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Apr 21, 2019
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As Cyra says that, she notices some bushes in the distance, around 40ft away shake, and few small sized figures dart away. She manages to rush forward before they manage to get away however, and she notices the three small figures.

[You have moved 30ft towards them, and you are 10ft away you have an action before their turn comes up. With the reach of the pike you could attack one of them, or take some other action.]

The goblins will disengage as bonus action, and rush away 30ft away (difficult terrain), if they can.

Gelope moves closer too, and throws two arrows at her signal, however only the first one will hit, dealing some damage, but not enough to down the goblin it hit.

Initiative: Cyra-> Goblins->Gelope


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Cyra rushed after the goblins and, if the hunter had had doubts about her as a hero, he'd be proven wrong as she rushed foward, declaring: "Crescent Moon Strike." whilest swinging her pike, sending two goblin heads flying before shouting. "Come on men, Don't let the filth escape! Hunt them all, to the last!"

Before letting the last shot goblin escape, raising her hand to the hunter.
"Now we go on, see if we can find another ambush like this." She nodded, twirling the pike slowly in one hand, before spinning it in a semi-circle behind her back... ".. not a weapon I'm used to, but it'll do for now." She nodded, briefly checking if the goblins had anything potentially useful to her.. before collecting their heads, carrying them down and dropping them by the streetside.

"Grisly, I know, but got to send a message..."

She nodded.. and continued the goblin-hunting.

(Enough to hit both, and do 10 damage each, perception is still garbage.. but there's certainly more gobbos, so we continue the hunt!)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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The last goblin was about to run away, but as it saw it's two companions getting slashed down and an arrow hit it on the leg, it fell down and started shouting, raising it's hands up!

"Surrender! Surrender! Not shoot!"

It looked panicked at Cyra's head collecting...what the scary human wanted?


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Hello there.. I want to know who leads you.. And no lies. .. if you want to live." She said, narrowing her eyes, and the pike, to the goblins throat.

"Why do you attack people upon the streets?

Also.. what's the deal with pretzels.. those little holes, what are they even for?"
She demanded, of the goblin.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"Boss leads! She back at the camp! We attack because Boss's boss told Boss to tell us to! Pre...wa, wat? Holes...for fucking them?" the goblin replied, looking down the tip of the pike, cross-eyed.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Tell me where the camp is and who this boss is. NOW!" She demanded, lifting the pike threateningly, then, when the goblin had responded, one way or the other she nodded.

"Thank you for your contribution.. you may find peace now... be reborn into a better life." Before decapitating the third of the goblins as well.

(24 to hit, 7 damage, so if its already hurt..)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"The camp is over there! Boss is Boss! Uh...please, not kill me?" the goblin pleaded...in vain.

"Good work. Nice moves there...maybe you can do this after all." Gelope commented. "Indeed, I think their camp is in that direction too...but I am not sure if we can take them head on, even with your fighting skills."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Oh I'm totally going to take them head on." She chuckled, then lifted the three goblin heads. "Let's make our way there, see what we can get into.."

She nodded to the hunter. "Watch my back.. oh and.. let's try to be cautious, just to see.."

But of course, they would fail.. she was armored and not good at it to begin with.. however, the moment she was detected, she would simply raise the three goblin heads.
"I'm here to talk to the boss. Sure, you can try and stop me, or attack me, but.. for one I am not alone, for two.. .. look at the other three that tried.. and do yourself a favour.. Get me your boss."
She demanded, before tossing the goblin heads onto the ground before her.

(Feel like this is a definite intimidate check with perhaps a circumstantial advantage bonus? Heh. I rolled a 19 either way, suddenly the dices are on my side!)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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The goblins certainly didn't expect anyone to just walk on their camp, and demand to see the leader...

"You...stay back...!" the goblin at the gate cried, hiding behind it's raised sword.

"Boss...boss!" the other goblin cried.

"ENOUGH. Let her come inside then." a tougher, but female voise sounded from inside the camp.

"Ah, ah...you....you can pass..." the goblin cried, making way.


Cyra walked in the camp, with the hunter right behind her. The whole tribe, around two dozen goblins gathered as the warrioress marched forward. One thing was for sure, if she had to fight all of them, things wouldn't go well.

22669 In the middle of the village, right outside a big tent from animal hides, a bulky female was waiting Cyra's arrival.

"So, you really did deliver yourself to us. Mistress had predicted so, but I didn't think you would literally just do that. Very well then."

the female hobgoblin ordered.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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She wandered in, taking a look around the camp.. she could take four or five goblins, definitly. Not ten or fiteen.
Then again, she didn't have to.
"You first."
She demanded, before lifting her pike, pointing at the hob-goblin.

