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ACT Vore Ryona [しんでられ城 / Cinderalle Castle] アームズブレス2 / Arms Bless 2 (RJ01105350)


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score


I haven't played this one yet so I can't 100% confirm everything that's in it, but I've paid attention to the developer's posting about the game leading up to its release.

Just like the others from Cinderalle, this looks like another side scrolling action game. It's been a while but I remember Cinderalle's games can be legitimately challenging (there's meant to be an actual game here, not just hentai scenes).
In the promotional video it looks like the combat is going to work similar to their other games; there are a range of melee and magic attacks, and you will likely be able to customize playstyle with upgrades.

You use Z for melee attacks, x to jump, and c to use ranged attacks. You can launch enemies with up+Z. You can also use the same launcher in the air to act as a pseudo-double jump. The game is hack-and-slash in nature and you can very easily chain ground attacks into launchers and into aerial combos. Depending on the character's state (moving, staying still, airborne, moving while airborne, etc), her attacks change, allowing a pretty free-flow combat system.

The developer has said that although it shares the same name, Arms Bless 2 is not to be considered a continuation or sequel to Arms Bless 1.
The game centers around a girl in a research facility meeting a demon who has lost his vision doe to some experiment in the research facility.
Judging by the promotional video and DLsite page, it looks like the demon man either possesses the girl, or she sets out on a journey for revenge...

As for H-scenes, the developer has been posting peeks at this game for a while; losing or getting captured by certain enemies can lead to special game-overs and H-scenes.
From the previews I've seen, it looks like this game contains:
Bondage / Restraints
Lesbian / Rape
Tickle Torture
Orgasm Torture / Forced Orgasm
Machine Rape
Vore (with tentacles/tickling)

A couple of Cinderalle's games in the past have contained a little more hard ryona, even crossing the line to some light guro, but so far I haven't seen the developer tease anything that bad for this game, and their last few games have been lighter on harder content, so I expect this game shouldn't contain anything too violent.

Some might consider the main girl a loli, but I left the preview images attached because they're honestly pretty tame either way. If there's a problem, the extra previews can just be removed.
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Unzip in the userdata folder. (Back up your story folder).

The game was very grindy and its annoying there's no collective gallery but instead galleries scattered around the map. It continues the trends of the developer making an actual game and then shoving some mild sex and ryona into the game at random and unexpected intervals to maintain its H-game status. It has very little relation to the first game and even seems to completely ignore the first game after the first level explains that the main character is very similar to the previous one.

As for the story (from memory, IT IS in english):
The demon guy has the super power to grant wishes and his father the demonlord is a prick whose wife is dead and he abuses his son. His son then states that he won't help him with the wish powers anymore but his dad takes exception to that and tries to kill him by taking the fuko (the main character girl) and using her as an assassin and later bodyshield. He manages to flee but the fight wounds him and Fuko badly (he uses the last of his powers to save Fuko's life) and he and Fuko end up at the facility. The demon guy escapes. The scientists of the facility try to trick Fuko into going after him but that obviously fails but the scientists put a bomb in the demon guy which badly injures him even more forcing him to take magical refuge in Fuko's body. From there Fuko and the demon guy go back to the castle fighting a whole bunch of weird and oddly placed enemies.

Eventually it culminates with a final showdown with the demon lord where its revealed that he gathered magical power to try and steal his son's wish power so that he can resurrect his wife. The demon lord succeeds in crafting the magic stealing power but fails because his son already used up the last of his wish powers (he saved Fuko's life). Demon lord dies and Fuko goes to live with the demon family sans demon lord.

TL;DR the story went kinda like this
But with more cyborg ninjas and family drama

As for controls... this game kinda broke my hands since you have so many different buttons to press to do your moves. It plays a lot like a MMO.
Down+X = Parry
Z = slash with sword, allows you to float/fly if done in mid air.
C = Shoot bow (it's rapid fire)
v = Basic magic
v + down = lightning attack
v + up = Shield + minor heal
s = throw shriken
s + down = power slash
s + up = infuse ranged attack (press C to fire it until out of infused ammo)
D = energy blast
D + down = Powerful energy slash that needs to be manually targeted
D + Up = Rapid auto target slashes
A = Launch large homing shrikens
A + Down = Screen clearing slash
Up + A = Activate angel mode, all moves become infused with angel powers and are different.
F = Active devil mode, all moves become infused with the demon guy's magic and are different.
X = Jump

Regarding ryona: AFAIK I didn't see any real blood or guro in the game. The most that happens is the first man eater plant simply strangles the girl to death with bone crunching noises. That's about it as far as sheer brutality goes.


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It's a real shame that this game, which hits all my fetishes, has so few scenes despite the amount of enemies.
It's a real shame that this game, which hits all my fetishes, has so few scenes despite the amount of enemies.

