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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Shiori would keep her silence after the question for a bit. "That is good, you'll be better alive than dead." she would comment, not looking like she was in a hurry to get off. Once asked about the seriousness of it all, she would fixate fully on busty girl with her gaze. "Yes, it was just messing with you. Or... was it? I'll let you decide yourself." she would remain uncertain, though she would add to this statement with another cheek pull on the left side of Adelle's face.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle also didn't seem to be in a hurry for Shiori to get up and off of her either, her hands roaming a bit as Shiori finally answered. "Heh, yeah I think being alive is better than dead... at least for me, for the moment anyway," Adelle would tell her, genuinely bursting out laughing a bit as her cheek was pulled on a bit, where she reached up and did the same to Shiori's left cheek too. "You minx. Now... can you tell me something real quick, please? How uh... how bruised is my hip area? I'm afraid to look," Adelle would ask her after that, letting Shiori look and tell her, if she would that is.

Afterwards, regardless of whether or not Shiori told her how bruised she was down there, Adelle would raise up and look for herself, with Shiori still in her lap. It didn't matter how bruised she was, she didn't really care all that much. Because Shiori had been one hell of a fuck, to put it lightly. "Mmm... I admit that I'm a bit insatiable. If I had another one of those potions going right now, I'd be right back at it already, I think. You're too sexy not to want to just fuck you all day every day," Adelle told Shiori and would start to make out with her a bit for a couple of minutes, unless someone came in before that on them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Shiori did not reply with words when asked about the state of Adelle's pelvic area, instead just lifting up her skirt as that big bell thing was still covering it up. For all of that pounding, it did not look too bad, even as it was still painful to move. Inciting Shiori to get them going again might not end the best for her hips, all things considered. After hearing the comment about it all and giving Adelle the quick kissing session she went for, the archiver would reach one hand into the arm warmer she had on the other. With a quick tease, she would half reveal that she did indeed have another potion stashed, but would just as quickly put it back in there. And while they were basically next to Sharron's and Nina's rooms, they had not seen or heard anyone come in.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle blushed a bit at the teasing showing of another potion, and couldn't help but shiver as she imagined just how good it would feel to fuck Shiori again in another marathon session, but she might need to heal up a bit first, or rather it might be best to. She didn't hear anyone come in, nor noticed anyone watching, but that didn't mean of course that no one hadn't noticed them. Not that Adelle cared all that much. After their make out session, Adelle looked down as she shivered, and noticed their nipples had been rubbing against each other. That alone had been enough to rile her up again, somewhat. But she shuddered and shook her head a bit.

"Mmm... mind if I see about having a quick means of coming back here, love? That was... pretty incredible, and intense. And something I would totally be down to do again sometime soon," Adelle asked Shiori as she sat there with Shiori in her lap.

After another few kisses, sharing some tongue with Shiori, Adelle would reach down and gently lifted her up, and eased Shiori down next to her, before she climbed out from under her and got to her feet, before leaning down and scooping Shiori up and helping her back to her feet too. "Man... I need a bath after that. Hah... wanna join me? Well... I'll have to have you show me where they are, but you get the idea," Adelle sighed softly to Shiori, butt ass naked, but not seeming to care.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"If that is what you do, then I guess you do?" Shiori did not seem too bothered about the possibility of return visits. Before she had gotten to her feet again, she had reattached the strap on her chest to return back to a more clothed state with that simple move, ignoring the obvious cum stat still remained on her.

"A reasonable suggestion, given our current shared state. I'll take us." Shiori did agree to show the way to whatever the castle had for a bathroom. The trip was not long at all, being right there next to Nina's room on that side of the corridor outside, the middle one among three doors on that side. The room was not quite as large as the girl's rooms had been, but still had enough space to hold a bigger bathtub made from smooth stone, probably meant to have more than one or two people at a time. It would likely help Sharron too, given the size of her spider body. Regardless, it had warm water inside, some sort of system making the water both warm and maintaining cleanliness as it did seem to move inside there. A duo of showers and a toilet completed the place, along with a stocked cabinet of towels and other hygiene material.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"Mmm... thanks. Also, think you could help block me from view while we go? I don't want to mess up my new dress that Sharron made me," Adelle asked Shiori, carrying her dress and shoes over to the baths, as she followed Shiori over.

