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Spooky, scary skeletons


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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I've been thinking of running another game for a while, so here we go. As the title implies, the game will be focused on undead. For those of you not familiar with my GMing style, I tend towards relatively terse posts and my(non-ERP) games tend to be moderately lethal(which is to say, there's a fair chance that your character might die at some point). The game will be text-based chat RP, with scheduling to be determined later(but probably weekend evenings European time). The game will be played through either discord or IRC(the latter having the benefit of easy logging).


1) Undead Hunters
The party is a band adventurers fighting against the forces of a powerful lich. Pretty much like a standard campaign, except with more undead enemies. Expect nasty surprises from the lich. Starts at low-mid levels and progresses fairly quickly so the game can end with an epic confrontation with the lich(and possibly finding his cunningly hidden phylactery). Will probably be harder than average campaign because, well, the main antagonist is a centuries old lich who has dealt with adventurers before.

2) Minions
The same campaign as above, except you're playing as minions of the lich and helping him perform power rituals, hunt down obscure magical texts and other fun stuff. Starts at a fairly low level and probably progresses to mid levels. Can be laid back or challenging, depending on the PC choices.

3) Revenants

You died, but you still have things to do, so you came back as revenants or ghosts intent to complete your mission. The campaign probably starts at mid-levels, depending on the quest you died on. May include challenges such as convincing paladins that you're actually GOOD undead(assuming you're actually good, of course).

The choices here are basically Pathfinder, AD&D and other. It should be noted that if we play Pathfinder, there will be a number of houserules. Reading and understanding the said houserules will be mandatory for anyone wishing to play. Anyone bitching because he didn't read the houserules thoroughly will be booted from the game.


1) Dragonstar(or Spelljammer, in case of AD&D)
D&D in space: the settings.

2) Ravenloft
The gothic horror setting for D&D(insofar as you can run horror in D&D, anyway). Holds several advantages to undead characters.

3) Other
Probably a custom homebrew setting.
Going to put my hand in as a potential player, and vote for either the second or third scenario, as for system I'm going to vote Pathfinder, and for setting I'm good with either.
Pretty much same here.
Sign me up for Undead Hunters or Lich's Minions in Dragonstar on Hard difficulty.
Potentially interested. Mostly in second or third scenario, and I'm ok with houseruled pathfinder.
So the consensus seems to favour Lich's minions and Pathfinder. What about setting? So far one vote for Dragonstar. Keep in mind that you don't HAVE to stick with either Dragonstar or Ravenloft, I'm open to other options as well.
I must admit, I am not too familiar with a large number of DnD settings. I'm fine with anything as long as I can at least get a cliff notes of the important stuff somewhere.
I know Ravenloft but nothing about Dragonstar myself but I can roll with whatever really. Or some weird mishmash. Space ravenloft, dun dun dun.
I want to play a ghoul bard. Not a line dancing ghoul in a red leather jacket, but a tap-dancing ghoul that can sing you to tears.

There's some stuff from 3.5 I'd like to use, since I'm more familiar with them than Pathfinder stuff.
I call it it Paizo's houserules for D&D 3. It's about as much as an upgrade as WotC's when they made expanded material, just that most of Paizo's expanded material is available online in the open.