Yeah... it ended up being really, really disappointing. I can't recommend it even if you're just looking for a decent platformer that happens to be erotic.
Yeah... it ended up being really, really disappointing. I can't recommend it even if you're just looking for a decent platformer that happens to be erotic.
Agreed it was not worth the time spent slogging through it.
I hope the guy really got his power fantasy with it >.> Original OC do not steal

There are some delightful Game-Over scenes, but so few
I'm not sure what's worse, the bosses that were so easy you could just sit in place and hold Z until they died, or the actually challenging ones that felt like roadblocks until I grinded enough water stones for the heal. The difficulty curve is a bit eccentric. At least the scenes are nice even if looking between all of them is a bit of a pain due to the map layout. At least the gameplay isn't bad, though enemies are far too tanky.
Favorite thing the creator did was put a sample of *every* scene in the preview images on the store page though, makes it so much simpler to know whether a game will be worth my time or not.
i beat every boss wihout backtracking nor grinding, ever, the game's difficulty is challenging but fair, and this is the actually first fucking game made in this forsaken engine that's fun to play, i do recommend it to people who like good sidescrollers
the h kinda fell flat though, i remember 1 being better
bosses were the most fun part of the game since mobs are just a stunlock fest for the most part
great game
i beat every boss wihout backtracking nor grinding, ever, the game's difficulty is challenging but fair, and this is the actually first fucking game made in this forsaken engine that's fun to play, i do recommend it to people who like good sidescrollers
the h kinda fell flat though, i remember 1 being better
bosses were the most fun part of the game since mobs are just a stunlock fest for the most part
great game

You can spam tank most of the bosses, especially since all their grapple attacks are easy to dodge. I really don't want to be rude but h content aside this came lies 10 feet underground in a mountain range of genre giants, the vast majority of which are also indies made by singular people or tiny teams.

If you think this was good, all I could really recommend is that you play more platformers. The h content was practically nonexistent so all that was left was the raw gameplay, and I can easily see this game getting like a 30% or less on steam from the 10 people who bought it, lol.
You can spam tank most of the bosses, especially since all their grapple attacks are easy to dodge. I really don't want to be rude but h content aside this came lies 10 feet underground in a mountain range of genre giants, the vast majority of which are also indies made by singular people or tiny teams.

If you think this was good, all I could really recommend is that you play more platformers. The h content was practically nonexistent so all that was left was the raw gameplay, and I can easily see this game getting like a 30% or less on steam from the 10 people who bought it, lol.
i know what you mean, but i seriously think it's good and trust me i've played a lot of platformers, i would even bet that probably more than you, no offense XD
and i mean it, not being sarcastic with the no offense part, i am saying it respectfully

but i know where you're coming from, like, i GET it, but if we analyze the bosses and the fact that we have to be dodging and shit, they have patterns, they're actually thought out, and stuff, this has substance
i feel like the real reason why someone would look down on this is... superficially analyzing the ugly asf engine and how the game looks kinda cheap graphics wise, but like
if people truly scrutinized every single aspect of a game, a lot of even big name ones have some serious issues
objectively speaking
but people are easily impressed and they struggle analyzing stuff from an objective point of view
so it's unfair to say this is shit and then mention another game that just looks pretty but it's just more of the same technically speaking
if you wish to discuss further you can hit me up i suppose we would be going off topic? not sure
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Good for h games or good for platformers in general? Lol
Arms Bless 2 plays phenomenally compared to quite a lot of h games, but even in the realm of hentai games there are better options. But I'll give it credit where it's due: it's usually pretty fast paced, there's patterns to bosses that does require learning them to some extent (well, the half with any difficulty anyway), and the level of freedom with movement can be fun. The combat animations are actually slick (mostly for the player, enemy animations outside of h are stiff) and the super attacks are appropriately flashy.
For downsides, controls are weirdly stiff and floaty (that sounds oxymoronic but most of the stiffness is from the mid-air dash spam tbf), attacking an enemy lacks impact, lots of enemies and bosses are way too spongy, the parry timing is a bit unclear, and outside of bosses you can speed through every level by just flying to the end with no challenge. Well, that lattermost bit is probably also a positive, since it's better than the alternative of a slow slog.
Even comparing to other h platformers, Youki-Chan and Echidna Wars DX both have solid gameplay that blow this game's out of the water. Compared to non-h platformers... yeah it ain't no Celeste or Metroid that's for sure lol.

It's not "I want the venom facehugger to impale my tracheae" levels of bad or anything, it was playably okay as a platformer. But... okay I do want the venom facehugger to impale my tracheae. Fuck it. Facehugger kink. 😅 Those animations are great. I do personally think the variety in h animations is good enough for me and what's there is hot. My favorite is probably tied between succubus steppies or the urinal. Too bad they're on opposite ends of the fucking map.
for me it's the other way around
gameplay was good, h part was lacking
at least 1 had more normal sex but here it's like, all weird stuff, and sometimes even just a black box where we can't see shit and it's just moaning, btw, the impact of the scenes was good, but i liked 1 more cuz it had more normal segs
reminder that i need to finish it btw cuz i kinda dropped it for another unrelated reason
the reason being that i fucking hate so much the fact that the heroines have a fleshed out personality but in the h scenes there's no dialogue, like, come on, i wanna hear what they would say in that situation, hear them scream, plea, or stay strong despite everything, ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD THEY SAY!? all with a face icon just like in normal dialogues
that's just a personal quirk though

anyway, echidna wars was mid at best XD i dropped it cuz it was all vore and no normal sex and gameplay wasn't great either, shit felt unbalanced, like a worse blank blood, cheap, like it didn't make sense or felt quirky, in BB you can at least kind of know what BEHAVIOR to expect but here it's weird. I just played sachiho tho or the wolf girl whatever her name was
maybe i'll give it a second chance now that someone made a sex mod, maybe i was a bit too harsh and quick to judge but ye i didn't like it a lot XD like it had some good ideas and it FELT good OUTSIDE of combat, but once you got to fight the enemies? it just felt bad and unbalanced and weird
youki chan i didn't even play it cuz i'm not into yuri

i agree though, however, that arms bless 2 has all those issues you mention, i won't deny it
also because of the ugly asf engine, i mean, all games made on this engine feel stiff and same-ish, but cinderalle castle made a fun game in this engine, mainly carried by the dash slash alone
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