"Mmm... come on Shiori, let's get in and relax a bit in the bath," Adelle told her, neatly folding her dress and setting it nearby along with her shoes, before she climbed into the nice hot and steamy bath. "Come on, hop in with me," Adelle urged Shiori, gesturing for her to climb in with her as her boobies floated in the water.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Oh, okay." Shiori would answer as she re-opened her strap and let her boobs back down after having had them covered for only a few minutes. From there, she would do... something to the rest of the dress to cause it to fall off, the same liquidation happening to it as all of her other clothes from before once she was not wearing them. Only then was she truly naked for the first time, the rest of her body being as attractive as expected. The arm warmers would go next, the potion not there anymore as she pulled the things off and let them dissolve on the floor. The boots were a bit more effort as there were a bunch of straps to open, but they too would come off after a bit. Now without her boots and their tall platforms, Shiori was a decent bit shorter. And of course, those things too would vaporize after they were left behind. With all of her stuff off, the archiver would enter, the touch of the water doing little to remove her messy makeup as she sat next to Adelle in the tub.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle sighed softly as she relaxed in the bath, admiring Shiori as she undressed completely for the first time. Adelle would reach up if Shiori placed her feet on the edges of the bath, where she'd help her unbuckle those hefty boots. But regardless once Shiori was in the bath with her, Adelle wrapped an arm around her and sank down into the water up to her neck and closed her eyes as she leaned her head back for a moment, though thanks to just how big they were, her boobies floated in the water, as they always did in a bath like this. "Mmm... now this... feels absolutely amazing. Hah... incredible," Adelle sighed, looking quite happy with the current situation.

"I uh... hope that I wasn't too forward earlier, and that you enjoyed our fun together too. Now that I look back on it, it almost feels like I kinda forced myself on you and stuff," Adelle said to Shiori, looking a tad bit nervous now.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Why do you think I acted like I did when you came in?" Shiori would reply, the brief reply telling more than enough about her intentions and how she thought about what had happened.

With them being in the bath, hot and humid as it was, the archiver would continuously leak her eye make-up into the water as it kept running off her face. But as much as it happened, she didn't seem to run out as the darkness persisted around her eyes, and the stuff would not seem to linger or discolor the water no matter how much of it went in there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Well that's good to know. I was just... well, you know," Adelle told Shiori and gently leaned against the other girl. "Hah, that was rather pleasant. Hope I was good, at least, heh. I enjoy sex, but I'm not incredibly confident in my uh... abilities, we'll say," she sighed after a few moments, and relaxed as she wrapped an arm around her.

She was wondering why Ragvald had mentioned to leave before she got any bad feelings from Shiori. She hadn't felt any bad feelings from her, and didn't think her to be That much of an oddball. The slight choking that had occurred earlier frightened her a little bit. But other than that, Adelle hadn't any fear in regards to Shiori.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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"Gusto and sheer horny can make up for that a good many times. I think we saw and felt that here." Shiori would comment on it, not apparently bothered by being leaned on in the slightest.

Before further words could be exchanged, there was a break to their peace as the door opened and in stepped a rather featureless, tall humanoid... thing. It had the basic human body shape, standing a good bit taller than the average man, but it's naked, smooth body looked like it was made from mustard-colored putty and had no real shape towards one gender or the other. Human-like hands enabled it to open and close the door, but the feet looked more like the bottom of a tree than any real feet. These would be nowhere near noticeable as it's face was though, this aspect of it's body being by far the most unnatural thing about it. It only had a large mouth and massive eyes for a face, the former having a lips that went completely around it, and it's eyes were vast pits of infinite black, only broken by small points of light that matched the mustard color of it's body.

But as daunting as this creature looked, it was very steady and non-aggressive as it stepped to the edge of the bath, taking a knee as it locked eyes with Shiori, almost completely ignoring Adelle's presence. "Oh, what's up?" she would ask it, and then Adelle could pick up a language she had heard before when the thing spoke, the alien sounds of the Otherworld language scraping at her skull once more. "Him again huh? Tell him to go away and come back later, I'm busy." the interaction would be brief between them, followed up by the creature getting up and bowing it's head to Shiori before it would briefly lock eyes with Adelle, possibly sizing her up or similar before leaving the two of them alone again.

"That darn priest... I wish he'd stop coming to dig around so much. It might be my job, but I don't like dealing with him and his things."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Aye, it really can, heh," Adelle chuckled softly and enjoyed the moment, that is until she saw a newcomer stepping in as the door opened.

This new figure sort of worried her a bit, but the fact that it didn't seem to acknowledge her told her that it wasn't the other being Ragvald had mentioned to steer clear of, if she valued her life. When it spoke to Shiori, Adelle perked up a bit as it did. The language reminded her of Nimi... and she couldn't help but wonder if this being was tied to her in some fashion or another. After the big guy, or... thing, left, Adelle glanced over at Shiori.

