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Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Since I won't be here when things go down, or if I am, I probably won't be able to stay long, I'm presuming we're going to get blinked up, so no worries about that. Maybe I'll kick things up a notch in the game thread so Sho will need to "rest and recover" undisturbed whilst I'm away.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

A couple of things about my recent post:

First, it was something Siphon and I had discussed at length beforehand, stemming in part from the fact that there were two PC ships on the planet's surface.

Second, what's going on with the drone ships is that when the information transfer to Toryn occurred, the Warden also transferred information allowing Toryn to remotely command the ships it had designed. However, that's more mental activity for him, so he's going to be pretty exhausted by the time all of this current situation is over.

Third...The post was to try to keep this from totally dying out, and Siphon hadn't really shown much inclination to take such actions himself.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

OK, it's been long enough.

With Shrike and Wolf gone from the forum, and Pheonix having left, it would seem that only 2 other people besides myself have ANY interest in this whatsoever.

Therefore, I am declaring this, after having spoken to Bartnum, OFFICIALLY DEAD and Canceled. Perhaps some of the ideas I had for this will live on in another book type format, perhaps not. It's a true shame, but unless there comes to be a sudden overwhelming presence to bring this back, it's getting archived and laid to rest.

It was fun while it lasted, enjoy whatever other RP's your in.

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Well it's been a while hasn't it?

So here's the deal. Bartnum and I have decided we want to restart this RP again. So I am officially RE-OPENING the RP for players again. You will need to repost character sheets in a new thread I will make shortly.

Some aspects for the old players who are returning will be changing however.

The Sentinel War is over, all that remains is the cleanup and after math, which will provide a good "tutorial" to the RP.

Aya, who was Siphon's ancestor will NOT have arrived yet, so ignore anything regarding her at all from the old archives.

I plan to TRY and remove those old threads to a "deleted scenes" thread eventually, and will be making all new threads for the new variant of this RP. I ask now that any who want in begin working on their character sheets and posting them.

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

character sheet same for normal sbs?
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

You may use the same character, or you may create a new one entirely.

This RP was created to remove some of the more Sci-Fi elements from the old SBS, and is technically a completely different entity, though some characters are similar to the current SBS counter-parts. Take Siphon for example. I shall have my own sheets up later, currently I need to rework them.

Information should include:




A Description/Background:

Ship/Name of Ship:

Anything Else you might like to include:

Also, although I won't be exactly imposing a restriction on ship sizes, I do ask that there be no Death Star or planet sized ships. A couple KM in size is fine, but try to keep it smaller than a Wraith Hive.

For reference, a Wraith Hive is 11 KM long, 5.5 KM Wide and 2.5 KM Deep.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Name: Kojishiro Jenrax, "Koji"

Race: Ingrali

Gender: Usually takes on a male form, but also enjoys his alternate Futanari form. Being a Shape shifter however, Koji has no real gender and can be whatever he whims, taking on male and female reproduction system and parts.

A Description/Background: Male Form: Koji's male form is a tall average build, man with tan/brown skin, dark purple hair, blue eyes, well defined muscles and a 9" penis.
Futa Form:
Only a futa with 10" penis.

Ship/Name of Ship: "Hime-Sama"

Anything Else you might like to include:
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Given how I got lost the last time, I probably won't go for this game, but I will make the suggestion:

If you are going to have multiple threads for different parts of the game, make a thread devoted to communications between different threads. In my opinion, it's generally bad to depend on someone to read all the game threads for the simple fact that, if someone doesn't have a lot of time (Or possible interest in the other threads), threads that don't have a player's character in them will be ignored.

Or as a simplification: unless you state a thread to be mandatory to read, presume only the people posting in it will read it and therefore anything said there only applies to that thread.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

You know I'm always up for anything sci-fi. Count me in. And of course Ixack will be returning.

Just a quick question: how long has it been since the beginning of the events that occurred during the sentinel war?
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

It's been about 3 years since the height of the war and the destruction of their space gate.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm in. Time to dig up Space Sho.

Oh, and Tenta? That pic's not working.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I am extremly anticipating the start of this and the three friends reunion.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Definitely going to be interesting, that's for certain.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm interested, though I'll have to put up my sheet during the weekend.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright cool. I plan to hopefully start this either tonight or tomorrow night, but it'll be easy to have late arrivals enter then way I intend to work this out.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Im unsure of how to introduce my character.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

*looks at Burrito's new character sheet*

You know, I have the strangest feeling that I'm being mocked XD
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I deleted the character I made as I feel I need to think of actual characters for non H-themed games. Ive been having that problem a fair deal recently. I'm not dropping out completely, I just want to make something that will fit for this game and I will enjoy using.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I knew that someone was going to do that. I dig the ship tho. I was telling siphon that we are going to have a multicultural fleet soon enough.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Hey, I been cooking this idea up all day. And no, Shrike, I am not mocking you. I just thought it'd be cool to play as a Prophet.