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Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"But Miss Eva, surely she's elsewhere! We've been combing this graveyard for the past hour and there was nothing!"

Having moved closer to the vehicle and the people around it, Ashley began to pick up some of the conversation between them. Making out what appears to be an argument between them and another over the radio.

"But...Yes...yes, still!"

Judging from the tone of voice and normal conversation pattern, one would assume that the argument would continue on for a longer period of time, however...

"Yes...wait...what?...Second tree behind us- holy..."

It was then, after some unknown transmission on the radio, that all three armed women turned to look in Claire's direction, as if bewildered.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"Shit!" Claire spits, and tries to dart away, hoping the trees would prevent them from gunning her down.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"Oh gods no, don't tell me...Shit!"

The woman who had been communicating to another over the radio, quickly broke into a dash as she saw Claire attempt to run away, dropping her equipment to minimize her weight.

"Stay there and watch the car!"

Pursuing Claire at an almost inhumane speed as power surged through her, the white-haired woman was soon out of sight for the two guards, having disappeared into the fog with the one that they were supposed to secure.


After finding her pursuer to be too fast for to shake off by merely running, Claire had opted to hide herself behind a tree near a few open graves, observing carefully as her pursuer slowed down into a walk and tried calling out to her.

"It's all right! I'm not going to harm you! So please come out already!"

The white-haired woman's back turned away from Claire, now was the best time for her to launch a surprise attack...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire ran as fast as she could, but still the stranger pursued her. She seemed unbelievably fast, and Claire didn't doubt she was quite dangerous, whoever she was. Claire had no reason to trust this individual, but she didn't have any reason to outright kill her either. So she waited a few seconds after the stranger called out, and slowly, as quietly as possible, her breathing having been quieted after her rest from the quick dash, snuck up behind the woman until she was only a few feet away; out of range of a sudden spinning attack, but in range to lunge with the knife if she tried to draw a weapon.

Once she was in position, Claire spoke out quietly, almost whispering; "Why should I trust you?"
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)


The white-haired woman froze for a second as if to think of an appropriate response, diplomacy not being her strong suit.

"Because...I'm not on her side...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(I succeeded a sneaking up behind her?)

"Who's? What in the hell are you talking about? The weird blue haired girl?" Claire said, her voice still barely above a whisper. The gears were turning though, and she listened intently for anyone trying to sneak up on her from behind, as this person hadn't been alone. Whoever she was, she wasn't very convincing.
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Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(More of her own choice, although trust me... Claire wouldn't be able to get too far with an attack even if she tried.)

Despite Claire's paranoia, there did not appear to be anyone sneaking up behind her...yet. The person she was speaking to however, appeared to be getting a tad annoyed, mainly as it appeared that she was one for nonaggression.

"Yes, I mean that blue-haired monster, who else do you think would design a game where monsters tried to rape women at every turn? Much less kill this many people to "clear the board" for a game?"
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Yes, but Claire doesn't know that.)

"You think this is a game? You sound like an idiot. I woke up in a coffin twenty minutes ago. I want nothing to do with any of this, or any of you. I don't give a damn about any games, or people who dye their hair weird colors and write stupid little cryptic notes. I want to get some clothes and get the hell out of this hellhole. So, I'm leaving. Blow." Claire says, and starts walking, ensuring she has something solid between her and the other person whenever possible.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"...Of all the pieces to rescue why did I get stuck with this...Forget it! Divine and blessed power..."

Feeling a strange, and almost frightening aura from the woman Claire turned around for a moment... only to find chains suddenly bursting out of the ground and wrapping themselves around her before she can dodge. There, she sees the woman walking towards her, apparently severely annoyed at having to had use such a technique.

"You know, I would rather not have to haul your ass back to the haven. I would actually love to drop your ass into a freaking grave and leave you to be raped by whatever godforsaken monstronsity that bitch has concocted. But, as I'm indebted to Miss Reina, I'll drag you to the haven by your freaking hair if I have to. You can do whatever the hell you would like, AFTER I finish the task given to me."
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Yelping as the chains grab her, Claire struggles as hard as she can, suddenly terrified beyond reason; "Notagainnotagainnotagain.... lemmego....." her previously hostile demeanor changed to one of absolute panic and hysteria as her mind went back to what little she remembered. She was so hysterical that she didn't even recognize that the woman was speaking, and simply thrashed desperately, trying to escape.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"The bloody...forget it, lets just get you back to the Haven before something pops out..."

Ignoring the hysteria of the chained woman, the white-haired woman grabbed one of the ends of the chain and literally hefted Claire over her shoulder, showing that she appeared to be far, far stronger than she looked. Whether as a result of a faint power radiating from her, or a superb physique hidden under those thick clothes...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Haven thread nowz?)

Claire struggles pathetically against the chains holding her, whispering; "Nonononononononono.........." to herself, until she exhausts herself.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Up to you, want me to just have Claire dragged into the car and ignored for the ride there?)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(She basically passed out, and won't be any kind of sane again until she wakes up. Will there be some kind of entrance speech she needs to hear? Or would it be easier for everyone involved to just have her wake up in the Haven?)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(She'll be waking up to find herself chained and tossed on a coach in the Lobby...but either way, this thread's about done anyway. )

After Claire passed out, the girl was carried off by the white-haired woman to the vehicle from earlier. Despite being tossed into the trunk for the duration of the trip back to the haven, the unconscious girl did not stir from her nightmares. Not even when the vehicle had stopped, and she was once again slung over the shoulder of her "captor"...

(Claire has completed her scenario, and is now Level 3! Claire now has 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)

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