scales... Let her go." Hank sighed at the scene, holding green elf clothes in his hand.

Tass: The lamia glared at the elf, but released. The elf then took her clothes and left, unless Hank tried to stop her for some reason.

MAF: "God damn... It's finally over..." Hank sighed, falling into the bed.

Tass: The lamia went back to sleep, and the maid eventually stopped laughing and caught her breath, leaving with the dishes shortly thereafter. (Hank gains 2 experience.)

MAF: After a rest, Hank went to see about getting a job to get his mind off of the elf in general.

Tass: Hat.

MAF: Hank sighed at the thought of the hat. "I don't even care."

Tass: The hat was there. On the witch's head, as she sat behind the receptionist's desk.
"Hello sweetie~"

MAF: "Go fuck yourself and give me something to murder."

Tass: "I prefer assistance with that~" the witch quipped back immediately, and then said; "I don't have anything for you, but you could go talk to the boss!"

MAF: Hank grumbled. "Use the hat on yer cun..." He trailed off as he knocked on the boss' door.

Tass: "Enter!" the voice of the fallen angel replied, and when Hank did so he would find what was likely a pleasant surprise, in the form of the woman modelling naked for a painting. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=170&pictureid=10427
"Do you need something?" she said, holding perfectly still for the woman who was painting her.

MAF: "Titties..." Hank replied with a dumb look on his face. staring at her tits.

Tass: "You may have some when I am finished," she stated simply.

MAF: "... Wait, you serious?" Hank asked, snapping back to his senses.

Tass: "Why wouldn't I be? I always welcome new victims to feed upon, particularly mortals~"
"I will lose your services as a mercenary, as you will become one of my many slaves, but such is life!"

MAF: "... Can I have a moment to think on that?"

Tass: "Yes."

MAF: Hank thought about it for a long time, enough for their painting session to be over with. "... After much thought... I want to negotiate."

Tass: The woman was finished about an hour later, and then the fallen angel said; "Negotiate what?"

MAF: "I want to fuck you, and I still want to murder things too."

Tass: "One session would addict you to me eternally~"

MAF: "... How about a touch? Can I touch your tits?"

Tass: "Yes."

MAF: Hank reached forward, and cupped her breasts under his hands, and closed his eyes as if he were meditating.

Tass: Her breasts were literally perfect, nice and firm but also soft.

MAF: Then, he took his hands away. "... God damn... Those were the best titties I've felt in a while..."
"Oh yeah, do you got somethin' fer me to murder?" he inquired.

Tass: "There's a rival that I need eliminated if you're interested~"

MAF: "Rival in what?"

Tass: "Business of course!"

MAF: "... Who do I need to kill? What's this guy's name."

Tass: "It's a demon knight named Groviog."

MAF: "Pay?"

Tass: "300 if you kill him."

MAF: "Right, where is he? Things went to shit when I didn't ask that question last time."

Tass: "Did they now? He's at Groviog's Battlemaster's, another mercenary company. It's closer to the center of town."

MAF: "The hell? How am I gonna kill him in the middle of town?"

Tass: "I don't know.... Shoot him maybe? You could always go out and hunt monsters for fun if you'd rather wait until I have something else for you."

MAF: "Even I'm not stupid enough to try and kill a man in the middle of a dangerous as shit place like this." he sighed. "Fine, fine.... Guess I'm off to kill some critters..." he said, turning away at first, before glancing back, and giving her breast one last squeeze. "Honk." he said before going to leave.

Tass: "Suit yourself!" the fallen angel replied, and then Hank was left to wander off into the woods once more....

MAF: Wondering out into the woods, Hank was silent as he lit a cigar, putting it to his lips as he let the powerful smoke choke him. "Ah... Nothin' like it." he said, enjoying his cigar as he looked for prey.
Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Stats for Oni's NPCs


Name: Coltia
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Crolian)
Sex: Female

Body: 30 + 8 = 38
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 34
Spirit Energy (EP): 34
Speed: 19 (18)
Dodge: 39 (49)
Armor: 5 (10)
Resistance: 19
Perception: 19
Stealth: 19 (17)
Grapple: 38
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (6)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Duelist (+10 Dodge and +2 melee damage when wielding only one one handed weapon)
Skill with OHS (+12 to attack rolls)
Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
Exceptional (+8 Stat points)
Quick (+8 Speed)
Pain Resistant (+5 AV)
Natural Succubus: Fuck Me (+12 Penetration PP damage)

Fetish: Beast Traits
Easily Aroused

Mutations: None

Skills: 1 + 3 = 4
Lightning Strikes
Weapon Focus: OHS
Defensive Stance
Power Strike

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 25
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10
Succubus Powers: None

Sword (+56) 2d6 + 26
Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.


