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Space Erotica Wrestling - Reboot


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
Reputation score
I have been given permission to make an attempt at reviving Space Erotica Wrestling. I would like to know if there is any level of interest for this game. Feel free to leave a reply, and after a few days time (or less ideally) I can see if there is enough interest in a revival.

For now I do want to say that the rules may be adjusted slightly. Looking at the time limit for a round specifically, I feel that the timer for a one round match should be longer. I do not believe that there should be any other changes aside from a potential reduction in the size of the deck.

As things stand however, I am far more interested in if this game has a sufficient player base willing to give the game another go. That way I can determine if it is worth the time and effort of making the adjustments to the rules.

Thank you for your time in reading this.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling - Reboot

Re: Space Erotica Wrestling - Reboot

Possibly even.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling - Reboot

Maybe almost
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling - Reboot

I have been considering two fairly significant changes, and I think I would like to see what people think about them before I just go and make them.

First, the deck construction would change pretty significantly. I think the separation of Striking and Grappling cards is not necessary and instead a more broad category of Attack cards will be used instead. It is up to the player to decide how they prefer to attack. When using an Attack card, it is up to the player to specify the method they are attacking (strike or grapple). Because of this change, I feel the proper number of cards in a deck should now be 50 as well.

Ten cards at each rank split between Attack, Defense, and Recovery. No more than 6 can be of any one type at any rank. For example 6 Attack, 3 Defense, and 1 Recovery card at Rank 1. You would still need to specify the mode that Recovery cards will be within the deck when taken. There will still be 5 ranks of cards, and the same rules will apply for playing cards.

The second change would be a change to the way the timer works. Every turn takes 1 increment of time. In the previous rules I believe any grappling was using 2 units of time. In the case of a round ending while one player is in a dominant position, the referee will not stop the match when time is up. The round will end once the defending player escapes or is reduced to 0 in one way or another.

I am looking at making a few other changes as well to the way a round works. Given the reduction in deck size along with the change in how the timer will work, I think 25 ticks is the right number. Crowd Interference will likely be changed to some extent as a result both for when it may happen along with the possibilities of what may happen when the crowd interferes. All other rules aside from what has been stated will be the same. However I reserve the right to make adjustments to the rules as necessary going forward as well.
anyone hear about this coming back again again? was really excited to play before
I could revive it if there's interest. I'll have to find a way to streamline it tho. Takes too long, which means I'd make it into live sessions.