"I am stronger than her! She is weak! I deserve to lead this tribe, not her!" Cyra shouted.

"I challenge her to combat for Leadership of this tribe! My allies stand back. Goblins stand back. Only the strongest one wins." She declared, looking about at the goblins.. likely they were not opposed to -not- having to fight her, and she remembered the book saying something about hobgolins forcing their leadership with power.. if she could overpower this leader...

(12 pre-emptive initiative, if challenge is accepted!)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"Strong? Weak?" the hobgoblin looked at Cyra with disbelief.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHHA" she laughed

"Wait...you actually believe that? HAH. Very well. I will show you your place then."

she shouted to the goblins, smacking her whip at the air, before stepping forward three steps.


The hobgoblin attacks with her whip, slashing you for 4 damage, without caring too much about her own defense.

[You have advantage on attacks against the hobgoblin.]
[Hobgoblin Barbarian->Cyra]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Hp 11/15

"OWww..!" She glared, at the red line in her skin. "Tzk.. a slave-drivers weapon... I have no clue what you mean with a mistress, and delivering myself.. but I am here to deliver something you will enjoy a lot less, trust me." She raised her glaive and advanced upon the hob-goblin, taking advantage of her aggressive stance to get a nasty blow in, stabbing the hob-goblins shoulder with her pike.

"I'm not done yet." She declared, brushing a hand along the shaft of the pike. "Lunar Radiance!" She declared, a glow of white energy lighting up the shaft of the pike, making it look like a spear of pure silver for a brife moment, spreading along the Hob-goblins shoulder, purifying energies burning white along her flesh...

Cyra nodded to herself.. her abilities still felt.. restricted. But that should have done the trick for a hob-goblin, even a tougher one, right?

(17 to hit, 14 .. I guess by the barbarian hints 7 physical damage,
15 Radiant damage)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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The slash does damage her, leaving behind a deep slash.

"This is all I will need to subdue you." she snaps her whip again, but her whip deflects on the chain mail.

"Ah...wearing armor, huh. Well, no matter."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Hp 11/15

"Wearing it below the dress is not comfortable, true, but it's a useful suprise, don't you think... also impressive, still standing. But are you sure the whip alone is enough?" She acknowledged, yet taunted. The Musuclar hobgoblin seemed stronger than the usual of their kind, most definitly...

"... but you look as if you felt that, nonetheless.. so.." She rushed foward, actually kicking at the Hobgoblin.. only as distraction, for her pike to rush downards onto that shoulder again.
"Lunar Radiance!"
She declared.. and felt like she had landed another rather solid strike upon her foe, as the white, soft yet intense light of her weapon wracked her foe.

(18 to hit, 12 physical without any resistances, 11 Radiant. )


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"HAH. I am not afraid of pain." the hobgoblin declined, taunting Cyra back. However, her breath was heavy...

"I will show you your place, and give you to Mistress. You are the gift she will like the most!" she shouted, slashing on her leg, where the armor left Cyra's skin exposed.

A deep cut formed...testament to the strength of the hobgoblin's hand.

[You take 8 damage - also, if you want to play it cool you will need to roll a deception check DC 13 (no action required)]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Hp 14/16

"Let me guess, this 'Mistress' prefers to remain anonymous, hrmn?" She suggested, before the whip impacted her...
"Yeah for me too.. oww.. aaah.. ow.. why does this hurt so much.. screw that not a fan." She growled, raising her hand and holding her left upper thigh.. she had known how to fix things like this easily once.. and her lunar-radiance was supposed to do a lot more damage.. what was it?

"Lunar Luminus.. Lunar.. Luminos!" She declared, light shining from her hand, mending the cut on her leg completely, and even the earlier slight slash-mark curling over her skin.. mostly.

".. Let's give it a do over. I'm all good to go again,m how about you?" She chuckled and taunted on.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"You don't like pain, yet you prolong your suffering? HAH, funny human!"

"I like you...maybe I should play with you...but first..!"

The hobgoblin slashed once again going for the foot...and even while Cyra tried to avoid it, she still got hit.

[7 damage!]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Hp 7/16

Crya groaned at the whipping at her feet.. she could do this.. She had to do this.. true, another strike like this would fell her, but pulling out and drinking a potion, if it even healed as much as she could, would just lead to the same result.. her getting more whips.. and she was not as into prolonging this.. had she ever been into this in her past life? D.. definitly not!
She was not entirely sure, admittedly, but her body was all.. new and sensitive. She would finish this. She changed her stance and readied her pike!

