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Sophina (Darksophina)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Character Name: Sophina

Character Race: Halfling (Elf/Sylvari)

Character Class: Necromancer

Character Appearance: Sophina stands at 6'1, her genetic heritage is clearly more dominant towards her elvish side. Her shape has a slight hourglass hint to it, not being too thin and more average, her form is quite curvy due to this sporting C cup breasts. Her hair is straight shoulder length raven black and her skin colour looks slightly browned, her family always attributed this to her affinity with death and shadow magic since shes the only one in the family with it. Her face is very elven with high cheek bones and elfish pointed ears however eyes are plant green and the only hint to her dual heritage.

Tricky Lover: 50% chance to hold back your orgasm once per enemy. AND Orgasmic: 50% Chance to suffer multiple orgasms from the same attack (up to 3). That doesn't phase me much: Recieve -10 Pleasure from a specific type of sex attack (Tentacle Rape) AND God that feels good!: Recieve +10 Pleasure from a specific type of sex attack (Double Teams) & reduction buffs are useless.

Sophina woke to dead silence, much more so than she'd expect. Sitting bolt upright she suddenly realized this room she was in was very unfamiliar to her, and it wasn't even Elven in construction. She didn't recognize the symbols on the wall, which meant this room was somewhere she probably didn't want to be. She found she couldn't remember anything other than her name or where she was from. As she stood on still shaky legs, she spotted a staff hanging on the wall. As she inspected it, a loud voice suddenly boomed through the room via hidden speakers.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure! You have been brought here my love to provide amusement to me, and of course to provide a warm, beautiful body for my friends to play with. However, I am not completely uncaring to your plight, hahaha. In order to make things somewhat more entertaining, I have granted you special abilities based upon your innermost desires. You may access your new special abilities by merely focusing upon them in your mind, they are always there with you. All you need do is think about them. Now then, soon the door to your room will open, and you will begin your trek. I am your ticket home, so you must find me if you wish to ever see your family and loved ones again. Haha, let us see if you can make it here little girl, for no one ever has. This shall be so much fun to watch, and it will be so much fun for you! While I watch, you my dear will get to have loads of sex! Now then, run along little one, and in case you were thinking of hiding in that room, don't bother. Once that door opens, you will be ripe for the taking, HAHAHAHA."


1: Take the Staff and Leave.

2: Take the Staff but see if he's bluffing about enemies being able to reach you.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

"urrggggg where am I?" Her head spinning slightly as she sat up "and why is my head killi-" As the loud voice booms through the room she instinctively covers her ears, panic setting through as she hears the voice, her eyes darting around the room as she listens, it makes sense she has no idea of her surroundings or where she is, she grabs the staff and her magic that has been unlocked rots the wood of the staff slightly and a large black metal blade extends from the tip, shocked slightly at the change, she weighs it in her hand happy with it as the voice finishes, she decides to move.... fast she charges out the door scythe in hand. "I cant afford to be caught let alone raped, time to move"
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

When the door opened, Sophina made her way outside. As soon as she did, she immediately knew she was on a planet gods knew where.

The skies were a vivid purple with spotty orange clouds visible, and the grass was blood red. She stood in an open field, giving her a beautiful view of the area around her, and she could see what seemed to be a massive ocean far off in the distance, water that was a sparkling emerald green.

Sophina suddenly had the sensation she wasn't alone ...

Initiative Roll:

Sophina: 175+71=246
Enemy: 195+43=238

... and she whipped around to see what her mind told her was an Arachne.

Arachne: "Tell me girl, have you ever been mounted and thrusted within a spider woman before? It's quite pleasurable, I assure you." These chilling words are spoken by the terrifying Arachne, a part woman, part spider hybrid beast of great power ... and high sexual desire. Native to the planet your on, she didn't need any convincing to join your
enemies. The Arachne will futa you, then thrust you into her soft, but tight pussy underneath her body, while pinning you down with her body weight and spider legs. Or sometimes she will suck you off inside her human like mouth, pleasuring you with her human half instead. She has an Elite ability capable of immobilizing you for four turns once she's grappled you in her arms. If this ability succeeds, you will find your arms and legs bound by her extremely strong webbing. Sometimes she will web you against a wall of some type so she can suck you off. Sometimes however, she will web you down to the ground before mounting on top of you and thrusting you deep within the confines of her tight body. Either way, this prevents you from offering any resistance to her sexual advances. This skill may only be activated once every twenty turns regardless of success or failure. During this time, orgasms will not incur a loss of turn penalty. Special Ability: Sexual Domination - See Above. Weakness: Fire. (Strongest of all the normal enemies). Without a doubt, the Arachne is the strongest normal enemy in the game given her ability. She also deals 60 Pleasure per attack, the most of any normal enemy in the game.