The OOC section:
- 1H sword user (warrior class)
- Balances between strength and accuracy, to compliment Priscilla's fighting style
- Fetish for beasts, Priscilla's pig features being what originally drew Coltia to her
- Lustful
- Carefree and sometimes is a bit of a klutz, though she does get annoyed when things don't go her way or as expected. Grows serious in battle
- Is more submissive when it comes to sex
- Is in love with Priscilla, though their relationship is open, and often share partners
-Is on birth control and corruption treatments to keep safely having sex with Pris


Name: Priscilla
Class: Warrior
Race: Part-demon
Sex: Female (Futa)

Body: 4 + 44 + 8 = 56
Mind: 6 + 2 = 8
Spirit: 6 + 4 = 10

Hit Points (HP): 95
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 41
Spirit Energy (EP): 42
Speed: 24 (23)
Dodge: 27
Armor: 13 (18)
Resistance: 28
Perception: 32
Stealth: 24 (22)
Grapple: 56
Spirit Ceiling: 8 (7)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Exceptional (+8 stats)
Heavy Weapons Specialist (+10 dame with two handed weapons)
Battle Hardened (+8 AV)
Pain Resistant (+5 AV)
Perceptive (+12 Perception)
Skill with THB (+12 attack rolls)
Hard Hitter (+8 damage)
Resilient (+30 HP)

*Tainted Bloodline
Mutated x2
Easy to Hit

Large/Tight x3 (+6 Penetration PP)
Snug (+6 bonus to grapple checks for maintaining penetration)
Massive Breasts (+4 paizuri PP)
Funny Ears (Piggy)
Tail (Piggy)
Potent (+1 to impreg rolls)

Skills: 1 + 5 = 6
Supreme Might
Heavy Metal
Crushing Blow
Stunning Strike

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 25
Foreplay = 2d4 + 14 (+2 non-oral, +6 tittyfucking)
Succubus Powers: None

Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.
Hammer (+68) 2d8 + 5 + 28 + 10 + 8 = 51


The OOC section:
- Piglike features (ears, tail, slightly chubby though muscular, large breasts)
- Hammer user (warrior class)
- Relies on powerful, inaccurate attacks to take down her foes
- Lustful
- Natural futa
- Often is the dominant partner during sex
- Is often slow on the uptake, though she is deeply caring of her friends and loved ones
- Hard to anger, though is frighteningly fierce when she is
- Is a voyeur, and also enjoys being watched
- Is in love with Coltia, though their relationship is open, and often share partners


Name: Kara
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Badarian)
Sex: Female

Body: 30 + 16 = 46
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 56
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38
Speed: 21 (20)
Dodge: 43
Armor: 0 (5)
Resistance: 23
Perception: 21 + 8 + 3 = 32
Stealth: 21 + 5 + 3 = 29 (27)
Grapple: 34 (54 to escape)
Spirit Ceiling: 8 (7)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Exceptional x2 (+16 stat points)
Skill with Rifles (+12 attack)
Sniper x2 (+16 ranged attack damage)
Stealthy (+5 Stealth, can SA)
Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
Skilled (+3 Skills)
Perceptive (+12 perception)

Open Soul (+4 EP damage taken)
Fragile (gains weakened when falls below 1/2 health)
Poor Grappler (-12 grapple)

Mutations: None

Skills: 1 + 4 + 3 = 8
Ranger (+3 perception, can track)
Thief (+3 stealth, can disarm locks/traps)
Escape Artist (+20 grapple to escape from stuff)
Quick Draw
Quick Reload
Rapid Shot
Deadly Aim

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 15
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12
Succubus Powers: None

Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.
Badarian Breach Loader (+58) 3d8 + 8 + 16 = 3d8 + 24, 35 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload (0 with quick reload), ignores 8 AV
Badarian Shotgun (+58) 3d12 + 12 + 16 = 3d12 + 28, 20 foot range, 2 shots, 2 round reload (1 with quick reload)
-Rifle Bayonet (+42) 4d5 + 19
Throwing Knives (+46) 2d12 + Body/4, 10 foot range, come in packs of 5, deals +2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack
-Dagger Bayonet (+42) 2d6 + 23


The OOC section:
-Ex slaver who joined Eleanor in Artmirst
-Auburn hair that she keeps in a ponytail. Tomboyish/athletic physique.
-Low sex drive compared to everyone else on the farm, very professional. (With standards.)
-Good with a gun, prefers rifles, likes to go hunting. Can also use throwing knives pretty well.
-Is a decent grappler when trying to escape.
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Re: Tassadar's Assorted Odd Bits

Tassadar ventures forth once again into the bleak lands of . Can he and his fellow ULMFers survive the zombie apocalypse? Lets find out! Our second (recorded) journey commences on the normal difficulty, meaning only that I started with a decent amount of supplies. I decided to bring Mamono Assault Force, RangerPrincess, Termite, and Tiffanian along for the ride. This time I'll do daily logs rather than record everything that happens.

Got out of DC at 8 AM, just after the same came up. RangerPrincess, Termite, Tiffanian, and Mamono Assault Force are with me, but we had to leave a lot of good people behind. I wish Haf hadn't come down with a bad case of scabies, or I'd have taken him with me. We had a decent amount of supplies, plenty of ammo and medkits at least. We could have gone for some more food and parts for the car though.
Around 2 PM we found an abandoned car on the side of the road, and it had a decently sized field medkit and a bag of chips in it. Nice find. We ended up losing half a can of gas when Tiff tried to refill the car though, just an accident. Found a big bag of food in a gas station, mostly baked beans. It's gonna be one of those trips.
We hit Pittsburg around 6, tried to find someone to trade with but the only one who'd talk to us was some witless Georgian bint whining about her dad. Had to cross a pretty big hoard to get out of the city, but they were really docile and we managed to sneak through. Hit a mall for some little town at around midnight, and decided to stop there for a while.

Traded with a lot of survivors, ended up trading some food, money, and fuel for a lot of medkits. Left at 8 in the morning after some rest. Went scavenging for food and came back with a decent amount from a convenience store.
We reached Indianapolis around 2 PM, and we left right after talking to some psycho suggesting that because there aren't any child zombies their meat was probably still good to eat. Ended up getting lost for a little bit after that, but we found our way back shortly. Unfortunately, we dropped a fuel can off the side of the highway, and fuck climbing down to get it when the place below is infested with walkers. We stopped at a farm and decided to stay there for a while, traded a battery for some extra food and ammo, and then traded some medkits for some fuel. Left at 4 the next day.

We got to Chicago at 8 in the morning. Hard to believe we've traveled over a thousand miles in 2 days, particularly in this mess. We're all holding up pretty well too, no major incidents! Anyway, traded a spare tire for an extra battery, and then got out of town. Had to go scavenging right away though, as we'd run out of food. Managed to gather up enough to keep us going.
We hit a cabin in the woods at 6, but we all decided to just keep on going. Passed a car around 8 PM and found a busted assault rifle with a mostly full mag in it, tossed the gun but kept the ammo. Got some fresh strawberries out of it too! We kept going all night until we hit St. Louis right around midnight, unfortunately just after we ran out of water.

Took a brief rest and then left St. Louis at around 3 in the morning. Had a tire pop right around dawn, and I went scavenging in a supermarket while Tiff and Termite changed it. Unfortunately, we somehow lost one of the batteries in the process. That was our last one, but we found some guy hiding out in a cave who wanted food and had a spare, so we traded some baked beans for it. I call that a win-win, particularly since I found two bags of food in another abandoned car just a few blocks away!
We reached Memphis at 4, and traded that assault rifle mag for a couple of medkits. We definitely lucked out on that find! Some asshat wanted to then pay us five bucks for the two of them. Not sure if he'll wake up after what Termite did to him when he tried to steal 'em after we said no, but I don't feel particularly bad about that. We left at midnight.