"I don't like showing this to people because it's far less refined.. but then again, my techniques are ment to be used with a sword anyway." She declared, took a far more open stance than before, kind of simliar to the hobgoblins. "I think I used to call this.. " She rushed forward, kicking up a bit of sand right at the hobgoblin, before impaling her chest with the pike, twisting its tip.
"Dark Moon Assault." She nodded, before slamming her left hand upon her right arm and thrusting a glowing of energy along with her attack. If this did not fell the hobgoblin.. well.. she should propably try running next.

(18 physical, 9 Radiant.)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"HAHA! I like this! I admit, you are strong! I want to play with you!"

This time she cracked her whip again...but it only hit her armor!

Cyra swiped her pike, for one last desperate strike...and it stiked true, sending the hobgoblin rolling on the ground, unconscious but alive.

She knew she had won this fight...she had won fights like those before...no, harder fights than those. She was stronger too...her strength...

Her strength, came from herself..from her ideals, but what were those ideals....

Was she a holy warrior of justice, virtue, and order?
Or was she an avenger, punisher of all evil?

But were really all those ideals, hers...or maybe she cared more about bringing good to the world, unbound by laws?

However...her past life was in the past...her new life didn't need to be defined by who she used to be...
Maybe she could follow the path of Conquest in this life. A goblin tribe could be the start of a glorious empire...an empire where she defined the laws...

Then...then again, an entirely new possibility. To abandon her oaths at all...abandon her ideals...after all they didn't save her from death last time, did they?

[Cyra will reach level 3 immediately once she swears her vows, whatever her choice may be.
  • Oath of Devotion: Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Honor, Duty
  • Oath of Vengeance: No Mercy for the Wicked, Fight the Greater Evil, By Any Means Necessary
  • Oath of the Ancients: Mercy, Forgiveness, Hope, Good, Beauty, Laughter, Joy
  • Oath of Conquest: Douse the Flame of Hope, Rule with an Iron Fist, Strength Above All
  • Oathbreaker: Give in to Darkness...]
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Hp 18/22

Cyra raised her pike, triumphantly with her last desperate yet determined strike, letting out a victorious howl, before resting ever so slightly on it. She held her weapon above the felled hob-goblin. "Are there any more that would question my rule?" She questioned, whilest picking up the hobogoblins whip, holding it up triumphantly.. before reaching back and binding her enemies hands behind her back with her own weapon.

"Good. Then, as your new Boss, I command:"
There were many possibilities. She could squeeze this one for answers.. but then what to do with 'her' tribe? She could just use them.. the power beckoned to her, admittedly. She'd done away with a third goblin after all. Then again, she felt kind of bad for it. But she had just done what was necessary, with unknown numbers of foes.. Was that what she could do? Dispatch of the evil goblins by commanding them into a trap and easily disposing of them? Good people didn't need any rules, but they needed a strong hand that showed evil that it could not mess with kind people unpunished. She could be the one thing darkness feared the most.. and she would be!

Because true strength was not taking advantage of your power, even if that was the harder path.. no.. because it was the harder path. Now as in her past, she'd follow the ancient ways. "No more attacking humans on the streets. or anywhere. Neither elves nor halflings either. If you have any prisoners, set them free... as I set you free of the Hobgoblins rule. You may go to the wildernis, do as you desire with your life... those that wish to follow me.. Follow. I'll lead you to the humans and they'll give you good weapons, good armor, if you help their defenses against beasts and other dark creatures.

I will prove it to you."
She declared, lifting up the Hunters two bear-traps.
"Look. All good metal, no rust, sharp blades. Good for traps, good for hunting. But no hurting humans again.. no fucking human females either... welp, unless they're into it, I guess. Your Choice."

Then, she waved to the hunter, requesting his heal-potion, before having a sip of it herself.. and giving the rest to the hog-goblin to awaken her, whilest giving the man a playful wink if he seemed.. hesitant: "Dealt with the goblins and gave you more eyes for the nightwatch.. eyes with night-vision too."

"Good morning. You're now my prisoner. We're going back to the human settlement, perhaps with some of the goblins, and then I'll have a few questions. You can't free yourself without destroying your own weapon so please be compliant, respect the right of the victor if nothing else.. I could have taken your life, but didn't."
Cyra declared, rubbing her legs and forcing outa little more healing magic.

"Because that's who I am, who I'm always going to be. Being strong is easy.. being strong without using your strength is hard. I am Cyra Darkbane, and in this life or another, I'm always going to have fun, kick evils bottom until they beg forgiveness and not leave your menacing of the helpless unanswered!" She declared, with re-energized determination.
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