The creature smiled at her and spoke.

"Tell me lovely woman, have you ever had the pleasure of being mounted by a Spider Woman? You'll get that chance today, and I assure you, you'll enjoy it greatly."



2: Try to run the fuck away.

3: Allow her to mount you and see what sex with her would feel like (leads to an immediate orgasm).



Starting Stats:

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 30
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 35

Starting Accuracy: 175
Starting Evasion: 175
Freedom Rating: 155
Sexual Freedom Rating: 145
Speed Rating: 175

Starting HP: 90
Starting Mana: 75
Starting Sexual Stamina: 145

Special Skills:

Amplify Damage - This skill allows the Necromancer to curse her target to recieve DOUBLE physical damage, or strips Physical Immunity. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. MAY be used before an attack of your own.

Lower Resist - This skill curses target foe to take DOUBLE elemental damage, or strips all elemental immunities. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. MAY be used before a spell of your own.

Spiteful Spirit - This curses a foe to take any damage it inflicts back onto itself, damaging itself. Mana Cost - 10. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped.

Shadow Strike - This allows the Necromancer to hit for 100 Shadow Damage. Mana Cost - 0
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Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

As she opened the door and the otherworldly light from outside flooded in all she can think is "where the hell am I" but at that moment the hairs on the back of her neck stood up on end, something nearby she thinks, something terrifying.

As she turns around her worst fear comes into view spiders legs.... she hates spiders why did it have to be spiders, as she kept turning and she saw the body of the woman attached to it she realizes, its not just a spider its an arachne, a truly strong foe, one she doesnt want anything to do with....

Her fight or flight response kicks in at the fear shes feeling and she runs, runs with ALL her might

[Run and if I escape move on to the next encounter]
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Escape Area Roll:

Sophina: 175+96=271 vs. Arachne: 195+83=278

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 210+71=281 vs. Sophina: 175+22=197

Sophina tries to run, but the Arachne seems to have anticipated this. Sophina is fast, but the Arachne is just a hair faster, and with a well timed burst, she closes the gap between them and then tackles her to the ground, straddling her. She grins down at Sophina and then says, "Come now, you'll enjoy this. Don't you want to know what it feels like to be the one penetrating someone instead of being penetrated yourself?"


1: Try to get her off of you.

2: Wait a turn and let her do whatever it is she's going to and see what she means by her words.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: Grappled by Arachne.
Arachne: Grappling Sophina.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

She runs as hard as she can only to feel her feared opponent crash into her back and hold her down, she hears the words of the arachne and struggles scared stiff of the spider woman, she wants to be as far away as possible, she HATES spiders and hopes the adrenaline will give her the power to escape.

Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 155+74=229 vs. Arachne: 210+34=244

Sophina struggles, but to no avail, the Arachne grinning at her as her struggles only seem to amuse her and further turn her on.

Penetration Attempt:

Arachne: 210+7=217 vs. Sophina: 145+50=195

Pleasure Roll:

Arachne: 195+78=273 vs. Sophina: 145+89=234

Sophina tries to avoid getting raped, but she is unable to prevent the Arachne from lining her up. A sudden popping sensation alerts her to the existence of a cock growing from her own body, and before she can even think about this, the Arachne lunges down, and Sophina suddenly finds her cock gripped tightly in the warm folds of a pussy. Then, the Arachne begins to ride Sophina's cock, forcing her to be thrusted over. Despite her best efforts and her fear of the spiders, the simple pleasure of having her cock ridden like this is too much to simply ignore. The pleasure is intense, and even though it has just started, it already is threatening to consume her.

Sophina suffers 60 pleasure, which is reduced to 45, leaving her with 100 stamina until she suffers a wild orgasm. She gains 65 KP which is cut to 33 due to her Sylvari side.

The Arachne gains 60 Pleasure and has 70 Stamina left until she contracts in an orgasm around Sophina's cock.


1: Attempt to get free from the rape.

