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Subterranea OOC Thread


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Post any out of character questions, ideas, or concerns about Subterranea here.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Have you let everyone know we've gotten a subforum? If not, maybe they just missed it...
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Yeah... Millions of times. People apparently showed interest, but didn't actually want to participate.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Well, suppose we could try a solo thing, though that makes it intensely harder for me to be sneaky...
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Well, suppose we could try a solo thing, though that makes it intensely harder for me to be sneaky...

Did you finish your character?
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Everything but the backstory, can't piece together enough about the outside world in my head to come up with one that I like. I think, anyways. Everything else should be done.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Okay, I'll get started on your character thread now I guess.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Okie dokie. Feel free to come up with background stuff if you want, may give me something to work from.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Well, for starters, every character is either an assassin or bounty hunter, so being hired by someone would be a good start for a backstory.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

That's more plot exposition than backstory, to me anyways. It sounded like a government vs government almost private contractor kind of thig to me, since everyone was going to have been sent for the exact same job, implying the same employer.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Yeah, that'd make sense.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Yeah, so it's a function of the story, not the character. Hence, not for me to worry about.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

So, I guess I'll wait until you finish your character before I make a thread for you...
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

I figured you were gonna say that. What do you need from the backstory, honestly? The motive, means, and direction have already been decided.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

I figured you were gonna say that. What do you need from the backstory, honestly? The motive, means, and direction have already been decided.

I guess I just need you to come up with small details. Every character is going to end up deep in an abandoned mine shaft to use explosives to blow a hole into the wall to make their way into the lower dome of Dolvehk. So, I guess a brief description of your character's perspective the events leading up to that point.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Hmm... Explosives are loud, mine shafts are cold, this job seems horribly under-thought out (the pay or the blackmail must be incedible), and if they're all humans down there, why did they bother bringing him in at all? How is it supposed to be a secret entrance if every seperate team has to set off an explosion at the beginning of it? In no particular order.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Hmm... Explosives are loud, mine shafts are cold, this job seems horribly under-thought out (the pay or the blackmail must be incedible), and if they're all humans down there, why did they bother bringing him in at all? How is it supposed to be a secret entrance if every seperate team has to set off an explosion at the beginning of it? In no particular order.

There are multiple adjacent mine shafts that can be breached and used as access points to enter the lower portion of Dolvehk. This was strategically thought out, and this is the only way one could enter this civilization with the least amount attention being brought to them.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Guess that's why I'm not the boss then. Seems to me simply picking the shaft with the most access, and spreading everyone out from there, would be less conspicuous. One explosion is less than several, after all.

Regardless, anything more specific?
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

I guess not, I'm just too confused as to why no-one else is making a character, despite the interest. Also, I can't think of a good, clever title for your thread.
Re: Subterranea OOC Thread

Lizard in sheep's clothing?