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Six Feet Under... (Claire)


Nov 9, 2008
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An awakening from a long slumber...

Such a feeling filled the brown haired-woman as her senses slowly returned to her, her body beginning to function once more after what seemed to be a long hibernation. The smooth and cold touch of waxed wood against her naked back, the smell of aged wood, the still silence broken only by her slight movements... Upon looking around, it would appear that she was in a container, almost akin to that of the ones in which the dead were buried...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

As she took in her surroundings, Claire once again felt the familiar edge of terrified panic coming into her mind, but it seemed..... Dull, compared to what she remembered. Where was she? How did she get here? Who was the strange girl from before? She'd get no answers trapped in here, so she pushed against the lid, trying to see how much weight was on it. Perhaps she could simply push it off. For now she'd ignore the fact that she was naked, not really able to do anything about it inside a wooden box.
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Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

The lid moved with minimal effort, daylight streaming in from the narrow crack, cool fresh air flowing into the container. From the smell of dirt around her, it would appear that the container she was in had been partially buried somewhere outdoors...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Squinting at the daylight, Claire drags herself out of the... coffin? What had happened? Had she died? She'd certainly felt like she was dying, as the last thing she remembered before waking up here. Where was here? 'Damnit, enough questions;' Claire thought, and once she was out of the hole examines her leg and shoulder, trying to examine her injuries. After that she would look around intently, examining her surroundings for something that can give her an idea of where she was.

(What temperature is it?)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Upon examining where her injuries had been, she would find that the had healed completely, without so much as even a scar to show that they had ever existed. It was almost as if she was born anew, and granted a body of perfect health...

A quick survey of her surroundings however, showed that not everyone was as fortunate as she was, corpses strewn about everywhere, with many open graves scattered about...

(I'd say in the 50s-60s...)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire grimaces at the sight of the corpses strewn about. It was slightly cool, and her nipples were starting to get erect from it, so she started looking around for something to wear or something useful on the dead bodies, preferably one of the fresh ones. It wouldn't be pleasant, but it was better than being naked.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire would find that most of the bodies to possess nothing of real use, their garments having been torn beyond recognition, their faces smashed into unrecognizable pulps... When she finally found one of use however, she would notice that the body was surprisingly fresh, with blood still dripping down the smashed face, and an envelope clutched in its hands. On the front of the envelope were the letters: To Claire, written in an enigmatic blue script...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"What the hell is this crap?" she says, as she picks up and opens the envelope.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

The contents of the letter read the following:

"There once was a woman, who fell asleep amidst enemies and monsters seeking to devour her. When she awoke, everything was bright and pure...almost as if she had arrived in paradise. That is, until she learned that "rest does not exist for the wicked"...

Let the games begin,
The Lady and master of this world.
P.S: Does my art meet your tastes? It was created to match what little of your memories you might possess fufufufufu..."
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

After reading the letter, Claire tossed it aside, not really having any reason to keep it and nowhere to put it even if she wanted to. "Rest does not exist for the wicked huh? I have to disagree. Anyway, might as well get moving. Nothing here is going to do me any good, and I'm not in the mood for digging through corpses." Claire says, and starts looking around for a path to follow.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Despite her best efforts to find an exact path to follow through the cementry, Ashley find that the open graves seemed to be scattered about almost randomly and that no clear pathway through them could be found, most unlike a normal burial site. Whether it was merely coincidence, or not the girl begins to have a very disturbing premonition that there was more to the Lady's "art" than it would seem...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire picks her path carefully, and keeps moving, looking for the edge of the graveyard.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Taking care not to fall into any of the open graves, Claire manages to reach what she assumes to be the edge of the cemetery given that tall iron that prevents her from going any further. And if she attempts to peer beyond the fence to make out anything that may serve as a landmark to get a firmer grasp on her location, she'll find that an unnaturally thick fog obstructs her sight.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire walks around the perimeter of the cemetery, trying to find someplace not obscured by fog.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Damn you 10s... That's three in a bloody row. Seems like you'll be finishing this up quite soon...)

Following the perimeter of the cemetery, Claire manages to come to what she believes to be an actual path, having noted the that very outskirts of the burial site had fewer open graves than the area she had been in earlier.

Not as if this was a real reason to celebrate however, as she would find an enormous doberman-like dog in the middle of the path, alert and apparently sniffing for something.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)


Upon spotting the dog, Claire stopped, and tried to determine a path around it while keeping a close eye on the beast. She'd rather not have to fight off an attack dog....
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(High numbers for you again...)

While Claire was unable to locate a definite path around the beast without startling it, she "did" notice a ceremonial dagger planted in a tree a short distance away from the beast, as well as a several open graves that could be used to her advantage. Meanwhile, as for the beast itself...it was still unable to catch the scent of what it was looking for...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire, shrugging, goes for the knife embedded in the tree. She tried to be quick about it, figuring the dog would sense her if she moved too quickly and she'd rather be armed if it decided she looked like a good meal.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Moving quickly, Claire manages to pluck the dagger from the tree with minimal effort, all the while without the dog noticing. From this perspective however, it would seem that the dog had been placed in a position so as to block of any path that could be used to advance towards the exit of the graveyard...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"Damnit, guess I can't get by the thing without a fight." Claire whispers to herself, and slowly and carefully approaches the beast. She wasn't scared, the men who had.... taken her hadn't used dogs, just nervous about the possibility of the thing lunging at her throat at any moment. She approached from the side, perhaps able to sneak up on it. She held the knife carefully in a forward grip, pointing it away from her.