2: Give in and let her bring you to an orgasm.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: 100/145 Stamina. 65/50,000 KP. Magical Armor: 185/200.
Arachne: FULL HP. 70/130 Stamina.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Her fear induced wild struggling seems to have got her no where, she valiantly and defiantly tries to last out with a kick, until she feels something.... a cock! growing out of her, "Oh no" she thinks, her chain of thought completely derailed as the beast takes her sizable cock inside her in one thrust, now pinned physically and trapped withing the tight spider woman's pussy she lets out a moan against her own will.

"I cant give into this" she thinks to herself, and she lashes out with her foot at the arachne's abdomen.

(If i give in will it leave after its had its fill? cause for some reason i think escaping this one will be hard)
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

((Giving in here results in her raping you until you have an orgasm, and of course the turn after that she has a free shot anyway. Once that happens, the adrenaline boost kicks in, and she'd have a +50 to ALL rolls for 4 straight turns. If she still can't escape, or you choose to allow the Spider to rape her to the cap, then effectively what happens is I write a scene where Sophina gets the living hell raped out of her, blacking out when she reaches the cap of 10K KP. When she wakes up, she'd be alone. I instituted the boost to help balance things out in the early running since some classes are going to naturally be a little too weak to slug it out once captured. The cap is to prevent a player from losing their character of half their KP bars to a single enemy. Hope that answered everything.))

Escape Rape Attempt:

Sophina: 145+98=243 vs. Arachne: 210+58=268

Sophina struggles, but isn't quite able to muster up enough strength to force the Arachne off of her.

Pleasure Roll:

Arachne: 210+87=297 vs. Sophina: 145+16=161

Once more, Sophina is helplessly ridden off as the Arachne continues to work her body, edging her closer and closer to an orgasm. Sophina suffers 60 Pleasure, which is reduced to 45. This leaves her with 55 Stamina remaining, and 160 points on her magical shield. She gains 23 KP after her Sylvari side reduces her incoming KP.

The Arachne gains 60 Pleasure, and now has 10 Stamina left until she orgasms herself.


1: Attempt to get free before one or both of you has an orgasm.

2: Let the Arachne bring you to an orgasm.

3: Let the Arachne have her way with you until she no longer has an interest in you.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: 55/145 Stamina. 56/50,000 KP. Magical Armor: 160/200.
Arachne: FULL HP. 70/130 Stamina.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

For all her struggling she realizes she isnt going to get anywhere, this creature is far stronger than her, far bigger than her and far more lustful than her. She tries one more time to rip herself from the spiders grasp only to feel her tighten her folds around her cock forcing a moan from her lips. This is pure erotic torture she cant get anywhere and she cant stop herself being raped.

And she is pretty damn sure her captor is getting off on her moans....
Shes angr-moan-y, Really angry.... one last try... All her strength behind it to get free.... if she fails she hopes the creature will lose interest after some time.... to be fair... it does feel good.... No she cant think like that..... Confusion... Anger...

Her mind screams as pure dark energy... everything she has pushes against the arachne.... "GET AWAY FROM ME"

[Struggle, if she fails she will give in until the arachne loses interest taking the 10k hit to KP, goddamn my luck, first enemy an arachne]
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Sophina: 145+42=187 vs. Arachne: 210+2=212

Sophina goes absolutely nowhere, barely budging the seemingly amused Arachne. At this point, Sophina realizes she can't get away, and that the Arachne knows it. With nothing left to do, she resigns herself to her fate ...

The Arachne continues to ride Sophina off, and before long she realizes the woman is no longer resisting her. With a grin, she slows her pace down, effectively teasing Sophina and slowly building her to the boiling point. Soon enough, Sophina is weakly thrashing underneath her as the pleasure very slowly builds up, searching for that pleasureable release. And then, the Arachne suddenly slams her hips and pussy down over Sophina's cock, and her pleasure boils over.

A powerful orgasm rips through Sophina, unlike anything she could have even dreamed of. She can feel the tight pussy contract around her, can feel her own body and her cock wildly spurting into the Arachne, the pleasure out of her control. Her orgasm went on for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few very pleasurably long moments. Soon enough, she began to come down from her orgasmic high, but the Arachne was far from done with her.

New pleasure slammed into Sophina as her attacker mercilessly continued to ride her now throbbing rod, imposing her will upon Sophina's body. Something told Sophina she should have kept fighting, that she should try to fight back even now, but her fate was already sealed. The pleasure was just too much to ignore, the sensations of being ridden off in a pussy too alien for her to really fight off. To top it all off, the Arachne at some point had dropped webbing, essentially tying Sophina up. Even if she wanted to, Sophina couldn't escape now. She was doomed to whatever fate awaited her, one she suspected would include her blowing multiple times into the Arachne before all was said and done. Then, Sophina could think no more as white hot pleasure tore through her again, her body simply unable to resist it. Her mind blanked out as countless orgasms tore through her over the next couple of hours, the Arachne mercilessly raping her until at some point, she finally seemed to have enough.