"I wonder if he's the one Ragvald told me I should avoid at all costs. He mentioned that he, if it's the guy I think, that I'd... likely not be too happy, or possibly alive, afterwards," Adelle said, glancing over at Shiori with a curious look on her face, though she didn't mention what Ragvald had said about Shiori, because she didn't want to maybe anger her or anything.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Yes it is. That man has no tolerance towards regular humans, he considers all of you below him at best and as slave cattle to be used and abused in any way desired at worst. He is of the mind that the vampires should be asserting their power and dominance over humanity as much as... well... humanly possible. Bad vibes all around, this one." Shiori would not hold back on her opinion towards this priestly vampire, even as she was probably under him in the grand scheme of the castle and it's certainly many inhabitants. "But even if he does stay and is there when we go back, he knows better to not try anything rash with me around. He has learned of this in the past." she would go on with, splashing her face afterwards to wash away the makeup trails, which seemed to stop leaking afterwards despite the surroundings.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Mmm, I had a bit of an idea that was what it was about. But, just wasn't entirely sure," Adelle said as she relaxed in the bath with Shiori, enjoying the moment and slowly submerging herself after taking a deep breath, where she remained under for a good 10 to 20 seconds or so, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair.

When she came back up, she pulled her hair back and wrung the water out of it a bit, as she leaned back again. "Should I uh... steer clear until he's gone then?" Adelle asked Shiori curiously, assuming the priest in question was in the library they'd been in earlier.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Oh.... nah, we go back when we do. If he's still there, I hope he can maintain some facade of civility even with your presence, if you decide to come back there that is." Shiori did not seem too bothered after a brief thought about it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle did want to return with Shiori, because it was a library and had a wealth of knowledge she could learn from in there. "Mmm, well if he can, that's fine so long as he doesn't bother me. I have no ill will towards anyone here really, and Ragvald was kind enough to offer a reward to me, even when he didn't need to. Plus the library has so much I can read and learn," Adelle said aloud, her mind wandering a bit as she relaxed and began to actually properly wash herself with a soapy sponge, one of the things she wanted to look into was how to see about unlocking any latent potential magical powers she may have, that none of them knew about.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Once the got out of the bath, Shiori would just take a deep breath as black splotches would start to form on her body, initially over her crotch as the same panties she had worn before would come into existence again. She would lift one leg and form her socks and boots back one after the other, shortly followed by her corset dress and jacket, the same black sludge material that they had dissolved into reforming them as well. And just like that, she was back to her initial encounter look of a peculiar goth fashion girl.

Back at the library, the vampire priest was nowhere to be seen, apparently having left after being told to. But instead of him, the weird humanoid from before and three others that were identical to it aside from color being posted on different spots around the library. As Shiori passed by one of them, a deep red one, the thing would shimmer out of sight, possibly slipping into invisibility or to another place entirely.

Adelle would be free to look over the books, but it was really hard to make out anything of real substance in them when it came to magic. While she was doing her organization work again, Shiori would be looking over to Adelle try and comprehend the tomes, the intent being uncertain as she was rather unpredictable.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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As soon as Adelle had finished getting herself cleaned up, she got out of the bath and stretched, not seeming to care who or what saw her at this point really. Once she got dried off, Adelle dressed and followed Shiosi back to the library, and finding the vampiric priest was not there, Adelle proceeded to try and find anything on magic that might help her learn how to either use it herself, or unlock her potential.

"Say Shiori... you're pretty knowledgeable and stuff about magic. Can you tell whether or not I have any potential to use magic?" Adelle would ask Shiori after a few minutes or so of searching.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Shiori would not say anything when asked about the magic. She'd set the book in her hands back on the shelf, coming to Adelle on the other shelf with a slow, slightly intimidating walk. The busty girl would find herself pushed back against the shelf as the archiver entered her personal space, the sexual tension completely lacking from the situation despite them coming into boobily contact again. The look on her face was intense, and her eye seemed to be glowing slightly to make her golden gaze even more so. "Tell me. What do you want from magic?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Well... I'd like to be able to use it to supplement my own fighting skills, which truth be told aren't nearly as good as I would like. Maybe something to bolster my strength, heighten my senses and reaction speeds, things like that. Or be able to fling fireballs or lightning from my fingertips could be nice too," Adelle told Shiori, making it pretty clear what she desired to learn in terms of magic.