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Tarot cards


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Nunu made a tarot deck.

it is based on the magic manga deck and thats where all the border came from. coincidently i've now used up my porn quota for this year.

Because no one clicked on this i uploaded it to my albums:

Major Arcana

Minor Arcana
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Re: Tarot cards

What is this 'porn quota' you speak of? One can never have enough porn :p


Good job on the cards there, Nunu.
Although, since I have no idea how to correctly use Tarot cards, I'll probably just use the Minor Arcana as a modified deck of cards. Should prove interesting should I play my buddies in Poker with it :p
Re: Tarot cards

i might be able to give someone a custom user title if they can guess every character.

As for actual reading tarot... its a hobby I indulge in sometimes. A pleasant distraction, although I'm not actually of the persuasion it can predict the future.
Re: Tarot cards

Well, without using Google, I could probably name 60-70% of the girls.

Using google, I could probably name 70-85% of the girls.

The rest, I have no idea due to never having seen them, or at least not recognizing them.

Meh. I'm Chief Nippleseer anyways. :p

It'll be interesting to see who can name all of them :D
Re: Tarot cards

i'd like to see how many you can get anyway. pm me so no one else knows.
Re: Tarot cards

Well Nunu, I did click on the original link provided and ended up on a wiki page talking about an Eldar Farseer... so I was a little confused and thinking you was fucking with me.

Still, looking through them now they look pretty cool.

And not being a huge anime fan I can't name all the characters.
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Re: Tarot cards

Pretty much what Sinful said accept I didn't think you were fucking with me. I just thought that I was going senile instead.

I don't even recognize half of the characters, but they still make for an interesting deck.

Wether or not you use the whole thing for tarot, or just the minor arcana for playing cards. Since that's where playing cards came from in the first place. I don't believe in their prophetic ability myself but they can still be fun to ply around with.
Re: Tarot cards

I think I can name a little over half of them which is a little surprising considering I haven't watched much anime/cartoons lately.
Re: Tarot cards

right... i did wonder... broken link was broken.

if anyone wants a reading i might be able to do you one for giggles.

and i don't really think many things are from particularly new anime or games.

kusunagi got 63% on his first go.
Re: Tarot cards

A reading? Could be interesting, but how would you do it over the net?
Re: Tarot cards

i would draw five cards, and leave you to place them in order, then turn them one at a time and divine meaning from their positions.
Re: Tarot cards

High Priestess and The Fool... <3

Re: Tarot cards

Inky attempted to guess and got 68% correct.
Re: Tarot cards

Still feels like not enough :/ But I'm happy that I got some that to me seemed like obscure choices.
Re: Tarot cards

Termite got 58%, and unlike the rest of you, no wrong answers.

and some of the obscure choices are surprisingly well known. namely king of pentacles.
Re: Tarot cards

Termite got 58%, and unlike the rest of you, no wrong answers.

and some of the obscure choices are surprisingly well known. namely king of pentacles.

Ah yes, her. I recognised the art style and named where it was from almost immediately. Then spent 5 minutes desperately trying to remember her name. Then I lol'd.
Re: Tarot cards

you can still try to improve your score if you want.
Re: Tarot cards

Do I get bonus points for these?

Re: Tarot cards

yeah but there not real points also you need real points first.
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