Finally seeming to tire of dominating her, the Arachne slid off of Sophina at an agonizingly slow pace. She smiled down at her, a notable bulge in her abdomen telling Sophina that she had very likely impregnated the Arachne. It stood, leaving Sophina trembling and gasping for air on the ground.

"Admit it, you enjoyed that. I know I did. Well, we don't want to kill you with too much pleasure so soon, now do we? I'll let you go for now, perhaps I'll find you again later and we can have some more fun, hmm? I'll be looking forward to hearing your moans again as you helplessly lay under my body, blowing your pleasure into me. Run along now girl, and if you ever want another taste of sex with me, just look for webbing."

She ran her tongue across Sophina's slick cock, licking her clean and virtually causing the woman to orgasm again before taking off and leaving her alone. Several minutes after she left, the webbing holding her down just vanished, and Sophina was on her own again.


1: Move Onward.

2: Sit and think about how good it was/see if she really left you alone or if she's planning to trick you and jump you on your way out.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: 145/145 Stamina. 10,000/50,000 KP. Magical Armor: 200/200.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Her struggling was completely useless as the arachne astride her continued to slide over her mercilessly stiff cock, she moaned out, knowing she could not escape. She gives in, stopping her struggles completely however the second she did an evil grin flashed on the arachne's face, she realized she had given up her fight, her pussy immediately tightening and her pace slowing....
She wasnt going to end things fast. "please don't tease me and draw this out... do what you want and leave...." or at least that is what she tried to say between the moans this slow pace forced her to give out, this rendered most of the sentence incomprehensible

The arachne didnt care, she teased and dragged her to the tip of orgasm, tormenting her with the pleasure. Then suddenly thrusting down once fast tipping her over, ripping a gut wrenching scream of pleasure from her, it was too much she thought, nothing should feel this good, she tried to thrust up into the arachne that second only to find she had been webbed down, completely immobile.

The orgasm dragged on for what seemed like eternity, however as it subsided she looked up into her captors eyes. evil smirks ran across her face "oh god shes not done, why did i give up" she tried to pull once from her bindings however as she tried the arachne started riding her, riding her hard a moan so loud it must have alerted every creature on the planet escaped her, this arachne was going to keep going until she was bored or she had killed her prey.

Her fate was well and truly sealed, orgasm after orgasm was road out of her, the arachne moaning and laughing as she thrust herself onto her trapped prey over and over. Vision going white and one more orgasm sealed it... she blacked out.

As she woke she saw the arachne over her grinning, evidently pregnant, she lowered her lips licking the tip of the futa cock, Between licks saying "Admit it, you enjoyed that. I know I did. Well, we don't want to kill you with too much pleasure so soon, now do we? I'll let you go for now, perhaps I'll find you again later and we can have some more fun, hmm? I'll be looking forward to hearing your moans again as you helplessly lay under my body, blowing your pleasure into me"

Her words and licking raising her erect again, the pleasure torturous, it felt so good, erotic images of the arachne pinning her down riding her, claiming her, using her as she pleased running through her mind, as the arachne takes her cock into her mouth, giving her one last blowjob, however its slow pace is like pure torture, she wants her to admit it...

In a moment of weakness Sophina's mind slips...."Ahhhh Y-YES dammit i admit it it was Gooooooood" as Sophina said those words the arachne took her deep into her throat as one last orgasm went though her, she pushed her hips up into her mouth as she did, The arachne took it all, swallowed the load licked the cock clean and stood up, grinning broadly and said "Run along now girl, and if you ever want another taste of sex with me, just look for webbing." After that she turned and left her sight.

For a while Sophina just laid there recovering, she felt the magic expire, the futa cock disappear and she cursed herself "Why did i give in" it did feel good... Very good and part of her wanted to experience it again, but she knew to do so was to fail and stay on this planet forever. She weakly got up, Steeled herself and moved on.