Ran into a massive hoard trying to get out of the city just as they were eating on the last group to try and make it out. That was a fun thing to see. Had to wait until almost dawn before they settled down and dispersed enough for us to sneak through. Went out scavenging after and came back with a nice haul... Of motherfucking baked beans. I hate baked beans.
We reached a prison at 5, but just kept on going. Tiff got sick with something, he's got a fever, but we're all pretty sure that he didn't get bit. We'll watch him, hopefully he'll get better on his own, but if he doesn't we've got plenty of meds in the car. Then, just around midnight, Termite caught something too... And MAF says it looks like Cholera. Like he knows what the hell he's talking about.

Ranger got bit. Abandoned car, thought it might have something useful. We were checking it out (it was fucking empty) and one of them.... It had been cut in half somehow. Was just dragging itself around... It took her by surprise, bit her on the calf.
Found out some of the food we found was rotten, so we're back to baked beans. Dammit. Had to give Termite and Tiff some meds to keep them on their feet too, but we've still got plenty.
We saw a hospital up ahead, and thought that maybe there'd be something there for Ranger. Tiff got better too, and things were looking up... Until a small horde descended onto us. We fought 'em off, but Tiff got bit. Now we don't even know what to do.
Reached the hospital an hour later. There's nothing here. Not a god damn thing. Ranger and Tiff both asked for it, so.... I put 'em out of their misery. It was quick, and I made sure that they won't come back. Termite's still sick, but there's nothing here to help us, so no sense staying. Found a medkit in a car on the way out, just our lucky day I guess.
Funny, it's barely past dawn, and a massive storm kicked up. We had to huddle up under a car wash for a bit, and MAF slipped and banged his head on something. I'm not sure why, but... I just couldn't stop laughing. Gave Termite some more medicine before we headed out. He seems a lot better.
Had a fire later that afternoon, the first thing that's happened since we passed the morning mark. Lost a battery. Fuck Sundays.
We reached Dallas at 7, and went around trading with whoever we could find. Got a battery for a medkit to replace the one that we lost, and then traded a spare tire for another one. Sold some spare ammo at an absurd rate, and then bought some fuel. We left just before dawn.

Monday 2
MAF shit himself at 2 in the afternoon. The car fucking reeks of it. And then the muffler on the car went, and we don't have another spare after replacing it. The fire that caused burned a medkit into a plastic lump, so we've got the combination of baked-beans scented ass and molten plastic to put up with. The good news is, we're about halfway there.
Night fell, and we had another walker attack. Nobody got bit, but Termite fell and busted his leg. No blood or anything, but he can't walk straight. Christ, these people just can't keep themselves together, can they?
Apparently not, because not an hour later, Termite got himself bit. Walker swarm again. This just keeps happening.... He took care of it himself after, saved me the trouble. I don't know if that really made it any easier.

Tuesday 2
Reached a strip joint at 4 in the morning, still somehow operating. Bought some fuel and a muffler and just kept on going. A few hours later we found out that some of our food had gone bad when MAF went for an apple, but then I went out to get more. It's a lot easier to support 2 mouths than 5.
A thief broke into our car while I was out taking a piss and stole some meds at around 2. MAF was asleep. We've been facing a lot of obstructions between getting lost, fog, and car jams, and all that plus the lack of sleep is starting to make me pretty pissed off. And then, at around 8, MAF dropped most of the rest of our emergency money out the window by accident.
We hit Albuquerque at 9, and I went around trading until well after dawn.

Wednesday 2
Traded all day, couldn't get money or fuel. Dammit.

Thursday 2
Finally managed to get some money for fuel after trading a pretty hefty chunk of our food. Fuck it, it was all baked beans anyway. We left the city around 4 in the morning. We lost a tire a few miles out, but replaced it with one of the spares that I traded for.
MAF got the measles. I already had 'em, but he's lying down in the back and not touching anything anyway.
We reached a motel. MAF looks and sounds like shit, but I'm going on anyway.
9 PM, we hit Vegas.... And MAF passed out. He doesn't look like he's waking up, and his measles are really bad. I guess the meds I gave him weren't enough... So now I'm alone, with a man in a coma. Fuck.

Friday 2
We left Las Vegas at 9, MAF's still totally out of it.

This about where I accidentally clicked a link and got sent to another page, completely losing all of my progress. So, uhhh..... I guess that's it for this one. Gotta find a way to play it adless if I do this again.
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