[Move on, if you want you can have the arachne taunt or yell something as she leaved since she did admit it]
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Sophina finally moves onward, feeling perhaps a bit ashamed she gave in and allowed herself to be ridden like that. She knew however, deep down, that she really hadn't been given a choice. She probably couldn't have fought the Arachne off, and that in and by itself was unacceptable. She would need to do better if she was going to escape this place. As she left, she swore she could hear the Arachne giggling, was sure she was watching, waiting to pounce on her and rape her all over again. However, she left with no trouble, and soon enough she found herself walking alongside a stream that cut North, assuming compass directions were usable here. From there, she had to cut through a small underpass, perhaps a mini cave. As she walked through ...

Trap Detection Roll:

Sophina: 35+39=74 vs. Trap?: 30+32=62

She saw something on the floor that looked odd. She hesitated a moment, suddenly realizing it was the trigger to some sort of unseen trap, probably a sex trap judging this place. She'd been lucky to see it, for she had almost stepped on the trigger.


1: Move Onward.

2: Let your curiosity get the better of you and trigger the trap to see what it was.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Her mind still reeling from the raping she received caused it to jump back and forth between disgust with herself and arousal, so much so we almost missed a trap "Fuck that was close..." she mutters to herself as she gives it a wide berth and moves on.

[Avoid trap and move on]
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Sophina moves on, eventually coming to a large open field again, with a river cutting through it. However, there was a gigantic plant in the middle of the field! As she moved to go around it, the tentacles of the plant came to life, lunging to grab her ...

Trap Evasion Check:

Sophina: 35+30=60 vs. Plant 42: 30+74=104

... and before she could try to dodge it, the tentacles grabbed her! Quickly, they bound her up, and before she could even start to struggle, she found all three of her holes being stuffed with tentacle meat. The tentacles felt almost fleshy, and they had some kind of tip to them that pleasurably dug into her body. They were thick enough to completely fill her body, but without causing pain from stretching her too far. Of course, that was when the tentacles began to thrust in and out of her.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant 42: 150+70=220 vs. Sophina: 145+69=214

Sophina suddenly felt a surge of pleasure crash through her, the tentacles working her body. However, due to her dislike of them, she found it a bit easier to focus on the fact that she probably didn't want to let this thing have too many free shots at her. Sophina suffers 40 pleasure, which is negated to 30 by her perk, and further reduced to 22 Pleasure thanks to her shield. Sophina gains 82 KP, which is reduced to 41 thanks to her Sylvari side. She has 123 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: 123/145 Stamina. 10,041/50,000 KP. Magical Armor: 192/200. (41/10,000 KP Cap)

Plant 42:
This gargantuan trap isn't sentient enough to go after you if you break free, but it's a bitch to get away from. Once it has you, it will tentacle rape you with it's large mouth tipped vines. Once these are inside of you and thrusting away, any orgasm you suffer will result in the loss of both HP and MP. It deals 40 Pleasure per attack.


1: Attempt to get free from the Trap.

2: Feel some more tentacle fucking.
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Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

She walks at a brisk pace past the last trap, her ind still wondering what the hell she was thinking, until suddenly shes dragged into the air and penetrated by some tentactle amalgamation, she wants nothing to do with it.... she HATES tentacles... she starts struggling twisting and pulling herself away from the thing as much as possible.

=[Struggle till free]
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Sophina: 155+59=214 vs. Plant 42: 150+76=226

Sophina can't get free!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant 42: 150+41=191 vs. Sophina: 155+93=248

Sophina manages to resist her pleasure.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: 123/145 Stamina. 10,041/50,000 KP. Magical Armor: 192/200. (41/10,000 KP Cap)


1: Attempt to get free again.
2: Get some more tentacle fucking on.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

"I will NOT be plesured by the likes of this ABOMINATION" She kicks with all her might and attempts to rip herself from the trap and move on, god forbid the next thing that gets in her way, she HATES tentacles and this has soured her mood greatly

[Keep struggling till free then move on]
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Sophina: 155+8=163 vs. Trap: 150+12=162 (LOL Talk about fucking LUCKY)

With a surge of strength and a second effort, Sophina manages to JUST get free of the trap. She rolls out of the way, watching as it retreats INTO the ground, leaving her alone.

Adjusted Stats:

Sophina: 123/145 Stamina. 10,041/50,000 KP. Magical Armor: 192/200.


1: Move Onward.

2: Sit a moment and recover.
Re: Sophina (Darksophina)

{very lucky)

Her struggles seem to be paying off as she manages to unwind the tentacles grasp just long enough to escape, immediately picking herself off the floor and grumbling "Disgusting creature, whoever came up with ideas for abominations like that should be subjected to them themselves" she grumbled and made off with some speed.

[Move on]
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